rAGE EIGHT Theta Sigma IPhi 'Pledges Theta Sigma Phi, women's na tional journalism honorary, pledg- Csd seven coeds Tuesday night. Women who mei the 2 journal ism average and 1.5 All-College were: Jeanne Bosch, Agnes Cole man, Betty Ann McGinnis, Audrey Eyback, Jeanne Thompson, Pa tricia Turk, and Phyllis Wolfgang. Charm her with these 1 - - -- f Ax4eve rsg./ • • OP Ya#l4- Coavr Give her this Richard audnut all-American meadowsweet fee -1 game() in tie new delectablopaelc.. I, ages ... gay as a square dance. Every gal loves the outdoorsy AhAa. scent. ( Talcum::: 500 Water.:: r.OO , t Prices jt -fttvizzir.,l, i i i i i TP"'" L , ... •., L .:),,% .* ? , ,, i t 4Lcum. I t poo ek , l• 1 4 PelcLanahan's State• College "Yi:•'Can.Getit:AtMETZGERS7 Believe It or Not, You Can StillTind a Very Good Selection of DESK SETS - BILLFOLDS LADIES' BILLFOLDS AGENTS FOR BOY SCOUTS MERCHANDISE tiLYS-1: OKS-GAMES Shop at ETZGERS Cassius- (Continued frog page four) or less limited back when—but now I'm sure there is a God. There must be—something that decides who's to go and who's to lay there in his hole . . . "Back home yon might hear that Jerry is practically licked— low in ammo and supplies. You just should be in one artillery barrage and then you'd wonder if they're low in anything . . "It does feel funny to be the needle point of a spearhead— nothing but enemy in front of you and on your flanks—and the re gular infantry coming tip as fast as they can to help. This sounds as if we do all the work, but its wrong. The foot boys really do most and really have rough go ing, but we do a little too, sort of a flushing out job .. . " • When I finished reading Julie's letter I thought of War Bond sales lagging in' certain sections, and work stoppages, and some politi cians putting roadblocks in the path of lasting peace. And that Julie and 'the kids like him are fighting for us. And that we have to . put over this bond drive and every one after. it, and we have to make sure that this is the last war, because it is we that they fight for. And that .if we don't, we're not worth it. —CASSIUS Collegian apologizes to Dr. William S. Dye, professor emer itus of English: literature, who served the Calege 37 years be fore his retirement and who was listed as a clerk• in the statistics office. " IMA k" ,e4:ismi Our apologies.-too for the er ror which. had- Charles S.. Gear-: hart assistant% . profeSsor . of dairy husbandry;:-speak. at the ASTP graduation, - instead of. Royal M. Gerhardt , assistant dean• of . engineering. A Common Expression-in , Town and On Campus Articles Suitable.' for -Christmas. Gifts ... . FOUNTAIN PENS . - STATIONERY -- DIARIES ATHLETIC GOODS MAKE EXCELLENT: GIFTS VISIT OUR BASEMENT correction 111-115 ALLEN ST. THE COT .1 •FGIAN CLASSIFIEDS NOTlCE—Spaghetti dinners and parties are served to the stu dents and to the public every Wednesday and Saturday 0 p.m. at the Alpha Phi Delta fraternity, 501 West College avenue. Please make reservations early by call ing :3412 and asking for the chef. ALL YOU guys and gals interest- ed in love, romance, marriage, etc. ace hereby invited to attend the wedding of George Gibbs and Emily Webb that will take place in "Our Town." December 8 and 9 in Schwab Auditorium. LOST—Brown leather glove, fur lined. Return to Ellen Cohen, 4296. ltcomp WANTED—Three notebooks that were picked up in Mineral In dustries November 27. Call Bill 4859.. ltpd LARGE ROOM —Second floor, twin beds, available after Dec. 2 to either men or women. Call Mrs. Platt, 2887. 3x BASHFUL Spinster would like date with Casanova for Spin ster's Skip. Good time guaranteed. Call Bertha 4161. pd LOST—Parker "51" pen, gold and black on campus. Turn in to Student Union or to Pvt. Rob ert Abel, Barracks 49. dec 8-15 LOST—Red .Shaffer pen. Senti mental value. Call 5051, Ext. 71, Janet. pd LOST Green corduroy jacket, string. of silver beads, maroon flowered headscarf. Pineim- send postcard to 242 Smith 4fti. street. Fraternities. Active William Kelley; president of In terfraternity Council, • announced today that four fraternities omit ted from the list printed recently in Collegian_ are now active: , They are Sigma Chi,-Chi , Phi, Phi Kappa Tau, and Phi Kappa• Psi., • .1; N ES;,4V=EZIMMMMOIM'tL-1: 4 .T.MISMEA:fMtimEIiZE=SMIAKMEI:. it. a N :- FLOWERS a m w la t i i N , 1 A Girl Friend's A " : Girl N 1 . Perfect Christ- . 1 il•I M ii al a mas gift memory. fi N. iN 1 assorted Corsages . p. . , . Bouquets - • ... .1 : " 1 * 1 Stale ',College Floral. Shop. ..w 1. Ngltl27 W. Beaver - ' Dial 2342 1.. ' 2 1 4WilrilNaCW.EstiEtairigsagaCEUK.IgEttceCt9a1W . " '. i , MMVA I Igt 42 It:MVX"VkVaMVX 4 VgtViVa ' -. '''.• WARNER' BROS.TATE_COLIEGE.,THEniti.: (• ATHAVN TWEATR • E " B. Donlan - " An American Romance Sat. -Men. woosr Tues. " Iri sh Eyes Are Smiling " Wed.. Thur: M a rie tt a`' • " " J. MacDonaAd "Naughty manena Nelson • Eddy • ~cOMB!qI4I4R:BONDTREMIERF.:, "0141::Heatts,.W00:::: - '2 . ,:,: .Y9pn4.and:Oir...:. ..': '.-. Ogmb lig ****4************************************** Fri. Saf. "I Wake Up Screaming" Thur.. Fri. Sat. "Casanova Brown" Gary . Cooper NF:` **************************A*************4-**: NITTANY THEATRE "Arsenic and Old lace" Cary Grant Thurs. Pay Taps for the Japs by Buying War Bonds Na at. Your Motion Picture Theatret FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1944 PROGEA STATE THEATRE "Tall in the Saddle" "Allergic to Love - M. O'Driscpll "Missing Juror" Jim Banno n "Janie" "Outlaw of Santa Fe" ' Red" Barry "Sensations of 1945" E. Powell , "Summer Storm" G• Sanders I, Mask of Dimitrios" S. Greenstreet "John -, ytrainci . ', Ella Raines+. Betty' Grable J. Reynolds