The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, June 14, 1946, Image 1

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VOL," [ -N'o. 50
Dance, Show Top Weekend
Clique Names
Class Officers
Class clique officers were elect
ed by the Nittany-Independemt
political party at its meeting
Tuesday niht.
Albert Green was Chosen by
ballot as clique chairman for the
senior class, with Charles Arnold
as vice-chairman.. Barbara
son . was elected recording secre
tary and Jane Healy was elected'
corresponding secretary for the
senior clique.
In the junior Class clique Robert
Day was elected chairman, with
Edward LaCorribe as vice-chair
mlan. The two secretaries are Sally .
Ann Rowe and Gayle Gerhardt.
Dick' Serge was named chair
man. for the sophomore cliass;
Eugene Fulmer will serve as Vice
chairmain. Elected as secretaries
were Patricia Kinkead and Jane
Nitt any- Independent clique
chairman Evan Brown conducted
• a business Meeting . early in the
evening, after which the . three
Class groups adjourned to separ
ate rooms for their elections. The
elections were supervised •by Ro
bert Foote, Neil .DeVries, and
Charles IMI.
Hat Societies
Select Thirty
• Parini Nous • and Skull and
Bones, upperclassmen's• honor
aries, tapped the following men
at the Lion Shrine at 6:30 this
Parmi Nous: P 1.9.: u 1 Bender,
Lloyd Black, Ray Bitting, Fred
France, John Hamilton, Charles
Hurd, George Paul Jones, Wayne
LaPou, Robert McGregor, Orient
Martella, John Nolan,. John
Pfirman, Charles Pfleegor, Ro
bert Rutkowski, Robert Stabley,
Dino Taccalozzi, Kenneth Yount,
and Charles -Zink.
-Skull and Bones: Harold Ben
jamin, Michael Blatz, William
Brooks, Lawrence Foster, Jack
Green, Peter Johnson, Gordon
Miller, Timothy Petroff, Warren
Stucbing, Charles Willing, Wil
liam Winner, , and Leigh Woeh
Three Students To Join
Adverstising Honorary
Alpha Delta Sigma, national
advertising honorary will initiate .
three student members and one
professional mernlber at its first
postwar banquet at the State
College Hotel, 6 p.m. Sunday.
Students who will be initiated
are Harry Kohn, Albert Green,
and William Rittenhouse; Eugene
J. Reilly, as.sociate publisher of
the-'Centre Daily Times, will be
made a professional member.
GueSt speaker :for the banquet
will be Brig. General Charles C.
Curtis, advertising director of the
Allentdwn da 11 •
Alpha Delta Sigma pfficers
are Carl Colombo, president;
Curtis Stone, vice president; Gor
don Smith, secretary; and Elisha
Cloud, treasurer.
William Conant
. . . of the firm Oonant, Obis
san & Co., Now York city, indus
trial management consultant - will
weak in 10 Sparks at 4:30 p. m.
Monday. Has tonic is the "Artt of
Bleciness Maniagement." Mr. Con
ant' will soeak udder the augrAces
ole Dabs Sigma Pi. All students
are-invited to attend.
Oi p lr Tatirgiatt
Sage' Shrdlu Offers
Final Exam
With finials less than two weeks
away, Etaoin Shrdlu, renowned
sage, dropped into the Collegian
office the other day to see vvlhat
could he done in the way of a
little inspiration.
After a quick glance at the
listless, glazed expressions on the
Coed reporters sitting around the
r&n, he reached for a Sheet of
copy paper, scribbled down some
words, and with a wry smile let
the room.
(Editor's note: We found phil
osopher Shrdlu's advice to Penn
Staters •in the waste basket, and
have reproduced them in the ears
of our paper.)
Phi Beta Kappa
Elects / Seniors
Seven seniors have been elected
to membership in Phi Beta Kappa,
national scholastic honor society,
it was announced today.
Those e:e'cted, who will grad
uate on June 27, are. Sylvan Blu
menfeld, arts and 'letters; jean :A.
Gedeon, education; Arline Gerb
er, arts and letters; Marian Van
Syckel Leigh, chemistry; Marjor
ie McDonald, science; Eleanor
Shaheen, pre-medical; and Helen
Wagner Verner, psychology.
Initiation of the new members
will take place at a tea in Wom
an's building lounge at 4:10 p. m.
