PAGE (EIGHT Search for Place to Leads to Nittany Lion Shri )e lAilthougfh it doesn't seem like a logical sequence of events, the Nittany Lon Shrine owes its being to •foolball enthusiasts of !t9319 . wino could. not find a place to build a lire. :Expressing student opinion, the Collegian cif titat year scrosined ins yi banner heactline—"Wanted—A Place to 'Have a Fire." Because there was no central ;meeting place for sports Arlie 1939 season saw some rather destructive rioting,. serious enough to bring albout a meeting of stu dent leaders with President Het zel. The decision of Hairs emergency committee was that some place must be , provided where students couldfind the right sort of outlet for sports (hysteria. And thus the Lion, a gilt of the Class df 1940, The syMbol of the Lion, of course, dates farther (back than the time of its !materialization into stone. It dates hack tic an im proimiptu drama on the Princeton campus in 11904, and concerns a Penn &ate freShman 'and two :Princeton sophomores. Freshman's Story The freshman was H. D. Masoh, member of the Cbass of 190'7, and in. 11.9.04 a part of the soon-to-lbe called-Lion baseball team that vis ited Princeton.. Mason, who was present at dedi cation ceremonies of !the stone Lion, tells this story: The Prince tonians, anxious to impress their Pennsylvaniia opponents, paused on a tour of iciampus to point out a statue of the Bengal Tiger. . "See our emblem, the Princeton Tiger, bhe fiercest beast of bhem tall," one boasted. !Mason, unwilling to admit his own school's lack of symbollism i ,replied, "Well, up at Penn State we have Mount Nittany right on our campus, where rules the Nit,- tany IMounbain Lion, who has nev er been !beaten in a !fair fight, so Princeton Tiger, took out." . According to 'Mason, the Lion )I.nught luck, because that atter ».oon Pninceton lost '9 to a and the CLASSIFIEDS SALE: Slightly used tuxe- do. Size 36. Call Tom 816. LOST: Army raincoat, greyish tan .s,lbardine, Wednesday af ternoon in Corner Room. Call Maggie, 4435. Urgent! LOST: Maroon and gold Parker 51 _pencil. Initialed A.L.P. on cap. Call Ex't. 154 and ask for Ann. NOTICE: Broke As Usual? New dresses at wholesale prices. Be kind to your expense account. See illustrated stock. 318 Watts LOST: Several weeks ago. Green: imitation stone Indian relic ring, size six. Finder please notify Eric 4866. LOST: Rhinestone bracelet. Senti mental value. Reward. Phone Helen, 2941. LOST: Dark brown sports coat in new physics building, 3rd floor, April 26th. Sigma Chi identifica tion pin. Call Jack Zong, 786. WANTED: M. A. cap (7), gown , (medium) and hood. Contact Albert Bell, Franklin and Mar .shall, Lancaster, Pennsylvania. '34 Hudson Terra- OR SALE plane Sedan; below ceiling price; see Burkett, 429 E. Hamil ton Ave. AErniin 1F fun, Pogdneri Loh in Store at the Olk 'Fashioned Box Sod& STOCK JUDGING •PAVILION IFirliday, May 01-1:30 pam. to 02 Sponsored by Ag Student Council GALS: Your Best In A Lunch Box! GUYS: Your Bids At The Auction! MUSXCI * REFRESHMENTS! • DANCINGt . . . Symbol of Our Best Tiger failed to take a baseball game !from the Lion tfor four years. Writes Editorial A senior in 1907, the (baselballer was still thinking about the Lion. He wrote an editorial bi the then current campus iptibliiioation, "The Lennon," .0 aging that the Nittany Lion be adopted as the College emblem. Mr. Mason says, "It must have been a very potent editorial, 'be cause it took just 33 years to get results. Finally, the Class of 1940 voted funds for the erection of this Magnificent work of art." Heinz 'Warneke, noted American sculptor who , made the symbdl tangible, sent a message which was read at the dedication cere mony—" Please tell the students that I hope the Lion roars them to victory after victory." Center CRth Sidney Ebocl - i, president of the Center Club, announced its first official meeting will be held in 1.21 Sparks "May 22 from 7 to 8 p.m. Mr. David B. Pugh, who will supervise the meeting, said this club •is a unique one in that its objective is to help new ad vanced students orientate them selves on campus. Interest must be developed through big broth er-sister spirit. With its present officers the club will make plans this semes ter in order to be in functioning order for the fall semester when hundreds of ex-Ws will be corri ing in from the four centers. Sigma Alpha Epsilon . . . honored its new members at a semi-formal pledge danoe Friday night. The Campus Owls played for the affair, to which representatives from other fra ternities were invited. LOST: Gold identification.brace let. Sentimental value. Reward. Call 29441. Ask for Helen. BIKE for sale: Size 28-30 Wo-. man's model, baloon tires. Cheap. Call 3rd North Mac. Also consider renting. WANTED: ride to New York. Leave Friday afternoon. Return Sunday night. Call Martin 4400. LOST: Miniature gun on chain May 10 between Schwab and ZBT House, sentimental value. Reward---Stell. 