The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, May 17, 1946, Image 4

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Delta Zeta
Will Install
Local Chapter
"Lampades have met the re
quirements to date and will be
installed as the Gamma Delta
chapter of Delta Zeta next fall,"
Mrs. Howard V. Hornung, nation
al represenative of Delta Zeta
announced recently. •
Organized in November, 1945,
the local sorority had the ulti
mate purpose of qualifying for
membership a s a chapter of Delta
Zeta. On December 11, 1945,
Lampades was accepted by the
College Administration, and in
January 1946, was admitted to
membership in the College Pan
hellenic Council.
Delta Zeta was founded at Mi
ami University, Oxford, Ohio,
October-24, 1902, by six of the
firs: women students. This school
is often termed the "mother of
fraternities'„ being well known
as the birthplace of the "Miami
Triade." Delta Zeta, however is
thi only NPG sorority establish
ed on the Miami campus. Fifty
seven chapter s have been found
ed at various colleges and 88
alumnae chapters. National mem
bership to date totals 15,000.
Officers of Lampades are: Ta
mazine Crum, president; Fay Ma-
tulis, vice-president; Doris Ditt
man, secretary; Elizabeth May
nard, treasurer; and Beverly
Joyce, Panhellenic representative.
The membership includes: Mary
Beswick, Shirley Bremier, Doris
Brenner, Dorothy Cauffiel, Dor
othy Coffman, Rebecca Cogan,
Mary Alice Hodgson, Claire
Horn, Mary Ann Kemper, • Su
zanne Lawrence, Jane Lee, Betsy
Russ, Penny Stevenson, Patricia
Trew, Alma Weir, and Lorraine
The pledges are: Jane Healy,
Catherine Liljegren, Gloria Ness,
Ihrriet Schlee, Janice Stevenson,
Betty Vanderbeck, and Marian
Philotes Elects Harman;
Plans Weiner Roast Soon
Philotes elected the following
, oftlicers at a 'meeting followed 'by
a bowling party at the Dux Club:
Mary Lou Harman, president;
Jean Haxton, vice-president; Bev
erly Eldridge, secretary; Willadeen
Woodruff, treasurer; Esther Jami
son and Evelyn Smith, co-social
chairmen; Dorothy Sherwood! and
Irene Illinavcrorth, co-activities
!chairmen; b ßorneyne' Aumiller,
publicity chairman, and (Beverly
Boring, historian.
The next meeting of the group
wild be in 'the form of a Weiner
roast in Hort Woods May 27.
Russian Club
. . . merribers will attend Sun
day morning mass tat the Russian
Orthodox Church at Hawk Run.
The group will meet at the Corner
Room at 9 a.m. Any persons in
terested are invited to accompany
the club.
From up on Ag Hill comes the news that an old fashioned box so
cial will be the leading event of tonight 'way up thar. It's a stag af
fair and attractively decorated envelopes will be auctioned off. These
envelopes will contain the name Of the coed whose box is won. Some
thing new and different from the gener•al round of formal dances.
DGs Entertain
The Delta Gammas entertained at a luncheon at the Niitony : ion
Inn Tuesday honoring 'Mrs. Ethel
Gilbert, speaker 'for the Matrix
Dinner. Mrs. 'Gilbert is a Wash
ington OPA director, and all the
BWOC's who heard her Monday
night agree that if she's an ex
ample of the OPA....then here's
to more of it. The DGs also
pledged Pat Kinkead this week.
'The Kappa Deltas have their
pledge dance scheduled for to
morrow night at the Sigma Pi
house featuring Dick Berge and
his orchestra. The KDs also have
a Sunday turkey dinner invita
tion from the Phi Sigma Kappras.
Phi Mu has a weiner roast plan
ned for 5:30 tonight, just for the
Alpha Gamma Rhos.
