The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, February 04, 1944, Image 3

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    FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1944 "'Winn
Buzzing The Field
We believe the overwhelming
majority opinion of the Air Corps
applauded The Collegian editorial
of last week on the proposed cur
tailment of ASTP, and particular
ly the spirit with which the ASTP
men received the proposal, which
was, and here we quote the edi
torial: "Its a darn good idea=
about time we quit going to
classes and got down to cases with
the war." Our opinion of college
training seems to corroborate
theirs: it is a necessary part of
our training .but it isn't doing
what We came into the Army to
do—fight the war. We like it
here; if ever there was a "set
up" in the Army, this is it. And
yet, we aren't entirely satissfied
with ourselves, because you don't
take a crack at the enemy and you
don't win campaign ribbons while
fighting the, Battle of Penn State.
The Harrisburg Evening News
this week reported a War Depart
ment• announcement that 15 Penn-'
sYl : irania colleges, among them"
Penn State, will no longer re..
ceive AAF trainees. "Those now
in :training," the report stated,
"will be 'able to complete their -
COui.§es." Class 44-F was the last
,droup to arrive here, and the Air
Corps will be conspicuous by its
absence along about the end of
l tumor •or otherwise, the story
goes that a woman once asked an
Army, officer whether wars could
be eradicated. His reply was: "Not
as long Women like to see a
Man in uniform." Songs like
"There's Something about a Sol- ,
diet." follow this logic. If such
Were true, we would grab a job as
hbtel doorman or railroad con
ductor after the war, and all our
pOblems would be solved. We be
lieve, however, that in peacetime
` f page out of rsquire" is more
in demand. .
The recent parades. we staged
Vex; devi evaywhae
, .
They're shoes outdoors, slippers in=
. doors, and so doWniight comfortable, -
you'll want to live in,titem..l4 hours . .
' .. adayi'Fin e
i i athertand-saingc : cewi : .lic
leather. andwaerpraofcolra-,e; i .irickofit;iu : :;ed
,wlegulklasts $ 5
dkitl4 . Z /
~ I E. 44 sr. q.r.17 .
with Roger
on campus during the - spell of
"spring" weather were not design
ed as recruiting campaigns for
the Army Air Forces, nor to make
coed hearts quiver and quake. If
you've ever done any drilling with
the cadence provided by the us
ual hut, toop, threep, feurp, you
know how monotonous it gets.
But throw in a band, and civilians
in uniform become "sharp" old
Biggest Air Corps news of the
moment is the impending Green
Tag Swingout, which will invade
Rec Hall next Friday. The squad
ron sweethearts have all be elec
ted. The judges, the detachment's
commissioned offiders, will give
them the once over during the
dance, and their decision will de
termine the Queen of the Swing
out, who will be Air Corps Queen
until the next class dance. We will
take no bets on the winner, as the
line-up is close; all five are chic,
more or less athletic, intelligent
and seem to like Air Corps men. •
Don't alarine4 if you
. see
clouds of smoke billowing from
various class• buildings during the
Week. A new ruling now permits
Air Corps men to puff a reefer
now and then in campus powder
Final Exam
(Continued fiom page two)
Zool 6—Feb. 24, 8, 105 FL
Zool 25—Feb. 24, 1:20, 206 Ag
Zool 26—Feb. 23, 8, 100 Hort
Zool 27—By appointment
Zool 29—Feb. 24, 10:10, 109 Ag
Zool 41—Feb. 21, 8, 105 FL
Zool 437—Feb. 18, 8, 114 FL
Zool 440—8 y appointment
Movies for Servicemen
"Palm Beach Story," starring
Claudette Colbert, Joel McCrea
end Mary . AstOr, will be presented
In' 121' Sparks to nien in uniform
Sunday afternoon. '''
The showings will be at 1:30
p.m. and 3:45 p.m.
PSCA is presenting this. .as
Part of their program for service
men. Last . - Sunday over
listed: .men saw . "Yank in the
RAF." : •
Clifton C. Woodward was select- .
ed president of the Omega - chapter
of Theta Chi fraternity at the Uni
versity Club Tuesday night. ;. He
will serve.:fOr:mOtt.semester along
with .Walter ..A. White; vice-presi.i
dent; :EdWard W. George, secre
tary;-Ellivood B. Cassel, treasurer;
and .Paul Galvanek Jr:, chaplain.
