PAGE TWO Tennis Opens Spring Sports With 2 Tilts With two varsity prospects in the Navy restricted class And lack of practice a serious handicap, Coaeh Ray Dicki ;3on's tennis team faces Swarthmore and Navy over the weekend. • Swarthmore tilt, weather be played on the large indoor court . at. the Philadelphia - college. This would mean an "added hurdle for the varsity rack eteers, few of whom have any. ,working knowledge of the bounce on the indoor boards. . The Middies of Annapolis have .been playing on their outdoor courts for several weeks in pre paration for their opener with the . Nittany Lions. Other sports an in dication, the Navy net team will . be a tough nut for the inexperi enced State players to crack. In first singles position for the .Lions in the weekend competition will be Walt Stenger, number two man from last season. Bob Ross helm, former Penn Charter prep .nelman; will get the second sing les nod from Coach Dickison while •Herb Beckhard, other varsity hol dover, and Bob Tuttle will play number three and four respective ;V. Tuttle played the net sport for North Cardlina last year. • • Roy McCleneghan will play fifth singles and Joe Holtzinger, lefthanded newcomer to the •squad, will get his first crack at .varsity play in the sixth singles spot. Doubles combinations nominat ed by the Lion mentor are Sten ger-Tuttle, Beckhard-Rossheim and Bill Phelan-Holtzinger. _ Ed Meyer and Ed Perry are con signed to the Navy-Marine re striction room and will not pe eligible until the Colgate match in two weeks. Chinese To Play • Latest word from Swarthmore has it that the Nittany netmen !will face some of the Chinese -Midshipmen stationed at Swarth more in today's matches. • The Midshipmen, eligible to play varsity sports, may provide some of the top competition if •tlie!r 'basketball team" this winter •is any indiCation. • SO, Penn State will be taking on the Chinese Navy todaythe - ted States .Navy tomorrow! Larry Cowell Fulfils Life Ambition By Winning AAU Mat Title Until he deposed the two-time champion, Doug Lee of Baltimore Y. M. C. A., 38-year-old Larry Cowell of West Side Y. M. C. A. had tried unsuccessfully four times to win his first National A. A. U. wrestling championship. This year, however, the former Penn State matman achieved a lifelong ambition by annexing the 145-pound crown and barring the unexpected, hopes to defend his laurels in next year's Nationals. Lee his opponent in the finals, was National champion in 1941 and 1942. As a member of the Penn State plat team 15 years ago,- Cowell represented the Lions in the 121- pound class and won all but one decision in dual meet competition. He failed to place, however, in either of the two championship tournaments he entered. He num bered among his teammates Paul Campbell. former Eastern cham pion and duration coach of the Ni+tany wrestlers. • While this year's conquest marked his first National cham pionship, he has won numerous other titles, including seven Met copolitan A. A. U., and 12 New York City Y. M. C. A. champion ships, and several regional, state, and national Y. M. C. A. crowns. Since 1933 he has represented the West Side V. M. C. A in mat forbidding outdoor play, may Lacrosse Team Eyes Army Foe Under the barking encourage- Trent of Coach Nick Thiel, the Nittany lacrosse squad is grad ually rounding into a team that may give the Army Cadets a fight when the two squads meet on New Beaver Field next Saturday. Working with only a handful of experienced men from last year's State team, Coach Thiel has hopes for steady improvement of the stickmen and the Lion's share of victories. Mike Milliken and . George Bishop are leading the field in the race for spots on attack. Mill iken is a letterman from last season. Bill Batkin, Ted DeVeis, Art ILorenz and Bill Anderson are all making bids for the re maining berth on thri frontline. Dale Hamilton anchors the midfielders flanked probably by Don Bretherick : at one of,the out sides at the opening whistle. The other starting spot is still a toss up with - Thiel trying Dorsey' Booker, • Anderson, Lorenz and Echelman respectively at the post. Defense A Question On the defense line, the Nit tany mentor has a real headache with no veterans to fill the shoes of such Nittany stars as Bill'Brin er and Rocky Kern of the 1943 club. Frank Martinas and Al Auer have shown up well in practice so far and may snare two of the starting nods, but plenty of op position .is on hand in Bob Car son, Bob Maddocks and Pete Peterson. Pete Johnion returns. to hold down the net assignment for Coach Thiel. Johnson, utility man on the lacrosse field, has played every poSition on the team. A re curring injury forced him in turn from attack mid-field, then back to defense and now into the nets where he will probably be a fixture at the season's start ac cording to Thiel. Army is living up to' its war time reputation of being tough in every sport by putting together what looks to be a winning com bination in the stick game. They trounced CCNY in their opener 28-0, then came back a week lat er to wallop Swarthmore 17-1. State College Has Rain— We : Have 'Raincoats in Gabardine Twills and in. Natural Brown, Navy..and Pastels SMART SHOP THE COLLEGIAN Host to Tournament Penn State wilt play host to three PIAA schoolboy sports carnivals on May 2'7 when teams from high schools all over the state •, will compete in track, tennis and golf. Finals will be held on the Nittany cantpuS after regionals in each of the sports in their various digtictt. .PIAA finals in swimming, wrestling and gyrbriasties were held here during the winter months. Stahley Now In Navy J. Neil (Skip) Stahley, Brown grid