FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1943 Gridders Meet Bisons In Season's First Test • (Continued from. Pape One) Bisons Sharpen Offense Cornell less than two weeks away, Brown, Cenci, and Jaffurs who Following last week's _close 7-6 .Penn State's soccermen are rapid are in college pending call to Off- defeat by Cornell at Ithaca, Coach 1y approaching top form. Daily scrimmages, tilts with the Naval icers Candidate School. Johnny Sitarsky has been sharp- 'ensigns, as well as a series of Brown was the Nittany Lions' ening the ground offense of the games between V-12 players and Standout ground gainer last sea- Bisons in preparation for tomer- the remainder of the squad, give son when he piled up an averagepromiSe of a soccer team well up row's encounter with, State. The of, 5.7 yards per try froth his half- to Coach Jeffrey's usual high sten- Big Red line allowed ;only 29 badk position. A consistent line dards. bucker, Sparky was a touchdown Yards from rushing and the Buck- Ineligibility doesn't present as threat to -opposing teams account- nell team was unable- to score a 'great a hazard to the booters as ing for many of State's longest _single first down on the ground. 'to the football squad, since fully gains. • half of the group are regular sttt ' Timing and precision drills have ,_ , _ _ . Serving- his final season as the - dents. Sam Schnure, Jim Atherton, been the order for the past week. first .string quarterback is Aldo and Bob Clauser, halfbacks; Jose Cenci, 230 pound blocking back Spearhead of the Bucknell off- Lombana, - Stauffer, and Andy *hose talents in backing up the ense is 170 pound Gene Gubka, Gaber, linemen, as well as a host line. have thwarted • offensive swift• tailback, whose specialty is of freshmen, show the 'civilian's thrusts for three years. • the open field. Hubka never had a side of soccer. • Johnny Jaffurs attracted atten- chance to open up in the Cor- Not to be neglected is a group as• a capable •guard in his nell game since.plays in which he of V-12 trainees who are fighting sophomore year and merited- All- carried the ball were consistently hard for berths' on the starting American honorable mention as smothered at the scrimmage line. eleven. John Wrynn and Tubby a . junior. The coaching staff is Other mainstays in the Bison 'Crawford keep the goal well counting on him to provide much backfield are George Lefkandinos guarded, while Mark Frederick of the line power until he leaves and Bobby McDaniel. Lefkand- and Ted Reichwein are fullbacks at the end. of this term. inns, 175 pound halfback performs hard to beat. Dick Schmodel, Jim A probable second team- would as either a passer or a runner Heinold, and Jim Wollenhaupt include Dick Trumbull and John and McDaniel is a light . weight form a fast trio of halfbacks, well Misiewicz, . ends; Bill • Kyle and scat back who will 'bolster the suited to the charging V-12 line of Marino Marchi, tackles; Jim Mar- offense if academic restrictions Bill Shellenberger, Frank Klase, fades and Joe Berry, guards, Lar- which kept him out of last week's Red Kramer, Jack Bates, and Ivan ry Davis or Mike Slobodnjak, game are remedied. Frey. - center; "Frenchy" LaFleur, guar- Plays involving Elting Johnson terback; Jim Graham and Cass and Ray Tyler who alternate at Sisler, halfbacks; and Allen Rich- fullback were also emphasized in .Knee Injury Benches ards, fullback: this week's drills. • • Charley Stapel, 178-pound fresh- Harvey, Ex-Distance Runner Irian halfback from Avalon High School who impressed the Lion • . • . • • coaching staffas a valuable ball Replaces Coach Conger • . - c ti a c r e rie s r e . s f s r . o o m ns th, e.sstsatritnointuhresinpr; wrenched knee and will be out of . George Harvey, ex-Penn State distance runner, now- of -the phys- action for at least two more weeks. ical edUcation department, has replaced Ray M. Conger as coach of the Eager to play, Stapel• has been cross-country team. Conger will take a year's leave and supervise hovering around the field at Prac recreation at the Arm Strong Cork Co. at Lancaster, Pa. . tice each night although he is not • Harvey states that,,due to wartime schedules, it is difficult to have ' Permitted to don a uniform and is wavecL off theffield by. the coaches his entire squad at any one praCtice session. There are a few runners 'when he even attempts to pick up who have been working out since August, and one -rapidly approach- a football. ing . top cross - country shape. The outstanding men to date are Dennis Crimmohs, ex-star of St. John's of Brooklyn, N. Y.; Cecil Defitschle, John Hernhanies, and bon Stott . who have been -stand outs on the track team of the past . seasbri. Newcomers who show ex ; cePtional promise are Bob Polan- ski, Phil Jones, and Bill Riess A new feature of the team is ,a 'running coach and running man ager. George Harvey, a foremost .distance runner in the late 1930'5, frequently dons spikes and shows the felloWs "the correct way to do it." Managed Stu Block, an ex , .arninfer Who has been out with a knee injury, also assisis by. run- ping With the scivad and keeps the boys on the