The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, March 29, 1946, Image 7

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    ,I.IREMXA.Y, MARCH 29, 1946
PSCA Holds Fool's Frolic;
c-o.lls For Show Tryouts
”nol's Frolic," the Second Semester Club party of fun
Cthe food for freshmen will be held in 304 Old Main at 7 p. m.
:Monday. Jeanne Hapgood and James Brewer are in charge
f : .the .surprise program.
Tryouts for the-Second Semester Club variety shoW will
804 Old Main at 6:45 Monday. ChoruS girls .and song
'titers are needed for the show, which is to be presented
j.. \ llay 18 as part of the entertainment of a PSCA Open House.
Plan Trip to Laurelton
A trip to Lauielton, house of detention of women, has
''4.on planned and anyone interested can sign up in the PSCA
1-foffice: The group will leaVe Old Main at Ip. m. Thursday.
4' ; ;'' (Continued from page one)
';We,dnesday. Te n a.d ditionel
Ildebitihs will. be 'provided for dude
This will be - the . dirPh
e dance to lbe spOnsored by
Independent Student Council
it.(wias tfounded in the fall
seilnester of 11943. The others were
- "Nittany Nocturne," .Woolt-Ball,"
Cross Jam Session," ani
is a corniaination., of four
independent Campus organiza-.
.tions, Penn State Olulb,
and EWA; %which cooperate
hitertfonming the duties of rep
.resenting 70 percent of the stu
'dint body. • - , • .
in their projects are
n houses cat • Old: Maid Ifor all
;- - -,ildependents; an. award 'of $5O a
..: - Seniestei - to one %independent-Stii
dent,. %presented every,_ two se
'ctirii..'s,slter,s, to , a different person on
scholarship and need;
the encouragement - of coop
bratiort ;o2 the groupis and projects
Afiat 'are ; beneficial 'to -inde
4,pen:lent students: .
t,,Olus-additum. sponsored
arf l any go-vernmen :war loans in
~ ixll;ildii • they. sold. over 4%3,000
',w i p.ilth of :bonda. • , .
' under its recently
- 1 ;!E irnem
..bersbif iISC are striving to , in - rake
All. 7 C;ellege dance, a suc-
r',l . t,-;:o'iti.C:s'
.-.:- '.,,
.Iy4iiter::F ; alkez,A3o,rg, - ,(Key) . 623
' , ..11§13ee - Co yv:alker (N-I) .. . .
(KeY) ; • - '•
' . ,
",'Jgseph Steel. (Key) •
. •
agoribrii Glob isen •
Key), . •
:f47r n.ei.: . :Sheetian - (Key)' - •
- •;Tolift:11141Ori (N-I)
..Trester • (Key) •
_Nan; =.Cliarles • (N -I) •
• .Wl).libin• Brooks :(Key) .
(Key)' 156
.Wilson. (N-1) . .. 153
'ltcithert'lVßiOGregcir (Key) '9l
• William
s eliristates (N-I) .... 84
„ - .
Janet ,IVlaiklenaur*. (Key) .... 96
Ntainie cower ' 79
Thomas Lannen (Key) 221
•Ainiatil Wagner (N-I) 2 . 04
Stizanne •Romig; (Key)
Geraldine Maley '(N-I)
President '
TI*KIQre Le Yevre (N-I) ... 143
William , Schreyer (Key) .... 126
Secretary— •
Alice • Miller (N-I) 146
,'M'ary": &loges • (Key). 122
' •
tzW• 4 :00 0 -441. 014)-
Is*miCrt , 7- .• • - • • :
,TAldertozi4Key) ; 498
Upper-Clais C 1 ub
elected Margaret Paxton president
at their meeting last Thursday.
The other officers are Donald
Brutout, vice-president, and Joan
Wolfe, secretary-treasurer.
Committees will be decided
upon in an- executive committee
at" 6:15 Thursday after which the
regular Upper.-Class Club, which
meets in; 304 Old Main at 7 p.m.,
'v al. sign up for committees and
select chairmen.
Morgan to Spiiik at Service
A Lenten Vesper Service will be
held in '304 Old Main at $ p.m.
Thursday with Dr. Winona Mor
gan of the home economics depart
,giving her views and ex
.planations on taking "Christ as a
Guide, for Successful Individual
The service is one in a series of
three being given during the Len-.
ten season on the topic of "Prat
tiCal Christianity. for, !, the _World , of
Dr. Henry S. Brunner, chairman
of the Board of Directors Of the
PSCA, has called a qu'arterly
meeting of the directors in 304 Old
Main at 3:15 Thursday.
a J 1 'f:•;\
• '••;'. -
VP Nap
• •
- ,Dry . SHAMPOO
100 la.:a
SZ, Penn Stale Player 3
'Cordially Invite
To Attend
Tonight and Tomorrow Night
8 P.M.
Schwab Aud.
