The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, March 29, 1946, Image 1
ndslide Cs,rries Sta sieton, alker to All-College Posts • • Toltrgiatt A '4 :Z ' VOLr. 41 7 —R\ o. '3O FRIDAY MORNING, MN : ITCH e 29; 1946—STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA . . . ,-,: e --Crosi.- .: ~.-„--i- -.- ..,.., .4. : 'ith . 'Dance ` . '.- -,,:• •IClniriaani'r,.t; 'r tiltee weeks of in -te 'nkve-'sc.fl'Aiting, will be the' in- RE4 , Orilis 'Benefit Ddr ice 4: l ll.eloreatlon- 1 1 - lall 9 ;.to 112. 'Sat-; :.1.111:Tay might with Dick Berge and ..his orchestra. Tickets will be on Oale ,4 lfor $1.50 a couple, tax in • • • organizations whikh have rict Yet. , turneEl .in their contri -:ibugons to the driVe tire .asked to eto'so-on or before Sunday to:Carol :':Ditriktman, • !Kappa Atba Theta house ; -or Wa.`lter "Jinx" Falken .-tie;rg;Chi Phii , house. The Red Cross unit on clanniouv. $449 over the $l2OO With the•final tabullattons to by the end of -the week. ;Fallervvin% are the fraternity bon tribuitilons to - date. Sigma ,Rho, $37.75; Chi '532.7.5; in 'Kappa Phi, $332.; Phi Etixzalan-: ; a, $32; Pi Kappa ~s3o;_ Sigina 'Pi, $26.05; Phi Tau, $24; Sigmia Alpha V 212 . 9 P;.• ,tAIOS I- Za," : 0 212 , - tali c hl t 3tla ri Omn,ga, : 0 $1 1 3.10:.' '• • • . * ,',.;" . 4 - -4PELIba - TOM. 4.117A15; Delta fr:lSl:gtha PM, , $3.17; $116.50; Phti*;-Deltia Theta, $l5; Phi, Kappa, - 1313:35; Triangle, $l3; 'Tau Kappa V.Epi. - .110n,. $l3; Theta Ohi and :,81gi - ria Nu, $l3; Alpha Chi Sigma, Lambda Stgma Phi, $9; Phi - HigipPa, $8; Alpha Phi *4..45; Sllama Chti, $4. : ;,,Sororilty c.ontrlbritiona to date Keticipa ,Allriha Theta, $39; - Alphia Epsilon Phi, $35; Phi Sigma , $815; , Omicron Pi, .$.3Y:10; Kstipa Delta, $3O; Phti Mu, pp; 'Theta:Pl:4 At)pha, $25; Zeila kffiet±a';'Xii. - . .lhe,' $2O .Kireipa -Kappa ,ILGttavna, .$113:50; Si.grrta Delta - Tani, `. , Ntolleg ran s. *. - ; - next lissrae will be pt blish:A INfonday, :instead 'of Tuesday. may 'be - obtained at Stud kteilt Union , as usual. ' ; . Pt - • - o. ayers Penn State Players' 'Et:lakes .ylpeanian icorrigany will .precizeet tilagedy of ifeudal IScotland„ ' , '"Maclbeth" in Schwab lA4u3itoriom. o'elOck tonight and torryctrrow Richard Frontman 'play the role of ,llkkibeth ar.d : - Verna •• • ••:!Sevast iportPay./his'wife .Lady : - .:Maxlbeth: The prods otion is under •: - Aille-diretOtion•c , f•.Franlc. NeaWbilion, lascCessor of dramatics.- Karma *Teltellbaum. :end Claire Cohen are aftistants. . • , . : Donald! Sandt ord Albert ther .wilkdireet their originiii score oP .tranisitionai. rechnicol directors 'ere - Warren: and . . ‘" Magaret Witt. !Mrs. Dorothy Sz.att, ys in !charge cf scene design karid sitrytatvAjoir.. . • • ether 'lll , e6TiberS `the•leaat are: r - 7:l4irisitr4l Yisgt - (Durican) (lVtalicalla) (11VTAcenillf):Hefiriebta;.‘:Parairs , 'Raft-qv/irk and EaltEit?ettt :(Weird .Sisters), .•Harry ohsy .(tDepalibaih, tNleniger); ~ K abl Van Elden Gtemaex), Yes- ,: , q1;111. (Sergearit, Seytten), 111mflin Et:Jum (Ross),. Kenneth '(Arrgus:•,' Portman , Paget (fialmau , o),' Henry Glass (Porter), 01 Henri Groerlhelm (Flea , nee). ii4ivairry iN , sitcr.l .. (Old ;Mira, .Tank ,-- Seitchik • OMentieth), •Oxinciari (Caithness), John PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY BY THE COLLEGIAN STAFF Group Asks Froth Revival • - A "petdion , to . reestablian• 'Froth, , 'Card : pus h umor . magazine ,'. was ' mensidered,by,the Senate Ccenniiit 7 tee on . Student, Welfare- at. , NE .triecting Tuesday. .The conern4ttee , veted to giire tentatlye ;approval. to, the Petition. and )to authertze the grouto te,inoteed wih a ipermanent organization. . . -. The pc.intion, signed by :116 stud ents, requested epproval of ',a new , Contlbitution, '"To set no a corpor, ate goody, - wall. a continuing re spano:ible •axiult Triembersh:p in the majority, similar to the 10oNeg!an 'corporation, and to start Froth off from a new triailltern." ( The petitioners also stated that the nc.w Froth 'corporation - WM.lkt be wiMing to assume 'any Iliniancial croMgo.icoh inourred by the pre war PulbliCation. Organizational plans laud the completion cif .a. .constitution be discust:,td in 4117 Old Main, 7 p. rn. 