Monday. •
Mortar Board
Taps 8 Coeds
With ceremonies Tuesday
morning in front of Old Main,
Mortar Board, senior women's
honorary, tapped the following
girls.: Joan and Nancy Harring
ton, Jane Healy, Jean Nelson,
Doris Stowe, Batibara Struck,
Janet Taylor, and Mary Lou
Waygood. •
Installation ceremonies will be
held at the Dean of Women's of
fice, Old Main, 10: 15 Sunday
Leadership, scholarship, and
service are the three require
ments for eligibility to Mortar
Board. The girls must be leaders
in their activities, maintain an
alI-college average of 1.83, , and .be
a sixth or seventh semester stu
dent at the time of tapping.
Pre-Med Society Holds
Swimming Party Sunday
Pre-iMed society members will
hold a swimming party at Green
wood Furnace Sunday afternoon.
Spyros E .}Lalikie , , party chair
man, said that members and
guests should provide their own
lunch baskets. Soft drinks ice
cream' and transportation will be
arranged for by the society.
Buses will leave from the Cor
ner Room at 1 p. m. S unday
costs. will be 75 cents per person,
payable of the bus.
. . . for 'chemistry breakage tic
kets miay be Obtained at. the Bur
sar's office starting Monday, an
nounced Bursar Russell E. Clark.
[ROTC refunds may be elailrned
Arne 26 and 27. Refunds for dor
mitory key deposits will be re
turned beginning June
• .41 g .11 .11.
'King of Swing' Skippers
Thespians Present 'No Ti
Kerns Calls Early Curtain
To Accomodafe Dancers
When the house lights' in
Schwafb .auditorium dim tonight
and the curtain parts, students
and townspeopqe will be seeing the
first Thespian show in over two
"No Time For Trouble" is the
title, and the time is 7 p.m. Seats
are unreserved and tickets are on
sale at. Student Union as well as
the box-office. The prices indlud
ing tax are 75 cents for tonight's
show and $1 for tomorrow night.
The early curtain time will en
able students to attend both the
show and the dance at Recreation
Hall. -Only the capacity of the
auditorium will be sold. How
ever, Mike Kerns, productiOn
manager, added that in case any
seats are unoecuipied at curtain
time, additional tickets will be
sold at the door.
Maestros Attend Show
'Thespian officials indicated fast
night that 'Benny Goodman, maes
tro of the Interfraternity Baal, has
accepted an invitation to be pres
ent at tonight's production. Fred
Waring has also been intuited to.
attend. Waring is a former Then-
plarCand haS attstidta" Most • of • the
group's shows. The band leader is
expected to feature "No Time For
Trouble" songs on his 111 a.m.
NBC broadcast, foll Owing past
The plot of the show centers
around the return to the campus
of a group of veterans (both maid
and female). Leads are handled
by Hay Fortunate and Taiwnie
newly married couple who
want to live "Alone in a Trailer;"
Virge Neely, "A Yokel from
Shinbone;" Marty Baum ,
"Brdken Joe;" Betsy
Heagy, who says , that she's just a
"Fuddy Duddy;" and Portman .
Paget as TiVir. Coubreath."
(Continued on page seven)
Groups Back
Famine Drive
FOur more sororities and one
fraternity have pledged their sup
port in the College Emergency
Famline Drive.
Phi Sigma Delta fraternity will
support a 'Child for one year. Al
pha Ornricon Pi and Kappa Delta
sororities together has pledged
the support of one European dhild.
Alpha Chi Omega will donate $26
to the drive and Theta Phi Alpha
$ 5 .
A total of $4,787.715 has been
sent to six agencies by the State
College Commlittee. This amount
is .approxiMately two-thirds of the
quota of $7;580, 'according to Rus
sell E. Clark, chairman of the
drive. The College funds have not
yet been turned in.
Organizations whlich hiav).e
"adopted" children will be issued
forms on which they May state
the age and sex of the child they
I prefer and the country they de
sire. The "adopted" children or
their guardians will correspond
directly with the on,ganiliations,
and photographS of the children
will be obtained if possible.
. . . who entered school for•
the Fall semester and have not
received their subsistence checks
should report to the Veterans Ad
ministration at once. Those plan
ning not to return for the Sum
mer sessions should check with
the office. Otherwise, the con
tinuance of their subsistence will
be in danger.
"King of Swing"
Ceramics Group
To Hear Steidle
,Dean Edwatd ateMit of 1 / 4 ",-,e-
Schdol of Mineral Industries will
speak at the. Pennsylvania Cer
amics Association (banquet at the
Nittany 'Lion Inn at 6:30 tonight.
Other speakers at the banquet,
which is being held in conjunc
tion with the ceramics confer
ence' on campus this weekend,
are Ralph W. Gery,, president of
the organization, Charles, E. Al
wine, J. Edward Hansen, and
Robert Twells. Edwin H.. Fritz
will be toastmaster.
