FRIDAY,- APRIL 14, -1944 Penn Statements e ~ '~~~ i MEE .',s,otne..gaye . quizzes,• some .dutifully took the rble, and some just .ipielfle , :eho*stp, now that everyone is comfortably settled after '.the ' r riow you see it now you dOn't" Easter vacation, we'd-like to give 1 recogni ton to who said nonchalantly, "I'm not going IfO'be here Thursday and Friday. You can act accordingly." Door to Door Service . . . When a suit failed to be the correct size for one of his customers recently, a local retailer didn't let College dorm rules keep him from satisfying both the old and a new customer. Semis a Watts dweller notified the, proprietor about the wrong size and a little while later he found a customer the suit would fit. An order was placed for the correct size for customer number one and customer number twolm mediately received the suit she desired. Almost immediately, that is, since it took only a few minutes cfor the genial merchandiser to run •up to Watts, locate the girl's room, ind the suit and then, quick as a flash, hurry home with it. l'he Pity of It All . . In a • recent interview' , Odette Hector, , Costa Miceli transfer, ex plaining a low. of - the customs. of her land, said, Costa Rica we must take a chaperone with us on every-'dite , until •we are engaged: It is 'very silly. At .lirst.the Amer ican soldiers .stationed on the island „could not understand this Custom, but now they take ..the chaperone and like it." Well, they take the chaperone, anyway. Sleep, It's Wonderful . . . At Princeton the V-12ers' pet instructors have developed new tactics for the case of the sleeping student. Accordirig to a letter Pjayer Claire Kohn received re cently we learn about the boy who fell asleep, in calculus class. In stead of issuing forth with the customsry,,pollte ,shoVe or, gentle shout, the prof motioned his class to silence and after the hour everybody tiptoed out. Last re port: still sleeping! To Censor' *or . . . . Letters from last semester's grads . are dribbling little by little now and we quote from one ex- Stater who, in . fond reminiscing, writes back of an instructor, "Give hith my compliments and ask him to consider making a record of one of his lectures and try listening himself." And that should squelch the rumor that all the bitter 'peo ple are confined to the campus. What.Do You Say? . . . In closing may 'we add, 'IPLEASE help keep your canipUs beautiful. thanks." A characteris tic trait of College—even the signs are polite. Go G.I. With "Janie" This Weekend KAYE'S KORNER "The Post Office Is Just Opposite Us" SUNDAY. APRIL 16th 'Student Department..9:3o Worship Service Courses: "Unifying My Life" Vsstminster Fellowship. 6:20. Fireside Room • Chapel Speaker: - REV. W. E. RICE ' "The Case for Christianity'" SPECIAL MUSIC ) 1 t . Is YOUR Philosophy of Lie Able to Face the Crisis of • Today's World? .}3i':9ERENE ROSENBEE,G. Innumerable former students received their wings this month. Included among these are Second Lieutenant John Holland, Bob Hazel, Gayle Gearhart, Jim McCaughan, George Williams, Don Hallman, Don Sandercock, Dave Mather, John McCauley, and Flight Officer Bob Nekton. The fighter pilots :received their wings -at Eagle Pass, at Aloe and Fooster Fields in Victoria, and at Moore Field in Mission, all Texas flying schools. - Bomber pilotS included in the ligt of names were graduated at Frederick and Altus in Oklahoma and at the Texas air fields of Slackland at Waco, Ellington Field at Houston, Brooks Field at San Antonio, and th 3 army flying schools at cer at the Oklahoma City Air Lubbock and Pampa. Depot, Tinker Field, Oklahoma. The depot was constructed .for Two graduates were re- the maintenance and repair of 'canny awardeil the silver wings aircraft and the training of air of the aerial navigator after corn- depot groups. pleting the 18 weeks' course in advanced aerial navigation at San Marcos Army Air Field, Texas. They are Second Lieutenants Jay McGrew and Frank Stoe, both of whom were student officers. Commi§sions in the air corps were recently received by Ray McKinley, Philip Walter, Les Thurston, Nicholas Vozzy, :Milton Green, Bob. Starr, Lee Wertz, Al fred • Eberhaidt, Alfred Johnson, James Graham, Ed Staricka. Pob