PAGE EIGHT Coed Chairman Announces Names of Drive Solicitors Mary Faloon, Finance Drive chairman in charge of the women’s division, today announces names of coeds who will solicit all coed living units for the canvass. f Division Leader: Sara Achenhach. Solicitors: Dorothy Colyer, Marian Doty, Virginia Stein ■hauer, Dorothy Taylor, Mar- - ~ garet Thompson. Solicitors: Phoebe Forrest, Mar- Division Leader: June First. jorie Keast, Lila Kennedy, Janet Solicitors: Clara Federbush, Le Vine, B arbara Peters, Ruth /Betty Jane Hain, Dorothy Jaun, Rosenbaum, Jane Zimmerman. Helen Jones, Mary Frances Division Leader: Bunny Ros iT „ enthal. ki ns™'™ y Solicitors: Marjorie Campelle, Solicitors: Anne Hay, Mcathie, Eleanor Vinson. Division Leader: Clare Morri son. Solicitors: Joyce Goldberg, Bar bara Morrison, Anne Mulvehill, Dee Portnoy, Patricia Sawtelle. SECTION LEADER ' Vickey Gillespie Division Leader: Jean Alderfer. .Solicitors: Kay Bryan, Meme Dowling, Jean Melson, Catherine Oavige, Janet Smith. Division Leaders: Mary Lou Callahan and Nancy Norton. Division Leader: Catta Garrett. Solicitors: Ruth Louise Lowe, ‘Peggy McMillan, Lois Wyman. Division Leader: Virginia Mc- Clusky. Solicitors: Jane Gregory, Dor othy Limber, Lois Zubler. Division Leader: Grace Miller. Solicitors: Grace Bevin, Mary Ellen Giger, Ruth Metzger, Mar garet Seybert, Helen Tershowska. SECTION LEADER Jane Healy Division Leader: Ruth Auch enbach. Solicitors: Carol Broberg, Helen Coxe, Ethelyn Clarke, Jeanette Garafano, Frances Jackson, Frances Mitchell, Marjorie Rex. Division Leader: Hildreth Rose, WSGA President FLORENCE PORTER “Penn State’s oldest stud ent organization is certainly worthy oi the' continued financial and moi’al support of the student body. Through the war, it has carried on a strong program in spite of curtailments and restric tions. Now more than ever, we need this organization which points the way to the finest and highest ideals of which Penn State is capable. I hope that all women students wili support the PSCA in their present financial drive.” Miss Charlotte E. Ray, dean of of women: “The work of the Penn State Christian Association cannot be measured by statistics nor appre ciated by mere words. The deve lopment of human personality does not adapt itself readily to analysis or display. Perhaps the great contribution of PSCA is in keeping always be fore us the vision of a better world and our obligation in mak ing conditions that insure justice qnd peace.” SECTION LEADER Betty Funkhauser Elsie Frantz, Jean Hirt, Alice Ma larkey, Marlies Muller, Marie Schanbacker, Marjorie Triebold, Lucille Whitner. SECTION LEADER Lee Yeagley Division Leader: Jean Thurs ton. Solicitors: Virginia Higgins, Caroline Olmstead. Division Leader: Marjorie Trie bold. Solicitors: to be named. Division Leader: Carolyn Cur rier. Solicitors: 'Helen Bayard, Peg gy Cunningham, Betty Dierolf, Lynn Drake, Anne Dunaway, Sally Etters, Betty Hemphill, Bob bie Keefer, Jeanne Light, Donna McLaughlin, Dorothy Park, Lee Potteiger, Jean Rapps, Grace Schilder, Lonnie Lee Sherrill, Nancy Smith, Adele Thompson. PSCA Sets 1946 Budget J. Orvis Keller, chairman of the finance committee of the (PSCA Board «£ Directors, has released the following budget, ef fective from last July 1. At pres ent, the only debt of the Asso ciation is represented by notes for $2600 on Ralph Watts Lodge and .Recreation Grounds. It is planned to liquidate' the entire debt with in the next year. ESTIMATED INCOME, 1945-46 The Pennsylvania State College $ 4,000.00 Student Contributions 3,000.00 Faculty Contributions .. 1,500.00 Alumni, Friends and Trustees Endowment Fund Income Parents Contributions ■Book Store Sales Lodge Fees Mimeograph Service Miscellaneous Income From Previous Year’s Balance 2,045.00 Total $13,415.00 ESTIMATED EXPENSE Professional Secretaries (21 $ 6,000.00 Student Cabinet Expenses 2,500.00 Desk, Office Service .. 2,000.00 Finance Solicitation 400.00 General Expense 450.00 Office Expense 400.00 Nerw Mimeo. Machine 300.00 Postage Expense 175.00 Deprec. on Property .. 