FRIDAY, JULY 28, 1944 sumummummtumommiumummuilimumminimmuummummininumuniummunniummummu A Lean And Hungry Look pIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII4IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII4IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIHIIII Dear Brutus; _ ' ' House of 'Cassius will be vindica ted •when I draw the craven's blood. • In the meanwhile, I have set the Snooper-Dick Detective A gency on •his trail should he at tempt to flee State College to es cape his just deserts. I will have my revenge.. Your Pal, Cassius P. S. Can you lend me five bucks? I want to buy a certain writer on the Penn State Engineer enough rope to hang himself. - While rummaging. through my garbage can, looking for some thing suitable with which to wipe Up the floor of •a dog house, I en countered the latest copy of the Penn State Engineer. Overcoming my initial revulsion, I gingerly be gan, turning the pages while hol ding the magazine at arm's length. I.was amazed at the things these engineers could think of to print. Astounding facts about airplane engines, plastics, rocket guns; and I • began to feel more kindly to ward these ambitions and articu late vocational school students. At this point I reached a page whose stench caused me to gasp in dismay. I assumed that the edi tors of the magazine had, in kind ness and consideration toward hu manity, impregnated this page with some noxious chemical to warn .off any prospective readers. After reading a few lines of this so . called "Talk. of the Campus,'.' 'f :realized that the' odor emanated :from 'the 'writings itself: • IVlaryeling at the ,assininity:,;,pf. the - writer - . I bravely continued _reading .the first page of the nau spt)us, mess, :,relying liberally up-. On a bottle of smelling salts to keep me conscious under the. on. : 'slaught of this deranged humor. Then I came to the top of the sec ond page. Under the heading of "Feud . . . " there was printed the following item: "The trouble with this depart ment is that we are 'too' easy go-. ing. We're notmad at anybody. But that's all hanged now. We don't like that' rag Collegian and the thing we don't like about it is that column 'A Lean and Hun gry Look," written by Cassius. Cassius indeed! Probably some manic-depressive with, a poison `Pen, a dirty- dishrag for a mind, and big ears. Phooey!" I immediately interpreted this vicious and unprovoked attack for what it is—a .poorly disguised attempt by •an apprentice moron to gain , notoriety by insulting *his moral, and intellectual superior. I • will not -raise his social position by recognizing any such feud, nor will I. enter - into • a. name-calling contest with the ruttin', rat-faced, cross-eyed, polywog brained, flan nel-mouthed,-. weasel headed, sway-backed, spavine d- kneed, wife-beating,. slimy son of a con genital jackass. Upon -investigation it turns out "that this coward who lacked the courage to . sign his name to his depraved' and libelous attack, is wanted by the police of seven states, and spends his time here at State throwing beer bottles at the Lion Shrine, pushing profes- Sors into open man-holes, dating coeds, and stealing candy bars from the five-and-ten-cent store. Of course, it would be best to ignore this upstart, but the honor of one of the oldest Roman fam ilies' is at stake. Therefore, I am going to challenge the yellow pup to a duel to be held between hal ves of the first home football game this fall. With the entire student 'body watching, the honor of the Always the favorite CLIFF'S. famous for our MILK SHAKES and ICE CREAM- Campus Calendar Today Tea for eighth semester senior women (those 'whose initials are from A-F), Frances Atherton Southeast Lounge, 4-5 p.m. 13egular•Weekly Services, Hillel Foundatien, 7:30' pr.m: r- • - • • • . _ ••• ‘, • - ,Tomorrow • PSCA Cabinet meeting, Hugh Beaver Room, Old Main, •1:15 p.m. Baseball game, - Penn State-Cor nell, New Beaver-Field, 2:30 p.m. Dungaree Dance, Armory, 8:30- 12 p.m. WRA Square Dance, White 9-12 p.m. Sunday Chapel services, Schwab Audi torium, 11 a.m. Westminster Student Fellow ship meeting, Fireside Room, 6:20 p.m. "Pop's Record Concert," Hillel, 6:30 p.m. Monday Archery Club, (instruction giv by Marjorie Auster), Archery Court, White Hall, 4 p.m. Freshman Men's Council meet ing, Hugh Beaver Room, Old Main, 6:30 p.m. Symphony Orchestra practice, 117 -Carnegie Hall, 7 p.m. Riding . Club -meeting, Riding Ring, 7. p.m. Freshman Council meeting, -Hugh Beaver Room, Old" Main ,, 7:30 p.m. • . Tuesday Archery .Club (instruction given by Marjorie /Mister), Archery Court, 4 p.m. Golf. Club, White Hall, 6:30 p.m. ' Tennis Club, courts (White Hall in case of rain), 6:45 p.m. Riding Club. meeting, Riding Ring, 7 p.m. Panhellenic Executive Commit tee, meeting, Dean of Women's Office, Old Main, 7 p.m. Bowling Club, White Hall, 7:15 p.m. Movie for Engineering Societies, en by Marjorie Auster), Archery Sparks, 7:30 p.m.