PAGE TWO Score-sheet for Key 'When Van Lundy was elected All-College Prc !'dent early in the semester, he and his associates 3" the Key party promised to uphold cverv meas ure on the Key platform. if [ere is the score-sheet . . . the platform in brief, and what Cabinet has done about it. The score C''-ines out on the rod side for the Key party. :t. “To further efforts to re-establish Dry Dock in While Hall.” White Hall now has mixed recrea tion. on Saturday night largely through the efforts of Cabinet.” 2. “.National recognition for Penn State.” The only national recognition Penn State has received this semester came through the Public Informa tion department, over which Cabinet ha* no con trol. 3. “Hull backing for the NiROTC to further in corporate them with civilian students.” This (dank of the platform was never mentioned in Cabinet meetings. 4. “A publicity committee, for the X-G-I club and the NROTC to aid in publicizing their ev erts.” Obviously, this plank was only a vote-get ter, because such a committee was never formed in Csbi ne t. 0. “Bring student pressure to alleviate the hous ing situation.” To be technical, one of the Navy >nen in Cabinet offered fourteen bunks for the Winter Fantasy weekend. 6. “An All-College Dance, with a well-known orchestra.” The Key party did a commendable job in bringing back a pre-war tradition with the Winter Fantasy. 7. “Inaugurate the return of minor sports.” This is another plank that was never mentioned at Cabinet meetings. But to be entirely fair, the accomplishments of the semester while were not on the platform must also be mentioned . . . namely, some $5,700 for the fresco; the opening of the book exchange; ap ■•'.fjrqval of plans for a campus bulletin-board; and the. revival of class meetings. This is not a condemnation of the Key party; but, rather, a suggestion to all parties that they think twice before setting up their next platforms. All the Students can’t be fooled all the time. THE COLLEGIAN Publisned every Tuesday and Friday morning dur ing-the regular College year by the staff of the Daily Coliegian of the Pennsylvania State College. Entered as -i:econd class matter July 5, 193-J. at the State College. Pa., Pott Office under the act of March 8, 1879. Subscriptions by mail at $1 a semester. Ecliior-in-Chief Business Manager Woodene Bell Mai'v Louise Davey Managing Editors Audrey Ryback . George Sample Advertising Manager Rosemary Ghantous EDITORIAL STAFF Women's Editor Sports Editor News Editor Feature Editor. Photo Editor .Senior Boat'd •- —' „ Jane -Wolbarst Gwynneth Timanis Kay Krell, Lois Marks Junior Board —Michael Blatz, Lawrence Foster, Marilynn Jacobson, Leo Kornfeld. Lynette Lundquist, Suzanne McCauley, Kathryn McCormick, Lucy Seifing, and" Ruth Tishermnn. /advertising Assistants —Claire Harvey, Sally Holstrum, Dor* othy Leibovitz, June ltosen, Selma Sabel, Jeanne Thompson. STAFF THIS ISSUE Managing l Editor News Editor Copy Editors .Sports Editor Doris Stow* Jaokson Rqid Bnr,bara Ingraham Caroline Manville Betsy Marshall Jack Reid, Jane Wolbarst Leo Kornfeld Buy - Sell T rade Youx Texts KEELER’S Old Mania By BARBARA INGRAHAM For that “last fling before finals” the Sigma Chi’s have scheduled a “Winter Formal” at the Nittany Lion Inn tomorrow night. The Campus Owls will play for the affair. Among the guests of honor will be Dean Charlotte -E. Ray. Dean Arthur Warnock, President Ralph D. Hetzel, Veterans Counselor Robert Galbraith, and Dr. and Mrs. Henry S. Brunner. Sigma Chi’s and their dates include'Bob Bastiaii and ZTA Phyl Schmelzle . . . Jim Jones and AOPI Kay (McCormick . . . John Sidersky and AOFi