PAGE SIX Sweetheart Dance Promises Deluge Of Male Pin-Ups "Something new is on this campus It just blew in the-other day, The WRA 'Pin-up Man' is on his way. "Now, he may be yours, he may be mine, It's up to you, Coeds, to draw the line. "The picture you give, the ticket you bu 7, Will determine this number, so why. not try." The above ditty is currently be ing used by WRA to advertise its forthcoming Sweetheart Dance, to take place in White Hall from 9 p.m. until midnight April 22. • Posters have 'been painted and posted, handbills have been faith fully scattered, - and all appears to be in readiness for the expected influx of masculine pin-ups. Student Union will receive the pictures and sell tickets from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thursday, according to Julia Gilbert, general chairman of the dance. The main sale of tickets will start tomorrow when council members accept pictures with each sale. These will be dis played in a•local show window. Approximately . 400, couples are expected to pay their $1.20, the 'Panhel Plans Red Cross Benefit Bridge Party Panhellenic Council's benefit bridge is scheduled to be held in northwest and southeast lounges of Atherton Hall from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Friday, April 21, according to lone Travioli, chairman for the event. Tickets will be sold through the houses and IWA for 25 cents. All proceeds of the gathering are to be given to the Red Cross. Pan hellenic Council will pay the ex penses of the benefit as its part in the drive. Refreshments will he served. It is hoped that local merchants will donate prizes for the benefit as a function of the Red Cross Drive, Miss Travioli stated. Cabinet.- • (Continued from page one) ness, Cabinet set up a standing committee, under the chairman ship of Dean Moyer, assisted by Julian Anderson, in cooperate-with Grounds and Buildings hi making students conscious of the necessity for keeping or the grass and re specting College property.. ... or sealing friendships in New Zealand Kia ora, says the New Zealander to wish you well. Have a "Coke's, is the way the Yank says it and he's made a friend. It says Welcome neighbor from Auckland to Albuquerque. 'Round the globe, Coca-Cola stands for the pause that refreshes,—has • become the high-sign between friendly-minded people. So, of course, Coca-Cola belongs in your icebox at home: SOMED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE COCA•COLA COMPANY BY COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY of ALTOONA cost of a ticket, toward the fund WRA is starting for a Student Union building, Miss Gilbert stated. Committees for the dance, ap pointed, at Wednesday's WIRA. Council meeting, are Julia Gilbert, general chairman; tickets, Alice Hooper, -Nan. Charles, Julia Gil bert, Elizabeth McKinley, Betsy Merkle, Betty Pike, Jane Schlos ser, and Barbara Smith; invita tions, Alice Hooper and Betty' Pike; publicity, Julia Gilbert and Elizabeth McKinley; decorations, Julia Gilbert, Martha Horn, Clara Vreeland, and Louise 'Zimmerer. Pictures submitted for the con test should have the owner's name and address written plainly on the back for safe return, Miss Gilbert said. The Campus Owls have been signed to play for the dance. Re freshments will be served. Theta Sigma Phi Holds Annual Tea MisS S. M. R. O'Hara, Secre tary of Welfare of Pennsylvania, will be guest of honor at the an nual tea given by Theta Sigma Phi, women's journalism honor ary, in the southwest lounge of Atherton 4 p.m. Sunday, Peggy Good, secretary of Theta Sigma Phi, announced. In addition to the 140 journal ism students invited to the tea, Miss O'Hara will also speak to the members of the journalism 2 class in Carnegie Hall 11 a.m. Monday. Present members of Theta Sig ma Phi are Lee Freidman, presi dent; Beatrice Russ, vice-presi dent; Serene Rosenberg, treasur er, and Peggy Good, secretary. Tucker Announces 'Claudia' Tryouts Open tryouts for "Claudia," by Rose Franken, to be pre sented by the Penn State Play ers June 9 and 10, will be held in Little Theatre from 7 until 10 p.m.' Tuesday. Anyone who has a desire to act may try out by signing up for an appoint ment at the Student Union desk Friday, Saturday, Monday, or Tuesday, "Claudia" will be un der the direction of Lawrence E. Tucker of the dramatics staff. Have a Coca-Cola = Kia Ora THE COLLEGIAN Air Corps Honors AWOL, Puppy Mascot, by Formal Farewell Tomorrow will be a memorabl. day in the annals of the 330th C T. D. of the Army Air Corps. While the squadrons stand at attention tomorrow morning in tribute to Awol, their former mascot, his cre mated remains will be scattered: over Penn State campus from a Piper Cub. Awol, a little three-year-old brown and white terrier, was adopted by the Air Corps about eight months ago when he . join,ed their ranks in marching to classes. He soon rated flight training, meet ing the bus for the field every day. He knew that 'bus schedule perfectly and was always the first on the tins and the 'first to alight at the field. Changing the bus schedule didn't phase him; he'd sense it every time and plan his day accordingly. All pups lose track of time once in a while. Awol did one morning. The bus was ready to leave for the field but no pup appeared. 