The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, February 11, 1944, Image 8

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Debaters Enter
iecond Tourney
Dr. Warren B. Mack, head of the (Continued from Page Cne l
ing. The urgent need for technical
department of horticulture at the trained _
young officers continues,
Penn State women debaters will College, has been invited by the ly
Central Institute of Art and Design and the colleges and universities
enter their second tournament participating in the V-12 program
in London to enter a woodprint in
reries at Mt. Mercy College to- are .doing a splendid job of pro
an exhibition of contemporary
morrow after triple-tying for first ducing such officers. While chang-
American arts. ing wartime conditions may, from
place in the Shippensburg tourna- The showing, which will be as- time to time, necessitate revision
ment two weeks ago. sembled and spOnsored by Artists in the quotas for the program in
Debates for the tournament, for Victory, Inc., will include 100 order to conform with the needs
::ponsored by the Rittsburg Forum, paintings, 50 prints, and 50 works of the service, the Navy does not
of sculpture. Dr. Mack will enter contemplate discontinuance of the
omposed of Pittsburgh University "Willows on the Water," wood program."
and Mt. Mercy College, will be carving of- a scene near Boals-
presented in the orthodox style, burg. t o
with two constructive and two re- Following • a preview in New W
infer all
Nittal speakers in each set, stated York City from March 7 to 18, - the
Prof. Clayton Schug, women's de- exhibition will be taken to Lon- AII
bate coach. don and other principal cities in I
me . / $ t $23312
Separate sets for "experienced" the British Isles but will be return
and "less-experienced" debaters ed to this country for additional A tentative financial statement
have been arranged by the forum, showings. As a reciprocal gesture, of the Winter Ball as released by
with each set doing four debates. England will send a similar exhi- Steve Herbert, dance chairman,
Experienced speakers being sent bition to this country, shows an estimated profit of
are Joan Huber, affirmative; Betty . $233.12. The statement follows:
Ann Macinnis and Gertrude
Rosen, negative. Less-experienced. Five Fight ler Ti Income—Admissions: Civilians,
tle 328 at $3.50, $1,148; 27 complimen
debaters speaking tomorrow are Of Air Corps Sweetheart $1,292.50; 3 complimentaries. To
. . 'caries. Servicemen, 517 at $2.50,
Alice Hott and Carmita Cameron,
affirmative; Nancy Norton and (Continued from nage one) tal, $2,440.50.• Add: Adjustment, 15
Rosemary Halpin, negative. chestras. Harmon himself played cents. Total, $2,440.65.
Debate teams from Pittsburgh sax with Johnny "Scat" Davis, Checking-734 at 25c, $183.50.
University, Mt. Mercy College, Benny Pollack, Buddy Fisher and. Add: Adjustment, 20c. Total,
, $lO.
Seton Hill, and Kent have also en- the late Hal Kemp and had his ,$183.70.
tered the competition. own band which: played through,' . T a x on a d m i ss ions, $254.25.
Raffle tickets, $B.
The. intercollegiate debate ques- out the southwest. Another sax
Total, $2,886.60.
on, "Resolved: United States player, A/S Danny Saraceni, has
Expenditures Music, $1,650; 1
should cooperate in establishing seen service with Hal. Mclntyre,
programs, 121.10; decorations ( esti
and maintaining an international Tommy Reynolds, Alex Bartha
mated), $5O; ticket printing, $26.81;
police force upon the defeat of the and Joey Kerns.