Mitzi Shade . . . Leon Erdman and AChiO Gerry Reinhart. The Thetas Entertain The Thetas entertained with a weiner roast last weekend. Thetas and their -dates included Jo Saurwein and Phi Delt Lynn Taylor . . . Libby Doyle and Delt George Smith . . . Jeanne Hirt and Sigma Pi George Fryberg . . . Shorty Taylor and SAE Fritz Lloyd. Also Ginger Sykes and 'Mung Roberts Jeanne Bosch and Chi Phi Bill Campbell Dignan and Theta Chi Howie Dunham Weaver and Chi Phi (Bob Rose Nan Bonham is wearing Wally Recheriberg’s Theta Chi pin . . . PiKA Chuck McClellarfd gave his pin to .Gamma Phi Beta Marge Seybert . , . Theta Skip Oignan and Theta Chi Howie Dunham are pinned l . . . Jean Ford isn’t wearing Bob Bacon’s Delta Chi jewelry anymore . . . also de pinned are Jan Wiborg and ZBT Dick Pomerantz. Alum Stu Block, now serving in the Navy, and Shirley Essak, ol Chicago, 111., are engaged. The wedding date is set for June 29 . . . PiKA Bdb Mc- Coy and Eris Huntsinger were married Saturday. . . . Dick Rathnell, Beaver House alum, and Gam ma Phi Beta alum Jeanie Butz plan to toe married here April 17. Alum Marie Besh was back on campus wearing a diamond given her by iPhi Sigma Kappa alum Rowell Williams . . . Aletheia alum Trudy Cohen is' engaged to Wesley. Hershkowitz, of Wilkes- Barre. Lest You Forget At the top of Maniac’s list of considerate mothers is Rosie Crock’s. Rosie and Ered Dorn plan to be married March 3 so Mrs. Crock sent each of them an invitation to the wedding with a note saying “hope you can make it.” Both Rosie and Fred have written formal replies stating that as far as they know they will be able to attend. Jack Shearer, fqrmer V-12 on campus, now sta tioned at SBucknell was up to see Kay Bryan . . . Jimmy Wilson,-former AST, came up to visit Kate Savige . . . Seaman. Mike Hook was up to see ChiO' Kay Badollet ; . i' Theta'Anne 'Dunaway was visited by Seaman Frank Mooney . . . Alum Joan Bock was hack. DG’s Jean Barinott and Becky Cutts spent the weekend at West 'Point . . ~DG alum Sis Kohler was tip . . . Ensign Paul 'Berg, former campus V-12, was hade to see Theta Phi Alpha Anne Fie : . . Phi. Sigma Delt .guests included Marty Korb man, Bob Finkelstein, and iMoe Rothenberg. BSO Beverly MeNaul and Phi Sigma Kappa George Bender are pinned . . . Ray Buck-waiter and BSO Grace Miller are engaged!. • - • . . . Lt. K. C. Taylor was on campus to escort Rosemary Smith to the Sweetheart Dance . . . Bud Dickson was up to see BSO Carol Ruth . . . Kappa Eleanor Bennett will marry Phi Sigma Kappa alum Lloyd “Speed” Convers tomorrow in Bing hamton, New York. — MANIAC THE COLLEGIAN LOCflB) 01 w. mmim, IN THE caihmm THEME! > BUILD* Nittany-lndependent Announces Clique Policy The newly merged (Nitlany-In dependent party will be headed by an independent student and a fra lernily member, according to Gene Fulmer and Charles Hill, co-chair men of the policy committee. The committee decided that not more than 60 per cent of the clique’s candidates may be either frater nity or independent. The Nittany-lndependent party will hold a meeting in 405 Old Main at 7 p.m. Sunday to elect a platform and planning committee. It will be .made up of equal num bers of Greeks and independents under the leadership of the clique chairman. The .'l2 ward leaders, will also be chosen Sunday. IVfambers qt the joint policy committee are: Gene Fulmer, Charles Hill, Vaughn Stapleton, Neil DeVries, Evan Brown, Joseph Woolsey, Lynn Robertson, and Sidney Eboeh. Calendar . . Skip Jeannia Collegian Junior and Senior Board meeting, 8 Carnegie Hall, 4:30 p.m. 