The conference which is spon
sored by the Pennsylvania Cer
amics Association, the Structural
Clay Products Manufacturers'
Associ.Ftion of Pennsylvania, and
the student branch of the Amer
ican Ceramics Society, includes
technical programs of the Cer
amics Association this afternoon
and tomorrow morning.
Ralph W. Gery will be chair
man of the session in the Mineral
Industries . Art Gallery at 2 o'-
clock today. It will cover human
relations, industrial hygiene in
ceramic plants, new develop
ments in safety quipment of spe
cial intere:t to ceramic plants,
and increased production with
music. Tomorrow, heat and its
control, and temperature trends
in the ceramic induStries will be
discussed in the M.I. Art Gallery,
at 9:30 a.m.
The Structural Clay Products
Manufacturers' Association will
hold its June meeting in the M. I.
Art Gallery at 10 o'clock today.
The board of directors of the
Pennsylvania Ceramics Associa
tion will have a business meet
ing and luncheon in the banquet
room of the State College Hotel
at noon today. This afternoon. at
3 o'clock these two organizatins
will hold a ladies tea in the Nit
tany Lion Inn lounge. Mrs. E. C.
Henry will be the hostess.
Theta Sigma Phi
. . . women's national journ
alism honorary, recently elected
Lynette Sundquist president. Other
officers for the coming year will
be Katherine Badollet, vice presi
dent; Janet Schmidt, secretary;
Brigitte Uhlig„ treasurer and
Ahylllis Hotick, archivi,qt.
Russian' lub
. . • Will hold an invontbnt
meeting to elect officers for the
Fall semester and to discussits
future ealendiar in 417 Old Main
at 7 p.m., Sunday.
SS Penn State
me for Trouble'
IFC Tickets Go On Sale
At AA Window Today
The one and only "King of
Swing," Benny Goodman returns
to Recreation Hall tonight after
a four-year lapse, to open the
Interfraternity C3ounciil's weekend
on the SS Penn State. Admission
for the infonmal dance is $4 per
'couple, tax included.
Tickets- go on sale today at
the Athletic Association window
in Old Main, and tickets will
also be sold at Recreation Hall
tonight. A souvenir dance book
will be given with each ticket.
Goodman appears at the IFC
dance after an engageJmeat at
Sunnybrook near Pottstown last
night. Before this the "King of
Swing" was at the 400 Club in,
New York.
Orchestra Reorganized
In the past years the Benny
Goodman orchestra has dhanged
nnid since the end of the war has
been reorganized with new feature
artists. Mel Powell, rated one of
the nation's outstanding pianists,
and Lou McGarity, trombone
player who has been in many
night club combos, rejoined Good=
men. They are the two members
ot - th - e wlio"playetvnere."l - n
Other a'rtis'ts in the Goodman
ondhestra are . singing star Art
Lund, who has gained in all pop
ulanity polls, while new - it addi
tion to the Goodman band! is
Louis Bellson, who played with
the pre-war band' before going
into the Army.
Uses French Horn
Doing what few dance orch
estras have done, Benny Goodrnan
uses the Frenoh horn, and Addi
son Collins, who was with the
old Glenn Miller Army Air Force
band, joins the orchestra to PILIY
the horn.
!St;anley Ziff, lEC dance chair
(Continued on page seven)
205 Register
For Session
Two hundred five students
have registered for Inter-session
courses at the College, Summer
Sessions officials announced to
day. Of this nurriber, 15 are at
tending classes• on the campus
and the remaining 190 are at the
Grier School, Birmingham.
Registration figures also re
vealed that more men than wo
men are enrolled, that MO of the
students are graduate students,
and that 55 veterans have reg
Inter-session began on Monday
and will end June 2)9. The pro
gram includeD 13 courses.
'Coeds Must Sign Up
'For Fall Room Changes
Coeds, in the fifth, sixth, and)
seventh semesters who want a
(change of rooms in the Fall May
sign up for a room at the Dean ott
WoMen's office betore noon to
Fourth seimester women who
have reported a desire to &Lange
rooms may sign up at the Dean of
Women's Office, 8 a. m. to .5.:30 p.
m., Monday and Tuesday. Those
'in the third semester may choose
rooms in the Dean's °lice Wed
nesday and Thursday.
Advanced 'ROTC
will hold an interview board
in 2 Carnegie Hail 4:343 p.m.
Menday for applicants who MR
be Advanced ROTC in the Fall.