- Portfolio meeting, 5 Carnegie Hall, 7:30 p.m. Regular Pre-med and Women's The FIRST NATIONAL BANK of STATE COLLEGE Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation F-rw.wrwra Dungaree Dance- (Continued from page one) purchasing a ticket will receive a miniature pair of dungarees as a souvenir. Cokes and doughnuts will be served by members of the re freshment committee: Mary Ev ans, Maryann Graham, Mildred Gross, Ruth Klenck, Betty Luch temeyer, Jean Pretter, and Pete Palmer, chairman. Officiating at the door will be Robert Barefoot, Robert Lillie And Salvatore Rocci. Robert Smith is in charge of records. Birdie Diemel is handling publicity and Rita Penner is taking care of decorations. Pre-med joint meeting, 110 Home Economics, 7:30 p.m. Meeting for first semester can didates for Collegian, 7:30 p.m. Meeting for second semester candidates for Collegian, 8 p.m. All-College Cabinet meeting, Alumni Office, Old Main, 8 p.m.. Wednesdall PSCA Personnel Committee meeting, CA Office, 2 p.m. Archery Club (instruction given - by Marjorie Auster), Archery Court, 4 p.m. Meeting of the Cwens, WRA Room, 5:15 p.m. • Meeting of the WRA Executive Board, WRA Room, 6:30 p.m. Archery Club (instruction given by Mildred Lucey), Archery Club, 7:30 p.m. BadMinton Club, White Hall, 6:45 p.m. Band practice, 117 Carnegie Hall, 7 p.m. Surgical Dressings Class, 112 Home Economics, 7 p.m. ,IMA meeting, 401 Old Main, 7 Riding Club meeting, Riding Ring, 7 p.m. Ag Student Council meeting, .418 Old Main, 7:30 p.m. Thursday Movies, "Patterns of Rural Art," "Art in Living," 110 Home Eco nomics, 3-4.p.m. - Archery Club (instruction given by Marjorie Auster), . Archery Court, 4 p.m. Golf _Club, White Hall, 6:30 p.m. Choir practice, 117 Carnegie Hall, 7 p.m. NOTICE A •reward of Ten ($10.00) Dol lars will be paid for information leading to the arrest and con viction of person or persons stealing and destroying PENN 'HAVEN signs attached to the premises at No. 315 South Al len Street, on or about the night of Saturday, July 22nd, 1944. Call 4333 for appointment. PENN HAVEN W. S. WILEY Front and Center From the PiKA house comes news of brothers scattered all over the country in various training camps . . . Dave Barron and Jim Dietz, (yes, Fred's brother) are both at the Great Lakes Naval Training Center studying radar. . . . Don Skelly is at Spence Field, Moultrie, Ga. . . . Jack Neilson, PiKA pledge is at Camp Bland ing, Florida . . . Alpha chi sig Hugo Larson just left for the service, as did brother Charley Bain and Alpha tau omega John Wolf. . . . Commissions, Etc. • . . Harris J. Gilbert was commis sioned a second lieutenant in the Army Air Forces after completing bombardier training at the Carls bad (New Mexico) Army Air Field . . . Richard Dale Reitler was appointed a flight officer after completing training at the same field . . . Aviation Cadets Herbert H. Lee and Murray D. Druck have reported there for advanced flight training in high-level bombardier ing and dead-reckoning navigation . . . The Carlsbad Army Air Field is the newest bombardier school in the. AAF's Training Command .. . Seven former Penn Staters have rep rted to the pre-flight school This Week's Calendar Religious Organizations ST. ANDREW'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH S. Frazier St. & Foster Ave Rev. John N. Peabody. . Rector Sunday Services 7:45 a. m.—Holy Communion 10:45 a. m.—Morning Prayer 6:30 p. m.—Student Discussion at the rectory Come and bring your friends --- • .Str , John's • Evangelical' Church Beaver Ave & Burrowes St. SUNDAY SERVICES Unified Services. 9:30-11 a. m. Worship .Services ..9:30 a. m. S. S. Classes 10:20 a. m. Milton R. Vogel, Pastor - • We, the newly-elected representatives of the Key party, wish to thank those whose interest and effort secured for us our positions as rem sentatives of the classes. • • We pledge ourselires to maintain the .successful record of those class officers we are to succeed. Dale Bower Stan Speaker Sally Duffy Chuck Alcorn Eve Wasson Terry Rubin= • f a ; Jean Bosch Bill Morton • ' Nan Charles Bill Saffurs • • . . The KEY PARTY. : By NANCY CARASTRO at Maxwell Field, Alabama, to be gin 'another phase of their train ing . . . They are Aviation Cadets Robert A. Ebersole, Lewis W. Gibb Jr., Lawrence W. Goldberg, John P. Haskell, Ronald B. Houck, David B. Levin, and Alfred. S. Mann . . . Letter Men, . . . Aviation Cadet Lyle A. Ammer man, former member of the var• sity baseball and soccer teams was recently transferred to the Naval Air Training Center at Pensacola, Florida. . . James A. McKechnie, also an aviation cadet, is now completing the final phase of his cadet training at Turner Field . . . He was a number one ice hockey man before he left, and also cap. tained the varsity skaters . . . Edwin A. Friend Jr. has been promoted to the rank of sergeant at a Troop Carrier Group Head quarters in England . . . Lt. -(jg) Donald B. MacMillan is a 'mem ber of a Fleet Air Wing. Four bombing s.quadren . . •. He is' co pilot of a medium bomber in- the "Empire Express" task unit which has been attacking-the Kuriles . . • Flight Officer Earl S. Fox won his silver wings at the Big Spring Bombardier School in Texas . For Student Student Department 9:30 a. m. Fifth Session of the * Summer Semester • Wrorship ,Services, Westminster . Ha ll. Lesson:- *,Chapter Three, Thd Acts -of the. Apostle • „ Westminster Fellowship • . • 6:30.p. m. • The Fireside Room 'Quiet. Meditation: — Worildp)ul Music. • Friendly .Fellowe4llD. Social Period Will Follow the • Meeting. Freedom of Religion does not mean freedom , from Religion." PAGE FINE
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