The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, March 26, 1946, Image 1
, ~., :f?' iv , :......s .:. 4 , : .:‘• 1 • . ..„,„.......,....... . .... r . , ‘,„ i v : , .. 7 ~ *IN s - . 7. - : ' , illS' \* . • t ' .. • . • i • 4 .. 0 tf i • PUBLISHED' SEMI-WEEKLY BY.THE COLLEGIAN STAFF DIEZZIMIII • • V0L..4.3.---IN. Trailer Council Elects Locke William Locke was elected 'president of the newly;-elected Windcrest borough council at its o.ig'anization meeting Friday night, while Mrs. H. D. Beaver and Mrs.. Marian Thomas .were elected to the posts oaf secretary and treasurer; respectiVely. Other podts on the council will be filled at the next regular meeting o& the body. " • Stanley Gross, burgess, presid ed over.the meeting, in the course of, which he presented. a- report on his visit to George W: Ebert, sup enVisor of Grounds •sand ings. :Mr.- Ebert told him that the community. hall, promised- to..the trailer, ,residents for- some. 'time; hAd been requisitioned and would be set:. up: as soon as • tronsporea tier,' - Can' be secured 'to' get it •to State College. . . • . Other items mentioned in the report included the play yard, soon to . be constructed • on Reiter .Drive_ , west cif the Central laun dry;• a sewage disp'osal system to •be installed in each trailer for sink drainage; street signs, which are being made; •and trees and sh7:l2lblbery which will be plAn•ted as;soon. as possible. It :wtas also announced. that All the . trailers Will 'be painted apple green. With Windows And doors pain t e d cream. . purgess Gross proposed that a ,plaqUe, to include the preamjble t o the borough constituation, how and why the borough streets were naimed,' names and trailer num bers of . all: trailer residents and ctrxnerribers of the present admin if.tration, be, placed on the outside `zof:-the'expocted-eiymmunityAhalh--- ' 'Council members lkyoke and Sparks suggested that signs sett ing ,a ten-mile speed limit for de livery trucks and automobiles • travelling through the trailer i:oeinmtinity, should be set up. James lylagargee proposed that ,the College be asked to paint lines on the Vqnkingr lot surface so that cars will park more closely. 'Spring Nocturne Queen TO Reign at X-6-1 Dance; ,Elliol tawrence to Play ,The • semi-formal •dance'scheduled•flor• April will be called "Swing Nocturne," the X 7 C-4 ClLt's dance 'committee announced yesterday. Elliott Larv9.••ente and his .orchestra' will •agair in Recreation :final list Of rules for entry In ;the Powers Beauty, queen bon ',teet has been , set :forth by: the tevirmittee: The only majOr. change .:is. that all photographd • entered by • campus organization s will. be judged by John Hobert Powers who helads one of the nations •leading. model agencies: It was previously announced that a local committee would select five din -alias whose pictured would be sent to Powers. The rules are as follows: • 1. Each fraternity, independent house, or organization on campus will be alowed to enter• one plc 12. The picture must .be :5x7 in ches in size, prinked on glossy paper. .3. It must be a full-Waceld phot ogpaph. 4. Only Penn State coeds are ,eliglble. . 5. All, entries must be brought or irtiled to the Tau Ksopa Ep vil,on. hloroe before noon Saturday, March. 30.. - • .6. The winner's name will not be- announced until April ..12, the night of . the . dance. During. inter inins:!on- .time, the new queen's !holograph will be taken from an envelope which - will have been •sealed by .John Powers in New •4• Thespian Chorus . will•meet at the Main en trevnce cif iSchwab auditorium, at 7:00 tomorrcrw. night,,atcoriding to 13ruici rmellott, direcitor. TUESDAY MORNEIC; Ex Lion Star Paul • Humes , S mith. Jr. Paul Smith Dies In Bed Rani Smith, 22, captain, at tbc College bOxing team, was found dead .at - . the. home a:friends in Greensburg Sunday morning, The coroner's report ascribed his death to natural clauses. An eighth semester studenti in physical education, Smith was visiting at the horne' of IMr., and Mrs. T. • E.' Frederickson •at the time .ef 'his death. 'He was well - attulatinted - •r - Ivith;' ) Mairy-Frederi son; a February gradnate of the College. When Smith failed to appear for 'breakfast, Miss frederi.ckson's father tit ,to 'the • room • he; Was occupying ;and found his body. A -Greene:rung doctor who examined the (body fat 1:1 a.m. said the had been dead for several hours. • Two-Sport Athlete Smlith was weld known on cam pus as an athlete, having .com ,peted on the track team for two years and on the boxing team for three. He Was: captain of the box ing team this past year and in 194:5 had been awarded , the. Ftank J. GoOdrnan Trophy'. ..Penn State's most valtia'ble • boxer; He most otteni• ought in thel3s- pound class, and comPeto .in track -at the ralle-length. Ironically, Smilirtth's mother was passinie. tithrougb; ...State , College on :her rWay 'to 'a funeral/in •Philadel ..phlia woi'd •reachedl..her. of `her •Sori?s: - .1-ter. ,, daughter, sliinley, , la: .coed at, ibhe College, 'joined . 