The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, April 05, 1946, Image 1

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    •VOL. 43—N0. ) .)
ISC To Name Contest . Winners
During 'Bunny Hop' Intermission
Winners of the contest to guess the weight of the rab
it in the Athletic Store window will be announced during
ntermission at the Bunny Hop, semi-formal dance, sponsor
d by ISC, in Recreation Hall from 9 to 12 tomorrow night.
The rabbit will be weighed at 5 p.m. tomorrow in the
thletic Store window. The person coming closest to the
xact weight of the rabbit will choose any one of the prizes
mong those displayed in the window: Second place winner
MI have a choice out of eight of the prizes displayed and
the person coming in third in
the contest will have a choice
out of three
Kerner Play
Andy Kerner and his 15-piece
band from Lancaster, specialists
in sweet music, wil4 play. It has
been ISC's policy in their past all
college dances to bring Pennsyl
vania bands .to campus so that the
students • may hear their own
state bands. Pennsylvania bands
in the past included Bud Wills
frcm Johnstown, and Brad Hunt
from Pittsburgh.
Decorations will follow' the
tone set tby the name of the dance,
Bunny Hop, with an Easter as
sortment of colors, and balloons.
Tickets at $2.40 per couple, tax
included, will be sold at the dance
.and at Student Union until noon
tomorrow. There will be 15 booths
for fraternities and the ; same
number for independents.
Four Committees
Under the coordination of Wal
ter Pascoe, ISC president, the
committee chairmen and members
'Dance committee: Shirley,Lev
inson, chairman; Salvatore Rocci,
and Bernice McFate,
Publicity committee: Michael
Horen, chairman; .Lois Reese,
Frank Phillipbar, Dena Constan
tine, James Jenkins, and Esther
.Decorations committee: Margar
et Chaney, chairman; Ruth Bren
ner, Robert Giancine, Frank Ti
dona, Eleanor Casselberry, and
Jane Rosenthal.
Gabriel Harkovitz is handling
the programs.
Although the possibility of do
nating the proceeds to. the Student
'Union Building Fund was. dis 7,
cussed at the last ISC meeting, the
group decidedj:to abide -by a" prey
• ious.motion:"that the Council de
cide after the dance where the
money is to go.
According to the new 'cOnstitu-.
thin adopted recently .by ISC the,
name of the organization. was
changed to Independent: tudent
Council instead, of. committee,
:College flies . State .
InArmy Day Observ.ahon.,
The College will obserVe..Amy .
Day . :torriorridW flyirALthe•,.flag.
cif the. United' States77n4:l):, the
Penn'sylvania . State 'Flag,dri.'the
pales in front, df Old' Main,: - ac
cording to a recent order by Gov.
Edward Martin.
"Wherever the Flag of the Un
ited States .proudly flies, at home
and over lands across 'the sea,
the anunall observance of Army
. Day .will he held on Sqturday,"
'stated the Gove.rMir. "I call upon
the. 'people , etf• Pennsylvania: to
join :wholebeartoo.l3,k . , - .; no
table 'peaceliniii';‘, celebration in
tribute ter.the •ivalOr.'•Oc.the' Amer-
icaii Armk • and 'its , 'brilliarit re'c
or'd of: patriotic aellievexpent,
redilliltion et Army''ODa - y I
diret that thEi Flag olieN'titien
41131 P.o l . ll l s 7llA?ilia . atata . ag
df.c:ilinYadron - i:nlit. e; fools and
Prblic .building's.; throughout" the
Commonwealth," concluded Gov
ernor 'Martin.
tFC Tourney
. . entrance 'fees of • $l.OO :per
team for softball, • goillf, and soc
cer Anust , be:turned .in to Eugene
in• Ree Hall before April
15, -, announced . Warren Neiger
sports renresentative today
'Ai• - fk for details of entrance at
Itc4.•„Hall • - • • 1• '
, IA
1500 Endorse
AVC Petition
Pineen hundred persons signed
the Patman Housing Bill petition
s'ponsored by the American Vet
erans Committee which 'was sent
to •the two FennEylvania senators,
Francis Myers and Joseph Gul
fey, land Emmertt Brumbaugh,
local representative.
