The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, August 11, 1944, Image 5

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    FRIDAY, AUGUST 11, 1944
''Cabin Committee meeting, 304
Old; Main, 7 p.m.
i War-time' Service Council 304
Old Main, 7:30 p.m.
i “Ladies In Retirement,” Schwab
.Auditorium, 8 p.m.
j Regular weekly services, Hillel
Foundation, 7:30 p.m.
'PSCA Cabinet picnic, Hort
Woods, 12:30 and 2:30 p. m.
Lutheran Student League pic
nic, Whipple’s Dam, 2-9 p.m.
Russian Club Dance, Armory, 8
“Ladies In Retirement,” Schwab
Auditoruim, 8 p.m.
Initiation for new members of
Newman Club followed by dance,
High School gymnasium, 7:30 p.m.
/Chapel services, Schwab Audi
torium, 11 a.m.
Student programs in churches
of the community, 6:30 p.m.
“Pop’s Record Concert,” Hillel
Foundation, 6:30 p.m.
' . ‘Archery Club (instruction given
hy'-' Marjorie Auster), . Archery
Ccjurt,. 4 p.m.
'' Committee of Fresh
man Men’s Council, 304 Old Main,
6:|o p.m.
’ Symphony Orchestra practice,
117- Carnegie. Hall; 7 p.m.
Riding Club meeting, Riding
Ring, 7 p.m.
IWA meeting, 401 Old Main, 7
Freshman Men’s Council, Hugh
Beaver - Room, 7:30 p.m.
. IFC meeting, Pi Kappa Phi,
.7:30 p. m.
.• Program Drama . Committee,
■Freshman Forum, 304 Old Main,
. 1:45 p.m.
Entertainment Committee meet
ing of Freshman ..Forum and
• Council, 304 Old Main,-3:30 p.m.
. Golf Club, White Hall,' 6:30 p.m.
Archery Club (instruction given
: iby.; :.Marjprie Auster),. Archery-
Coprt, White Hall, 4 p.m. , • .
. Archery .Club'..(instruction, given
'by Mildred Lucey), Archery'Cpurt,
White' Hall, 6:30' p.m: ~
Club, courts' (White HaU;
in,case'-of.rain);-6rfs ; -p.m;
Meeting for first semester ckn-
r Calendar
for Student
S. Frazier St. and Fosler Ave.
Rev. John N. Peabody. Rector
Sunday Services
'7:45 a.m.—Holy Communion
10:45 a.m.—Morning Prayer
6:30 p.m.—Student Discussion
at the rectory.
Come and bring your friends.
Weekend August 12-13th
Student; Department. 9:30 A.M.
Worship Service
Discussion Group
Chapter 3, The Acts
Westminster Fellowship.
6:20. P.M.
Discussion topic, “Art as an
Avenue for Religion and .; .
... Miss Betty; Farrow, Leader »
Rellowship Hour Following the.
; " Group Discussion,
Why Not Plan to Share in This
;S^dent-Christian. Fellowship?
Front and
Air Corps Wings
...Comes to our attention that
many new-silver wings have been
added to the chests of Penn State
men . . . recent second lieutenants
are William Bogar, president of
Phi Kappa Tau 1941, Frank Shust
er, John Archer, Martin Smith,
Jr., Lloyd Snoke, Donald Robin
son, James Sauers, William Royer.
Lt. Edward Wagner, ’42, was
reported killed in action in France
June 28 ... Wagner, a-paratrooper,
was a former IFC president, Phi
Delt, Phi Beta Kappa, and a mem
ber of the Lion’s Paw.
JPins Decoration
Now serving as an instructor pi
lot at the Eighth AAF base in
Britain is Lt. James Wilkinson,
’39 . . . Wilkinson has flown 30,000.
miles over Europe and was re
cently decorated with the Dis
tinguished Flying Cross for out
standing achievement in aerial
Phi Gam, Lt. William Patter
son, ’39, is serving aboard “Mitch
the Witch,” a Mitchell bomber
cited for a raid on Japanese des
William Frantz, ’42, was pro
moted from Ist lieutenant to cap
tain . . . Frantz is an engineering
officer of a service squadron lo
cated at the Eighth AAF Fighter
Bomber Station in England.
didates, for Collegian, 7:30 p.m.