'The fellows held up the bus ten min utes waiting for_ 'him and making themselves late for flight instruc tion, but still no dog. Thus Awol got his name. He'd missed the bus. Awol was loyal to his service, but he was a very impartial pup, having no special buddies. That dog had many flying hours to his credit. Last Sunday while taking an afternoon stroll, Awol was killed by a car, and so tomor row morning 'he'll take his last flight. Commercial Firm Offers Jobs to Senior Women International Business Machine Corporation is offering employ ment to a few women graduating in June. Arrangements for an in terview with the representative -of this company must be made with the Liberal Arts Placement Serv ice office, 100 Sparks, Monday afternoon, April 17, (Yr Tuesday morning, April 18. For the paSt five years this com pany has been training women o in the operation of electric account ing machines, .assisting customers with :the installation of this: equip ment and developing flow charts and procedures in connection with the proposed installation of their equipment. Some women'have. also been employed in special person nel work with certain indtlatriga affiliated with the International Business Machine •Corporation. • (GOOD LUCK) WSGA Promotes Fire Prevention WSGA has devised a plan to improve the fire hazard problem in women's dorms, Patricia Diener, WSGA president,. announced. Ex perimenting with Atherton Hall, sand urns wfll be placed in con venient places on all floors. Coeds are asked-to deposit all accumu lated cigarette butts and ashes in these urns. ,To reduce the number of fires in waste baskets, WSGA has set a one- dollar fine for any waste baskets that have .been• damaged by. fire. The long 'breakfast line .at Ath erton 'has been improved by open ing the dining hall at 7 a.m. and closing the doors at 8 a.m. It is impossible to keep the dining hall open until 8:15 a.m. because of the student help who must get to their classes on time. There will be a compulsory mass meeting for all first and sec ond semester freshmen at Schwab Auditorium at 7 p.m. Monday. All freshman women who do not at tend will be penaliz.ed by a one o'clock removal, Miss Diener added. Jean Miller, was elected chair man of WSGA elections, to be held some time in May. Monty Wooley in the "Pied Piper" will be featured in the PSCA movies for servicemen in 121 Sparks Sunday afternoon. There will be two shows, at 1:45 and 3:45. girl, in town co-soir Pans; Rot% 'ran Oittc Of "Mntgaten. Cleek." Paterson's Hosiery Shop • For a Complete Line of • CANDY • NEWSPAPERS • TOBACCO • MAGAZINES • CIGARETTES :•.PIPES * GRAHAM A. C. Established 1896 • • FRIDAY, APRIL 14, 1944 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111W1111111H1 Women In Simris imumiumminniummuummumnimimuummi Intramural volleyball opened this week with a total of six games played. Watts Hall defeated the Krippas, 49 to 17; Chi Omega top, ped Gamma Phi Beta, 66 to lit; and Ath. Bast nosed West lay a score of 31 to 28. • , • Phi, Mu „defeated th_a...Thetas, 5.4 ,ta $6; zeta Tau Alpha, hawed •to Delta.:GaMe, 66 to 2a; and Ath ast topped AQPI, 49 to' 33. White..F 11 will be , opened aair urday niffb e t •for-PlaY Night .'cruder the Batty Pike,'lt was announced. Elleumae Hottenstine was naPleti Badminton Club president, wg4 council members were informed., ISC Red Cross Dance Nets Total of $l6O ISC's Red Cross dance netted 'a total of .060; according .to Edmithd. Koval, ISC president. . "Me local profit, turned over to the Red Cross fund, shows what a hard working student organi74:-. tion - with a well planned expenie 'account can 'accOmplish," Koval added. Despite: the fact that a great many of the students had left school for Easter weekend, there duction of expenses to a bare min: imum guaranteed a :financial sucL cesS. A total of four 'dollars w6§ the entire outlay for the eveningi .C4euie spotlight -w.i;t:b . ,41:11..e . w.:5/iring cotton . dress I. • Seersgcker. .pressei • Cotton Dresses • Gingham Dresses
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