FRIDAY, APRIL 14, 1944 Hazel Grants Collegian Scoop Interview On Success Story • If food Will win the war Hazel should get a •medal. • The record of Pennstate Inka- Uaselrohampiort milk producer of the College herd, of- 2300 pounds 01 milk with 918.1 pounds ef but terfat. may' not seem. very •iinpres sVe,'•but-this is enough••to leave 1000 milk battles on somebody's front porch-one morning. Interviewed-hy a Collegian 're porter' in -the Holstein sorority suite hi the dairrbarn,Hazel turn-. ed out, -'to be a lively young lady weighing abut 1,359 pounds. She was wearing an almost entirely black fur coat with a white beauty mark on her forehead. 'Her hair was worn •in an upswept pompa dour set off with an attractive - pail -- of curved 12-inch horns. "How does it feel to be a cham pion?" the reporter asked Hazel. "Moo!" Somewhat baffled by this cryp tic answer the reporter turned to Philip D. Jones, manager of the dairy barns; and learned that Hazel's pedigree contains a line of `National, and Sthte champions and `one near World champion. ."She is milked four times a day, during her meals. Hazel eats about .20 pounds of silage, hay, and grain t ratiOns.daily," he said:.. PSCA Book Drive Ends Tomorrow PSCA book drive for war pris oners has been extended until tomorrow, Jeane Henry, chair man of the campaign, announced this week. APproXimately 150 books have been donated by the 'students so far. • Books of all types are wanted -by Freshman Forum, sponsorer of the drive. Text books, pocket size editioni of novels, fiction stories, and, other such .books are acceptable._ • There "are places In which to put the bOokS in all the dormitor ies and Old 'Main.. Chairman of the drive, Jeane ,Henry, has announced the fol loi)Ving - committees: Sororities—chairman, - Margaret Keefe; 'Alpha Chi Omega, Elaine Sinipson; AlOha . Epsilon Phi, Ruth AaPatein;• Alpha • Omicron Pi, gel;en Jones; iilptio Xi Delta, ghita Roe; 'Zeta Tau Alpha, Anne Xeller; 'Theta Phi * Alptia,. Pearl .raPaui; • , ,Ginana 'Phi 'Beta,' •Mar= wet Wasson; . :Qa4iraa;. .I.gl4Pal. ; Alpha TllOO, lluth.:Twichell; : Kappa Del , . ta, get 4 Jane_ .NAPPa..ICAP- Pa: - Garnmti, Mary 'Lou Jones; ma Delta Tau, - Betty-Berman; Phi kathiyn - Fix; Chi 'Omega,. obel , CulleY. . Libraries • chairman, Anna Committee---S7hirlqy Bre mier, Margaret Campbell, Rachel Hinderach, Barbara - Jane Reinke meyer, Eleanor Richardson, Mar garet Sprecher, Norma Stephens, Pauline Stramara..• • . • BoOk Dealers—chairman, Re becca White. Committee--Marg `cry Baker, Barbara Stocker, Lois ;WillsOn ; .Willadeen Woodruff, Florine Gilbert: . , Chairman of - posters is Har riette DeWees with Rebecca White and Jeane Henry. assisting her. Mary c4herine Garret . is, in charge of the display • Old Main. - . • • The after-collecticin committee is headed by - LaVona Dewald with Ruth Ann Seacord Carolyn. Wil,l helm, Jane Watson, and Sally llittephotise .as .her assistants.' ' Charlotte Kessler, •in charge of campus dormitories, has on her I committee Gail Nicely, Nancy , Sherriff, Ruth - Winterstein, Sara Achenbach, Tamazine Crum, Margaret Nelson. Jayne Camp bell, Jane Whitby. Snrajane Shade, and Fay Young, ' Collections from town dormi tories will be made :by Mafgery Baker, Patricia 'Enright, Claire iarveY,, Rachel -Einera - ch, Sam EalatruM., Elizabeth *Kehl], and Willadeen •Woodniff. ' "Whenever necessary Hazel re ceives veterinary care. Her coat is brushed every other. day with a currycomb brush and she is turned put ethe field for exercise- every •morning. 'During the summertime she is. let • out to pasture," Jones added:- • • • . ••Then heiet,slip the secret that the lady's age, is Ave years end .nine months, and that she Is the mother of four. Fortified' with this infOrmation the reporter approached , who- was , , contentedly , ruminating in her stall, and asked her,, "Do you :expect to maintain your rec ord this yefir?” The young matron lifted star tled large' brown eyes for •a• mo ment, then turned and with a long pink-black tongue licked her col league, Pennstate Pathfinder Inka Joy, on the nose. Fischer Lectures- (Contititled front - page - one) • - mary stipulation that they return to their dorms .directly from the lecture, Dean Ray ' , affirmed. • Tickets ) which are 25 cents, in cluding tax, may be obtained at Student Union or from represent atives of the 11 organizations sponsoring the lecture. These or ganizations will make up any def icit existing after ticket saleS•have been computed. In Survey Graphic's February issue on Russia, Fischer wrote "Under the Soviet Rainbow," con cerning ills ,studieS of Z.Jkranian minority groups. Named by Rayinond Gram Swing, the "most Serious' and pro- found journalist , of his generation," Fischer now contributes. to Na tion, the magazine for which he formerly- was European corres pondent. - - . . . IX UP - A 3tiblDeb 41 'Her:: - Girl Friends - - - A High Si Beaux - 3061's An - kale Papa • A flirtatious Woman . • . and YOu Get AN I E " DON'T MISS IT ! 