Replies were received from
Myers saying "that he 'will back
the bill to the limit" , and 'from
Brumbaugh who give the
information - car - eft:ll consideratitin
when the bill , co!ines qtiaok.'froth
the., Senate." , '
' `a letter •' from ` Guffey lie
stated" that he agrees • with :the •joe'.=
'filtiOn and that he w'.l.ll2',vote's,;for.
llhe in; its ortginallOnth:
The purpose of.:the;Petition was
not only to urge' 'Passage of 'the
kffla, 141.1 t, 'alSO to"deinand taw
amendments' which had been' de
'eted by the -House.,
%,The original ,plan calls for the
immediate building; of 2,700,000
temporary .?homes . : and. 3,000,000
low-eoA'hohies'Ao be built over a
PeriOd.`of 112: years. 'The - two is
sties struck out by the House
were: •
1. A $600,000,000 subsidy, one
third to -be spent for research and
home • improvement and two
thirds. for conventional building.
Subsidies will be given only to
;building concerns operating on a
marginal 'profit.
2. A-$6OOO ceiling on homes
ready,ifor immediate use. and $5O
toer• month • rent •on homes to be
built In the 'next 12 Years.
. Officers ;of the American Vet
erans CoMmittee •. are. Edward
Banyai,. chairman; Cy Good, vice
chairman;. John Remes, recording
'secretary,;„• : : R nd -Hugh Ridall,
- :"Head'S 'Of Oariatis
tees-are: William L. Brown, pol
icy; Ben• French, - , publicity; and
Jack .Bowers;' membership. The
nextineeting. will be in :120 State
.College High School, . 7:30 p. m.-
TueSday. - . • •
LA Lecture
. . Series will present Dr. C.
S. Anderson speaking. on "Poland
—Today" in 121 Sparks, at 8 p.m.
Tuesday, •• • -
Sororities Pledge 282 Coeds;
Fraternities Select 135 Men
Ending another season of rushing, the 18 campus sororities pinned ribbons on 282
coeds Sunday while 135 men were pledged into fraternities. The sorority lists this year
topped last year's record pledging of 275.
Chi Omega headed the list with 28 pledges while Delt Gamma ran a close second
with 27. Chi Phi was the fraternity with the most pledges, taking in 14, with Sigma Phi
Sigma the runner-up with 13.
The sororities followed
X-Gl's Present
CBS Orchestra
'Coeds may receive 'two o'clock
pennission for the X-G-I
Spring Nocturne Dance Friday
evening, April 12, if Senate ap
proves at their next meeting.
Elliot Lawrence and his orches
tra, regtilaiily featured over the
Columbia Network, will play for
the All-College semi-formal dance
in Recreation Hall from 9 p. m.
to la. fla. The 'band is now play
ing at Sunnybrook, Pottstown. .
.Ration, ',Hunter Vocalize -
Feature vocalists with the
piece orchestra are Rosalind Pat
ton and Jack Hunter. The Elliot
Latwrence band, utilizing the
theme "Music Designed ;or Danc
ing" haS been continually gaining
in popularity, according to a Hol
lywood trade, journal whilh
cealy comnietiVEA; "Strfelly a ra
dio band 'so far, Lawrenre's crew
cults most name !bands to ribbons."
Nuirnbered among the orches
tra's personnel are musicians who
hvae played with, such bands as
Tommy !Dorsey, Glenn Miller,
Benny tGoodnian,• Charlie Barnet
Bob Crosby, Abe Lyman, Jimmy
Dorsey and Clyde McCoy.
Lawrence recently signed a con
tract Math Columbia records, and
his is the first Philadelphia band
since Jan :Savitt to get a Tatter
contract. The first record do•t?.
will be announced soon.
