The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, March 31, 1944, Image 5
FRIDAY,: MARCH 31;,1944 Campuseer Latt.. - weelt•lien .we-Avrote about an indident , Coneerning a landlady, we':had•-no :malice • aforethought, but someone managed' to read some.• betv;reen the . lines, so today we got a..pOlson pen note . . . iron ically . . S.IN'.A.K. . .We have lots more 'stories, • 'but we'll save them for another day. A 'Witness - - One of - the 'profs we know has a project 'On , the fire and has been traveling around the country showing it to people. Last week he visited another school where he had an appointment with the head of one of the departments. When he arrived for his can, he ' was Carrying his equipment in a neij case. •He was hardly inside the door when a man there asked him i.the' had a victrola. So our man says , "Yeah, want to hear some recordst' Whereupon the person so addressed advised him to de part peacefully, guickly, and with out bloodshed. But our:than .was not to be •discoUraged. He placed his outfit on a table and started to open it. That was too much. He was.i.told :in no uncertain-terms where to go and how .long he..had to get there by the man in the office who slammed the door and departed for the inner sanctum. So ,then •our man tells the sec retary who he is and what he wants. Soon the head of the de partment comes out and invites him inside where there are four Old Mania This. is a . story of three Penn Staters. who traveled a long way before finally meeting. It is the story of three men who might oeVer haVe met if not for the fact that this war has brought about strange 'things - - - Brothers meet In Algiers, Men see relatives in Europe, ordinary privates dance with and talk to stage and screen • ' In a medical ward at the 181st Generhl Hospital in India, four -officers were ' paSsing the time with a game Of shuffleboard„when . somehow. the College question ._came up. It was. revealed that three of these four men were Penn State alumni. They were Lt. Col. JO.seph E. Rice 'lB, SAE, with sev en months •in the Theater; Capt. Floyd Frazee, '3l, Phi- Delt, with , 21 months •in India; and First Lt. Ivan. Buck '3B, PiKA, with 23 months in the Theater. - Those three are now. making el aborate plans to have some future • houseparty the scene of their meeting place when they return to the : States. . I. Mary Matry, AOPI, is wearing George Kerr's Delta Sig pin these days . .. though we never announ ced it because we thought every one knew, Marty James, DG, who is practice' teaching now, annex .ed -'the Alphasigmaphi badge of Horace Smith near the end , of last semester.. . . D. - J. Smart, Phi Mu pledge is displaying the. Alphasig ,maphi pin 'of Bob McLaughlin (the alpha sigs are really making fout) ,. . former *Tekes Bob. Al- .PALM SUNDAY NOTICES 9:30 A.M.. Student Department • Two Courses: "Unifying My Life." 10:45 A.M.. Sacrament of the Lord's Supper . Morning Church Service 6:20 P.M.. Musicale Service Westminster Hall Presbyterian Junior Choir .1 and • • ' . Mrs. K. D, Hutchinson, Pianist F4SRECIAL INVITATION TO STUDENTS IN UNIFORM By ' 1101,..K1M-MEL or five men waiting to see •him, in cluding the one who had left the front office, so recently. That one glared, and the others burst 'out laughing. It seemed our prof was mistaken for a representative of the Jehovah's Witnesses Sect who go around with their message on records which they play at the 'drop of a hat, and who had visited this office the week before. Made Dope - - Several times in the near past we've heard girls remark, "Gee, I can hardly wait for one o'clock." The occasion for the aforemen tioned happened to be some couple who had been sighted the moment before. The' implications are that the girls have a little get-together after hours to • talk over the eve ning and the men in it. There no doubt would be plenty of column material, but we'd bet there's a lot of it that would never see print. What's The Use - - - Leaning over, we see absent minded prof on our neighbor's notes for her column, which r& minds us that one of the faculty marched into his class, said quiz, and turning, •wrote on the board, "Why does a philosopher?" But the students are worse. Three or four started to answer the ques tion before the man found out he had forgotten to complete his sen tence. BELFONTI By RITA M. bot and Caroll Barton recently visited delta gams Sis Kehler and Pat Diener . . . George_ Abraham, ASTP cadet formerly stationed here, was up to see Pearl Trapani, TPA, last weekend . . . Elaine Smyers, Chi -0 and Doc Fugats, SAE, number in the ranks of the pinned. Second Lt. Jim Hewet, former Delta Sig, . was seen roaming a round campus this week . . . Stan Seigel recently received his gold . . . Charlotte Kessler is now engaged to Naval Photographer, Charles Briggs, 3rd class petty officer, stationed at Washington. Variety Show (Continued from. page one) out Skits," •has Art Goldberg and Verna Sevant in the leads and minor roles, too. Harriet Leyden, Bob Kaufman, Adele - Yablon, Pete Johnson, and -Joe Doerner are the cast of "The Donkey's Tail." Art Goldberg, who comes back for a second time before the foot lights,. and Bernie Lerner are the "Partners." In "The Stamp NNut," Mina Zartman, Bernie Lerner, and William Morton have star billing. Players