215.00 Debt retirement on Cabin 400.00 Interest on Cabin Notes 130.00 Sec. Retirement Fund 200.00 Contributions, assessm’s 20.00 Bad Debts 25.00 Secretarial Travel and Conf. Expense 200.00 Total $13,415.00 Books of the PSCA are audited annually and are open at all times (to anyone interested in seeing them. Frank Schneider, president of IFC :In my opinion, PSCA has done very fine and v/orthwhile work on campus in past years, and I know they will continue this progressive action in the fu ture. At the recent banquet I was impressed by a report of activi ties this organization, has done within the past few years. All students should definitely stand behind this excellent group,- and give more and continued support. I also think every student should contribute as much as he possibly can to this very deserving As sociation. As for IFC, I know we will give all we are able to in monetary as well as moral sup port.” ... . • THE COLLEGIAN They Say— VICTOR BEEDE “The PSCA finance campaign has come to toe almost a campus tradition and is deserving of the support of all of us. I hope that the faculty will continue to give its generous support.” HENRY S. BRUNNER Our student body this year and in the years immediately ahead will undoubtedly be the j niost restless and yet the most promis ing group to grace the campus, in ■a long time. Some of the men and women returning from service will be in a desperate hurry. Some of the men and women re turning from service will be in a desperate hurry. Some will want leisure and time in which to re orient themselves. Many will want everything changed. Just as many will want things as they were before the war—the same old college, the same old America. There will toe. revolters agSinst religion and morals. Yet there will be also a large number of men .and: women with new ser iousness and depth of purpose. Generally they will be a group seeking fellowship and wanting a tough, enduring faith for their lives ahead. The Board of Directors of the Christian Association proceeds upon the philosophy that the en vironment provided on our cam pus should be such as to promote . personal integrity, honesty, and Christian character among our students.' The processes of educa tion ought to be developing among students and faculty a broad and deeo consciousness of social relationships and a sense of responsibility for the welfare of the community. Furthermore the horizon of sympathetic con sideration for the rights and needs of others should be ex pended until it embraces the whole world. The Penn State Christian As sociation provides competent, well-trained leadership for a voluntary religious program in cluding worship and personal counseling, and is pledged to fur ther either directly or indirectly any efforts in harmony with the Christian purpose on behalf of the welfare-of our students in body, mind, and spirit. Everyone is invited and urged to contribute to and participate in the work of the Association. 2,000.00 160.00 500.00 10.00 140.00 10.00 50.00 # -■> * President Ralph D. Helzel “The Christian Association has always offered a 'helpful and im portant program to Penn State students. The financial campaign which is just being launched of fers the College community .an opportunity to share in the pro gram and I know. it will have wholehearted support.” Stapleton Names Solicitors For All Men's Living Units Vaughn Stapleton, chairman in charge of men’s solicita tion for the PSCA Finance Drive, today names the following men to be his aides. SECTION LEADER Harold Griffith Division Leader: Jack Olewine. Solicitors: Lloyd Black, Raymond Guier, Harold Holly. Division Leader: Jim Holt zinger. Solicitors: to be named. Division Leader: Gayle Gearhart Solicitors: David DeLong, Ken neth Emerson, Edward West. Division Leader: Buddy Thomas. Solicitors: David Boozer, Evan Brown, James Herzog SECTION LEADER Robert Barefoot Division Leader: Robert McGre gor. Solicitors: Winifred Clearwater, Gregor Dengler, M. D. Fleshman, Charles Gearhart, John Gefsten laur, David Ingraham, Ralph Ken dall, Donald Paul. Division Leader: Roland Dris coll. Solicitors: to be named. Division Leader: Larry Luhrs. Solicitors: to be named. Division Leader: to be named. Solicitors: Sanford Beyer, Jo seph Sherrill, Alfred Smalley. SECTION LEADER Robert Drick Division Leader: Jack Styer. Division Leader: .Richard Mau- Solicitors: to be named. the. Division Leader: Sidney Eboch. Solicitors: Bob Bacon,,Bob Bar- Solicitors: to be named. bour, Bob Bechtol, Tom