PAGE EIGHT Sigma Della Chi Offers Loan Fund Sigma Delta Chi, national pro l!essional journalism honorary, has 'established a loan fund open to Audents registered in the depart ment of journalism at the College, Franklin C. Banner, department head, announced today. The fund has been named the Sigma Delta Chi Journalism Loan Fund. At the present time it totals $lOO. Alfred G. Hill, publisher of the Chester Times, and James S. Lyon, Washington Observer gen eral manager, were the first per ions to contribute to the emer gency fund for College students. To negotiate a loan from the fund, an applicant must meet the following qualifications: 1. Student must be registered in the department of journalism at the College. 2. At the time of application, the student must have an All- College average of not less than 1.5. 3. The student must be enrolled ias a sophomore, junior, or first :semester senior. Loans will not be extended to freshmen or second semester seniors. The applicant must obtain unanimous approval of the loan committee following presentation of satisfactory proof of need for money. Loans will be made for Women's Debating Team Makes Three-Day Trip Scheduling debates with Johns Hopkins, Loyola, and American Universities, the women's debate team will make a three-day trip to Washington and Baltimore next week, according to Prof. Clayton 0. Schug, advisor. Penn State will take the nega tive of the subject, "Resolved: That the United States should co operate in establishing and main taining an international police force upon the defeat of the Axis." On Wednesday the team will debate the American University women's team; on Thursday, the Loyola men's team; and on Friday, the Johns Hopkins men's team. one to six months. Interest In curred for every loan will be one half • of one per cent per month, simple interest. Business transactions and dis cussion of loans will be held con fidential by the committee at all times. Loan committee will consist of the president of Sigma Delta Chi, treasurer of Sigma Delta Chi; and head of the department of journalism at the College. The total amount loaned by the committee will not at any time exceed 75 per cent of the total in vested. Applicants must approach either the head of the department of journalism or the president of Sigma Delta Chi. THE COLLEGIAN Miss '45 Sparks 'Slide Rule Ball' Sponsored by "Penn State En gineer," the second annual "Slide Rule Ball" takes over Recreation Hall May 27. At. the ball, Miss '45 will be crowned. The ball honors the Class of '45, the first class to graduate froM the College under the eight - semester accelerated program. If you wish to help select Miss '45, clip the slip at the bottom of this story and hand it in to Stu dent Union. Six finalists will be chosen by the executive staff of the "Engineer" from among the contestants, the winner becoming Miss '45. Pictures of the six finalists will appear in the April issue of "En gineer." In the May copy, a full page photograph of Miss '45 will be printed. Miss Class of '45 Theta Phi Alpha Elects Theta Phi Alpha recently elect ed the following officers: Nancy Carastro, president; Kathleen Red dinger, vice - president; Evelyn Pompey, recording .secr et ar y; Anne Re, 'corresponding secretary; and Jean Klinikowski, treasurer. "*"'""."*"- , .„... .' ' i ( ° 1: • ::. ~ -. . ::.:.::::::. :,,::: .:., • THERE'S THERES • lAt FT;-.:oSitinmeggat. r . t o l ogo tt o . :tsittik*UktnArt an PLAYING SAT. * MON. * TUES. SALLY'S I Nominate MLAt.O two vaAOOl4 -~~ NO MORGAN/ I N But there is a Private Retzky-Watzky NO CREEK IN it.. BO there's lots of kockenlockers Fiesta Celebration Opens Latin-American Program (Continued from page one) be a group discussion of the forces and events which s have brought about close wartime cooperation between all the American repub lics. Further, It will be a• consid eration of the prospects for eco nomic, political, and social co operation and understanding in the future. If this all sounds too academic, what we'll try to do is `size, up' the American, that is the inter-American, situation today as well as try to guess realistically what the future may hold for all of us." Other Latin Americans will be present at the discussion and audi ence participation will be encour aged, rentin added. Movies on South America will be presented in the Little Theater, Old Main; from 8:00 to 9:45. All of the films are being shown for the first time in State College. They will be ."Young Uruguay;" "Hous, ing in Chile," "Wealth of the Andes," and "The Bridge." In 805 Old Main from 8 to 10 p.m. there will be an exhibit of Latin American objects. PSCA Plans Hike PSCA has scheduled a hike to the cabin, 1:30 p.m. Sunday. All those interested in helping to pre pare the lodge for spring cabin parties 'are urged to meet on the front steps of Old Main at 1:30, Robert Worthington and Frances Pyle, co-chairmen of the cabin committee, announced. Pistol Packin ; Kockenlockerj Papa cocky Kockenlockgr• Daughtqr Dema re sf Diana Lynn., • "\--4.%. FRIDAY, APRIL 14, 1944 Baseball- (Continued from page two) fighting for the catcher's post a veteran Holler, and •Della go, while Pat Pantano, another candidate for the position is out of practice for a few days with an injured finger. Big Johnny Cwik, Naval trainee from Johns 'town, should get some innings bthind the plate, providing a mil. itary ineligibility will free him for the games. CLASSIFIED SECTION FOR RENT—Pleasant single room, shower. College Heights section. Call 2174. lt-chg—RME LOST—Scarab bracelet. Finder call Chi Omega and ask for Mar ian. Reward. it-dig—RAM Lost: Blue and gray Parker pa, Finder please call 2159, ask for Doris. Lost! Gold Signet Ring with iny itials on back P. B. McC and date 6/10/43. Reward. Call 3987, ask for Pvt. McCown. For Rent: Nicely furnished three-room apartment. Cross ventilation. Responsible man Or couple. Available May 15. Dial 2665. LOST—Silver Elgin wrist 7'iVatch in Atherton. Finder please call room 408. It HVEi FOR SALE--Brand new 'Arrow Van Heusen Tux shirts in all sizes at half price. Call 2300, ask for• Ed. 1 t-cornP=:—BH. I TI • •
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