The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, February 09, 1945, Image 3

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    FRIDAY, -FEBRI.TARY.9, 4945
Tau Phi Sigma; business honor
ary, elected Norma •Milich presi
dent: at a recent meeting, Other
new officers are. Harriet Finkel-.
stein, vice, president; Helen Beth
Orange, secretary-treasurer; and
Florence Prushinski,
• The groups new members. are
Russella Adamitz, Bernide -Fetter,
olf, Ruth Frachtnian, Orif 7 -
ihig, Helen .Heckler, Rtith.. - Hc;p•
rocks, Huth Klenck, Jackie La
doux, Norma Milich, Nan6r . Mc
degry, Jane' Neil,. Margaret; Jean
Nelson, Helen Beth, Orange; pro:-
ience PrUshinski, Haisa Poser, Do
ris Rdeder, Bernice Spielvogel,
Nancy Smith. . .
' Pi Kappa Phi recently' initiated
Richard Guhl, • Paul Mellot, E.
jefferies. HathawaY, Raymond
Strohm, John McHaffie, Jack Tut
tle, and ,Edwin Yeager. t• ,
Chuck Hurd was elected presi
dent; Ray Strohm, treasurer; Jack
McCarthy, secretary; Richard
Guhl, historian; and John Mc-
Haffie warden; in recent electi
ons. • .
Edward Carson, chairman of the
Interfraternity Council Rushing
Committee .announced that the
lists of incoming freshmen may be
obtained at the office of, the Re
gistrar beginning' today.
Only fraternities .who signified
their desire for a copy of the navi
es at the. Monday evening meet
ing may secure them. '
Delta Sigma Rho, national
speech honorary will initiate five
.Leathiw Wallets
and. Secretaries
—Made in Mexico—
. . .
e '
C News Briefs
outstanding debaters at the State
College Hotel on Thursday. Those
to be initiated are Otis L. Cas
tleberry, Betty Coplin, Rosemary
Halpin, now in the Waves, Joan
Huber, • and Edward, Zeinprelli.
Any woman student in the low
er division 'who haS not.definitely
decided on a - vocational choiqe is
urged 'byMiss Julia . Brill,
tional. counselor .for . the Liberal
Arts School, to schedule L. A. 15,
occupations for women, next se-
(coittinitect pop, pitne coy>)
Drumheller, 'Carl Eugene, MS;
Duffy; Sarah Elizabeth, CF; Dun
mire) Betty Lou, Ed.; Eckerd,
Jarnes• Wilson, MS; Ehlers, J'ean
neft . e Mar*, Ed.; Evans, Betiy
Mae, At; •
Evani, Dorothy Anne, HE;
Failing, Peggy Joyce, 'HE; Fair
child, Wesley Lee, ME; Fantis,
Anna Pauline Rife, HE; Fedan,
Irene 'Evelyn, AL; Federman,
Betty Myndell, Jr.; Fehnel, Ja
net Christine, HE; Fischler, Betty:
Jane, HE; Freed, Edith, HE;
Treed, Elaine, Ed.; Fyock, William
Dean, 'Agit d.; Gautier, Shirley,
Jane,' AL; ' Geibel, Ruth Miriani,.
Psy.; George,
,Edward William,.
Goldman, Ruth Helen, AL;
Gorham, Elizabeth Barbara, • jr.;
Gesztonyi, • Martha; DH;••
Polly Elizabeth, AL; Grainger,
Mary Maxwell, Hort.; Grasberg;.
Frances Theresa; Ed.; Gray,
- Grace, AL; Green, Duane Lionel,
PhD.; Griffith, Bernice Clara, HE;
Griffiths, Betty Ann, AL; Ha
den, Margaret .Phillips, 'EE; Hall,
Charles Ford, AL; Hartley, Mar
tha Louise, HE; Harris, Oliver Eu
gene, MS; Harvey, James Stott,
.PM; Herzog, Donald McGowan,
ME; Hess, Nancy June, MEd; Hol
lenbach, Joyce Kline, MT; Holt
zinger, - Marjorie . Anne, AH; .
Hoppel, Mary Kathryn, CF;
Johnson,- Georgene, Clair, HE;
Johnson, Ruth Mae, AL; Johnston,
Margaret Louise, . HE; Karam,
Jane 'Elizabeth, • HE; .Kaufflnann,
:Ruth Mae, Ed.; Kelly, 'Edward'
M., MS; Kelso, John - Morris, MS;
'Kingsbury, Daniel Harold, AL;
Kohberger, John Jacob, MS; Ko- -
nopka, Renetta Alicia, HE;
'Krimmel, Carl Peter, Ph. D..;
Kubek, Emil Alexander, Jr.;
Kunzweiler, John Joseph, - For.;
:Leffler, Esther . Barbara, Ch.;
LeSher, Emeline, HE; Lind: 7 .
•zey, Gardner. Edinond, MS; Line,
- Jorge 'da Costa; Met; Lorberbaum,
- Rosalyn Lowenstein, AL; Luchte-
Meyer, Betty 'Jean, HE; 'Maier,.'
Paula, Ed.; Maltz; - Betty Ann, Ed.; '
Martin, Bernice 'Etta, HE;
. Mayer,
karguerite Meade, Ed.;
Mayer, Fay Dillizalbeth, :',MEd.;
'McClure, Patrida, Jr.; • MeCor-:
Trkipk, :Robert. -Louis, MS; McDow,-.
ell; : Gloria Mie, Ed.; I McDowell,
Ruth Almira, MEd.; McGee,.
