The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, November 17, 1944, Image 7

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    PTOYEMP,ET!, 17;•1944
Lion Boolers End
Season AI Temple
Angmpl fninlii Win;
Jeffrqy Afters Pow
' The Penn State secepr teajn
will send its 19' ke49n, 10,en tjo
Nittmiy. LionS 40,e, TOT* 0,
Philadelphiatein9FATiv a . ftPAlStpA
in "theft , del/midi 'and Thiel
of the year.
Coach Bill JeffFey.'s squad will
attempt to end 'its , sc4dule with
four victories w . 34 threeSo far this season the dons 4gYa
beaten EltleMPU, .9/otet ' 4 ,44
Muhlenherg, while losing to Nayy,
Army, and' Corxiell.
liOw,ever, the Owls again have
a strong team this , year. Temple
has won three out . of the - f,Our
contests' hai
,played: The" only
loss was a 3-0 defeat at the hands,
of the Bainbridge Naval "Wain
ing` Station.
Penn State has emerged vic
torious in nine of the 12 games
played in the series between the
two schools..,Temple
.took its only
game in 1942; while two encount
ers ended in ties. Last season the
Lions turned back the girls, 3-9.
~i'here.may. be a, few changes in
the . Lion lineup when Penn, State
takes • the field tomorrow after
noon. Coach Jeffrey said he might
start several newcomers in the
The lineup follows: Nick Mar
tinor Joel Crouch, goal; Charley
..Applerpan or Jack Campbell,
right fullback;
,Dave Binns, left
fullback; Elwood Steller. or Clair
Jewell, right halfback; Jess Hart
man, center halfback; Ace Park
er left halfbapk; Herb Mendt
or:Dick Nichelas, outside right;
John I-Tamilton, inside•right;' Bill
MpHale, center forward; Bill pol
well or Mike Beehdel, inside left;
and Karl Erdman, outside left.
KiStE: Sett) . s .. , Silk; ailßules
• • . .. „ - ..
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. At :l :I iet . ' ''''''''
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',I , '; .• P,' ik ,f, ..,T ;',, Z. 4 , t, z-, :. :'::': • '
Temptp, 7-6
Nittany pop§ eked out a 7.-6
victory oyer Temple in a elostly
contested grid sine ka f a r a a
crowd of, 12,0004 S' l O l, AtlPl - 111
Saturday. "
coach Bob Higgins' freph4i#:ll- -An intramural soccer league
squad sFor,ecl its only,#4' ;:v.v4i- , has been prOilied by. Navy V-12niiii A044:41;0 in'l4,thio guarr , ,-.tiinter*cle. -- r E. J. Reitz Sp
ter - When' El Pets.fictrOturlxelk iOp 2e. Each barracks fields one
punt to midfield:'ROA 241 /..,..tegn Witt/ g'pnrkes slated for every
teriberger, 11-Year-old - end, reach - iiight.-Aitring the week. The chS.InT
ed the five yard - line after snatch - 41ionghiR-team will be awarded a
ing 'Fetchers pass and" three plaYs._tropby -at.. the end of the season.
later the Easton tailback sM 4/1 1..:—1n-the - second Week of the •tour-,
firry 341-40i16-4.4.394344.. back tA -flan*o.'"' "fi -, ' - Bal - racks 36 leads the
kick the .victory point. gtiV with five wins and. two
;:....:T.4.4par-e- - -.
1 The Owls scored once 41_0e_
JOssese , --Barracks 26 and 20 are
first period only to have it,,nlll/-: .
. 7. -- f• tied.for--1-seeord- place with three
ified by a penalty. After an al
wz.. - - ,, :..1 3 Wlns, , two- - tiesi , and one loss each,
yard march from' their own Alto,
--Al.Whilth:C.43arracks 13 places third
~the Lion ,two-yard stripe I 1917 7.NATe•- 1 6 n- li-Itikrtie , victories, one tie, and
I went - over for a touchdowkd;out , - , id1 . i .w= ......,
• a 15-yard holding penalty. . -,.m&. ' -
.----b. - Aitri'' " ' P g - ' - 'for standings is based
called. The Owls lost- their,..4.4ar ..) ..,,.. .
--•- • c rcifg - tnu•tlellowing system:
portimity when State recovered . • ~ ...-i---szsz.t. - • . . .
