The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, May 17, 1946, Image 5
FRIDAY, MAY 17, 1946 The Little Man Jack the hipper -•Why do people join the American Veterans Committee on cam pus? There are a myriad of reasons, all of them good, but one of the most outstanding is Jack ;Bowers. Jack is the membership cam paigner for the AVC, the guy who cracks the whip to get the boys to join up. • Jack was originally a chemist mics. He says that he hopes 'to be able to do something to prevent The recurrence of the same evils 'that - brought about the interrup tion. Of his own education. 'The AVC is Jack's only activity on campus at present. He doesn't regard AVC as just an activity, but rather-as, the organization that will ac't' as- the first step in making thfs 'the kind of country the veteran foUght for. "Getting members is like pull dng Jack says, "but every 'veteran on campus is a potential member of the, AVC. After all, (we're here to get an education. We must all be able to think in some degree, and it stands to rea son that any veteran who can remembering conditions in the Army and .the conditions that (brought about the war, should be cin the parade to join the only group which base s its entire for mation on the premise of action against those conditions." Jack is sold on the AVC. He has always been interested in the so cial and economic conditions of the nation, and would at least like to have some say. In 1940 and 1941 he dropped out of school and worked his way around this country and Canada, just to see bow the other half lives. He got to know and worked with the con struction laborers, surveyors, and airplane builders of the nation. When he came back to school, he was convinced that nothing short of a •full college education offers any sort of job guarantee. . 'But Jack's life isn't all blood, sweat and tears. He was a wrest her for Mount. Carmel High School and played in the school orchestra. iHe has a good sense of humor and knows how to take a joke on him self—and he gets a lot of them Penn State Grange Elects; Active After Two Years Penn state Grange, rural frater nity, reorganized Tuesday night alter a lapse of two years. Officers elected by the Pennsyl- Vania State •Grange 'Deputy are John . E. Long, master; William Duribap, overseer; Paul Andre, Steward; Jack Acker, assistant steward; Jean .Wilcox, lecturer; Willadeen Woodruff, 'chaplain; James Warner, gate keeper; Geor gianne ;Holt, secretary; Francis Turner, treasurer; Vera Slezaik, Ceres; Ruth Ann Seacord, Po mona; Marjorie Musser, Flora; Helen Wilcox, lady assistant sterv ard. The Society . is presenting a round table discussion on atomic energy con trol at their next meeting, 7:115 on Tuesday, May 21. COOL OFF BETWEEN CLASSES WITH A ct, FROSTED MALTED. NEW COLLEGE DINER By LOIS MARKS but he's now majoring, in econo -4: JACK BOWERS because of his receding hairline. What does he think of the Penn State he has returned to? "Penn State has changed a lot in three years. Jack says. "The Student ;Union looks like a good deal to me, And look at Common ;Sense, the best purely campus organization State has ever given birth to. It shows that Penn State and her students are growing up by thinking of something more than just the Nittany Valley." English Prof Lectures At Schoolmasters's Club T. J. Gates, head of the depart ment of English Composition at the College, addressed the Mc- Kean County Schoolmaster's club at a meeting Wednesday. He discussed the work •in Eng lish composition done by students from Elk, Potter, Cameron, and McKean counties so that educa tors from those counties would know haw students trained in their schools compare with those from other counties in the State. Kenneth W. aloup, also of the department of English composi tion accompanied him. Archery Club . . . oranization meeting will be held in the body mechanics room of White Hall, 5:30 p.m. Tues day, Jeanne Thompson, president of the club, announced. All stu dents interested in joining are asked to attend. Editorial Candidates • . . . . for Froth are requested to attend an important meeting in the Froth office at 4:30 this af ternoon, :llughie Ridall and Bill Brown, co-editors, said last night. TIIE COLLEGIAN Freshman Class To Hold Outing Second Semester students and their guests are invited to the "Frosh Frolic," Saturday after noon, June 1, at Whipple's Dam. Arrangements - will be made for chartered buses to carry students unable to secure their own trans portation. They will leave from the corner of Pugh and Beaver at 1:30 p.m. and will return from Whipple's at 6. Thirty-five cents will be charged to cover the cost of this service. Any student will ing to donate the services of his car is