Powers Picks Queen
The !Club's dance com
mitee has announced that eleven
coeds' pictures have been sent to
Jbhn Robert .Powers in.Ne
:Ylork 'City. Powers, who heads the
cotintry's ileJading model agency,
: will 'select the dance queen, who
r,511 be announced at the dance
a 'week from tonight. At that
tiane, station WMAJ will broad-
Cast the crowning ceremony from
Reic Hall. The queen - re
ceiveg iBts from the local merch
'ants, and will be . intervliewed
over the air by :Louis 'Bell, master
of ceremonies:
- The proceeds from 'Spring Noe•
turne will be used by the ex-Gls
''or the purichase of a memorial
plaque in the proposed 'Student
Union building. The plaque will
be decliodted to Ell Penn !State men
who Pape their lives in World
War TI, end it list each man's
The dance committee 'has set
$3.60, including tax, as the price
for the ,dance. There wall be
'booths provided for fraternity and
independent groups" at no addi
tional charge.
Panhel To :Entertain
At Saturday Night 'Club
..Special . entertaitrinpnt sponsored
hy Paphollehic..Coulib.ll.4lll.'hiph
light the 'Saturday Night Club.. 4 at
White Hall ',from 9 to 12 tomor-
IVW.' .
Each week one of the follow
ing groups arranges: the interanis.-
glen. Program: Collegian, CAwdis;
Junior Service Board, Mortar
.Board, Panhellenic Council, Wo
men's: Student Government As
Games and ping-pong witl. be
provided 'and refreshments may
be bought in room 165. Admis
sion' 30' delft," talc" ihelnded: "
the same system as last year by using a prefential list to
keep their membership within the quota system. The system
will go into effect this June.
Fraternity and sorority p
Alpha Chi Omega: Colors,
Ballet Russe
Alexendra Danilova, foremost
classical ballerina, and Frederic
Franklin. one of the most popu
lar figures in the dance world,
will form with the cast of 125
of the' Ballet Russe de Monte
Carlo in Schwab Auditorium,
8 o'clock tonight. Presentation
of the Ballet Busse marks the
close ofthe 1946 Artists' Course
series sponsored by the College.
IFC Revives
Old Activities
With all the fervor of a Billy
Sunday, Interfraternity Council
is starting a revival this spring of
pre-war activities.
Heading the list will be the
Spring Inter-mural sports pro
gram, headed by Warren Neiger,
chairman. Softball, golf and five
man soccer will be offered.
. The awarding of a scholarship
cup will also be resumed. Jack
Fore, chairman of the scholarship
committee, has urged all fratern
ities to submit a certified list of
all members and pledges to Stud
ent Union before May 15. The, cup
will be awarded for this semes
ter's averages, Fore stated..
WC President Joseph Steel an
nounced that Acacia and Alpha
Chi Rho were readmitted to the
council at this week's meeting.
Steel, also gave the figures of the
recent "Battle of the Bands." Paid
admissions totaled 696 and profit
of, $425 was realized.
'.A-coirgnittee , to •invesggate
Policy. of . using-the: Mfg*, Mother'
system was appointed consisting
of James Jones, chairman; Nor
Marlin, Jack .Bohn, .Robert
Sheesley and Bernard Cramer.
A new dating code is being
drawn' up along the lines of the
1942 code and will be submitted
at the next meeting, Steel an
nounced. All house, presidents and .
social chairmen are to meet*Miss
Charlotte E. Ray, dean of women,
Wednesday at 7 p;rn. in 4C5 Old
Main for clarification of the code,
he - added: " * -
,;!..4 . , :. .-,:- ... ..... -..,,,:r.T.,
A.l v. ' .'. ' ,\ . t ''v4.-i.r.k4
. )) . ' . E.