'Sabbath Eve Services, Hillel Foundation, 7:30 p.m. Theta Sigma Phi Initiation, Theta House, 10:30 a.m. X-.G-I Dance, Recreation Hall, 8:45 to 14: 45 p.m. Unformal Dance and Games, White Hall, 9 to 12 p.m. Elementary Education Club Or ganization meeting, 405 Old Main,- 2 pan. Mortar Board Initiation, Hugh Beaver Room, Old Main, 7 p.m. Chlapel, Dr. Norman V. Hope, “The Curse and Cure of > Cyni cism,” Schwab Auditorium,' 11 a.m. Matinee In Rhythm, Dick Berge and Orchestra, Schwab Auditor ium, 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. Key Party Meeting, voting' for clique nominees for Spring se mester class offices, 121 Sparks, 7 p.m. ; Nittany - Independent party meeting, 405 Old Main, 7 p.m. . Orchestra Rehearsal, 117 Car negie Hall, 7 pm. Block and Bridle. Club meeting, 207 Agriculture, 7 p.m! Penn State Engineer meeting, 2 Armory, 7:30 p.m. THURSDAY Graduation Exercises, Schwab Auditorium, 3:30 p.m. .. MARCH 8 Registration, Recreation Halt Registration, Recreation Hall. "WEGA Informal Hop, Recrea iion Hall, 9 to 12 p.m. Spring Semester Classes Begin SKATING ... THE COLISEUM SKATING RINK One-Half Mile Out On The Bellefonie Road UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT SKATING FROM 8 P. M. TO 11 P. M.—ADMISSION 50c Friday Special-Ladies 28c Skating Every Night Except Monday and Tuesday PriTdie Parties Are Booked For Monday and Tuesday Nights The Allencrest Hours of Service: Breakfast 7 to 11 - Luncheon 11:30 to 1:30 Dinner 5 to 8 Sunday Breakfast 7:30 to 11 ft’ Dinner 11:30 to 8 x The AMencrest Will be Closed March 3rd to 6th Inclusive * SALLY'S FRIDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 22, 1946 TOMORROW SUNDAY MONDAY MARCH 9 MARCH 11 Auker, Whitmore Receive X-G-l Club Service Awards Winners of X-'G-I .Club’s awards for the outstanding freshman and all-club member are Herman Aulcer and Harry Whitmore re spectively. The award is based! on service to the club and to the Col lege in general. Wesley Turek, president of: the club, appointed Herman Auker, Joyce Nix, and Theodore Rozelski to fill the vacancies on the execu tive committee -created by the res ignations of William Deutsch, Paul Gift, and iMervin Wilf. They will' hold these offices until elections are held next semester. Registration To Start For Part-Time Work Starting today registration for part-time student jobs for next semester will be held in the Per sonnel Relations office, 423 Old Main, from 8:30-12, 1:30-5. Students who registered for work during previous semesters and are still interested in part time employment should also reg ister. The Personnel Relations office does not hire students for part time work but interviews stu dents, keeps a file of their sched ules, and informs them of poss ible openings. Players' ... crew heads and assistants were announced today by Prof. Frank Neusbaum, director of “Macbeth.” Advertising: Phyllis .Regal, manager, Joan Harrington, assisting; costumes: Lyinette Lundquist, manager; Alice Shade, assistant; lights: Mrs. Betty Ann Rugh, manager; Robert Adamson, assistant; paint: Joanne Peoples, manager; June Hendler, assistant; properties: Ruth Hawkins, man ager; Elizabeth Whitney, assist ant; >a-nd stage: Richard Mauthe. manager. Simon Marcson . . . assistant professor of so ciology, has been appointed by the University of Chicago Alumni Foundation chairman of the State College district for the Founda tion’s annual drive to raise funds for the alumni gi-ft to the Uni versity. Chapel Services . . . will feature Dr. Norman V. Hope, D.D., pastor of the New Brunswick Seminary in New Jersey, speaking oni “The Curse and. Cure of Cynicism,” at 11 a. m. Sunday.
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