coach until he was commis sioned - a lieutenant (j.g.) in the Navy, played football, basketball anc , lacrosse as an undergraduate at Penn State. ' Another graduate in the coach ing gaMO; is'Coach Dick 'Harlow, varsity football mentor' at Har vard and only non-Harvard man ever to receive the Harvard 'H." Golf Coach Starts 23rd Year With Slim Link Crop In his 23 years as varsity golf coach for Penn State, Bob Ruther ford has probably 'never started a season with less certainty than he will this year. With a probable five or six meet schedule including Eastern Intercollegiate competition in store for the linksmen; Coach Rutherford is . still hoping that there are enough golfers in the Navy and Marines to supplement the meager .crop that has so far reported. Ole Man.Weather=up to his usual tricks of raising cain with spring sports practice—has undoubtedly put the temperary hex on candidates for the linkS team. A little 'less' rain - and there will be a little less indecision in the mind of the veteran mentor. 1921 Was the Year Rutherford, oldest on the ath letic• staff both in years and in point 'of service, came to Penn Stale in 1921 after 20 years as heid man at the New Britain, Conn., golf club, At Penn State, the 63-year-old mentor also looks after the athle tic fields • and the smooth, vel vety surface of the golf course, biseball diamond • and football field is largely a tribute to His painstaking care. • Although the schedule is not yet complete, the indications are that the Nittany golfers. will meet both Navy and Cornell on a home-and-home basis. The Licins also expect to send a team to the Eastern Intercollegiates. The Russian Club will hold its annual Easter party in 405 Old Main from 6:3.0 until 11 p.m. Sun day. All members of the club are invited to attend. Diamond Outlook Improves As Winter Fades; Coach Bedenk Seeks Starters Sun peeked over the rim of Mount Nittany yesterday morning to give Penn :State one of its fittt glitnpaeS- of Spring, and •pessibl,y, one of its first chances to start: oiling the rusty Lion baseball. machine for the opener at Anna-. pons against Navy in tWo Weeks.; With only , two prattites : last, and : hut a pair of session's, this week, Lion COEtth Joe Bedenk: is atutionaJO get his outfit readyi for their late season start. DUr-. ing this same Week last year, the; Bedenk charges Were rained out at AnnapoliS, and sik ihehes of snow fell to cancel the season's: home opener with • Temple on: New Beaver Field. Within two: days more rain had fallen, and: games were likewise stopped with, Pitt and. Muhlenberg. _ "Milithry ineligibilities will pro-: Women Are As Good At Catching Trout As The Men' —T rembkey Trout • season opens tomorrow for those who may • still have a little time for the stream sport. The peacetime army of trout fisherrhen will be cut in half this year,. in the opinion of - Gordon L. Trembley, assistant professor of fish. culture, . who looks for a sharp increase in .the number of women - anglers during the forth coming season. Women, he added, are a good match for men at the sport—"un less," as he put it, "they are the kind who overdress •for the oc casion, get another person. to bait their hook, scream when they get a bite, or pull their companions into the stream when they get their feet wet." . . Trembley, emlihasizing that fishing is a fine antidote . for war torn nerves, urged whole-hearted partiCipation by the men and women of .the home front, LogiLog:Dad-Trig . Slide •....ides _. Now on Sale for Army, Navy • and Civilian Use - • ,* :ENGINEERING HANDBOOKS DRAWING SUPPLIES • ARTISTS' MATERIALS . Keeler's Cathaum Theatre Building • FRIDAY, APRIL 14, 1944 bably cause me some lineup changes before every game, but I om not gOing to worry about it," says Joe. That is apparently the ease, for. Bedenk hat been rotating three complete teams during the few practices that have been squeezed •in since. April 1. "I atn going to be ready for the last mitYute shiitt that cause," he • added, . • "Little Monty Moscowitz may Make me a good leadoff man," said Joe. IVlbscioWitz, a Marine ttainee up from the varsity Was ketbAll team, is fast, and a good infielder at either third base or shcirt stop. Worried about speed= ster ' Moscoivitz's clouting ability, Bedenk' will use the liaskitball veteran in • batting practiced till's week. From Minnesota, Nebraska and ColorPdo may come over half•the Penn State nine this season, Mar'-. ine Pvt. Wee Willie 'Procter, of Denver, is expected to handle some of. the hurling chores, with another Marine, C. S. Dellago of Minnesota, on the .receiving _end •of the battery: Other possible starters from the North Star- state are Earl Bruhn at centerfield, and Gerry Carle at third base: Short stopper Johnny. Seblesiger froin Yutan, Nebraska, is the re maining westerner on the list rot possibles. • Bower Back Dale Bower, varsity outfielder -last year, :and, recently returned from the Army with a Medical discharge, Will hold down first string duty in right field, while Naval trainees Urion and Foster may share action in left field. Another battery which has come through from other Nittany seasons is the Ed Holler-Mike Wardrcp combination. Holler is a veteran behind the Lion . plate; while Wardrop did most of the. Nittahy pitching last Spring and Summer. Rounding out a tentative in field is Whitey Kurowski, - brOth er of the World Series hero froth the St Louig Cardinals. KuroW ski will hold down the keystone sack, and footballer Al Richards may get the first base nod. • • • • Sweeney and - Ciivik • ' Boxer- Mike SWedn'oy will be (Ceittinued on page eight)
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