'Tuesday. \ A general- call .for 'candidates wilt not be issued until the Senate Committee on (Student Welfare ' 1 apportUnitr : t9 . 4). 6 • 6 :4sitl - - - ! .-er •reorgantzation plans en& pans on them. " ' Comitptittee requested Ithat the pertrtanent plan., include re quilretment for' a review of all 'COPY by the Faculty, Adviser be fore l'Jts ipulblication in any issue, cif the magazne. _ Kerner: to Play AtlOnny Koli "Bunny Hop," All - College semi-normal dance, will be held in Recreation Hall from 9 to 12 pan. on April .6. 'Andy Kirner and h'ls;lls-ipiece baud Tram Lancaster Will Provide Ithe music. Tickets viwill ibost $2.40 tax included. 'Booths for the dance will be given ifree to the dirst 20 frater nities. - voho sign up Tor them at Student Union.. from Monday to (Continued on page seven) Pieerit '-.-MCthbeth':', Faatis '(Sort); 'George Rhoad (Young SetwantV, Jane Staus, (Lady Macidittf . ), !Bets.y .Heagy (Gentle= 'woman), Ellliabeith Watts (Gentle woman) 'Thaddeus Komorowslci (Old Stwand Banquo. murderer), Stanton Roth - (Young , &Ward, Verna • Sevast Vaughan Stapleton u . k: Heads At:sessiori ' ' 1 1•11.:in - spel he,ad of ~the fEele.ittartinteht;offitttle-, .day febr'' 'Cleveland; - . Where he. 'is'' attending sessions of 'the biennial Music ;Educator's .11ational Con 'ference, Other anemiers of thp music acuity and four students left Wednesday, also to attend the. , conference, Which began Wednesday and will end - next Wednesday.. • Professor - rishiburn coordin- I udents Pay atinglichairm:F.n. of the comMitte.e on - funejonal. aspect§ of irnusiC, ' and ,*l.l attend ineetings of that_ group. - phi Mu Alpha, Musical somestet fees honorary; : will also- Meet in: con .. junction with 'the conference,- and a ; pnagram will. be! preSented by the Cleveland:SYrnpl - iony Orchesr' Ira . Other /Members o 1 • ithe' -• music ence,are: Miss:Fnancis' 'Andrews; , devartment 'attending the- confer- Fnank -Rey nolds, Mrs. 'Willa • TaAor, , and Guy Wbod3; . " • „ ,)Students''attendin Mar garet :Aridrick, Herman Slayman, Paul Teai.e; and Gloria Wilvarry. Richard Frontm an (Banquo murderer), Raymond Kelly (Soldier, Lady EVllEJecluif murderer), Samuel !Neely (Sol dier)', •Rsuquo murderer, Gabriel Rotill (Messenger, Lady IVlaeduff (Continued on page seven) Key Captures 8 Offices; Nittany-Independents' 6 Vaughn Stapleton,. Nittany-Independent, swept the All- College presidential elections this week with a count of 1383 votes, more than twice that of his Key opponent, Walter Falkenberg. • Stapleton's running. mate, Rebecca Walker, captured the All-College secretary post, defeating June First, Key,. by 226 ballots. The Key party pulled through in the . semester elections, however, by placing four presidents and four secretaries, as compared with, three, presidents and three secretaries for • • Nittany-Independent. A total of 2,006 students voted in the elections. Tuesday and Wednesday, which is appr body.. 1:M:i:=Il Rebecca Walker , • FeeS"for the 1946 Spring Semes ter- are clue to be paid' in , Recrea tion Hail from 9 a.-m. to 5 o'clock continuously today. -. %near' , ell E. -Clark an nounced that graduate and spec ial student Whose - fets did not ex ceed .