Picnic News
And the Zeta Tau Alphas are
going on an ell-day picnic at
Whipple's Darn tomorrow with
the Sigma Phi Sigmas. Zeta Dor
ri IMawhinney, who celebrates a
birthday this weekend, •is look
ing forward to an unusual gift
in the form of ex-Sergeant Frank
Shelelon, who will came up from
Philly to see Dorri over the
weekend. And from Pottsville
,comes the word that e Zeta alum,
`Mary' Haines, is wearing an SPE
pin from former Penn Stater Carl
Chi Omega had a dessert party
for the pledges Monday evening,
and the ChiOs are initiating 29
pledges this weekend. Th e
pledges of Gamma Phi gave a tea
last week for the pledges of oth
er sororities. Mrs.' George Leff
ler, a sponsor, is entertaining the
Gamma Phis at her home Sunday
afternoon. The AChiOs held a
dessert party for 'the Phi Delts
Tuesday evening.
Irons Missing
And from Atherton Hall comes
From the Files
February 11, 1943'
Because WSGA, Senate, and
Judicial believe that their con
duct has improved slightly in the.
past week, freshman women will
receive 2 o'clock and 1 o'clock
permissions for Soph Hop, Feb
ruary 26.
March 16, 1943
Gladys Swarthout, noted mez
zo-soprano of radio, screen, and
stage fame, appeared an Schwab
March 20, 1943
Crowded .rooming conditions,
shortage of food, and crowded
trains and buses constitute the
chief reasons Mother's Da y
weekend, cancelled by WSGA
Senate, will not he held this
May 3, 1940
Students watched Henry Var
num Poor, assisted by his daugh
ter, at work on the Old Main
May 3, 1940
4 .210,43 siowe
the plea, "Please return the miss
ing irons:" It seems that two
irons have been "borrowed" from
the pressing room and the room
has been locked until the irons
walk back. "Borrowing" looks
pretty bad in a college dormitory
which is• supposed to contain the
"cream of America's young wo
men." it's also mighty incon
venient for the coeds left with
out the use of .the irons. How
about it little ",borrowers?" Let's
take •the necessary steps to bring
about the reopening of the press
ing room by sending the missing
irons back to their original home.
The Malls have their pledge
dance slated for Saturday night.
The Sigma Pis and the Beta Sig
ma Omicrons had a joint party
11- - ct weekend at the Sigma Pi
house, and the BSO pledge offi
cers are: Norma Shantzenbach,
president; Gloria Moulten, secre
tary, and Ellie Chapman, treas. ,
urer. The LAEPhi pledge class
gave a tea for the actives last
night, and Zeta Beta Tau has in
vited the AEPhis out Sunday af
ternoon for tea.
And More Pledge Officers
Spoudekastor: Loise Ingram,
president; Marjorie Stout, vice
president; Sug Evans, secretary,
and Jane Fouracre, treasurer.
AEPhi: Joan Kapnek, president;
Ruth Kraftsow, vice-president;
Elise Levy, secretary; and Irene
Sheinberg, treasurer. Active offi
cers of Phi Sig Sig are: Marilyn
Luni'tz. archon; Frances Sorin,
vice -archon; Avis Goldberg,
scribe; Lorraine Levy, tribune,
and Elsie Harwitz, bursar.
And here's once again to Bob
Hirsh, who the 'only time he ever
saw hi s name in 'Collegian, saw
it misspelled.
Chi Omega
....has elected the following
officers for the coming year: Lois
Slowie, president; Jean Schrumpf,
vice-president; Jean McGhee, se
cretary; June Heckman, treasurer;
Carol Preuss, pledge chairman;
Claire Parks, chapter correspon
dent; Lee Potteiger, activities
chairman; Helen Weber, person
nel chairman; Helen Lewis, rush
ing chairman, and Jane Jordon,
social chairman.
Sigma Gamma tpsilon
. . . mineral industries men's
honorary, initiated Jerome E.
, Baird, Robert M. Gruver, Donald
F. Harnis, Nicholas Hatton 111,
James •B. 'Mitchell, Steven S. 'Oriel,
Paul L. Terwilliger, and Samuel E.
Tyson. .
. .
r it •
... .
:: ~` ~
WSGA Calls
Mass Meeting
For Ail Coeds
There will be a mass meeting
for all women students in 1 1 10
Home Economics at 6:30 p.
Tuesday, announced F 1,0 renc e
Porter, President of WSGA. Nom
inations will be made for WSGA
officers and senators for next fall.
The nominating committee will
present the name's of the girls on
their slate, then the meeting
will be opened for nominations
from the floor.
