PAGE TWO Players Beciens Drama Aspirants iFor students that are interested years since then, the Players have the .Penn State Placets oilers op portunities to them to try out their skills in acting or in any of (lie techniques of' dramatic product ion, such ns costuming, lighting', properties, and' makeup When it was realized that the 'College needed an organizat'on io deal solely with dramatics, some members ol the faculty and a few interested students met to form The Penn State- Players, whose two-fold purpose was to provide an opportunity Cor the students to participate in dramatics and to provide entertainment for the ■community. That -was twentv ifiye years ago, and through the Bulletins Bailee Programs NITTANY PRINTING & PUBLISHING CO. Tickets Signs COMPLIMENTS OF Graham & Sons ★, V . Come in and see our new set up, but still not complete ★ 50 YRS. TRADITIONS progressed from one-act plays to Greek and modern dramas, light comedies and mysteries. Under the direction of .Prof. Arthur Cloethigh, head of the dramatics department and one of the founders of Players, this dra matic organization produces at Ipasl three shows a semester, thus affording students a chance to participate in the various techni ques of dramatic production. All persons interested in taking part in any of The 'Players' pro ductions should attend all tryouts that will be held before the cast ing for each show. GET ACQUAINTED! Text Books - New and Used For Student All College Courses Supplies and Art Materials a. if ee | ed ' c Sr IV EE LCII Building THE COKLEGIAN PSCA Plans Frosfi Activities Tire Penn State Christian 'Asso ciation, now celebrating its 70th year of service to the College, has planned an extensive program of activities for incoming freshmen. In cooperat'on with the Dean of Men's office. PSCA will carry out a program of counselling of resh nren by upperclassmen. Thirty eight men counselors have been selected to present the activities, traditions, customs, and life al Penn State in three sessions be ginning the evening ol October 25 after convocation. Counseling sessions will be held in Sparks building and groups will be l'mi ted to 30. Kenneth Harshbarger and Vaughn 'Stapleton are chair men;. while James T. Smith and Dean of Men A. R. Warnoek are advisers. A somewhat similar program of orientation for freshman women has .been organized by Jean Ran dall. This includes the appoint ment of a “OA Chum’’ for each freshman girl, who will help her become acquainted with the cam pus. A freshman mixer will be held Saturday, October 27, in Recrea tion Hall. All-College Cabinet, Freshmen Week Committee, and PSCA will cooperate in planning this 'project. Campus tours for freshmen'will be sponsored by PSCA on Satur day afternoon, October 27, each hour from 1 to 5 p. m. Each counselor will take his group of men on a tour of the campus' as part of his third counseling period. A religious activities mass meet ing for all freshmen will be held at 8 p. m. on Monday, October 29, n Schwab Auditorium. The speak er will he Dr. He my S. Brunner, head of the department of agri cultural education and chairman of the Board of Directors of PSCA and the Penn State-In-China com mittee. Florence Porter, president of the student cabinet of PSCA, wil Ipreside at this meeting, and Rev. Edwerth Korte, president of the Inter-Religious Council, will introduce the, religious leaders of campus and town. On Friday, (November 2, at 7:30 p. m., hll/fbeshmen are invited- to ' ' '■ TAXI SERVICE Cal! 3421 I: .y . ; FLORENCE PORTER - PSCA President receptions at the churches in the community. . TEE QUARTER HITS THE LINE-1903 WO ~/ ~....,,,, ,-:.:,- -,..,..w.,...... FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1945 The first Freshmen Council meeting will be held in 304 Old Main at 7 p. m. Monday, Novem ber 5. Kenneth Harshbarger will be 'in charge of the meeting, to which all freshmen men are invit ed. There will be singing, intro ductions, football movies, and re freshments. man Forum will meet Wednesday, man Forum will mett Wednesday, November 7, at 7p. m. Vera Eby is chairman of Forum, and Theresa Haskins is chairman of all girls’ freshman activities. Joan Wolfe and Mary Bitner are co-chairmen, of welcome parties, Edna Rife is chairman of the welcome notes committee, and a large group of upperclass girls have signed up to welcome the freshman. After four tveeks the two fresh man groups will join to form the First Semester Club and plan their own activities. Other freshman plans are for an open house Sunday afternoon in Freshman Week and a Cabin party December !L and "2. James T. Smith is executive secretary of PSOA; Betty Farrow is associate secretary, and Mrs, Nan Everhart is office secretary. la that year, for the first time in college annals, the quarter could run with, the ball snapped direct from center. Brains and speed succeeded crude mass play, and the-modern game began. It was a popular innovation. Like Railway Ex press round-trip service for college laundry and baggage, the new method once tried out became nation-wide standard- practice. Make a standard practice, too, of packing and wrapping securely,"' addressing clearly and starting early whatever you have to express. It will help all concerned. NAT I O i-J-IV IDE RAIL-AIR SERVICE