Crocker, Division Leader: Harry Watt. Dick Griffiths, John Heffron, Tom Solicitors: Evan Brown, Robert Lannon, Jack Reeves, Frank Ste- Shilling, Walter Danovich.' venson. Commissions Plain Projects .As high as 85 per cent of the students at the College participate }n PSCA activities, either by per sonal service or monetary contri bution. This semester, there are approximately 600 students activ ely engaged in the Association's work and projects. General mem bership, including faculty -contri butors, totals approximately 2,- 500. Outstanding - ' achievements of this semester by Commission I are: providing Thanksgiving din ners in State College homes for foreign students; Penn State dele gates sent to Intercollegiate Christian Conference at Williams port in November; initiative for the World Student Service Fund drive on campus; and an Ameri can Christmas party for foreign born"students. , . ' Commission II has counselled the freshman PSCA clubs, now mei-ged in the men’s and women’s Freshman Council, and has held several parties for transfer stud ents. Under the direction of Com mission 111, weekly fireside medi tation hours, organized Bible study group meetings, a Christ mas morning watch service, and, in cooperation with the Student Inter-Faith Council, an all-col lege Thanksgiving service have taken place. Recreation for underprivileged children at Millbrook has been the main undertaking of Com mission IV, which planned and executed childrens’ parties at Thanksgiving and Christmas times. Students interested in so cial work, in the rural and urban communities find practical and satisfying work with this commis sion. Formerly including wartime service as well as that to campus, Commission V has ' shifted its plans to Penn State in peace. The all-college Christmas Carol Sing was planned and presented by this commission of PSCA in con junction with other College de partments. Old Main Open House, ever popular with students and townspeople, is also a project of this commission. Opportunities to hear about the success of Fairmount House East, and inter-racial dormitory which is operating now in its second semester, have been given by Commission VI at coffee hours, which were open to all who were interested. FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, 1946 Division Leader: Walter Pascoe’ Solicitors: Theodore Bacha, Mi chael Fatula, Michael Halikis, Michael Horen, Robert Moore, Ot to Pfefferkorn, Samuel Ross, Paul D. Wentroble. SECTION LEADER Richard RaililrneU., Division Leader:. Stanley Cov illc. ■" Solicitors: to .be named. Division Leader: Salvatore Roc- Solicitors: Robert Carrothers, James Hurst, Irving Schulman. Division Leader: .Herbert Kean. Solicitors: Gunther Cohn, Wil lard Gottshaw, Frank Klein, Wal ly McCurdy, Larry Marsella, John Pun ton, Dick Ross.,, .. Division Leader: Herbert Mendt. Solicitors: • William Johnston, Joseph Perrey, Fred White. SECTION LEADER Michael Rosenberger Division Leader: Jack Seymour. .Solicitors: Charles Arnold, Har- Division Leader: George Cleve ry Burnham, Sam Casey.' land. ... Solicitors: Norbert Goldstein, Roland Walter. NROTC SECTION LEADER Larry Driskill Division Leaders and Solicitors to be named. All-College President VAN LUNDY “Sponsor of numerous year- J round activities, the PSCA:- has<£' always been a promoter and.lead-:-" er of events on campus. Also, the ; guidance willingly offered by its \> directors serves the College in a second and important way. “The current PSCA campaign to raise funds for its maintainence; is certainly deserving of .the? wholehearted support of each student and organization inter? >i ested in the welfare of the Col-? lege.” Arthur R.Warnock, deanofmen: “Almost 75 years ago, when thp Penn State student body was v, only, a few years old, students i’; formeda Christian Association.-.gsw' the first organized student acti,vf;;’h! ity on the campus. In all the years?; i since, generations of Penn State?, students have kept the Christian;.! Association active and progress,, sive through both their financial?; support, and participation! in. activities .and government. It ncjjjr deserves this traditional support?; increased and re-activated ••■ t#,; ; serve post-war reconstruction , the best traditions of Penn State?? A. R. WARNOCK#; j Dean of lffsi^..,i