Florence Angle Loihle
44-B Na
The Air Corps will again take
over Rec Hall next Friday when it
presents Green Tag Swingout, its
fifth "Queen" formal, from the
hours of 8 to 12.
While Charlie Harmon and his,
13-piece Air Corps dance band,
featuring the "Sky Blazers," pro-
vide the rhythm,, the 330th C. T.
D.'s commissioned officers, acting
as judges, will pick the new Air
Corps Queen, who will be titled
"Queen of the Swingout." The
Queen will not . be chosen by an
election based on pictures of the
contestants, as erroneously an
nounced last week.
Announced this Week as "sweet-
Air Corps Trainees
(Continued from page one)
fields, Kelly and Randolph, now
found "stations being erec a fast pace.' As soon as the
personnel at 'these - .stations had
been :activated, a- skeleton force
was removed and transferred to
another. new field to lay the
framework there.
:Time was precious, capably trai
ned men most vital, knowledge
needed' to be exact. The entire na
tion united in the project. Stud
ents, laborers, white collar work
ers answ - exesi the 'call, tossing a
side their vocations - to begin work
on an effort which might mean the
saving or lives and 'time,
• • Production increased, . gained,
speeded -up- 7 -maximum produc
tion was:.finally Obtained. Colleges
and universities blended into the
program by throwing. wide their
facilities to the government.
ineri.coMpleted -their-study ...preflight, primary, basiC,
advanced •and transition schools.
Now everything was clicking on
all 'cylinders, and such staggering
Joanne Weest
mes Sweethearts
hearts" of Squadron B and D and Loihle will travel here from Union,
the band as their entries for the N. J. , to take part in 44-B's fare-
Queen contest were the following:
well dance. It will also be a "home-.
Jeanne Schrumpf, freshman ma
joring in elementary education and coming" affair, as she was born i
Chi Omega pledge, will do the Muncy Valley of this state.
royalty hOnors for Squadron B. Completing the ;bevy of sweet
A green-eyed brunette, Miss hearts is Joanne Weest, Alpha
Schrumpf definitely intends to Omicron pi pledge, the Band
make teaching her career for a Squadron's bid for the crown. Mist:
time. On campus she is a member Weest is a first semester freshman
of PSCA and the Outing Club. She and a psychology major. Her es.•
will be escorted by A/S M. H. cort will be A/S Charlie Harmon,
Steiner. who will perform the double duty
The sweetheart of Squadron D of leading the Air Corps dance
and the only non-coed contestant band and serving as the other hall
is Florence Angle Loihle, the wife of the band's royal couple on the
of A/S Malcolm . Loihle. Mrs. floor.
To Be Withdrawn
numbers now belonged • to this
great organization. that few men
remained for its continued evolu
1942 produced 340,000 superbly
fundamentalized pilots, naviga
tors, bombardiers, aerial gunners,
and technicians!'l943 yielded 722,-
000 cpmpletely. trained Air Force
men, and in addition to this re
main the more than a million
members in schools and person
Fortune sums up this exploit
with the following words, "The.
U. S. has the biggest air force ever
known, with the biggest and best
planes preparing to dump. on Ger
many and Japan, unheard of
weights of bombs,' in the biggest
and most destructive attack of all
time. When that occurs, the Amer
ican citizen, tone-deafened by
. superlatiVes; will .accept it as a
matter. of course. 'The miracle of
the creation . of his air force in
two desperate years, he will take
for granted."
Jeanne Schrumpf
Welcomes You to
Bible Study and
Every Sunday
2:30 P.M.
Room 405, Old Main
‘ 5l 01 1 11 4 5LSE I K U
Bad Company
Winter weather brings harsh
treatment to sensitive lips. But
with a tube of Roger & Oallet
original Lip Pomade in your
pocket ; you can laugh at "Sloppy
Just smooth on Lip Pomade's
invisible, soothing film and defy
the climate. There's no safer,
surer protection against painful
chapping and cracking.
Stop at any drug store and ask
for the handy pocket tube.
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