41rs.• , Smlith On the trip 'back- to theSthith. ihome 1-lotil dlay4tulg. '. • Navy Veteran • ~7 • ‘,Srnitty r ," as he was known to many on campus., Wats'. discharged from the U. S. Navy. late•-in 19'413 and returned to the College then to resume hisstudies. He was runner up in• the fight for the Eastern Intercollegiate Boxing title in the 'IM pound class last year; Ind was eliminated • early in the , Competition this year. With this year's boxing season com pleted., Smith had again; started working out r.lor the fortliceming track season. He was found phy3- idsilly fit in an examination re wired of all ipartlelp . ants in. sports at the College last week. Funeraa services are to be held at 2:30 tomorrow afternoon, from the Lutheran , .Chtirchr. in 'Holli daysburg. Represerkatives from the boxing and track teams plan to attend. Campus Closeups . . , a program of news and chatter written and delivered by the. Collegian's "Maniac" plus the sports editor will make its debut over WMAJ of 6:45 Thursday. Sponsored by .the , Corner.. it will include allvance tips on campus news, a roundup of College sports. and the latest in coed whisper. ings. Tune and hear about •people you know .yourself, at 6:45 this Thursday. IMARCH 26, 1916--STATE COT J MOE, PENNSYLVANIA Every Student Must Register Preliminary • application forms and class schedules for the Sum mer Sessions will be available in . the 'offices of the dens beginning today. EVery student enrolled in the College now is requested to fill out- a form indricatin.g whether or not he intends to register in any of the Summer Sessions. All statements - must be return ed to the deans' offices by next Tuesday .or Wednesday. Part I is tb be filled out lay all students, while those students who expect to attend the session• will fill out all three parts after consulting their advisors. Registration is unlimited at the present: and no advance deposit will be required. Dormitory- as signments will be • made accord ing to the information received on these 'applications. • Jordan and Watts Hans are to be used for men, and married couples.may. be accommodated in the • tofttages. Women students will occupy all other dormitories. Players Add Special Music Special music has been com posed for the Players' production of "Macbeth," annouhted Frank Neusbaum, dlrec to r, today. Shakespeare's play will be pre sented in Schwab Auditorium at 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday. "Mr., Neusbaum gave us the mood and we put music to it," said 'pcnald .sandt t .,.speaking. for tifmself and - Albeft Zirrinner: . " ; The men, both graduate music stud ents of the College, composed, ar ranged, and will 'direct their score. It was written .to provide transition . and background," Sandt.said. "We ,have murder mu sic,• Lady Macbeth music, and witch Music. It is gaudy or gay, dischordant or .melancholy de pending •on the •progress of the play. • - "The instruments were chosen with the drarvatic eillfed. we de sired in mind." .Those who will play include Joanne Broberg, first trumpet; Gene Bixler, second trurnpet; Barbara Gillet, third trumpet; Marjorie Rex, first French horn; ;and Dorothy Cornell,• second French' horn. Zimmer will play the •baritone horn and Sandt • the tympani. Red Cross Tops Quota • The Red . Cress unit on eartrOtts topped the $ll2OO quota by $449 . to date, with more money expected U y the end of the week, announc ed Carol Dieekrnan, , dhairman of the drive. All organizations on campus which have not contributed are ,asked to do so as soon as passible by contacting either Carol Dieck man at ,the Kappa Alpha Thetia house or Wlalter "Jinx" Falken berg at the Chi Phi house. • Twenty-seven fraternities have contributed so far, as well as ten sororities. Complete 'tabulations ;will be published - at a later date. The Red Cross benefit dance at Recreation Hall Saturday night will donate its proceeds ;to the Red Cross, .announced' Miss Diedakman. Dick Berge and his or chestra will provide. the music and tickets will be on sale for 1.50 per couple, tax included. DiCk Berge . . . and his orchestra won the voting as ".the band of the eve ning" Saturday night at the In terfraternity • Council "Battle of Bands." Berge won • over the Campus Owls by nine votes ac cording, to Clay. Zunciel. Of theIPC dance committee who tabulated the votes. Students To Vote For New Officers Weeks of intensive campaigning and planning will be climaxed' today' when the students of the College meet, in the first floor lounge of Old Main in order to elect the student governing body for the Spring semester. Voting conducted from 9 a. m. until 5 p. ,m. today and tomorrow. Immediately after the polls dlose .and before the counting of the ballots begins, the Election Commi hear the grievances of both parties penalized because of ,violations of shall be inflicted at the discreti, Dean of Women Issues Letter In ifteiw of this , week's concen trated sorority rushing . and ru_s.hee parties, Miss Charlotte E. Ray, Dean of Women, issues the follow ing open letter: To Members of Women's Fraternities: This week presents your annual - opportunity to prove that you are a working unit of the College, which every one of your national organizations expects of you: col lectively and individually you are able to show your efficiency in promoting the program of Penn State. During this busy -rushing season, there are two things to have in mind daily if you believe the fraternity system has a place in education and if you- wish the faculty_ to credit your loyalty: 1. See that your members and. prospective m e rii b e r s — maintain perfect attendance with all as signments prepared. 