' SEMI-WEEKLY BY THE STAFF VOL.J&=3$o. 53< •? <-/ WRiV Sponsors Semi-Formal Bali 'Sweefhearf Dance' Features Campus Owls . The. traditional girl asks - boy “Sweetheart Dance” at White Hall,, 9 o’clock to, midnight, Feb-, ruary 16, is the annual dance sponsored by the Women’s Re creation Association. This is a semi-formal affair and will carry, out,the St. Valentine’s Day theme, according to Phyllis James, chair man of - the dance committee. White Hall gymnasium will be decorated with hearts to carry out the! theme. The committee is working, on, special lighting ef fects for the dance. - Dancing will ,be to the music of Bud Wills and his Campus Owls. •Special arrangements toy the band and . quartette . will be [featured during the evening. . Tickets are on sale at Student Union or may be purchased from WRA Executive Board members hi the dormitories. They will also be on. sale ,at the . door on the night of the dance. The price of the tickets, is $1,20 per couple, tax included. Assisting Phyllis James are the folio wing committees: Decorations . Phyllis Reigle, chairman, Pauline Globisch, Nan James, and Virginia MclCluskey; invitations— Jo Ann . iLigb and IsabefcJLogan; Walkei\. chairman, Nancy.'Bomig,' and. Jeanne Thompson; Jjjoket® and programs—(Lucille ' Martin, chairman, Alice Hooper, and !Lila •teaman. Mortar Board Pledges Seven Mbitar Board,, senior activities honorary, tapped s&veh; coeds - Sunday.' After pledging ■ ceremonies ;in Old Main,, break fast was served in the Atherton Hall dining room. • Those tapped were. Mary El ' di’id Anderson, Jean Barinott, Woodene Bell, Sara Pollard, Joan Schearrer, Barbara Smith and Priscilla Wagner: • . Guests: ;at'the breakfast includ ed Miss Charlotte E. Ray, dean of women, Miss Pearl Weston, as sistant dean of women, Mrs. Jean 'Clhrk Bishop,.. Mrs. 'Donald' Davis, Mrs. Lloyd Jones, and Mrs, Henry ■Yeagley.. i (Sixth *' • and seventh ..semester coeds were tapped. Eligibility re . qiiir ements are a >1.83 all-college average,' an d service to the Col lege in the form of'activities-and leadership ability. ; Mdrtar.Board'is”a national so ciety with 78 chapters.. It was’ 'founded-in' 19i25' through the ef forts of women’s organizations at Cornell .University, Ohio State ■University, Swarthmore College, and.the University of Michigan. - Present members at the College are' Mary Faloon, president; Ruth Bollinger, vice president and act ing treasurer replacing Annah'elle .JanssOn, a student at Merrill Palmer home economics school; Marjorie Blackwood, secretary; Patricia Turk, editor; Florence Porter and Nancy Bartch. Purple Quilt Broadcast Features Marbut Talk ‘Living .I’ve' Liked,n will be : discussed. by Frederick 8.. Mar but, associate professor of jour nalism, Jack Goetz, and Joseph Bird, on ‘‘Purple Quill Presents”, .radio program over WMIAJ aV 8 o’clock tomorrow. ; - Marbyrt will recount some of his ■ experiences as" a Washington cor respondent. Bird-will describe an encounter 'with a mother bear and her, cubs, and Goetz, will give .his ' impressions''of the English people'. TUESDAY MORNING,'- FEBRUARY 12, 1946—STATE COLLEGE, PA. Queen ELEANOR JEAN ROBERTS 1950 Couples See Crowning Eleanor Jeanne. (Roberts, Tau Kappa Epsilon entry, was crown ed Winter Fantasy queen before 1950 couples .attending the all college dance in Recreation Hall Friday night. 'Miss Roberts, a junior in the School of Education, received ,-a crown of carnations and. a. pre sentation' bouquet from florist Bill McMullen, six pairs of nylons from'Schlow’s Quality Shop and a jewelled pin from the dance com mittee. Presentation of. the gifts and the announcement of Winter Fantasy queen • were made by •..Vaughn,..Stapleton,-, .dance...