PAGE TWO Artists" :u (Continued from page one ) dent seats and facility and towns people buy seats only for them selves. Tickets will be priced at $4.75 and $5.75 plus tax for the entire aeries. Artists scheduled to appear Somewhere? HOTEL STATE COLLEGE TRAVEL BUREAU , % Appointment —Phone 733 \ FRA' LOCA‘ College Seal Stationery With Laurel Leal Seal ... $l.OO Witfc Lwa Seal .79 With Old Main Seal .49 With Callage Seal 79-I.oS • • ' ASSORTED NOTE PAPER With Pictures of Penn State Buildings 59 • • STATIONERY IN ALL COLORS • • Rea & Derick Funnier Tban Ever .,, ■«T*T Tmj TT 1 BLIIHh ★ SCHWAB AUDITORIUM NOVEMBER 9 & 10 7:30 ★ 'Tickets Oin Sale NOW At STUDENT UNION 50c plus tax;- the;;36iiss»yLittle Symphony, No’vembe'r 26}* "Witold Malcuzynski, pianist, December 17: Richard Bonelli, Metropolitan Opera Company baritone, January 10; and the Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo, April 5. All concerts will be presented in Schwab Auditorium at 8 p.m. ERNITY JEWELRY G. BALFOUR COMPANY ITED in the athletic store THE COLLEGIAN NeWs&riefc" Rabbi Lasker To Speak For Chapel Audience Rabbi Meir Lasker will speak bn “Can We Believe in God” at chapel services in Schwab Audi torium, 11 a. m. Sunday. Special music will supplement the ser vice. Rabbi Lasker was educated at Tufts College and the University of Cincinnati. He did post-grad uate work at the University of Cincinnati and the University of Chicago and was ordained by "the Hebrew Union College where he received the Morgenthau Travell ing Fellowship. During 1929 and 1930 Rabbi Lasker made a study of Jewish Religious conditions in Poland. He organized the Liberal Move ment of Reform Jewry in the Hague, Holland for the World Union of Progressive Judaism. WMAJ Seeks Campus News All fraternities, sororities, and other active organizations having news they would like broadcast over WMAJ should get in touch with either Kay Kreli, 62 Ather ton Hall, or Charlie Manville, 6 Atherton Hall, before Sunday night of each. week. NROTC Will Pay Dues In a mass meeting of the entire student personnel of the NROTC. unit Wednesday afternoon all men registered at the College pledged to pay their class dues and so se cure the voting privilege in the current undergraduate elections. CLASSIFIED SECTION- ANY persons having records of jazz of the 1920’s who would be willing, to loan them for radio use should contact Charlie Man ville, 6 Atherton Hali, soon, as possible. IF YOU’RE GOOD with a camera, we want YOU on the Penn State Engineer.*All ambitious’ pho tographers' apply in Room 2, Ar mory, 7:30, any Monday night. . REWARD —r For return of . new gray "gabardine top - coat - lost, strayed or stolen from first, floor Sparks about 9:30 a.m. Monday. “Dave Kinney” engraved oh in side name tape. “Rocci” engraved on cigarette lighter in pocket. Pocket also, contained. pair,, of fur lined gloves; pipe, and tobacco. TO PERSON who picked up wrong trench coat at White Hall Sat urday night dance, call 2367. ltpd EXCHANGED—Raincoat in “Cor ner Room” lost Friday. Not mine. Please return. Call Norty 2603. ltchg WELCOME TRi DELTAS,..AIums and actives. News for you!‘Con tact Gloria McCurdy, 108 A'th-Hall.. ■2tpd WANTED TO BUY—Alto saxo phone. Phone 2443. ltpd LOST Ladies’ gold Hamilton wrist- watch with pink face between Burrows and. Bu'ckout Lab. Reward. Call 259 A'th." L AT. PENN STATE \mm COLONIAL % _T . M 123 W.NiJtany Ave. ; Com jar £ cttAfct/craicJiafcs ' Alt JtooMS VViTH RUNNING water ■_ &SL Dial <4*Bso^ CITY Steam Laundry BELLEFONTE WiU Cali And Deliver Phone 2582 or Drop Laundry At 318 B. College Ave. 3 DAY SERVICE Monday Thru Thurs. ieeteMfeft'PteteiTient Aid George N. P. Leetch, director of lions, but helps them find them for the College Placement Service, themselves. - urges all students, particularly seniors and those new on campus, to. acquaint themselves with the services of his office. The Placement Service is main tained in order to help students in presenting themselves for and se curing jobs. It does not, Leetch stressed, place students in posi WOODRING'S PHONE 2405 COME IN HEAR THE NEWEST IN Popular and Classical Records • O' THE PHONE 2311- Jff USIC iROOM 203 E BEAVER AVE. * STATE COLLEGE, GET ACQUAINTED TEXT BOOKS NEW and lISES FOR ALL COLLEGE COURSES STUDENT SUPPLIES and ART MATERIALS ■_ mm mmL- * A CATHAUMi If CEI ED'C THiATRE IVEiEiHiiE'H% BUILDING ■FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1945 , Maintaining contacts with about 800 employers, the' Placement Service frequently arranges inters views here on campus between employers and senior students. Leetch urges all seventh and eighth semester students to visit the Placement Service in 204 Old Main immediately, i FLORAL GARDENS BEAVER AVE.