2nd Jordan. TEE COLLEGIAN : uild Fire Windcrest Gets Library As erection of the community hall in Windcrest nears comple tion, plans for a library to be opened in the building tare mak ing progress, according to Bur gess Stanley C. Gross. Mrs. J. Edward Drew has been named chief librarian. -She will select a staff of volunteer as sistants Who will take turns in working in the library one hour per week. Books will Ibe made available through the Central. Li brary at the College. Gross also announced that a committee, consisting of the Bur gess and his wife and the respec tive zone council merrlber and his wife, still call on new resi dents of Windcrest to welcome them to the community. They will explain to them the system of government in operation, in troduce them to other residents of their area, end assist them in whatever way they can. Windcrest council also is studying a method of government that could be used after the com munity expands to include occu pants of trailers now being in stalled north of the present bor ough, and single veterans who Will live in pre-fabricated dorm itories now under construction. Additional expansible trailers are arriving and being installed west of the original settlement. Like other units in the commu nity, they are being painted cream, trimmed in apple green, and topped with silver-colored roofs. All trailers are being re-num bered, Gross announced. Those on Wagner Lane have numlbers in the 100 series; [Reiter Drive, 200 series; Fisher Lane,' 300 series; Thomas Drive, 400 series; and the unnamed street in the new sec tion of community, 500 series. • Honor are--- 11 " • Fraternities • Chan • Societies Honor your members who gave their lives in World , War II by dedicating to them a . . . Beautiful BRONZE MEMORIAL . PLAQUE WM. H. WHITEHILL 100 FRAZER ST. State College Phone 4076 PAT BRENNAN Student Representative Research Labs - Open Stations Two new branch stations of the Ordnance Researdh Laboratory at the College now are in operation, according to Dr. Eric A. Walker, director. He also said that work is un derway in temporary quarters at Key West, Fla., where another branch station will be opened and that the station at Fort Laud erdale, Fla., continues in opera tion. The new field test station at Black Moshannon State Park is designed • primarily to calibrate and test underwater devices, while the new branch station at Newport, R. 1., as well as the one at Key West, both points where Ships and docks are available, will enable the laboratory to con duct work at sea. The station at Newport has facilities for shallow water test ing; where preliminary tests may be conducted, thereby eliminating the danger of loss of equipment at a deep water station. There are necessary offices and labora tories, a full scale drafting room, small 'machine shops, and an ov erhaul shop. At Key West, there will be laboratories for research, ma chine shops, as precision shop, FRIDAY, MAY 17, 1946 FFA Initiates . Dean Jackson' Dr: Lyman E. Jackson, dean of the School of Agriculture\ was initiated as an honorary member of the College chapter of the Fu ture Farmers of America Monday night. A special FIFA ceremonial .was held to induct the dean and Wil liam V. Dennis, veteran profes sor of rural sociology, into the club as honorary members. Officers of the club who tooic part in the initiation are: Rudolph Brannaka, president; Lee Breid igam, vice-president; Charles Stauffer, secretary; Fred Feister, treasurer; Max MdMillen, report er; and• William Robinson, senti, nel. Adviser to the students is Russell B. Dickerson, professor of agricultural education. stock rooms, a photographic lab oratory, arid office and storage space. The Main laboratory, a millibn dollar, plant, was operied at Penn State last Fall. It was established to enable skilled scientists to work independently on "under water ordnance research projects' they considered important and then make the results available to the Navy. i WARNER BROTHERS • - NITTANY • TONIGHT ONLY • 'PASSKEY TO DANGER' Kane .Richmond - S. Bachelor • SATURDAY—ALL DAY • "WILD' BILL" ELLIOTT —in— "Sian Valley Cyclone" with BOBBY . BLAKE —EXTRA ADDED— Serial—"KlNG OF THE FOREST RANGERS" Cartoon—Novelty • MONDAY NIGHT • WARNER BAXTER • -in "JUST BEFORE DAWN". with MONA BARRIE WARNER BROTHERS CATHAU IN 7, •• BEGINS TODAY • ::. SHOWS: 1:54. 3:48, 5:42, 7:36. •9:35 DlZZiesl : Ist: 1-211‘864' t idiest' AND.