It is very important that all
coeds attend this meeting, for it
is through the nominations that.,
the students can use their voice
in choosing who they want to run
for office, says the chairman of
the nomination committee.
Primary elections will be held
in the Old Main lounge, Friday.
Final voting will take place in the
Lounge May 28.
It was announced at Senate
meeting that e lenient weekend
campus will be given to any coed
who assists a girl in entering a
dormitory after hours.
aviary Lou Waygood, and Joan
Bissey are now in charge of the
ballots and awarding oil the
senior honor women awards.
Janet Lyons and Wilma Brehm
are co-chairmen of the WSGA
clothing drive to ibe held next
Panhel Council to Install
Ratchford as President
Florence !Ratchford, Gamma Phi
Beta, will be installed as president
of Panhellenic Council Tuesday,
May 28, Priscilla Wagner, present
president, announced today.
Panhel presidents are appointed
according to the sorority's date of
founding on campus, Miss Wagner
Virginia McClu•sky will be ,presi
dent for the first eight weeks of
the semester while Miss Ratchford
is practice teaching. Other officers
have not yet been announced.
Alpha Lambda'Delta
. . . will present 'certificates of
achievement to senior coeds who
maintained their Alpha Lambda
Delta average of 2.5 through sev
en semesters at a tea in the North
east Atherton. lounge from 2 to
4 p.m. tomorrow. collegiae
alumnae of the freshman honorary
are invited to attend.
Tau Phi Delia
. . . fraternity will hold initia
tion for nine pledges Saturday.
Initiates are:, Richard Ely, Con
rad Lickel, Karl Thompson,
George Tiero, Kurt Truver, Wen
dell Stratton, Edward Young
bi••ood, John Renaux, Robert
Windgard, and Robert German.
so necessary to your
' tennis game can be
/0 „,"'"'""•% , ..
had for sure, if you
/ ''' , 4 c h oose•/140F. • "401•14,
r .. : . 'i '. ? we ll
• .':•::'I) shorts and a cool polo
',.. shirt. You'll be the
queen of the court.
,p• --
Sun and Swim . . .
Shorts for snbathing too—how
nice your suntan looks—You'll
need playtogs for picnics and
a new bathing suit for the
Sophomore Splash at Whipples.
Be sure to be ready to join
in the fun dressed in the best.
`123" S,
Freedom of movement
. x \l.l•
FRIDAY, MAY 17, 1946
.SpirtJler.4 SporLi
Penn State's mermaids followed
their chamlpionship performances
in the telegraphic intercollegiates
with blue aibbon routines in • their
annual aquacade at the White Hall. ,
pool last night.
The Swimming Club, 44 girls
under the direction of Miss Marion
J:. Whalen, presented -theltrAV42o4ss
ful "Aloha Lei" production before
a capacity audience. Many of: the
girls participating also had swum
in theAelegraphics.
• Theeriginal routines were coin-.
posed 'by four members of the club,
all ip•hysical editeation majors: Nan
James, Mickey Barnett, Marjoiiie
amfJacqueline• ZiNfic?
Swimming ittt - Hawaiian: recorded
music; the coeds swalm:a faii• roux
tine; -- a wheel rouitine, -s.etterar
duets,' and a grand finale.' . Narra-_,
tion for 'the show was done by
Anne Dunaway.
Cornmitteea - .;„jn the_
ailuacade were:. ip,roperties,,
zanne Potter, 'Elaine..,lVlalanv,
Catherine Durne, .Sherrie-. Fogg;.-
costumes; Min •Eunice -
Hurliburt, Laura `Craig, Bebe&a
Walker; programs, Suzanne.. Pot-.
Miekey Barnett, who .is- a life;;
guard during her summer vaca
tion, is president of the Swimming
Club. Other officers are Lee Ann
Wagner, vice-president; Jacque
line secretary; • Louise
Grossman, publicity chairman.
.Boyce Morgan, promotion man
ager of the famous Kiipplinger
News Letter in Washington, D.C.,
is a former 'editor of Froth. He
graduated from the Colle,ge in.
tise ptLe
The completely astonishing
Liquid Cleanser and Corrective
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What an eye-opener! What an
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Li'l.oo to 12.00
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