2. Eliminate long sessions and guard your health so wisely that neither you nor the Health Serv ice may ask why we justify a program .that leaves students worn-out and worried. Where there are so many com petent and thoughtful, students, these two conditions are not hard to meet, but their observance will do wonders to retain the esteem that you value with fellow-stil dents and faculty. Sincerely yours, Charlotte .E. Ray. • MI Honor Roll Lists Fifteen Edwird Steidle, dean of the School o,f Mineral, Industries, has release . the names of 16 students whose (averages or the past semester were 2.6 .or higher. A freshman, Robert C. Gerhard, tied the only 3 average. . The. other honor students and their averages are: Howard L. Hartman, Jr. 2.77; Chlarles D. Stahl, 2:73; Ro'ber't L. Folk, 2.7; Joseph R. Hensler, 2.68; David R. Bailey, Leo A. Fiedorek, and Samuel E. Tyson, 2.66. ,George W. Cleveland, 2.64; Ro bert H. Gelhard and Arthur J: Kantor, 2.56; Richard F. Urban, 2:55; and John C. Ferm, William L. Frankhouser, . and Selma Moses, 2.5. • Independents Sponsor Semi-Formal 'Bunny Hop' "It will be first came, first served for .booths," said Michael Horen, publicity" chairman of In dependent Student Committee, which is sponsoring the "Bunny Hop," a semi-tflormal dance to be held at Recreation Hall from. 9 to 112 p. m. on April 6. (ISC is giving booths to the first 20 fraternities who sign up for them at Student Union on Mon day. Ten additional ;b'oo'ths will be provided for independents. Andy Kirner and his 15 piece ,band from Lancaster will, furnish the music. Tickets will cost $2.40, tax included. PRICE FIVE CENTS ttee will meet in 412 Old Main to and decide if eihter party shall be : the Election Code. All penalties pn of the Election Committee. In order to increase the stud ents' general knowledge of the candidates running for the re spective • posts, Collegian is pub lishing a listing of the party can didates and their semesters. All 7 College . 7 PRESIDENT: Vaughn Staple ton,- Nittany-lindepehdent; Walter Falkenlberg, Key. SECRETARY TREASURER:. :Rebecca - Walker, Nittany-Inde pendent; June First, Key. Eighth Semester President: Ro bert Burge, Nittany-Independent; Joseph Steele, Key. , Eighth 'Semester Secretary - Treasurer: M.a rilyn Globisch, Ni'ttany - Independent; Jeanne Bosch, Key. Seventh Semester President: John Nolan, Nittany-ffndepen dent; James Shedan, .Key. Seventh. Semester Secretary- Treasurer: Nan Charles, Nittany- Independent; Patricia Trester, Key. Si xth Semester President: Charles Willing, Nittanyy-Ilndep en dent; William BrookS, Key. Sixth Semester Secretary-Treas urer: • - Balib'ara- Wilson, Nittany- Independent; 'Doris Handweric, Key. - Fifth Semester Fifth Semester President: Will iam Chrisitmlas, Nittany-ilndepen dent; Robert MacGregor, Key. (Continued on page four) • Students Pay Fees Friday Fees are due to be paid in. Re creation Hall from 9 a. m. to 5 p. continuously, Friday, Bursar Russell E. Clark announced. Graduate and special• students whose tees are less than $lO and who have plaid the $lO advance fee need not appear at Recreation Hall. "Refund checks will bepre pared for them at the Bursar's of fice at the earliest possible mom ent," Bursar Clark stated. • No estimates can be made for individual fees, but a fee estimate blank upon which students may figure the amount due, may- be obtained at the Bursar's Office. The College will accept cash or personal checks in paytment. There is a $5 penalty for.late pay ment. Coeds Debate Against Men • , Three members of \ the negative team of the Women's Debate team will debate this week against the J l othns Hopkins University and Loyola University male teams. The question to be debated is: Resolved: ThEtt the foreign policy of the United States should be directed toward the 'establishment of free trade among the nations of the world. Against Shippenslburg yester day, Rita Cota gave the construc tive speech and answered ques tions. The cross-extamlination and summary was presented by Eli zabeth Marshall. GTOria Parks and Elizabeth Marshall will give the construe.: tive and cross - ex amintaiti nu. speeches respectively aga inst Johns Hopkins and ,Loyola and 1,0111.01Z0W. Prod. Hamilton of ;the departaveni • 0 . speech will accompany Vie gaols.