FRIDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 1, 1946 Veterans Juggle Menus For Fraternity Brothers - 'Too many cooks may spoil the broth, but three student-veterans -are> filling, the role admirably for their Delta Sigma Phi fraternity bro thel*;. ;The three are ex-Gl’s who volunteered their services when the fraternity house wag reopened .and. no Help was immediately available. Mdd-Healy, president of'the'fraternity, insists, moreover, that “they’re 'goddt cooks.” Most-of the 24 boys in the fra te’mity-' know something about “K, P.”, But the three self-appoin ted' cooks are especially proiici enfr Tlh'ey'-.had plenyt ,' of experi ence abro'ad warming. the pork loaf* in' a “K” 'ration l , 'and*trying, to-make a "C” ration palatable. Coofelngls’ Tough' -“It. was a tough problem,” Healy recalls. “Our. house was. • vacated T byjr the .-Army,. and ready - for oc cupancy again, ..but-, we couldn’t i'atyfadn.a -cook.. immediately,” -the threes ex-service- .members- of the frater nity • prior to the; war—offered •their,: services. • ; ■ JJiiphn.E. Schobinger, the head. Gobk,. served. 28>. months abroad: in irotii'the -air? corps- and infantry, falter B. Staton won' the nistirn guished Hying: Cross, and Air Medal'Wh-ile-in. Europe 18 months; fufehardlß- Sfchmidfrhas. the Purple' eatt a'nd Combat’- Infantryßad- gewi' , ' . ■ -■ was an eight-pound ' roast' that' give ■ the' boys: their, first trouble, ’’Healy gays; . pj'.But.i..'Sichofciinger solved, it by through; • until’ • -hefound;- -a f name front ■ of it. - Site helpful; and' when- the wiSbtiyras'- a 5 /-goideir -she had; , '>l4? he’^l^fiiasrsudcessi:r V', - ;.:' v-^'■'•/>■ Student bielician>; ':;' -|; - - ;fi!S^bihi[er.v';h6i^. ; 'i)Ee^res: r ""the' [a;;' of* cereal;: butter); ; fresh, served.., , : ... \'k‘ , ” "ate ■ -a .lifetsaiver • at - noon. Mjhffigt'.claimg-fHealy, who - adds Mati, Seliphinger; and- his aides are product of -their -well-balanced eteriiii l g;;meals of meat,, vegetables ancCfsalads. \ -. , ■ / • supper,”; Healy •continr 'Fi-ve..boys .in: the so:;each Sun- brother's ; r hold-a tea dance from one ; of /the - ■ ■•:■* ’ ;0r6;:..-o’clock; v we .yherd thelMrlsJihtp. the -kitchen iarid per vto:prepare sandwiches Lists Graduates /^^lreWory'of j/. .I>erin - . State: ehfmists 'arid' chejriical' engineers; published . 'by • the'- School; of arid; Physics,, lists, ,1483 ■former r '■! received. bs^^io^of-criSoieriicei.'-'desi'^es'rd.urV' ing;the:‘years-18851hf ough 1945. . and:: forty-nine fo^er%;stud.ents: ' who.; received, master'of'science degrees,are list ed|'and|i'hef dareilfl.s. listed who re-: eeiyedc-'d’oc.tpr. of philosophy de 'gr&B^';^;>':'.' jElite', direcfory also - reveals tfiat graduates'' are' scattered-, thnough outi&Q, -states; the 'of- Col umbia,' ' Canada, .Chile, Egypt, West 'lndies, Philippine. Islands, Puerto Rico, iinjilVehezuela. . ;' iMangenne . . . SfeOHC WAS Ai HIT. . . •THE FRUIT STILL IS ... i Delicious Vitamin Packed H i TANGERINES—29c per dozen 204 E... College Avenue , and tea. That takes care of that meal nicely.” Keeping the place- clean, is an other problem l . Twelve, pledges; in keeping; with, fraternity custom, share- the window-washing- chores. All. the boys, pitch- in. on the lounges, and? hallways. Do Housekeepings (Each man..looks after? his own room. Staton and Schmidt, - be cause of:their -Army backgrounds, inspect all .roomjg daily;- “Theyi have no. trouble-with the pledges;” Healy says,’ “ and; the brothers usually are open to per suasion.”' This-Spring, things' will return to normal-. The pre-war cookjwill be back and there also will' be; the former- maid - service. “It’s a- good thing,” Sch'obinger exclaims, l’m running out of menus.” - ; Moreover;. he’ s expecting his English-,bride - to. arrive': in "this eounitrycame-Spring. • . Penn; State- In Review did: YOU. KNOW - r5.'..,. .that, a humorous- magazine called “The Vj^e^bniirwas ptflfct ■lished •- here:bidi?4?o7>^eacH: : i issue beihgr.canedHh;‘‘sNi’ttany Lion Inn. Reward. -- - ■ • - ' WANTED' —Ride to- Philadelphia,' Saturday, February 2. Call .Jeanne, .3909, Room 19. -LOST- December.’: 21st, ' gold ;>! '"diamond .ring.' Family heirloom of : sentimental value. Please call the? Nittariy- Lion Inn, Room 67. Reward; -' . r •' * LOSTBlack Parker foun tain pen Thursday, January 24. Finder please call 2742; WANTED A-ride'to Pittsburgh February 14th or 15th. Phone Don 2520. LOST Between M. I. building and corner Barnard and Col lege, Parker pencil, black silver. Reward. Call Bill 2594. LOST Maroon Shaeffer Life tyme pen between Main Eng and Home Ec. Return to Corky Ridley: Please call 3909, in valuable to me. TWO STUiDBNTSr-to sell nation- ally known merchandise. Good income’, spare time.’ Write Real Silk Hosiery, Mills,' Harrisburg, BOTtIFD UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE COCA-COIA COMPANY BY COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY OP ALTOONA Pathologist Addresses Sigma Xi Open Meeting Dr. E. C. Stakman, professor of plant pathology at the_ Univer sity of Minnesota, will address an open meeting of Sigma Xi in 119 New Physics at 8 p. m. Monday. In hig talk, titled, “Plant Dis eases Are Shifty Enemies,” he will explain how hundreds of plant diseases menace man’s food supply, and how new diseases may become old, and old ones may. become new, because of changes in cropping systems, in troduction of new- lands of crop, plants, and use of. new varieties. Dr. Stakman is a specialist in mycology and plant pathology. He has made scientific study trips in Europe and Australia, exten sive studies in Mexico on rust epidemiology as related- to. the United States, scientific, studies and' surveys in Liberia, the Par East, and in northwestern. South America in .the field of disease of rubber plants and rubber produc tion. LOST— in costume room at Schwab Auditorium, small black- purse containing; meal tick ets, room; key and' other valuables. Return to student union. .No questions asked. LEND ME YOUR EARS No. head, is complete without ears. No ears are complete without at tractive sea shell ear rings. Hand made to fit your personality and wardrobe. Reasonable prices. Call 4389 evenings. LOST— Purple scarf on 1 West College - ave. Please- return I’m cold.', Call 1116 Atherton. FOUND—' Gold bracelet at Duck (Pond Valley Forge Insignia. Call 59 Ath. FOR SALE Pair of 7-foot Hickory skiis. plus binders and poles. Perfect condition. Phone 2726 between 6 and 9 p. m. Ask for Bud. •• HELP WANTED Desirable se cretarial positions available in •College- offices. Pleasant working conditioris. Opportunity for in creases. Apply Personnel Rela tions Office, 423 Old Main. LOST in Old Main lounge Tuesday, gold bracelet with double hearts. Call 3993. BOARD iFCXR IMlßN—(lndividual or small fraternal groups. Marilyn ■Hall, 317 E. Beaver. 'Ask for Mrs. Anderson or IMilss Heath or tele phone 2904. L. G. BALFOUR COMPANY LOCATED IN THE ATHLETIC STORE PENN STATE CLASS RINGS PAGE SEVEN Placement Firms To Hold Job Interviews Representatives of two com panies wtill visit the campus this week to.interview students in en gineering and' technical' '■ curricula, and in. commerce and: finance. C. I. Baker of Western Elec tric Company will interview sev enth and- eighth, semester stud ents on, Monday. He. is anxious to see seniors- in mechanical, elec trical,. andi industrial, engineering, and physicsand ceramics; : J. H. Mannear 1 and: J. ; J. Alex ander, representatives of Rem ington Eland,' Inc:, will arrive or Tuesday to interview men in commerce - andr ■ finance who will graduate in February or June and who wish to: enter-the selling pro fession; They-are- also- interested in mechanical-engineers for work in- their laboratory/ Arrangements. for interviews may. be made-by. signing up in 204 Old Main or calling 711, exten sion 128. Public Safely Institute Receives $20,000 Grant Th Institute of Public Safety has- received a $20,000-grant for 19416 from the Automotive Safety Foundation.- This is an increase of s6ooo over the 1945 grant of $14,- 000; Ainos E. NeyKart,.head of the Institute of- Public Safety, an nounced; The money.-will again be used to further-development of: a Na tional Motor Vehicle Supervisor Training" Program. “We are hopeful that the work in 1946 -will be productive'of even greater results, contributing to safe and efficient'highway tran sportation,” "'said- Pyke Johnsop, President of the Automotive Safety Foundation. ' HAVE ROOM for- passenger for Harrisburg; leaving tomorrow ■ 10 a.m. Returning late tomorrow night. Leave name and' number at Student Union. FOR'SALE—.BIack velvet evening coat. Size 14. Worn once. Phone 2577. LOST—Red and black billfold, White. Hall, Jan. 30. Return to Barb MLCracken, 312 Locust Lane. LOST—Ladies gold Elgin wrist watch. 'Sentimental 1 value. Please return to .1:26 E; Fainmount Ave. or. Student Union office.