The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, April 05, 1946, Image 4

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IWA Holds
Open House
In Old Main
Independent Women's Associa
tion welcomes everyone to an
Open House in 401 Old Min from
9 to 12 tonight. Entertainment
will feature dancing with contin
uous (music all evening, ping
pong, and bridge. 11cfreAtments
wil be served.
Committ:ies for the Open House
include: publicity-chairman, Es
ther Gershnun; members, Suz
anne Como. Gloria Freedman,
Betty Kelm, Shirley Radbord, and
Jane Rosenthal.
Refreshments and social chair
man, Shirley Levinson; nnembers.
Jesnne Esterman, Angela Gorica,
Betty Keim, Shirley adibord, and
Vera Slezak.
Cl e a n-up chairman, Gloria
Freedman; members, Shirley Le
vinson, Gloria Ferlizzi, and Beth
Thulacker. Walt Posive is in
change of records.
Coeds LearnTo Cook;
Scorn Can-Openers
uture brides are learning to
cook! No longer will the husband
have to put , up with canned din
ners. No longer will hUbby have
to _:u.Cfer from lack of Vitamin D.
These future brides include the
31 girl who are new enrolled in
Home Economics 209. They are
learning up-to-date pointers of an
old art. The cake that ,mother
used to make will have to take a
hack scat when these coeds finish
their 'course.
Freshman, sophmores, juniors,
, and seniors are enrolled, and not
one of them is in the home econo
imics department. In fact they're
in everything from Liberal Arts
and Education to Agriculture,
Physical Education and Chemis
try and Physics.
Most married women cringe at
the idea of planning three meals
a day, seven days a week. It's not
an easy job, but these girls are
finding .out. what fun it can be.
By searching and finding out
what's new and different, they
have a dozen ideas on how to get
the lazy man up in the morning,
and hew to make luncheons good
every time . . . even dinners fit
for a king.
Besides variety and attractive
meals the coeds are taking into
consideration the. nutritive value
of !foods. Probably most impor
tant of all—to the future Mister
is that when the coeds are finish
ed hey'll also be experts on keep
ing a tight hand on the pocket-
book. So men beware—these girls
are . well aware of the adage that
the way to a man's heart is
through his stomach, and are out
to prove it.
United Jewish Appeal
The United Jewish. Appeal is
currently sponsoring a drive for
$100,000,000 to help in the rehabi
litation and relief of the Jewish
population of Europe. The goal
for students of the College is
Got Spring Fever?
... then perhaps it's
time for a picnic!
Enjoy that free Saturday afternoon .. . pack a basket brim full
with delicious food and go off on a picnic ... where to get your
rod? ... Why, Wagner's, of. course !
204 E. College Ave. Phone 2691
And those bouquets of spring flowers which brightened the
women's dormitories over the weekend were thp gift of the X-G-I
club. Those fellahs really believe in "saying it with flowers." Many
thanks from campus coeds.
Post Rushing Stories
Now that rushing is over the common phrase upon seeing a be
;ii:boned coed is, "Oh, congratulations. I'm so glad you made it .
iihhh ... whose colors are they?" To avoid showing your ignorance,
:he thing to do is to keep quiet until the ribbons are exchanged for
pledge pin, and then do yo:u• congratulating.
And out of rushing comes the story of one pledge who received
Aer ribbons via nurse. She is Betty Gibson, Gamma Phi Beta pledge,
.ind Sunday night, the Gamma Phis serenaded their new "little sis
ter" who is recovering from the measles in the infirmary. Incident-
Ally, if you notice any sailors wearing brown and mode campaign
ribbons, they were wen in tho battle or GamMa Phi Beta. And then
there's the Chi Phi who wants his name to appear in the women's
:iolumn. Sorry, can't think of any reason for using it, Walt.
Parties Galore
With things settliiig down to normal there is the usual round of
parties to report with AChiO taking the lead, for they were enter
tained twice within the past week. On Sunday afternoon by the
Chi'Phis and at a dinner Wednesday night by the SAEs.
The Kappa Deltas will entertain for the Pi Kappa Phis and the
Phi Sigma Kappas in the Northwest lounge of Ath, at o'clock tonight.
And the Pi Kappa Phis recently entertained Miss Ray at a dinner,
Triangle recently initiated the following: John Bowman, Robert
Carothers, John Fogle, James Stevenson, and Blair Thompson. Fol
lowing the ceremony, the new brothers were honored at a dinner at
the Nittany Lion Inn. Dean Hammond was guest speaker. And Phi
Gamma Delta has elected Berne Cramer president. Other• officers
are: Charles Hauth, treasurer; Russell Smiley, secretary; Norman
Walter, corresponding secretary, and Barry Anderson, historian.
Phi Mu Alpha, national music honorary, held elections recently,
and the results are: G. William Henninger, supreme 'councilman; Bob
Fredrickson, president; Herman Weed, vice-president; Al Zimmer,
secretary treasurer; Jim McKecknie, Warden, and Peter Danos, his-
Coed Wins
Air License
Piling up 100 filying hours
:ince 1939, Marion Whitmore, pre
medical student and daughter of
Frank C. Whitmore, dean of
'Themistry and Physics, received
her pilot's license under the Pri
vate Pilot Approved Curriculum
at the State - .College Air Depot
this year.