stage crews are under the direction of Grace 0. Clayton. SHE'S DELIGHTFUL . . . SHE'S. TERRIFIC . . April 14-15 Don't Be GUILTY OF MISSING "JANIE" TITS COLL E GIAN CAMPUS CALENDAR Today Ensign party, Woman's Building lounge, 8 p.m. (Just W. B. girls, please!) Freshman Mixer, Armory, 8 p. m.; sponsors, Penn State Club. Tomorrow PSCA Cabinet meeting, 304 Old Main, 1 p.m. Variety Show, Schwab Auditor ium, 7:30 p.m. Country Fair Dance, Armory, 9-12 p.m.; Alpha Lambda Delta, sponsors. PSCA Open House, Old Main, 7:30-12 p.m. Fun Night, Wesley Foundation, 8-11 p.m. . . Sunday Regular Chapel Services in Schwab Auditorium, 11 a.m. (Palm Sunday.) Lounge for Servicemen, 304 Old Main, 2-5 p.m. Ping pong and games, 401 Old Main, 2-5 p.m. International Tea, Woman's Building, 3-5 p.m. Classical music recordings, .305 Old Main, 4-5 p.m. Record concert, Hillel Founda tion, 2:30 p.m. . Fellowship meeting, Westmin ster Foundation, 6:20 p.m.—piano selections by Mrs. Kenneth D. Hutchinson and vocal 'selections by the Presbyterian Church Junior Choir. Student Friendly Hour, Wesley Foundation, 4:45-7 p.m. Special Vesper Service, Wesley Foundation, 6:15 p.m. Monday IWA meeting, 305 Old Main, 7:30 p.m. "Penn State Engineer" meeting, 1 Armory, 7:30 p.m. Joint meeting of Freshman Council and Forum, 304 Old Main, 7;15 p.m. Junior Service Board meeting, Atherton lounge, 6:15 p.m. Tuesday Afternoon Lenten Service, Pres byterian Church, 4:30-5 p.m.; sponsor, PSCA. Student Inter-faith Discussion; topic, "The Significance of • the Passover"-304 Old Main, 7:30 p.m. Novelty ten - pin tournament, Bowling Club, White Hall, 7:15 p.m. Alpha Lambda Delta meeting, Dean of Women's office, 5 p.m. Handbook editorial staff meet ing, 305 Old Main, 6:45 p.m. Mortar Board meeting, Dean of Women's office, 5 p.rm "Portfolio" editorial staff meet ing, 5 Carnegie Hall, 7 p.m. Wednesday Covens meeting, WRA room, White Hall, 5:15 p.m. Surgical Dressing Class, 117, 115 Home Economics Bitildingi ..7:30 p.m. Lenten Morning Watch Service, 304 Old Main, 7:20-7:50 a.m. Thursday Square Dance Group of PSCA meet, 304 Old Main, 7:30 p.m. 50c plus tax Pam Statements By SERENE ROSENBERG The Janitors' clique, or perhaps it's,_ just the Grounds and Build. • ings, have organized their own little campaign. Newest ruling to he enforced in the liberal artists' favorite hangouts Sparks, Carnegie and Old Main, is "No Srnoking." The notices scribbled in chalk on 'th:• black boards in front of each class room have been the standing ob • ject of ridicule for a long time. But the time has come for action and the boys from grounds and buildings are putting their respective feet down. Profs are conscientiously starting class lectures with "Pleaso don't smoke, or if you do put ashes and butts in a piece of scrap pap er and throw this in waste basket at end of period." Alum who one() gloried in smoking in halls, on steps, etc., should hear of this. Land of Upside Down . Jimmy Young highlighted his talk here Monday with lots of per sonal, off-the-record bits about Japan. He explained that at their parties the Japs gather in the living room, take off their shoes anti sit around in a circle. "You see," the correspondent added, "they'n on the floor at the start of their party." Next Time, Hurry! . . . They're still doing it over in the Portuguese classes. Last week a few of the group centered their attention on mass cutting. About four of them debated the pro's and con's of the idea on the second floor stairs of Sparks, and just when the argumenb was most heated they heard a murmur from above. Looking up the guilty group saw their• instructor, motioning gleefully, and calling, "Come on up, come right" Which strengthens an old argument' for the "make your de cision quick" people. Word to the Wise . . . A warning seems to be in order for the majority of non-coms cat campus. A. captain in. his journey s over campus is stopping absent minded ROTC boys and •reminding them that it is still customary to salute an officer, and that those two silver bars on his shoulder arenn Part of a masquerade. Maybe not in those, exact words, but el capitP..o means business. So if you lack shoulder decorations, beware/ Equilibrium Helps . . . It could be that budding journalists are just more accident pronto than other people but anyway copy-desk classes are always the seen es of slap-stick antics. For instance, one young man hopped up from his chair to tear of a story on one of the original typewriters they keep on display in Carnegie Hall. In his haste he caught his foot under the chair of the coed beside him and suddenly she disappeared. As ho helped her from her momentary home under the table, he offered hisf apologies, murmuring, "I've been going through the awkward stagu. for 11 years." .Air Corps Exams End All Air Corps enlistments have been • cancelled, according to Robert E. Galbraith, FAWS. No definite information has been released concerning indi vidualS who have already pass ed examinations. PAGE FIVE =l=l Rabbi Benjamin Kahn will PSCA Secretary James T. Smith will speak at a student inter-faith meeting in 304 Old Main at 7:30 Tuesday evening. Rabbi Kahn's topic will be "The Significance of the Passover," while Mr. Smith will speak on "The Significance of Easter." Tho public is invited to attend.