The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, May 19, 1944, Image 7
iItIDAY, MAY. 19, 1944 AAUW Sponsors Musical Concert Music by local artist's will be featured at the American Associa tion of University Women's con cert at the Nittany Lion Inn 3 p. m. Sunday. Included in the program are se ledtions by Bach, Chnpin, Strauss-. atuenfeld; and Lehman. Marine Pin. Andrew' Morrison Linn. Wlll play ti,vo , Piano solos..ln a Persian Mitten: 'WI - 11- be presented by Mr. 4!rliert•• ICoePp-Baker; . GI geitilio* Mis. , Dunne.A.s2 Beni sey, Mr. Jack .teager,-, and Mr: Mlchaer, • Hnienberger, .accinnparii ed *by Mrs.. Mary. Lee Johnson. Miss Joan /tuber and: Mr, gertrY •Brunner, violinists, and Mrs. Ken neth D. Hutchinson, ,pianist will play a selection from Bach's Double Concerto. in. D minor. - The purpose••of the concert is to raise funds for the AAUW's educational pni - jects. Tickets are 50 cents and may be obtained from members of the organization or from Miss Katherine Stokes at the College Library. Crowning Of Queen Highlights Agriculture, Home Economics Picnic Crowning of Corinne .Berkebile• as queen will highlight the agri -cultural-home economics. student-, faculty Hint: Woods tip morrow afternoon. Miss •Berkebile; second , semester. ..agricultural bio-chemistry..coet: -.won by,:4oo•yotes over:two other 'contestants;. _Jean Dunceiv'thirci. semester home-economics student .and Elizabeth,condi -semester medical: technoliagy coati - Many - activities _have been- Pial- ned for the day. A. softball". garnet at 2 ro.; square:dancing 3.. p, m.,., volleyball gamei, a rope pull ing'ciMtest. and: a: community sing -are . -artiong the activities planned: Professors and their wives are-ur ged to attend. and to, participate in the activities of the day. Hot dogs, ice cream, chocolate milk, and other refreshments will be , served at 5 p. m. This picnic is sponsored through the combin ed efforts of the Ag Student Coun cil and the home economics de partment. • Balloting for the title of queen will conclude in the creamery salesrcom this afternoon. VIS6A Nominees- (Continued from page one ) automatically be one .of the • two junior senators. - Nominees for senior senator must be either fifth or sixth seines ter-now, vice-president and junior senator must be third or fourth semester, and treasurer and sopho- More senator - candidates must• be second semester. Independent. and town senators may be third, fourth, fifth, or sixth semester. All nominations made' from the floor InuSt have the approval of Senate. • One freshman senator will be ejected this summer to represent present first semester freshmen . and incoming freshmen. Another freshman senator will be elected from the freshman class enrolling in the fall. Elected officers will take office for the summer semester, but if they do not return for the summer session they will take office -in the fall, Appointments will •be made for all vacancies during the sum mer semester. Primaries will be held in Old Maid lounge from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. next Friday and final elections will take place in Old Main from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.. Monday, May 29. At a meeting of ,Philotes Mon day, Kay Bovard was elected president for the new, semester; Nancy Coffin, vice-president; Ent- , ily.. Shenk, .•secretary-treasurer;., andAliarriet-Myers, historian, Service goard To Tap 10 Juniors , Sunday Morning Junior Service board will tap fen first semester juniors Sunday morning. Miss Charlotte E. Ray, Dean of Women, Miss Pearl 0. Weston, assistant to the Dean, and Patricia Deiner, president of WSGA, will, be guest speakers at breakfast in Frances i Atherton dining room. .Another exchange- dinner has been planned! by-'Junior. , Serviee Board members and - the•illairtilt-M Standiard. • Propeller, girls - for Thursday. This,-tbric Hamilton. 'girls. wilt be entertained •by Junior 'Service •Board members in the ,dining.• room. at Atherton - Hall. while 14 more. Hamilton Prop women are acting .as hostesses to 14 other members of Junior Serv ice Board. in Old Main. Sandwich Shop. Junior Service Board is also planning to give a tea for the Hamilton girls in the Southwest Lounge of Atherton Hall Sunday, May 28. College forum Presents final. Panel Discussion I. Last in the series of panel dis cussions sponsored by the student section of the advisory commit tee of the College.. Forum will be held in--304 ,Old Main at 4:15 p. rn, .Wednesday. ; Topic of the discussion- will be "The Home After the War.!! Par .ticipants., will include - Dr. Clifford Adams,. associate. professor . of education and ..psychology;. , *.ll-. &am Claudy; , '...supeiqiiterident..:: - :',9f: Roekview-..Penitentiaty; and' , llTrs, Harbara- Serrielman, wife of a serviceman and --sociology , at. the College. • . . , ..._ ' 4 411? .; ::;'• / '" / r 6., 4 IA . 