Forum Choir, 304 Old Main, 7
Block and Bridle Club, Agri
cultural Education Building, '7:30
PSCA Whipple Dam Trip Com
mittee, 304 Old Main, 7 p.m.
Riding Club meeting, Riding
Ring, 7 p.m.
. Freshman Forum meeting, -304
Old Main, 7:30 p.m.
Joint meeting .of. the pre-med.
societies, .110 . Home - Ecojiomjcs
7:30 p.m. .. . ; ..i ' ,
, 'Cabinet
8 ;’p.m;- .. / .
; Commission ..I,‘ PSCA, 304; .Old
Main, 8. p.m. . . • f'.
j .Meeting, for .second,’
■candidates, for Collegian','. 8 •p.m:"'
Wednesday !
. Archery , Club ■ "(instruction,. by
Marjorie Auster), Archery .Court,
4 p.m! ......
. Freshman ... Forum Executive
Meeting, all .committees- represent-,
ed, 304 Old Main, 4:10 ,p.m.
. • Worship . Committee, . Forum,
.304 Old Main, 5 p.m.
Commission IVj (PSCA), ' 5:10
p.m. -1 ’ - . . r •
Cwens, WRA Room, White Hall,
5:15; 7-
Archery Club, Archery Court,
6:30 p.m.
International Club picnic; for
German Club, Fairmount Park,
5:30 to 9 p.m. j
Band practice, 117 . Carnegie
Hall, 7 p.m.
Surgical Dressings class, 112
Home Economics Building, 7 p.m.
Riding Club, Riding Ring, 7 p.m.
PSCA Executive Committee
meeting, 304 Old Main, 11. a.m.
Archery Club, Archery Court, 4
Woman’s Student Coordinating
Committee Meeting, Dean of Wo
men’s Office, 4:30 p.m.
Membership Committee, For
um, 304 Old Main, 4:30 p.m.-
WSGA Freshmen- Council
meeting, WSGA room, White
White Hall, 5 p.m.
-Atherton News Review, South
west Lounge, 6:30. pun.
PSCA Inter-Faith Council, 304
Old Main, 6:30, p.m. . .■;
PSCA Commission 111, 304 Old
.Main,. 6;30 p.m. j.-.
First meeting of the Outing
Club (new members welcome), 2
White'Hall, 7 p.m! ,
PSCA Commission V, 304 Old
Main* 8 p.m. - . !!
fiiZeta-riTau . Alpha ’-recently 1
Old Mania
Pinchhitting for Maniac . this
week is Madcap . . . But Maniac
will be back on the job gathering
odd bits of news next week after
a sojurn in the infirmary.
Pinnings, Romance -
Starting off the column we dis
cover Guy Newton, Delta Sig Chi,
head cheerleader, pinning first se
mester frosh Cynthia Johnson . . .
Uncovered the other day was that
Chuck Ely, agr, presented a spark
ler to hometowner Beverly Ross
last May.
Seen around the the town are
Ray Shibli, alpha chi sig, and
Dean Moyer, kdr, . . . Ray and
Dean are both in the merchant
marine . . . Kappa Audrey Hart
ley and Ellen Long, kappa delta,
will also journey to State for the
weekend . . . Dot Colyer, third se
mester, will see A 1 Malzhan, U.
S. Army, formerly stationed with
the Air Corps at State . . . DG
Marjorie Cherry left this week for
Sharon to see “Ruffy” Neuton,
former spe . . . Ruffy just receiv
ed his gold bar at Selem Field,
La. . . . dg Sis Kehler will journey
home to see fiance Ens. Herb Mar
tin .. . Another commission is
spotted . . . Jack Hunter, one of
the original three stooges, will re
ceive his lieutenancy in the Army
Air Corps Intelligence.
Shirley Thompson plans to jour
ney to Delaware to view the event
. . . Ens. Bob Smith visited “Ca
sie” Clouser achio last weekend ...