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edges are listed below
red and green; pledges:
Alice Joanne Bailey, Jean
Bartholomew, Margaret Case,
Pauline Globisch. Lois
Hague, 'Booty Lou 'Horn, Terry
Klosterman, 'Hlannie tarciNviek,
Marion McElroy, Lois
Elizabeth Moran, Sara Nickel,
Lois Resler, Viada Riggs, Bonnie
Lee Sherrill, Phyllis Toner.
Alphz: Epsilon Phi: Colors, green
and while; ioledges:
Bailbaia Cchen, Norma Herman,
Joan Kapnock, Gloria Koblenz,
Ruth Kral tsow, Elise Levy, Marlon
Magciovitz, Irene Sheinberg, Bea
trice SilyerEilfme, Mona Smuylan,
Sc- maZasorsky.
Alpha Omicron Pi: Colors, card
inal re:i; pledges:
Klathrene Bilner, Virginia Car
ey, Harriet Cooper. 'Norma —lean
Chattaway, Hariet Denby. Marion
Di•l3, Grace FLI'd::S, Virginia Ann:
Garman, Julia •Kolbach, Doris
Ramsey, Ruth Swavely, Marie
Thompson, Marion Whitmore.
Alpha Xi Delia: Colors, navy
blue land gold; ;pledges:
Madelyn lß, .Mangarat Cr un
ninghlam, Doris Ll:mes,
Eaton, Frances Engel, Jeans Eris
mon. Kathryn 'Gagman, 'Geraldine
Hindenach, Marian Holmes. Doro
thy Johnston.
Mary Mahaffey, Renee Mowles,
Edith Murray, Leta Otaiinger,
Grace O'Donnell, 'Elmlou Olsen,
Madelyn Rohrbaul,glh, GlElLlys
Smith, 'Suzanne "Van 'Arsdale, Joan
Biata Sigma Omicron: Colors,
ruby and pink; pledges:
Ellie Chapman, Janet Close,
Rutlh Eisler, Gloria Moutton,
Myrtle 'Reigle, Norma 'Sdhantzen
haah, Dorothy 'Whitney.
. Chi Omega: Colors, cardinal ;and
straw; pledges:
Josephine Bihl, Marty Caldwell,
Betty Jane Chapperlear, Molly
Gelse, Saliy Henry, Joyce IHodgins,
Nancy I-loser, Clair Lee, Edith Mc.
Olintcrck, iPhyllis Mask, Nancy
Meyer, Ellen Miller, Harriet Mor
gan, Lorraine IMunz.
'Phyllis Peters, 'Christie Ann
Post, Alitha Potteiger, Maryanne
Raihn, 'Helen Reed, 'Frances Rice,
Jean Rile, Peggy Shelia, .I%.langaret
Stridentger, Jean Terry, Nancy Wil
son, Joyce WI - letter, Mary Burk
Yahres, Jacqueline Zivic.
Delta Gamma; Colors, bronze,
pink, and 'blue; pledges:
Barbara 'Atkins, Nancy Ault, Pa
tricia Babbitt, Farina Brown, Mary
Lou 'Coleman, Kay Courtney, Mary
(Continued on page three)
Local Gamma Sigma 'Phi
Goes Zeta Beta Tau
Gamma Sigma Phi was installed
as Alpha Psi chapter of Zeta Beta
Tau at a banquet at the State
College Hotel 'Saturday. Guest
speakers were Arthur A. Warn•-
ock, dean of men, and James R.
Frank, Jr., Supreme Vice-presi
dent. of the national fraternity.
•'. Present at ...the installation
Were - representatives of other
fraternities, and three men now
on .campus who 'were Zeta Beta
Tau at other colleges, Harry
Kohn, - Morton Moskin, and Bich
ard .Pomerantz. Members of other
chapters zilso attended the instal
Zeta Beta Tau membership is
ten: Jack Adler, Daniel .Bottkiss,
Marvin Breslau, Marvin Demp,
Myron Epstein, Milton Feldman,
Louis , Glanzberg, Marvin Settler,
Stanley . Wirtschatter.. mad Nor,.
man Shain.