move. The schedule includes a meet with Muhlenberg at State College 'October 9; Cornell at Ithaca on OctOber 16; Colgate at Hamilton, N. 9., on October 30; and the sea- gnale at New York in the Iri- tercojle`giate C-hanipionships Lions;Out For 23rd Win Over Bothell Gridders , - f! - ;, When—Coach ~ -J ohriny, Sitarsky leads his Bucknell BitotiS into town tomorrow. Morning for ,the first. time, in his coaching career, he will be atteniptirig to break the jinx "whickhas hovered over the Lewisburg gridders since 1939, when they started a losing streak to the Nittany , Lions which hap extended over the past four years. The last game that Bucknell won . - before they • began scoring points in red. ink, Was in 1938, when they pushed a 14-0 win ov er. the Higgins' squad. Prior to this season, they had lost but two games since 1927. As the tWo schocils enter •their 33rd meeting'since . lBB7,•when the ; . Bisons walloped Pehn State, 54-0, ,the ]edgers stand with 22 wins for the Lions, against but•lo defeats. over• a half century of cornpe- Aition, there has never been a ite Eby U, S. War Bonds THE„BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA THE COLLEGIAN V-12 Trainees, Veterans, Freshman Booters Train For Initial Soccer Tilt With the season's opener with and Stamps Between The Lions Probably you•can blame this on the war too, but undoubtedly this is the first football season at Penn State that Coach Bob Higgins has had to worry about Avagadro's Hypothesis, British Thermal Units, specific heat, the law of cosines, the Beaufort wind chart, occlusion, and the like. We can see the team huddled together in the dressing room now. Higgins is charting a play on the gnomonic projection, but is hav ing trouble figuring out what wind resistance will be present. in the Bucknell line if a heavy sheet of stratiform clouds is covering the town tolnorrow morning. It is also very possible that a cold air mass may come in some time tonight, bringing with it a sky covering of cumulonimbus clouds. One of the managers gets out the sling psychrometer, and finds that the air has a temperature of 76 degrees, and there is a wet bulb depresSion of 18 degrees. One of the ends then figures out that there will be too much water vapor in the air to attempt the pass plays, so all attention is directed toward a game that could be played in a continental tropical zone, provid ing there are some fair weather cumulus in the sky. "Hig," says one of the backs, "suppose we try that XYZ forma tion we used against Penn last year." "Young man," grimly answers the Lion coach, ".you must remem ber that we encountered a team that day that forgot that every ac tion is accompanied by an equally opposite reaction. We will have no such luck with these men coming up from Lewisburg tomorrow." The embarrassed p igSk inn er hangs his head in shame, and re solves to study his physics a little better before the next game. Suddenly a third string tackle (he has . been studying five weeks preparation • for this game) blurts out Newton's law of univer- cannot be obtained to elcpand these facilities. Therefore, there may be delays before you hear the dial tone (that steady hum which is your signal to dial your number). Please wait for this hum before you dial! And .please be brief when making calls from public telephones during the rush hour 7 to 8 p. m. By SEAMAN REM ROBINSON, USNR sal gravitation, with the idea that since the attraction between n body and the earth is directly pro portional to weight, only men un der the weight of 118 pounds should be used, thus making it harder to knock a little man to the ground than one who weighs over 200 pounds (90,718 grams). Before' one of the assistant coaches has a chance to explain that this is very true, but you must take into consideration that there is a force against the man before he is tackled, so gravitation doe.' not play too great a part in the matter, the phone rings, and a graduate chemist, who has been working night and day on the com position of the ball, tells the gym nasium technician that the men will be required not to sweat dur ing the game since the football is too porous and will absorb so much •of the perspiration that it will become topheavy. After he hangs up, the assistant coach continues with his explana tion of the gravitational law, •ex• plaining that since a force is ex erted against the gridder, equaliml the pressure times the area (PXA), it would be better to use bigger men since they would be able to knock the opponents down easier. It looks like the head linesman is going to have to have a doctor's' degree in physics, the referee a master's in mathematics, and the umpire one in meteorology before next season. And we won't be- at all surprised to have scouts sent to Franklin Institute and Fels Plan:- etarium before the -Pitt game. Killed-In Action Li. McGowan '43, a U. S. Ma rine Corps flyer, was killed in ac tion at the Battle of Munda. 'Mc- Gowan was enrolled in the de partment of journalism and was an active member of the Campus Patrol. Although word of his death was recently received, the exact date is July 7. PAGE THItEEI