)?AGE FODTI Jim Casey To Graduate htrb Etids By MICHAEL BLATZ As must happen to, all Penn tiiate men, James A. Casey faces the possibility of being a candidate for a bachelor’s degree at next week’s commencement exercises. This item would be of little sig nificance as a news story were it not for the fact that down through the years Casey has become a Penn State tradition and surely the passing of a tradition warrants a few words. His name is almost a Penn State legend and thousands of. people have come to accept it as being synonymous with such ivy-covered places as Old Main, Hecreat.ion Hall, the Lion shrine, the Ag bams, the Mall, the Eat 3iind Tearoom and a host of other spots that stir alumni memories. While Casey is no ivy-covered monument, still the number of rfiaggy dog stories told about, him are countless. •One of the most erroneous tales ah-eady being circulated about Casey, who has been on' the cam pus longer than most people care to remember, is that he was on 3land to greet Abe (Lincoln when Hie president came up to dedicate Pdn.n State as a Land-Grant Col- IifRST NATIONAL BANK STATE (COLLEGE Member mf ■ Federal Bepmit Tmmrmme C&irpmmtmm L R. BALFOUR COMPANY LOCATED .OT THE ATHLETIC STOKE ■ nr;' FRAIERNVIY JEWELRY - pIL IJEBIAM-SIIIISCRIPTIQN HANK 'f - 'Sipirino semestiei* ?„.Name : __ b • ’ - - - " ' "■“ '-t 1 ?-Street- t \ : City , Mneldse one ■■dollar and mail to Collegian r' Office, Campus 'ANCHORAGES COFFEE SHOP sihaks- .. n lege, back in '1863 •In an exclusive interview with The Collegian, Casey denied this rumor, saying that Lincoln did not make it to State College for the ceremonies. He missed connections with the Boalsburg and Bellefonte Central stagecoach at Lcwistown. Since the coach only made one trip weekly, the president never gat in to State College. His story is verified by old Col lege documents which also record the cancellation of a dinner at Ye Oldie Corner (Inn in the great Emancipator’s honor. The records were signed, purely a coincidence of course, by one J. A. Casey, Esq. While there seems to be great confusion as to when Jim did come to State, it is most, likely that he first came to Penn State in the fall of 1941, a mere 13 semes ters ago. He took the £>sych tests given