-chairs, man. • ' A . transfer student from Hood College and now in her third semester at the. College,, Miss Ro berts was a finalist. for - the title of. queen- last, year .wfeen;.-Vincent played' 2 Jim*,. , ; mm CHARLES W. STODDART .(A portrait of Dr. Charles Will-, iam Stoddart, for 25 years dean of the Schqol of Liberal Arts, was hung last week iii the lobby of Sparks. Tins portrait is intended as a memorial to the dean’s long and effective ■ contribution to the building of the School of Liberal Arts on this campus. Last spring, when it was an nounced that Dr. Stoddart would retire July 1, 1945, a committee canvassed the members of the School’s staff to, determine a means of recognition of his ser vice. The School decided to have a portrait painted and present it to the College. Voluntary subscrip tions from the staff of the School covered the entire cost of the por trait: After due investigation, George Gage, otf New York, was engaged to come to the campus in early October and paint the trait. The framed and finished pic ture was delivered late in Novem ber, land was presented to the Board of Trustees at its recent meeting. In accordance with .the wish of Dean Emeritus Stoddart, it.\yas hung, without,.formal cere monies-of any. kind,in. its.present location, to the left of the main entrance of Sparks. John (H. Frizzell, head of the department of speech, served as chairman of the committee which made arrangements for the por trait,, eijgaging the. ar.tist,.etc..Ser.- 'vingwith Professor Frizzell' on the ..committee were Charles C. Wagner,..acting dean of the School oif Liberal Arts, and .Theodore J; Gates, professor of English com position. • ■ ' . PRICE FIVE. CENTS groups will be awarded five subscriptions to be sent to anyone they designate. Only..individual to win a free subscription by .■collecting $lO or more was. Eugene Fulmer. Hds prize goes to the Vailey Forge Gen eral Hospital. Playoa's Show NROTC Unit ... Bela Sigma Rho Containers'from Town . Women's Building Phi Sigma .Delia Phi Kappa Sigma . Sigma Pi Sigma Phi' Epsilon . X-G-l Cliib. . Rec Hall Corner Room and Hotel . Lambda . Chi Alpha Kappa. De1ta............ . HiHel .Foundation. . ....... 1740 Alpha Epsilon ‘Phi . . .... . ' 15.92 Student' Union .-....... Sigma -Delta Tau Phi Sigma Kappa ... Alpha Chi Sigma 12.00 Alpha Kappa Pi Dorm ... 10.8 S Southeast Atherton Hall - .'10.20 Spoudekastor .10.00 Penn State .Christian As- _ sociation . WSGA (Continued on. page four It Men's Debate Team Wins Invitational Tournament The men’s - .debate team won first place" for the second.: straight year in the annual Mt.. Mercy invitational tournament at Pitts burgh Saturday. Taking six out of eight , debates, the College team edged-out Alle gheny College, which captured five out of eight .debates, Seton .Hill and -Waynesburg.. tied for third, Geneva and Mt; Mercy not placing. (Peter Giesey, Carl -Harshbar ger, Fred. Keeker, . and Martin Lennig represented the College in the team’s fifth straight Penn sylvania tournament' victory. 'Chess Players Organize; Elbcl Jariiaek Presitlenl Chess lovers can now get to gether for a Chess Club has been formed. All those interested- in the game or interested in learning how to play are invited to attend the meeting in 305 Old Main at "7:30 .p.m... tonight. ■ -'V Eugene •: Janiczek--- was -elected president at-the first meeting and Marjorie. Powers, . secretary. ’ Open Meeting . . . . of the American. Society of Mechanical ..will* toe held in 110 Electrical. -Engineer ing at .8 p; m. today.-Faculty ad-i visors, of the . campus unit will speak, and refreshments . -will be served. All engineering -students are invited to attend. .. *M9,58 119.21 55.22 52.71 49.37 19.72 1946 18.30 18.10 15.83 ~ .. 45;00 .. 12.57 ... IOiOO ... 10.00