Elizabeth, Lewis, 'Bact.; McGin
nis, Betty Ann, ' Jr.; Melville,
Ella Maguire, MS; Menge,. Henry,
PH; Messerly, Dorothy Pursley,
MA; Milotta, Anne Elizabeth,
:HE; • Mingle, Jensen Matthew,'
PH; Minneman, Anita, . AL;
Murphy, Virginia Marie AL; ,
Nagle, Violet Mae, Ed.; Olson,
Margaret Sophia, HE; Painter,
Barbara Clara, HE; Painter, Shir-
Philotes, - independent women'
organization, recently initiated
Mary Lou Harman, Frances Har
tung, Irene • Illingworth, Esther
,Penpay, Jane Park Dorothy Tate,
Helen Tyri;.v, and Sylvia Yerrick.
. Martha rvin is president of the
group. Other officers include
Frances. Hartung, vice
Dorcitlay Tate, secretary; Mary
Lou Harmon,' treasurer; and Irene
lilingw9rth,. social chairman.
ley Lois, Ed.; Palzer, Eleanor
Doris, AL; Parks, . Mabel -Over
holt, PM; • Perea, Hanibal Rojas,
EE; Post, Nancy, AL; Ramsey;
Miriam Ruth, HE;
Rainagoso,' William , Samuel,
Aero.; Reed, Suzanne Justyn, Jr.;
Reppert, Harold Curtis PhD.; Reis
doll, Robert Alexander, AL; Rik
er, Earl Milo, CE; Ringler, Annis
Smith, HE; Rosen, Gertrude Ger
aldine,. Psy.; Sakowski, Gloria
Rose, AL; ,Schaffer, Althea June,
ME; Schieisler, Robert Walter,
PhD; • Schmidt, Sara Jane, Ed.;
Schnerr, Jane, CF;
Schulman; RoSe Annette, Jr.;
Shapiro, Mary Jane, MEd.; Sheri
:den, Peter . Benedict, Jr., Ed.;
Sherinan Evelyn Jackson, Ed,
Silverstein, Shirley, Ed.; Simon,
EStelle • "Elaine, Jr.; Simmons,
Thomas Carl, ABC; Smith, Char
lotte Rae, MT; .Smith, Jean Shel
ley, HE; Smith, Marian Eliz=
abeth, .. AL; Snyder, Carolyn
Ann, AL; Speaker, Stanley, Mars
den, Jr., ChE.;
Socol, Jacqueline Marion, AL;
Sommer, -- Leo; - PhD.; Stauffer,
Margaret Jane, Ed.; Stewart,
- Dorothy Anna, Bact.; Straley,
Mary Louise, Ed.; Swavely, Rubie
Hilda, HE; Taylor, Robert Burns,
Jr., -PhD.; ~Trevorrow, Ruth Lu=
cile, MS; TUrchetti,• Anthony Jo=
seph, AE; Turner, Martha Mae,
HE; Unger, Lloyd George, PhD;
VanTuyle, Dorothy. Jean, HE;
• yespa, Angelo .Dominic, MA; .
Watt, Mildred 'Frances, AL; Weed,
Herman RoSc . oe,' EE; White,' June
Rose, Hort.; Wilson, Joseph D.
C., PhD; Wilson, Joseph William,
CFI WitkoWF,ki; Raymond'Joseph,
EE; Winner, - Mary Lib, AL;
Workman, Joan Millicent, AZ;
Worrell,' Winifred Singer, AL;
Wright; William; „ PEd.; York,
Florence, Marguedite; HE; Zem
prelli, .EdWard !Philip, OF.
• . .
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25th Anniversary Production
Feb. 9th-lOth Bp.m. Schwab Aud
Tickets 75c plus fax at Student Union
Campus Leaders To Orient
200 Freshmen, Transfers
Because of the small size of the
incoming freshman claSs, 'approxi
mately 100 lnen and- IQO women,
the usual freshman •weei; program
will not begin until March 1.
Freshmen and transfer students
will.have the •opportunity to hear
PreSident Ralph D. Hetzel and the
cleins'of all schools of the College
at- the convocation ceremony in
121 Sparks, 7:30 p.m. March 1.
'Covens arid hatfnen will usher at
the ActivitieS Mass Meeting in
Schwab, AuclitOrium,. 8 pin. March
2. Representatives•of many campuS
organizations will address this
gathering, after which cheerlead
eis: will lead' College yells, and a
member of the music- department
will conduct -College. songs, an
Penn Slate Players
nounced Mary M. Dunlap and Wit•
tam - Kelley, co-chairmen.
PSCA has scheduled a "Wel
come Party" in the, Hugh Beaver
Room, 304 Old Main, 7 p.m. March
3. Representatives from all wom
en's activities and honoraries will
discuss their part in campus life at
the WonienLs Mass Meeting in 110
Home • Economics Building, 7 p.m,
March 5, announced Mary M. Dub
lap, chairman.
Each church group will sponsor
its own reception at its parish
house from 7 to 9 p.m. March 9.
The . semesterly WRA Sports Rally
in White Hall, 7:30 p.m. March 10,
will feature a demonstration by a
member. Of 'each of the 12 .clubs,
games, refreshnients, and a tour of