Burns' fumble. :' '
'l - - A' *in - tallies five points, ties
Again in the first half the..P.h;7te three and a loss is
1 adelphia eleven drove 43 3 7 , - , a.c r s, f6 ciiiii - ifed as zero.
the Nittany 19 and settled with Scores_ for games played Mon
;an 'attempted field .goal: - :Virson day are: Barracks 9 defeated
booted it far short of the cross Barracks 24 3-1; Barracks 20
bar. ....., _....:.;q4-ekef.l a victory over Barracks 13,
After outplaying - the Lions•-in.`4A4ztlitarrOles• '36 won over Bar
the first half, Temple...pusheds:raelts.- 4 14 1 5r
er thegoal line earl the-thiret.., ,, ...iriliAtesults follow: Bar
lquarter when Wilson. intereeptedrzza - M=Ric*`Tiedted Barracks 13,
I Petchel's forward pass 0n..;., - t1201 4 -tliriS - dfei.:7 lost to Barracks
1 State 33 and trotted to the....six2-44.4 - I•l4ks 9 was defeated
yard-marker. Rozelle wentarolind.,b3,:sp4rrinilii‘3§ 1-0.
right end to score but wil- .. ' - 13114i3Sktif- 4: ..' l iehediales for the last
try for the extra point was lalp - yfirot& . 4A - y _follows:
ed. ' ' .z: '.--2'*-L-. ittirenlatSP-2=1;,..v5. 20, 13 vs. 9, and
The Nittany victor y evened up-.----- ---,7- ...
Ithe series with thre wk .-
credited each team.
All independent',"; l ba;
teams wishing to •gain
into the •-newly formekPeni
Club intramural basketbr
gue should have a repreSl
contact Art Bollard. 'hone
, Gate
;.:i:.. THE'cOI4A9W
Navy Organizes
Soccer topple
Barracks 36 Leads .
Intramural Tourney
~ '. lY: r . ' ::k'~::~ Ai':~~.: `.
..i.'0.,L~: d.: ~'.'.
_, _ ~~; ~~;;4~-
36 vs. 26, and
vs. 26, 37 vs. 24,
= 9 vs. 24, 20 vs. 13,
46 vs. 13, 9 vs. 36,
" IMP!
1F 1 ( For* C.* Leiguei
Gridley Announces Rules
InterfraternitY Council has organized two basicetball leagues
composed of eight teams each. Each team is slated to play seven
games during the tournament which will be followed by a series of
three playoffs between the winning squads to determine the cham
pionship. A. trophy , will be awarded to the winning fraternity.
Tilts are scheduled to begin Tuesday when Alpha Chi Sigma
meets PI Kappa Alpha and Delta Chi encounters Phi sigma ,ttelt,4 in
Rec Hall, 8:30 p. m. Beta Sigma Rho will tame Sigma Kappa
and Delta Sigma Phi will oppose
Phi Delta Theta at 9:30 p. Fn.
The folloWing rules for the tour
nament have been released by Bob
Gridley, athletic chairman,
Carson, Jimllugo, and Dick Grif
fiths, committeemen.
Each fraternity may have a
maximum of 12 men on the squad,
ten brothers and two outsiders.
Outsiders may not be varsity cage
The two-dollar entry fee must
be paid by November 20. Failure
to comply will eliminate the team.
Games will be played as schedul
ed with four eight-minute per
iods. There must be five men on
the floor not later than 15 minu
tes after the scheduled starting
time. •
In order to be eligible to play,
each man must present a certifi
cate of physical fitness to Gridley
no later than November 20. All
scores must be reported to the
.. : .. •
jobs to
THESE ARE BUSY DAYS for everybody in the tele-
phone business. About 4,300,000 Toll and Long Distance
messages go over the lines in the average business day.
(That's in addition to more than 100,000,000 daily
local conversations.)
We appreciate your help, especially when you're on a
kne to a war-busy center and the Long Distance operator
soya -" Please limit mut. gmll (4) 5. minutes."
Titillip..Lerr4p,HPlNf.:. , o l ,4 l P.A l MY OF r.P11.§01.1.5r.VA1114
chairman before midnight of
day thP PINI-e its R.4Y0.•
Any disputes or questions grill
be settled by the chairman and
committee, Their decisions will
be final.
Games will be Rived . eyely
Tuesday and Thursday. Pi IcapPO.
Phi will meet Sigma Pi and Strap,
Phi Epsilon will "take on P_hi
pa 'Sigma, 8:30 p. in., ThursdaY•
Theta Chi will play CM Phi and
Triingle will oppose Sigma Phi
Alpha at 9:30 p. m.
Wrestling Candidates
All V-12 trainees and civil
ian men students iiiterested in
the varsity wrestling squad are
asked to report to Rec Hall, 4
p.m., today, Coach Paul Camp
bell said.
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