The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, March 23, 1945, Image 7

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    'FRIDAY, MARCH 23; 1945
Parties Release Candi
(Continued from page one)
FSCA; Pre-Med Society;
Gamma Phi Beta Historian. Key:
Ruth Anders—President, Kappa
Delta; Theta Aln'ha Phi; Junior
Service Board; Players.
Siicth Semester
Sixth semester president: Key:
Pat Brennan—president, X-GI
Club; Tribunal; Phi Kappa Sigma.
N#tany: Paul M. Burns—head
football manager; head wrestling
manager; Chapel Choir; manager,
PIAA wrestling meets; Ag Stu-
If your
dial 2492
take it to
-638 W. College
Let This Little Bird
Tell You . . .
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y. Phone 2128 13elle1onte --- Phone 2045 State College
dent Council; president, FIFA
Sixth semester secretary-treas
urer: Key—auth Bollinger: vice
president, Alpha Chi Omega;
president, Junior Service Board;
La Vie; vice-chairman, Red Cross;
Junior - senator., Nittany—Jeanne
Jordan: Theta
,Phi Alpha; Pan
hellenic representatiVe; GSO; In
tramural sports; Newman Club:
Fifth Semester
Fifth semester president: Nit=
Many Stanley Ziff: president,
Phi Epsilon • Pi; secretary, Sigma
Delta Chi; assistant manager,
football team; Collegian. advertis
ing staff;• Red Cross committee;
assistant manager, track; IFC. Key
—Bill Morton. • All-College Cabi
net; Pi Kappa .'Alpha; Druids;
chairman, Swing-Inn committee;
president, Players; Red' Cross - op
erating committee; secretary,
Freshman Men's Council; • Theta
Alpha Phi; .buginess staff; 1945-45
Frefihman •Handbook.'
. Fifth semester secretary-treas
urer:. Nittany--Batibara. Smith:
executive board, WRA; • Lako
nides; vice -ipresident, •• Owens;
treasurer, Chi Omega; • telegraphic
It took the place of stockings
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Thousands of women are, using
Dußarry Leg Make-up ... not as
a Substitute but omits own
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Iludnuf lotion is Smart and
thrifty ... it looks `swell and-feels
well . . it smooths on easily,
elrenlY and dries in a jiffy!.
.fin Tragical and Br oiize i Lida
, Platforms
swimming meet; in tra mu ral
sports. Key—Nan Charles: Kap
pa Kappa Gamma; Cwens; Fresh
man Forum; Swing-Inn commit
tee; Red Cross Staff Assistants'
Corps; third semester secretary-
treasurer; Inter - class Finance
Fourth Semester
Fourth semester president: Key
--Paul Thayer: Associate Player;
president, International Relations
Club; Nittany—Mary Lou Way
good: WSGA; Belock and Bridle
Club; Ag Student Council; WRA
swim club; PSCA; Ski Cluib; sec
retary-treasurer, third semester;
pledge president, Delta Gamma.
• Fourth semester secretary-treas
urer: Key: Rosemary Genetti—
Alpha Chi Omega; Players; Red
Cross. Nittany: Palma Wakefield
--Players; secretary, Nittany Par
ty; Life Saving.
Third Semester
Third semester president: Nit
tany: Harold H. Rahn, Jr.—bas
ketball; Pi Kappa Alpha; mechan
ical engineering. Key: Phyllis Sch
medezle—pledge president, Zeta
Tau Alpha; Home Economics
Club; IPSCA.
Third semester secretary-treas-
Urer: Key: Gladys Stryker—Alpha
Chi Omega; Swim Club; Alpha
Lambda Delta; Rifle Club. Nitt
any: 'Frank Di Augustine—publi
city chairman, EMA; ISC; - Red
Cross Blood Donor committee;
PSCA; Newman Club; president,
Penn-Way; Penn State Engineer
Second Semester
Second semester president: Key:
Dick Blakely—Phi Kappa Sigma;
lacrosse; swimming 'instructor;
Forestry Society. Nittany: George
Paul Jones—PSCA Cabinet; ad
vertising staff, Freshman Hand
book; Phi Delta Theta pledge. '
Second semester secretary-trea
surer: Key: Barbara Knoal—town
house representative, WSGA;
Kappa Delta; freshmen represen
tative, Physical Education Stud
ent Council. Nittany: Carol Pre
uss—senior life saving; former
president, Cody Manor; Chi 0-.
Nittany Party Platform
1. We Intend to support and ex
ploit to the utmost the promotion
of the Old Penn State spirit by the
a. To bring a coast to coast ra
dio show to the campus.
b. TO revice individual class
• meetings and social func
c. To prolnote a variety of wee
end festivities, including a
big mine band in Rec Hall,
and mixed swims in. Glenn
land pool.
d. To establish and publicize a
social calendar.
e. Encouragement of intramur
al sports.
2. All out support of the war
effort by the students.
-3. To support all the programs
now• being , carried out by the All-
College Cabinet.
Key Party Platform.
We, the candidates of the Key
Marquardt, College Examiner,
Observes Silver Anniversary
Dr. Carl E. Marquardt celebra
ted his 25th anniversary as Col
lege Examiner on Tuesday. The
day also marked the silver an
niversary of the establishment of
that position at the College.