$ll.O c4nd had pea' their $lO advance deposit fee need' net go to dieerection but.may !call at the Barrier's office early in tho week for refund .checks. Lists of. mateettlOion numbers will be pacted in panels •with the .net amonnt due from valch stud ent •orpos:te his number. Seats are provided where situdents may make out 'checks for the Icor re•ct amount. The ,dhelck or caeh with the trofital:culvitlion card shoUld be presented at the correct cashier's window. There wall be ten windows arranged la.:Cording to 'maitelc.ulation nuimber. The nen ter twindcw will be for those who have previously applied for defer ments. "A • represealtative of-lthe ilting Off: lee will be available in case of adijiutillirnents," said IlEtiunslar Clark. There is a $5 penalty for bate payment. Dr. A. O. Morse Attends . Educators' 'Convention Dr, A. 0. Morse assistant .to PreSident 11-16461 in 'charge of re- Sldent. instruction represented the College at a liarrisbung (meeting on Tuesday called to •didcuss the Possibility .o!.' Indiantemn Gap and New Cumberland as sites ifor tem porary colleges. • • At the meeting of Pennsylvania educztors headed by Gov. !Edward Martin the plan was cliscusseidi to actcoranadiate veterans who have been unable to matriculate in ye gurar colleges because of a lack of hicvoing and to assure high scihool .sr.fu•dents an op'port'unity of higher ectUmtipn. (Continued on .page eight) • oximately 40% of the student The Elections Committee, headed by Charles Apple man, docked • three votes from the Key party, and one from the Nittany-Independent party before the ballots were tabulated: Key's votes were dock ed for using a car to campaign on campus While iNittany-Independ ent's offense was campaigning in Old Main on the day of elections. Joseph Steel, Key, was elected president of the eighth semester by a count of 134 votes to 80 for Robert Burge.. In the ballot for secretary, Nittany-Independent Marilyn Globisch defeated Jean Bosch, _Key, by a margin of 13 votes. . Key kept the 'lead in the sev enth semester by . placing James Sheehan - as president and Patricia Trester, s ecretary. Losing candi dates on the Nittany-Independent ticket were John Nolan and Nan Charles. Sixth semester voters register ed a margin of 42 ballots in favor of Charles Willing, Nittany-Inde pendent, for president, over Wil liam Brooks, Key. The closest vote in the elections was recorded in. the secretarial post as Doris Handwerk, Key, eeked out three votes. over .Barbara Wilson, Nit tany-Independ'ent. _ Again in .the fifth semester count, Key won both posts, as Rcdbert MacGregor defeated Wil liam Christmas, Nittany-Inde pendent, and Janet .Mollenaur was favored over Nonnie Cooper, Nittany-Independent. In the ifcAnith semester Kerj came ,out on top with Thomas Lannen elected president and Su zanne Romig, secretary. Losing candidates on the, Nittany-Inde pendent card were William Wag ner and Geraldine Maley. Third semesters voted a straight Nirttany - Independent ticket to place Theodore Le Fevre as president and Alice Miller as secretary. Key 'contestants were William Schreyer and Mary Ma gas: : Charles Nittany-Independ ent, registered the largest land slide of the elections to defeat his Key opponent for second semes ter president, Pete Nastase, 338- 91. Hill's running mate, Ruth Hemmler, swamped the Key con testant, FlorenCe Elderton. • Complete tabulations follow: ALL-COLLEGE OFFICES President— Vatighn Stapleton (N-I) ....1383 . (Continued on page seven) Journalism 'Fraternity To Hold first Smoker Sigma Delta Chi, men's journ alism fraternity, iwlll bold its tflnst podt war smoker at the Phi Ep silon PI iHoutse, 8 p. in. Sunday. All male under-graduate journalism students are invited to attend, ac cording to '.9.ltainley Zii.ff, Sigma Delta Chi president. 'Floyd ICI'-ri'lfan`,, Porrisylviania director el Ccar.ialw..{e, will be guest speaker. Quinton. Sewage, Manalging editor of the Williams port Ciazette-BurilleYm, alb!) give as !shailt talk. adi:'ition to .tihe talks, Ziff said that entertainment and re freshments have -been planned.