checking (labor), $57.50; tax on ad-
Axis powers," will be discussed -A/S Keith Williams, first chair missions, $254.25; advertising (esti,-
again, according to Schug trumpet player, -played. in Metro- mated), Collegian, $4O; Engineer,
Goldwyn-Mayer studio orchestras $10; signs, etc., $43.82; total, l
:VA Buys $lO 00 Bond for Jeannette 'McDonald-Nelson
Eddy pictures and recorded with $10Q; $93,89;
college labor (estimated),
catering (estimated), $77;
the All-American Youth Dance compensations, All-College chair-:
Sigma Phi Alpha recently pur- Band. A/S J. S. Rice, had his own man, $5O; committee chairman,
chased a 'slooo war savings bond, dance band while a student at $5O; total, $100; ticket seller, $10;
Harry Pebly, president, has an- lowa State University and played doormen, two at $7.50, $l5; worn
nounced. engagements throughout the mid- en's •attendant, $5; telephone and
Buying of the war bond had dle west before joining the Army. , telegraph (estimated), $4O; piano
'been considered since last semes- rental, $10; invitations, $3.50; raf
ter, but full consent of members Three vocal solos, sung by Ruth fle tickets, $4.50; miscellaneous
4ind trustees had not been given Hill, Marilouise Hefty, and Louise (estimated), $35. Total expendi
until the beginning of the Fourth Neff,
accompanied by Ann Car.. tures, $2,653.48.
War Loan Drive. ruthers, will highlight the Louise Estimated profit, $233.12.
Money was taken from the Homer Club meeting in the Fire•-
iigma Phi Alpha trust fund. The side Room, Westminster Hall, 8
bond is of the "F" series. p.m. February 15.
*Brick Cheese
. * Trappist Cheese
*Bleu Cheese
Relurning Nexi Semester
Very desirable rooms for approximately 2@J
)inen will be available at the Triangle House..
All social privileges, excellent study condi
tions, and reasonable rates.
Mack Sends Print
To London Exhibition
Stu ents
V-12 Unit to Continue
Specialized Training
LOST—GoId Elgin wrist watch. If
found return to Ruth Anderson,
Room 318, Atherton.
LOST—Lady's gold wrist watch
somewhere•between Main Engi 7
neering, Old • Main and Jordan
Hall. Reward. Stella Dillon, 107
LOST—January 21, gold official
Navy pilot's wings at Sparks
Building. Reward for information.
Sentimental value, -gift 'from fiance
now overseas.- Martha Erwin, 218
Watts Hall.
FOR RENT Small furnished
apartment near campus. All con
veniences. Available March Ist.
Gentlemen preferred. Dial 2665.
LOST—One silver clasped hand
friendship ring. Call Joan, 4761.
FOR RENT—Very . large, warm
single room for man. Connect
ing shower bath. Faculty home.
Phone 4062. •
LOST—One brown zipper change
purse. Call Gussie, 4761.
LOST—Black wallet in Schwab
Auditorium Saturday evening.
'lf you have to keep money please
return contents. Call Dick Struble,
FOR RENT—Single room with hot
and cold running water, by day,
week or semester. Call 4679.
LOST Identification bracelet,
name on front, W. Lindsay Har
per; on back, Mari' Lois and
14203360. Finder return to Student
Union. Generous reward.
WANTED—Two experienced boys
for kitchen help. Apply 257 S.
Pugh, Phone 3420. •
ANYONE who is leaving school
and would like to sell his slide
rule call Harry, 3325,
LOST—One pearl bracht in or
around Rec Hall Saturday night.
Finder please return to Student
ANYONE- finding black Schaeffer
pen please
.call Betty, 4425. It's
not the pen, it's the..?entiment.,
Seismograph Records Quota 'Defersl39
Two Earthquakes (Continued from page one)
When the seismograph at the he is an undergraduate student
College weather station showed majoring in one of the above fields
unusual activity, Dr. Hans Neu-
and that if he continues his prog.,
berger told a reporter:
ress he will 'graduate 24 months
from the date of certification. The
"Probably an earthquake." .
The reporter quipped: "Or an National 'Roster of Scientific and
invasion of earthquake proporti- Specialized Personnel of the Wai Manpower Commission must cer:-
tify that the certification of the
They were both right. News- college is correct. The deferment,
papers next day reported the if granted, will be within the na:.
earthquake which destroyed the tional quota for such student 4.
Turkish town of Gerecle, and the Pre-medical students will be de,•
invasion of the Marshall islands ferred on the same terms
. except,
by American Marines and Army that it must be certified they, have
troops. • been accepted at a medical sbhool.