During his first year as exam
iner, Dr. Marquardt considered
about 100 applications from stud
ents who wished to transfer to
the College, and granted 79. In the
last year before the College. began
to operate on the accelerated pro
gram, he considered 3,000 appli
cations including those request
ing admission to the Graduate
Before the office of College Ex
aminer was established, 'transfer
students were 'required to see
heads of various departments in
order to have their credits from
other institutions evaluated.
Students who had taken 15 sub_
jects at other colleges were re
quired to see the heads of 15 de
parttnents- before college status
could be determined. Now the of
fice of the college 'examiner ev
alUates all transfer students' cre
Party, have set as our goal . and
project for this semester a "get
acqvainted party" with respect to
the school and its functions. We
willl strive to acomplish this by a
program of integrated steps, of
which the folowing are promi
1. We intend to bolster the spirit
of the student body of the College
a. Class meetings if they are in
accord with the opinion of
the students.
b. A fuller cooperation of the
students, and more import l•
ant support by them at
school functions.
e. Enforcing a more strict com
pliance to freshman cus
d. Setting up a program for
holding occasional college
2. We shall continue our efforts
to have the College flag wave in
front of Old Main daily.
3. We will support the incoming
student cabinet in all of its pro
posals providing they will aid the
College and better it.
4. , We shall cooperate to the ut
most in any manner with the X-G-
I ClUb to further its interests.
5. We feel that competition is
essential for a "school spirit," and
consequently we shall work
the return of both men and wo
men's intramural sports.
6. We feel that a program of
complete orientation for transfer
students is in order.
• 7. A program of all student
mixers will (be formulated and
will be sponsored by the Cabinet.
8. We shall, however, be unable
to accomplish this program unlesg
we have the cooperation and sup_
port of you the student voters. •
Dr. Marquardt came to the Col
lege as professor of German in
1909. As College Examiner, he is
an ex-officio member of the com
mittee on Academic Standards.
At the tresent time, he is serv
ing as chairman of this commit
150 New Army Trainees
Raise ASTP Total To 405
Arrival of 155 new trainees, 110
of whom are 17-year-old reserv
ists, boosted to 405 the total en
rolled in the Army Specializedt
Training Program at the College.
Forty-five of the newcomers
came from infantry replacement
centers for engineering instr uc- tion, while the 17-year-olds will
pursue a course in basic engineer
ing until their 18th birthdays,
when they will be assigned to Ar
my camps for basic training.
Since this brogratn was first
inaugurated at. the College three
years ago, approximately 2700
young men have received instrUe
tion in basic and advanced en
gineering. The vast majority have
been enrolled in the basic course.
I,VALTI-TAM seventeen jeweled
/watch. Lost between Sparks
and 117 E. Fairmount. Generous
reward. Call 3844.
LOST Silver identification
bracelet. Name on front. Be
tween Fairmount Hall and Sparks.
Call Bcb Reintgen 2971.
WANTED—Anyone desiring a
ride west through Ebensburg
and Indiana contact Harvey Shri
ver, 318 Nittany ave.
LOST—ME roan Eversharp me-
chanical lead pencil. Lost be
tween Sparks Building and post
office. Call 2610.
BOARD for men. AlavilYm Hall,
317 E. Beaver ave. Board for
limited number or small frater
nal groups. 3 meals daily $8.50
wk. 2 meals daily $7 week.
RIDE WANTED Scranton or
cinity. Leave Friday night or•
Saturday morning. Call 855 or
accounting office, Old Main.
WANTED—A ride to Dußois, Pa .,
after 2:30 p.m. Friday, March
30th. Call Shirley 243 Ath.
LOST: Red Waterman fountain
pen. Finder call Sheldon Kai-.
mutz, 441)9. Reward.
WANTED: Some beer for the bar-
fiber shop quartet at the Slit
Rule Ball.
WANTED—Anyone desiring a ride
west through Ebensburg and In..
diana contact Harvey Shriver, 318
Nittany avenue. lt-pd—GN
LOST—Silver identification brace
let. Name on front. Between
Fairmount Hall and Sparks. Call
Bob Reintgen 2971. lt- . pd—tt`
LOST—Waltham seventeen jew-:
eled watch. Between Sparks and
117 E. Fairmount. Generous rez ,
ward. Call 3844. lt-cbg—RG
BOARD FOR MEN—Marilyn Hall)
317 E. Beaver avenue. Board for
limited number or small fraternal
groups. 3 meals daily, $8.50 week;
2 meals daily, $7 week. 1 t-chg
RIDE WANTED Scranton or
vicinity. Leave Friday night or
Saturday morning. Call 855 or Ac
counting Office, Old Main.
WANTED—A ride to Dußois, Pa:,
after 2:30 p.m. Friday, March
30th. Class Shirley, 243 Atli.
LOST—Eversharp repeater lead
pencil. Lost between Sparks
Building and postoffice. Call 2610.
LOST Pair of shell-rimmed
glasses ,in black leather case.
Call Lorraine, 306 An. •
LOST: Green Sheaffer pen be-
tween Barracks 13 and Mac
Hall. Finder please return to Stu.
dent Union.
LaST: Green Parker 51 With gild
, top. .Finder call Lenny Wait,