The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, March 30, 1945, Image 4

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Jansson Replaces
Rosen On Forum
Annabelle Jansson, sixth semes
ter home economics student, re
cently was elected co-chairman of
the Community Forum Series. She
replaces Gertrude Rosen who
Accompanying her election was
a change in the executive commit
tee. Dr. E. B. Van Ormer, associate
professor of psychology, was elect
ed treasurer of the series.
Westminster Foundation
Easter Morning Worship
Service and Breakfast Group
The Fireside Room
Sunday, 9:30 A. M.
Sunday Afternoon Hike
2:30 P. M.
Westminster Fellowship
6:20 P. M.— Theme: "On the
Road to Emmaus"
May the Blessings of the Easter
Mesage Come Mightily Upon
You and Give You of His Peace.
To Stop At•
Phone 2128 Bellefonte Phone 2045 State College
WSGA Plans Hello Walks
To Revive Campus Spirit
In an attempt to revive the tra
ditional Penn State "hello spirit,"
WSGA is 'sponsoring the designa
tion of special "hello walks," ac
cording to M. M. Dunlap, acting
president of WSGA. These walks
will be the diagonal walks leading
to Old Main, and students will say
hello to each student they meet on
on these three walks. The "hello
spirit" will carry through to all
parts of the camous, but special
emphasis will be placed on these
"hello walks."
In cooperation with this re
newed emphasis on campus tradi
tion, observance of senior walk
will also go into effect, Miss'Dun
lap' added. As the tradition stands,
fre'shmen may not walk on senior
walk which runs on the campus
side of College avenue from Allen
street to Pugh street.
Senate heard excepts from Pres
ident Ralph D. Hetzel's letter to
the college staff explaining the
coal shortage which is affecting
the college. President 'Hetzel urged
that students conserve by turning
off lights not in use, turning off
radiators when heat isn't needed,
and turning off fountains and
Jan Jannsan reported that after
investigation of tr. Mayday pro-
gram it was found that its expense'
would be too great to justify a
wartime 'revival of the custom.
Jeanne Weaver, Panhel presi
dent, announced the Panhel Sing
has been postponed.
Panhel Schedules
All-Sorority Sing
Panhellenic Council has formu
lated plans for a non-competitive
Panhellenic Sing under the direc
tion of Frank Gullo, assistant
prOfessor of music, it was an
nounced today by President
Jeanne Weaver. No definite date
has been set for the sing.
Each sorority will be allowed
five minutes to present - their
songs, after which Professor Gullo
will lead a community sing: The
program will be given in front of
Old Main if weather permits.
Sororities are urged that ex
tensive practices are not neces
sary, the program being present
ed-for entertainment only.
Tailor Shop
Tliotnen i n ..S;gorb
Navy defeated Army in the
opening playoff basketball tilt,
34-30. Ann Baker was high scorer
for the victors with 21 points. In
the second game Navy blanked
Army, 42-27, with Becky Walker
of the winning team setting the
pace with 24 counters.
Players are as follows:
Army: Harriet Richards, Penny
Stevenson, Lois McClelland, Jackie,
Zivic, Claire Parks, Becky Walker,
Eunice Huriburt, Mary Lawther,
Betsy Ross, and Mary Anne Jen
Navy: Irish Craig, Kay Setter,
Keefer, Ann Baker, Phyl James,
Skip Carman, Alice-Hooper, Elea
nor Wills, Mickey Barnett, Suz
anne Geiger, and Grossman.
Bowlers Meet
Bowling tie was •played off be,-
tween the Thetas and Delta Gam
ma in which the Thetas eked out a
543-542 victory.
The line-up follows:
Kappa Alpha Theta: Mary,Bea
ver, Corinne Berkabile, Narcissa
Yant, Mary Davey, and Janet Tay
Delta Gamma: Gundy Opper
mann, Marjorie Campbell, DOrothy
Lawrence, Grace Tarno, and Doris
Tri-Doems defaulted to Gamma
Phi Beta and AOPi blanked Ath
East coeds, 553-518.