Farnsworth won his Navy "Wings of Gold" and was com missioned an Ensign in the Naval Reserve following' the completion of the prescribed flight training at the Naval Air Training Center, Pensacola, Fla • Karl Yohn recently won his sil ver wings as a pilot and was pro moted to the rank of flight offi cer in the army Air Forces at Tur ner Field, Albany, Ga. We hear that Second Lt. Donald Beyer is now assistant Maintenance Offi- HAVE YOU SEEN THE TREASURE HOUSE DISPLAY? • • Compacts Novelty Glass P 't • • Necklaces i 4V • • .',7 • • Novelty ". Stationery • Sachets The FIRST NATIONAL BANK of STATE COLLEGE Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Front and Center By RITA M. BELFONTI THE COLLEGIAN Game .Room Opens After a long, but fruitful struggle,lWA 'and IMA are pleased n announce the .open ing of 401 Old Main, replete with • ping-pong tables, card tables, a victrola and maga zines, to all college students. • The room will be open to everyone from 7:30 a.m. to 11 p.m. every day, Dean Ray an nounced. IWA and IMA's only request is that the student body cooperate in the use and care of all equipment. That's all we could find this Week—all about the air corps. And what's this we've been hear ing about the infantry? ?. Pan-American (Continued from page one) Walter Camacho; rhumba, Fred Trilla and, partner; bolero, Miss Josephine Zogby and Ismael Ca bera. As an additional attraction there will be a contest of Latin Amer ican dances open only to non- Latin American participants. It will be judged by Rojas and Ca brera. The following, under Miss Pa tricia Enright, PSCA, are the com mittees in charge of the dance: Re freshments, Miss Mary Dunlap, WSGA; music, Miss Mirium John son, Alpha Lambda Delta; and ad missions, Miss Ann Berkheimer, Freshman Foruni. Campus Calendar Today "Janie," Players' production, Schwab Auditorium, 8 p.m. Penn State Fiesta in honor of Pan-American Day, Old Main Open House, 7:15 p.m. Also Latin American movies and exhibit. Pan-American Dance, Armory, 8-10:30 p.m. Tomorrow PSCA Cabinet meeting, 304 Old Main, 1 p.m. "Janie," last production, at Schwab Auditorium, 8 p.m. Newman Club Dance, Wood man's Hall, 8:30 p.m. Fun Night, Wesley Foundation, 8-11 p.m. Sunday Regular Chap el Services, Schwab Auditorium, 11 a.m. Lounge for Servciemen, 304 Old Main, 2-5 p.m. Games and ping pong, 401 Old Main, 2 7 5 p.m. Classical music hour, 305 Old Main, 2-5 p.m. Westminster Fellowship meet ing, Fireside Room, 6:20 p.m. Dr. Wendell E. Keeper, profess or of agricultural economy, will speak at the Friendly hour, Wes ley Foundation, 4:45-7 p.m. Initiation of Newman Club, Woodman's Hall, 2:30 p.m. Monday Student Inter-faith Council, 318 Old Main, 8.-9 p.m. "Penn State Engineer" meeting, 2 Armory, 7:30 p.m. FRATERNITY JEWELRY L G. BALFOUR COMPANY LOCATED IN THE ATHLETIC STORE; lake a Holiday to Come in and Hear "Holiday for Strings"'' , by FRED WARING THE MUSIC ROOM Girls! Ask Him Now to Annual WRA • • Special Feature A "PIN-UP MAN" is going to be chosen. So, when you buy your ticket, enter the picture of your date. SEMI-FORMAL • • SATURDAY, APRIL 22 • White Hall Music By $1.20, Tax Included 934 . 2 Campus Owls Tuesday Freshman Forum, 304 Old Main, 7:30 p.m. New Collegian candidates meet, 8 Carnegie Hall, 7:30 p.m. Tennis Club 7 first floor loungf) White Hall. Wednesday College Weekly Forum, 304 0):( Main, 4:15 p.m. Freshman Men's Council, 304 Old Main, 7:30 p.m. Surgical Dressings Class, 119, 117 Home Economics Building, 'I p.m. Cwen meeting, WRA room, 5: p.m. Thursday • Forensic Council meeting 300 Old Main, 7 p.m. Freshman Meeting There will be a compulsory freshman mass meeting in Schwab Auditorium at 7 p.m. Monday, an.. nounced Pete Johnson, second semester president. It is designed to create class spirit and to get the students acquainted with their fellow class members. 'Judicial and Tribunal, cooper:. ating with Cabinet in making tile meeting compulsory, are prepared to punish those who fail to attend. It is suggested that students come early, armed with a pencil. Any students of other semesters; and faculty members who are in terested in fostering the old-time spirit are invited to attend. PAGE FtV
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