(Continued from page one)
murderer, Attendant, and Joseph
O'Tousa CSoidier).
Crew memlbers are as follows:
'Manager; Jclan Harrfington,
sistant manager: Eleanor Ddbel
bower, Kathryn Fix, Nanry Har
rington, Barbara Keefer, Floreme
Marcus, Syoil Peskin, Eleanor
Jean Philllips, Grace --Elizabeth.
Tarno, and Shirley Wenger.
Construction: Raymond Maule,
manage r; Malcolm Johnston,
David Pugh and Robent Witckuo.
Costumes: Lynette Lundquist,
manager; Alice Shade, assistant
manager; Ruth Cohen, Vera Eby,
Gloria Koblenze, Mary Lou Mark
leY, Raymond Sipes, Helen Shirer,
Delores Smith, IMary Jane Stew
art, Helen Tershowska Sarah Von
Nieda and Janet Wiborg.
• Lights: Betty Ann Rugh, man
.ager; Rdbert Adarrison, assistant
manager; William Bensch, Wil
liam Fulton, Frank Olson, and
Herbert Seaton.
Makeup: Ruth Twieheli, man
ager; Miriam Bressen, James Bur
ham, Eleanor Dobelbower, Char
lotte Newman, Eleanor Jean Phil
lips, Janet Taylor,Gwynneth Tim
mis, Jerome Trumiper, and Eliza
beth Worrall.
Paint: Helen Joanne Peoples,
manager; June Handler, assistant
manager; Farina Brown, Louis
Gres'h, Esther Greshm:an, Ruth
Barracks, Shirley" Radbord, Mary
Jo Rorabaugh, Anita Rosen, Ruth
Rosenbaum, Harriet Sabel, and
Carolyn Wilbur.
Props: Ruth Hawkins, manager;
Betty Jean Whitney, assistant
manager; Janet - Adler, Doris
Blicher, •Banbara Cooper, Eliza
beth Dunkel, Brett Kranich, Mar
ilyn Mendoza, Rita Patterson, Lil
lian Weingarten, and Florence
Stage: Richard Mauthe, man
ager; David Pugh, Robert Winkvs,
Malcolni Johnston, Raymond
Maule, • Ted Noyes, Fritz Trout-
Man, and Rita Grossman..
OILY 4-1A11Z!
If your hair is oily you'li appreciate MINIPOO.
This new dry ihaippoo is ideal for cleaning oily
hair, removing grit and perspiration odors. You'll
doubly appreciate MINIPOO- because .it takes only
10 . minutes: Put 1.111 , 11P00 at the top - cf your
shopping fist when .you're beauty boundi
Ballet Russe Appearance
Ends Artists' Series
Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo,
last but not least of the 1945-
.1946 Artists' Course series will
present the American dance-mel
odrama "Frankie and Johnny" in
SChwab auditorium, Friday eve
ning, !April 45.
There are still a few tickets
available for seats in the back
row and for a limited number of
"Standing (Room Only" spots in
the rear of the auditorium. Tick
ets are on sale in 107 Old Main.
Winner of the New York Times'
annual s award as •the "Best Mallet
OL' the 1945 season," the choreo
graphy of "Frankie and Johnny"
is by Ruth rage and Bentley
Frederic Franklin . appears as
"Johnny;" Ruth Anna Boris- as
"Framkie;" Nikiba Talin, "The•
Bartender," and Pauline Goddard
as "Nellie Bly,"
Our Mission To Keep You Beautiful
An Authority On. Cold Waves
• Mrs. McCulloch
Dial 2286
A sleeping village in the path of a rag
ing. flood . . . at her switchboard an
operator-makes call after call to alert
the community and summon aid. She
leaves only when rising waters reach
the board and the building itselfbe
comes flooded.
For this and similar acts of public service,
more than 1,200 telephone men and women
have received the Bell System's most coveted
award—the Theodore N. Vail Medal.
Service to the public has - long been a tra
dition in the Bell System. The thought "service
first"—day by day .as well as in emergencies—
has helped give this nation the best communi
cations service in the world.
Scout Agent
To Meet Coeds
Mrs. Dorothy Haley of the Girl
Scouts of America will visit the
College Thursday to interview
Women , students interested •in the
field of professional Girl Scout
There are a great 'many oppor
tunities in this field Tor women
majoring in sociology, psychol
ogy, and phy.sioal education., ac
cording to George N. P. Leetch
director of the College Placem.eni
Service. Those interested' should.
arrange Tor interviews at once in
204 Old Main, Leetch said.