The line-up follows:
Alpha Omicron Pi: Jo Campbell,
Helen Npble, Jeane Bradshaw,
Jane Wolbarst, and Mary Fransen.
Ath East: Rose Crock, Arta Os
termayer, Alice Herring, Carolyn
Lerch, and Dorothy Hoke.
Badminton Tourney
AEPhi downed AChiO in the
:badminton tilt, 11-7, 11-9, 11-9; and
' l ll-6 in the singles; 15-1 and 15-2
in the doubles. Thetas won by de
fault over SDT. Zeta Taus blanked
Gamma Phi Beta, 11-9, 11-1, 11-7,
and 11-8 in the singles; 15-4 and
15-2 in the doubles.
DG's defeated the, AOPi's, 11-1,
11-2, 4-11, 6-11 in the singles; 15-7
and 15-9 in the doubles.
AEPhi dropped a match to the
Thetas in the table tennis tourna
ment, 21-12, 21-14, 21-10, and
21-15. Kappa Delts bowed to the
DG's, 21-rB, 15-21, 21-18, 19-21 and
10-21 in :the, singles; 21-14 and
21-16 in the doubles.
Gamma Phi's defeated the
AChiO's, 13-21, 18-21, 22-20,20-22,
and 21-9 in the singles; 21-14 and
21-16 in the doubles. Theta Phi
Alpha blanked the Alpha Xi's,
21-14, 21-14, 26-24, and 21-13.
Thetas stopped the Ath West co
eds, 21-5, 21-12, 21-10, and 21-13.
Chi Omega won over Delta Gam
ma, 21-5, 21-4, 21-19, 18-21, and
IWA Opens Date Bureau
IWA announces that its date
bureau will be open from 6:30 to
7:30 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday
and the fourth Saturday of each
month from 3 to 4 p.m. at the
Service Center on College avenue.
FRIDAY, MARCH 30, 1945
Prof. Oesterling
Warns Consumers
About Trimmings
The much-chided woman who
buys a dress for its "trimmings"
may be the wisest shopper after
all, in the opinion of Dr. J. F. Oes
terling, assistant professor of tex
tile chemistry at the College.
Dr. Oesterling, who has tested
thousands of garments in the
clothing research laboratory at the
College, explained that a garment
fashioned from excellent material
may be ruined if the. trimmings
don't hold up in laundering or dry
As an example, he cited cloth
with glued-on designs which melt
when heat is applied. Imitation
leather belts or ones pasted to
gether frequently stiffen or fall
apart when cleaned, he said, add
ing that genuine leather or solid
cloth belts are "the only safe
Advising shoppers to purchase
only metal sequins, Dr'. Oesterling
pointed, out that four of the five
kinds currently on the market will
not stand cleaning and pressing.
The clothing expert also, urged
consumers to examine carefully
painted wooden buttons or gar
ments where the trim of one color
may fade into the other. All seams,
he added, should be deep and
firmly stitched.-
Madame Papanek
To Address Coeds
Mrs. Jan Papanek, American
born wife of the Minister from
Czechoslovakia, will speak at a
WSGA-sponsored convocation of
college women in 121 'Sparks, 7 p.
m. April 10. A graduate of North
western UniverSity, the speaker
has been engaged in social work
at Howell Neighborhood House,
Madame Papanek's special in
terests have !been the political,
economic , and social status of wo
men in Czechoslovakia and the
folk music of that country. She is
active in the American Red Cross,
Czechoslovak relief, and is a
member of the Women's Advisory
Committee of the United Nations
Information Office.
Debate Hohorary
Elects Officers
Delta Sigma Rho, national de
bate honorary society, elected the
following new officers: Martin
Cohn, president; Betty Coplan,
vice-president; and Otis Castle
berry, secretary.
The society recently awarded
shingles to Otis Castleberry, Betty
Coplan, Rosemary Halpin, Joan
Huber, and Edward Zemprelli. '
Students are invited to come
down and select a girl to fill their