asked to contact. Charles Hill or any committee member. Refreshments will be free and will consist of the typical picnic assortment, hot dogs, pop, etc. Those attending are reminded to bring'their swimming suits, base balls, and bats. This is the first get-together of the second semes ter dais. -The following committees have been appointed: planning, Charles Hill, chairman; Joanne Hobbs, June Kir&ier, Claire Lee, Jane Shivery, Rosemary Squillante; publicity, Joan Fox, chairman; Paul 'Harrison, JoAnne Hobbs, June Kircher, Claire Lee, Leon ard LVlalinowski, Walter Miller, Jane Shivery, 'Rosemary :Squil large; games and refreshments, Jane Weigle, chairman, Harriet "Honey" Goober, Ann Garman, Dorothy Park, Nancy Smith, and Frances "Mippy" Winters. L A Honorary Picks Group Phi. Beta Kappa executive com mittee appointed a n•om•inations coniAnittee recently for examina tion of students' records prior to the election of new members in June, announced Dean Marion R. Trabue, President. • Dr. Teresa Cohen, associate pro fessor of mathematics is chairman of *the nominations committee, composed of Dr: George L. Leffler, Dr. Kent Forster, Mr. Howard A. Thorpe, and Mr. William U. Sny der. A meeting of the Chapter will be held about June 1: for election. of; new members. Requirements for' eligibility of graduating sen iors are two years residence in the College with an average grade of 2.5, and eighty per cent .of the student's credits in liberal work. Calendar TODAY Press , Coniferenice Addestses of welcome, Assemlbly Room, Nit taw Lion Inn, 1 p.m. Picture Values—R ebecc la F. Gross, Richard Sarno, Alex Zehner, Jack Rue, Assembly Room, Nit tany Lion Inn, 1:35 p. an. News room Organization, Assembly Room, Nittany Lion Inn, 3:11.5 p.m. Evening session, Assembly Room, Nittany Lion Inn, 7:35 p.m. Motion Pictures—Argentina and Bolivia, 41 Sparks, 2:15 to 3:15 p.m. Froth Editorial meeting, Froth office, 4 pan. Collegian - Staff meeting, 9 Car negie Hall, 4:30 p.m. Inter-varsity Christian Fellow ship meeting, 2.00 'Carnegie Hall, 7 p.m. Teresita and Emilio Osta, dan cers, Sch.wab Auditorium., 8 p.m. • Ag Student 'Council Box Social and Square Dance, Stock Pavilion., 7:30 p.m. auctioning at 10 p.m. TOMORROW In,ter - American Conference— General Session, 121 Sparks, 9 to 'lO a.m. Seminars, 200 Car negie Hall, 10, 121 Sparks, 10 to 12 a.m. Lundheon, Presby terian Church, 12 to 2 p.m. General Assembly, 121 Sparks. .2:30 to 3:30 p.m. Press Conference— Weekly Pa pers and Better Quality News, Assembly Room, Nittany Lion Inn, 9:30 a.m. Luncheon, all women in journalism, speaker —Sig,rid Arne, Small Dining Room, Nittany Lion Inn, 1 p.m. Alpha Lambda Delta Tea, N. E. lounge Atherton Hall, 2 ito 4 p.m. Baseball ganne with Pittsburgh, New Beaver Field, 2:30 p. m. Old Main Open House, 7:30 and dance at Rec all at 9 p.m. SUNDAY Chapel, Kurt Singer, Schwab Auditorium, 11 a.m. Glee Club Concert, Schwab Auditorium, 3 p.m. MONDAY Adl••Colle'ge Student Union com mittee, 121 Spanks, 6:30 p.m. Owens meeting, WSIGA Room, White Hall, 8:30 p.m. Sigma Delta Chi election meet ing. Froth Candidates . . . for the Junior Business Board are requested to attend an important meeting in the Froth office at 4:30 p.m. Monday, Bill Campbell and Herman Finkel stein, co-business managers, an nounced last night. • Scarab Initiates Nine at Dinner I Scarab, architectural fraternity, held its first formal initiation, since 1943, Wednesday evening. It was held in Engineering "F," anti the ceremony was completed with a dinner attended by active stu dents-and honorary faculty mem hers in the banquet room of the State College Hotel. New members are Lawrence Bender, Thomas 'Dawson, Robert Foltz, Richard Griffiths, .Edtwara Hyde, Lawrence. Klepper, William Skelly, and , Jack Williams. Josetph Spagnuolo, associate professor of Architectural Engineering, was in itiated as an honorary member. Prof. Royal M. Gerhardt, honor ary Scarab and Assistant !Dean oil { the School of Engineering, delilv• ered a talk 'after the dinner. He spoke on the subject, "Professional Responsibilities of the Architect and Engineer." Prof. Gerhardt pointed out that the professional man has a duty to society, and that prbfessional and civic organi. zations help the individual fulfill this duty. Present officers of Scarab aro Gregory Bassett, 'president; Stolen Fortunato, vicepresidenit; Harry Schneider, secretary; Geor go Tilghman, treasurer; and Robert Christensen, historiian. Mr. Ken neth Heidrich, associate 'professor of architecture, is Faculty Adviser of Scarab. All Friars . . . who are to he initiated, will :meet in the second. flocir lounge of Old Main, 1 p.m. Alfont day. 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