With these. hours behind her
Miss Whitmore has to spend ap
proximately 60 more in the air
to become a commercial pilot.
At the age of 13 the aviatrix
started flying :lessons with in
structor iSherm Lutz, but that
same year she went away to
school and any :flying she did was
on weekends and during vaca
The Private Pilot's course has
been taken by several students
here, two coeds being "Pete" Fa
loon, and Virginia Klaus, both
graduates of last semester.
. . sophomore men's honorary,
recently elected John Sadden,
President; Donald Herb, vice
president; and Marvin Demp,se
cretary treasurer.
4 .2 1 0ri3 Stowe
MI Honorary
To Initiate
Sigma EpsilOn Sigma, newly
organized honorary, :for women
enrolled in Mineral Industries
courses has selected Selma Moses
as president, Mrs. Alfred Griess
vice-president, iDoris Handwerk,
secretary, and Betty Rugh, treas
urer. Formal initiation will take
place in 10.6 Mineral Industries .1q
7:30 p. rn. Monday.
In addition to the officers nam
ed, the following 'are charter
members a the new group: Mrs.
Katherine Fisher, Mrs. Elizabeth
Hartner, Mrs. Ruth Hotton, Mrs.
Evelyn IVlarboe, Anne Mulvehill,
Mrs. Marjorie Nelson, Dorothy
Pate, ,Hildreth Rose.•
Flowers by
- ks A o
McMullen ,Tea.
No Shorts,
Rules WSGA
MISGA announces that 'shorts.
and slacks are to (be worn only
for recreational activities and
labs. Coats or skirts should be
worn over shorts when crossing
the campus to a recreational area.
Sunbathing on campus will not
be permitted after 3 p. nn. on
Saturdays., with the exception of
McAllister Hall .and Atherton
where secluded areas have been
provided for that purpose.
All women students living in
town are to refrain from aunb'ath
ing because of the nearness aJ'
streets and neighbors to town
Look Out, Fellows!
A Coed May Hook Ya
For 'Dungaree Drag'
Susie coed, your day has come:
This is your chance to show your
favorite beau, who's been squir
ing yott all over campus; how
really sweet you think he is. Or
to get to know the fellow whom
you see in psych class and who's
somehow learned your first name.
Or to meet your basketbalr hero.
Ask him to Owens' "Dungaree
Drag," which will be held in Re
creation Hall from 9 to 1:2 p.
April 27th. Music will be provided•
by the Campus Owls.
- The third annual girl-ask-boy
dance sponsored by Owens,
sophomore women's honorary
promises to be one of the most
novel on the College , calendar',
according to Mary Lou Waygood;
Cwens president. Coeds will wear
dungarees and plaid shirts Instead
of the formal .gowns.
"As in previous years, this is
strictly a girl-ask-boy a'lfair,"
stresses Miss Waygood. Coeds
completely "turn-about" the date
calling for fellows at their room
ing houses'or fraternities, opening
doors for them, and sending them
vegetable corsages!.
Co-chairmen for the dance are
-Russella Adamitz and Jq Ann
Ttoraback. Other 'committees are:
, publicity: Doris Stow.,
man, Jean Aldenter, Kay Badollet,
Mary Lou Callahan; ticket chair
man. Jean Posey; orchestra,
Carol Preuss.
Book Exchange
. . . requests that all students
who have receipts for books still
out must call for their money at
Student Union=-from 1:30 to 5 p.
m. Tuesday.
135 So. Allen
pth4ter3 Sporlo
Coeds interested in 'interclass
hockey should report to 'Holmes
field at 4 p. inn. Monday, stated
Ann Baker, WRA intramural
chairman. Practices! have • been
going on for a week and anyone
interested should come out for
the last practice this evening. -
In the intramural Badminton
tourney the following teams are
still in the running ?for the finals.
The results of the last games
Gamma Phi Beta topped AEPHi;
Theta's defeated ACIHiO; SDT and
Egler's dorm lost to Fairmont
Hall and the Tri-Dorms respec
tively; KFippa Delta bowed to
Phi Mu lost to, Chi Omega; Ath
West beat Ath East; ZTA acrd
Delta Gamma 'forfeited to Rick-.
ards dopm and Mac Hall respec
tively; Grange topped the Alpha
Xi's; and the Transfers stopped
the Kappa's.
Adjustable Metal
Keep your shoes in shape with
our heavy-plated shoe trees.
Made of. light metal, they're
perfect for traveling . . . Nine
adjustments for various shoe
25c Pair . •
. Rea and Derick, Inc. •
.S. Allen St. State College
Dry perfume makes your
favorite Roger & Gallet
fragrance go farther. Its
tantalizing scent is released
gradually when patted di
rectly on warm skin. A dash
in the hem of your dance
dre'ss fills the air with fade
less perfume. Doused inside
your blouse, the effect is
really terrific! Use it regu
larly—in all ways—just like
liquid perfume.