1 -We i‘ ••• ~. . Sun Beige• 5.5: . 1 ' : tik., „ Ilightl .. Sun Bronze d:aiiNP:W , :: - • . ; •1. : . : ':: , ." Sun Copper :,ii•i't • -",',..., (dark/ - ':;:k 1. 5i,,,, , ,, ~,,.. . ....... .0 .4: . " At : : VE I. V A w di .: :: LEG FILM ).•:;it for real ly ' . ex quisite legs * , , . You have no idea of how lovely your legs can look until you try Ve 6 / a Leg Film .; . deliciowsly.smooth in texture, easy to use, dependably fast color. It comes in three shades, to suit every occasion, complement every costume ...goes on in a jiffy. Water- resistant, stays on until you wash it off, wins compli ments from every beholder: Almost 50 pairs In the large 2.00 economy size: M cianahan's THE COLLEMAN Engineer To Continue Pubikation. Next Term Publication of the Penn State Engineer will be continued next semester because of demonstrated student interest in the magazine, it was announced Monday at a meeting of the staff and advisory committee, by Eugene F. Von Arx, editor. The following •were named to the new staff: Althea Shaffer and . Conrad Walck, co-editors; Lynne Robinson, business man ager; Dbrothea Fisher, managing 'editor; M'ef Field, local ' • advertis ing..editor. Nancy Cohen, illustration ed itor; Gertrude Spector, circula tion manager; • Bernard Cutler, 'feature editor; and John Duich, office manager. The May issue of the Engineer will go on sale Wednesday, it was also announced. Featured on the From Major General Hayes Penna. State Celle a a Find out today about your place in the Women's Army Corps. Learn how you can use your background, your aptitude in one of 239 vital Army jobs. Clip the coupon below, and mail - it at once. You will, be sent an interesting illustrated booklet explaining, the opportunities the WAC offers you—the valuable - experience the Army gives you, the deep satisfaction you'll feel in helping to speed America's victory. THE ARMS NEEDS WACS • • ;. I I o q l / o r • ta , interfaith Council Party Student Inter-faith Council will hold a party at the Armory from 8:30 to 11:30 p.m. Saturday, May 26. Members of all State College young peoples' church groups are invited to attend. Singing, group games, and skits will feature the party. Re freshments also will be served. "Committee for the affair in cludes: Helen L. Dossenbach, chairman; Ilajean Feldmiller, re freshments; Marjorie M. Nemes, decorations; Louis G. Brethauer, publicity; and Robert S. Hart man and- Bernard Washo, enter tainment. Robert• M. Worthington wilt serve as master of. ceremon ies.. cover will be a picture of Mac- Allister Hall in•full coler. The is sue will also include a short story reprinted by permission of the New Yorker. to the women of Probably .no. other group of young American women..has :sore much to.offer.. the ,accOmplishment of the, final, victory seniors sucit as you. You: have. , theeducation and training - tor leader ship the schooled. discipline of mind and-body, and a backgraund of appreciation of-the re sponsibilities of your . generation in the world of tomorrow ; the world of peace. The Army urgently needsayou and the contri— bution you can make toward peace and final victory. I am confident that you will seriously consider this call of your country. THE MIC NEEDS YOU? a aa 4. a Philip Hayei Major General, U. S. Army 3rd Service Command, Commanding. I f you want to finish your college semester before starting. your .Army career, you can enlist in the WAC now and arrange to be called to active duty later—any time within the next 4 months. You must be at least 20 years old before joining the WAC. WOMEN'S ARMY CORPS U. S. ARMY RECRUITING STATION 147 N. Cameron Si. Harrisburg. Pa I should like•complete Information about the WAC. Curtiss-Wright (ails For toed Applicants Mr. Warren Bruner, a represen. tative of the Curtiss-Wright Corgi poration, will be on the Campus Monday, May 22, to interview candidates for the Cadette Train ing Program. Interested women students should make appoint ments as soon as possible in 204 Old Main. Students will be trained at Pur due University or some other col lege in the West or Midwest. Financial arrangements are the same as for previous programs, ,More complete information. is .available in the College Placement Service. "Hillelzapoppin"• is scheduled for tomorrow evening at Hillel. dation, Bernard Washo, president, announced. Feature of the evening will be Walt Disney's original movie, "South of the Border." Special deferment now offered college women! Phons Numb*, PAGE SEVEN