Also to be seen about campus
will be Ens. Schwartz, phi sig
alum, visiting aephi Nancy Sobel
man, Lt. "Saul Hanin, gamma sig
alum,, and his. wife, former Ruth
Goodkind, aephi ~ . . Lt. Richard
Halman, Beta Sig of Cornell, will
Anclre Kostelanetz
Andre Kostelanetz
Musical Comedy Favorites, Vols. I aid II
Rhapsody in Blue
Grand Canyon Suite
Strauss Waltzes
Music of Victor Herbert
Music of Stephen Foster
come to see AEPhi G. G. Rosen
this weekend . . . Larry Bank
alpha epsilon phi, will journey to
AEPhi Harriet Morrison just re
turned from Cleveland where she
saw Bernie Cohen, gamma sig
alum ... an AOPi twosome, Gracie
G-odlin and Kay Swav&ly, were
back last weekend . . . Kay will
tie the knot with Dick Boozer, phi
kappa tau, Sept. 9. .. Dick teaches
in the graduate school . . . alpha
omicron pi Betty Jane Fishier
could be found at West Point last
Chi Omega Ann Henry will see
teke Bill Goterman . . . V-12er
Coyte Hunter will visit Marcia
Conroe, phi mu this weekend . , .
Also on the visiting list will be
Phi Sigma Delt Bernie Lerner . . .
Bernie has the male lead in ‘Ladies
in Retirement” ... He will see
Phoebe Adler in Philadelphia.
Still More - - -
It certainly seems like a big
weekend . . . But now we se that
theta alum Jimmy Irwin is back
•for post session .'■.••.•'Former zetas
Betty Mock and Casey Hays are in
Atlantic City this summer . . . Na
omi Woolever, zeta tau alpha, is
wirking as society editor on the
Wiliamsport' Gazette Bulletin . . .
Naomi expects to visit State this
weekend . . . Comes a wedding to
our ears . . . Barbara Jane Kin
ley, second semester, and Bill
Whitacre, ’ first semester,' were
married in Maryland Sunday . . .
PiKA Joe Vispi and Ann Bigoni
journed up for the big PiKA initi
ation . ; . Jim Srock, barracks 9,
has ben named “King of Mac
• This seems to. be . all.. . Maniac
wil be all well to return to Old
Mania next week . . . Madcap
129 W. Beaver Avenue .
v ./ Open-Evenings .till 0
V-12 Notes
The V-12’s Athletic Night
proved successful both for the
sports events. and for the dance
following. The V-12 Orchestra,
led by Pvt. Gene Keller, was in
top form. Pvt. Jack Foley, who
directed the V-12 Follies, was
Master of Ceremonies and sup
plied a few laughs. Keller and
Foley sang, “I’m Steppin’ Out on
You,” which was one of the fea
tured numbers in the “Follies.”
Sally Duffy, voted “V-12 Queen”
last semester, presented the three
war bonds which were given as
door prizes.
Seen at the dance: A/S Leigh
Woehling, erstwhile phi kappa
sigma, and Mollie Wolfinger,
Bucknell coed; A/S Jack Bernard
and Chris Deal; A/S Stu Block
and Peipoy Hammon; A/S Bell
Bourne and Jean Moyer; Pvt.
John Peters and Audrey Creegar;
A/S Karl Yedlicka and Doris
Klein; A/S Paul Berg and Kay
Kuty; Pvt. Bill Christmas .with
Lee Yeagley; A/S Jack HanseU
and Bubbles Zinns; Pvt. Whitcy
Kurowski and Peggy Presel.
A/S Harry . Dunham is the lo
cal agent for a few nationally
famous cover girls. The girl .oiv
the new Look ■ magazine •
smiling over that apple she’-s
munching. Harry says it’s over
him. Another one of Dunham’s
loves is the pretty girl on the
new Redbook magazine. Dun
ham’s office hours are 1500 to
1600 on Sundays.
A/S Bill Abromitis pinned Pat
ty Robinson, a town girl.
“Hollywood Joe” ■ Riegel •- and
“Beautiful” Broscious still • fight
ing over the title of-the “prettiest
. John Muhs and Karl Yedlicka
kept the crowd laughing at the
athletic night with - their- speciaV
boxing bout. Nice going, fellows.
The Delta--. Gammas entertained
Bks. 41 and 22 on Sunday, Aug
ust 6.
Vf l *
$4; 7 3