4 ) ‹. April 14.15 50c plus tax A Penn State Player's Production THE COLLEGIAN Portfolio Interviews V-12 Commander Gabel; Announces Story Contest The April issue of Portfolio will appear on the stands Mon day or Tuesday,' It features a tiro- - file of Commander Walter $. Gabel•ni the V-12 attachment at Penn State, and also a story --by ekf-stutleAt; Morton Pei*, now in the United ..states Army:. Por,tfolia :to amou,nce a short story con,t,eat,t eld in con-. junction with theta, SignlA women's national honerary jour nalism .fraternity. The stories are. AM to .exteed •2,500 words. They must be submitAed )at Union an or before May - 15. - The conmiittee of .judges will consist o; members of 'Theta Sigma Phi, members of .Portfolio, staff,' and the magazine's literary adviser, Prof. Lynn Christy of the English composition.' department.' Alpha Tau of Theta Sigma Phi will award $lO.OO in. cash as first prize' and $5.00 as second prize. The Chosen - stories will appear in the June issue of Portfolio. Glass Manufacturers Open Research Institufe `The nation's first institute de vc)ted to glqss_ research has been established at the College by man ufacturers who are "inteested* in the development and use of •glass." - The project has been formally organized under the name of Glass Science, Inc.; with .Woldemar A. Weyl, professor _of glass technology at the • College, a's .research direc tor. -,Corporation officials have rented laboratory and office space from the College for the duration of the war and,' according to Dr. Weyl, laboratory work will start immedi ately. Stiffs Lie in Cold Storage: For Scientific Purposes Ag Hill is legendary (among other things) for its odors. Some of the most pungent waves have their origin it the the~ basement of Frear Laboratory. Here in the dark recesses of the College morgue, students probe desperate ly in search of obturator foramens, pharyngeal tubercles, and Scarpa's triangles. Each day to this labora.tory flock n the curious to, brayely open •the door Marked "Cold . Storage"• and ,to peer on the six select cad.avres •stretched, out there. Prof. Harrison M. Tietz t all five feet of him, is a graoious host on such occasions and, proudly hold ing up. a say, "This fel low has kind of a blank look on his face, doesn't he?" Once when asked childishly where the "Oscars" came from, Dr.' Tietz earnestly explained that the College bought them quite legally through the Anatomical Board of the • Penns,ylyania State Board of Health. . . "Each ;Oscar' costs $45 includ ing shipping," Tietz, volunteered, "!and is bought under oath that the remains will be hfiried or burned when useless." • Giving more details of his pa tients' case histories, the anatomy professor told that. most -of them • LINE BATTLE , JUNCTION .Commu. - nieations men on every fre•nt .are "getting , The message wires, repair - in &breaks, keep . 4,00-. The tironitsThe); c. • -. 7 even 6. elaptuyea.. nemy wires ami...pnle - Maintainini : d . epenclable - communications at home is the Bell SysteirAwattime job. And Bell Telephone Labora tories'scientists; onyariSsign ment now: will:one day turn again to peacetime Workz--mak ing this country's telePhone service: the best in the-world. Marine Corps Photo • "... VP. 41146400004, , HELL TELEPHONE SYSTEM L" War calls keep Long Distance lines bwiy . MAC.. why yoktr call may be (Wooed. had died of heart disease or tuber. culosis and had been left unclaim ed in some hospital. He added that the victims had been care fully scrutinized and pronounced sanitary. "Oscar" was then em balmed in carbolic acid, his, ait ,eries injected with corn starch aria red dye, and he was all set to do his last bit of work. "Bodies are scarce these clays," exclaimed the anxious professor, "because the government is giving out old age pensions that include burial cost. Even now we're using cats instead of humans. If, how ever, any of you would like to help remedy this plight, I'm sure yOu can be of service," .he added. Hillel to Show Third Film Third in a movie forum serie:; on the United - :Nations will be pre sented :at Hiliel Foundation, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. The feature film to be shown is "One Day in Soviet Russia." • Also on the program is a mu.. sical short, - "Golden Mountains." There will be on display several original Russian propaganda post ers. The public is invited without charge. . - . ....... ...... ...'t.; F._~ PAGE THREE ,~ r y,.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers