The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, August 20, 1943, Image 3

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    FRIDAY, AUGUST 20, 1943
Pigskin Roster B • asts pponents
75 rm y Navy Men Answer
20 Linemen, 18 Ends .
`Come Out For College 11
Coach Bob Higgins' concern as
tO where he could draw material
for the 1943 edition. of the Nittany
Lion football team was eased
greatly last Monday when •73 can
didates turned out for preliminary
The Army and Navy very neatly
removed most of the Lion material
held over from laSt fall and then
Promptly redeemed themselves by
returning a block of prospective
Players via the V-12 program and
Advanced ROTC.
.A . :.glance at the roster shows
approximately 20 linemen,:lB ends,
and -35 .backs . fighting it out for
positions on the Penn. State eleven
which will meet such gridiron
poWers as Navy, Cornell, Pitts
burgh, aril :West Virginia.
Five mernbers of last year's
Once-defeated eleven will provide
Higgins a_nticleus for the building
of this Ye'ar's 'team. The War De
partment...ruling, instructing Ad-
Vanced ":ROTC students to finish
their college eduCations before re
potting. to officer -candidate schools that won't be an exclusive handl
enabled • Sparky Hrown, Johnny cap."
Jaffurs, and Aldo Cenci to once Higgins pdinted out that all can
again offer their 'well-proven abili- didates will be: given equal con
ties: to the team. Brown was re- I Sideration and- urged any men in
garded- as the best Lion ball-car-1 terested in. trying out to report as
rier last' season, while Cenci earn- soon as possible. . • -a blocking back: Jaf- I- While refusing to predict what
furs is -,a
,standout 'at the guard degree .of success the' * Nittany
post.. . Lions might attain this season,
Higgins admitted- •"so far -
The . other. Iwo State holdovers
look pretty good"
are Bobby .- Williams, a - ce .freshman -
passer _last
_year, and.. Red, Moore;
a very. reliable tackle. Both men
have returned - to Penn State in - the -
: 'Other - c - olleges siipplying Higgins'
with a sizeable turnout are Uni
.versity..:of • Dayton,: University of
George • Washington
UniVe . rgity, Toledo Uniyersity,
Ohio State, 'and the University of
Pittsburgh. Among those repre-
Senting these. colleges: are Eddie
Czekah;. Tad Hapanowicz, Steve
Telleck, anci..Tohnny
George, Washington; Bill Kyle and
dim kariades,. linemen from •Pitt;
Hal Howard, Ohio State;• Jim
Heinold and Dick Schmadel, Uni
versity of Cincinnati; •Joe Berry
and Fred Hadorn, Toledo; and
Cassius- Sisler and- Oliver Pollock,
Western Reserve
Somelaarat may be unearthed
from 01'41 new freshman • class
which has Contributed . about a
dozen candidates, including Char:
ley Stapel, Avalon; Al Olszewski,
Connellsville; no. r i n o Marchi,
Orassmere;. Mike Slobodnjak, Wil
kinsburg; Del Hibner, Dußois;
George- Slater, Asbury Park, N. J.;
and Howard Fugate, Sykesville.
Since 'the official opening of
practice sessions Monday, Coach
iiiggins has been putting his
charges through light workouts
with the emphasis on speed. Heavy
academic schedules and military
restrictions make it difficult for
the squ3d to get together for reg
ular workouts but ". . . everybody
With V-12 players will have the
same trouble," Higgins said, l'so
iDorothy ) amour , "Dixie," their swelltst and gayest ; musical hit of all!
. .
Wig: Begins Fourteenth
Coach Bcb Higgins, veteran Nit
tany football mentor, is directing
the preliminary drills in prepara
tion for his fourteenth season as
Penn State's head football coach.
Grid Films Rale
-;-• ...t---.;-, , t --: 1.4
Hif]h In China
Three Penn State football' films
dispatched tO the front lines in far
away lands a year ago are back
And - Football. Coach Bob Hig
gins, who with Lloyd M. Jones of
the physical education department
arranged for their shipment, is
cheered by the -knowledge ' that
thousands of Arherican boys in In
dia and China saw the movies.
This unusual! request came to
the campus a year ago from Cap-'
tain John Nixon,- a former grad
uate assistant in „physical educa
tion, and an. assistant coach at
Penn State, who :asked. for "any
fobtball films that may. interest our
boys over here. 4 l' ' _
Three films—two of them color
films—were forwarded to Nixcin in
Chungking, China, by a round
about route and he wrote on a
number of, occasions since to re
port that the service men- were
enchanted by the -movies showing.
Penn State in action during. past
seasons. against Army, Syracuse,
and Colgate.
Nixon, a• Californian, was a Phi
Beta Kappa and athlete at. Po
mona College before coming to
Penn State to study for his doctor
ate. He is now attached to•Lieuten •
ant General Joseph. Stilwell's staff
as a special services officer.'•
ns' Call
3 Colleges Replace Army
Collegiate Competition
Acquisition of three new op
ponents, Cornell, West Virginia,
and North Carolina—the latter
the only newcomer of the three—
insures Penn State a nine-game
football schedule, this fall, Grad
uate Manager Neil M. Fleming
explained today in announcing
the revised schedule.
The three replacements for
Georgia, Syracuse, and Michigan
State were made necessary when
the Army failed to lift its ban
on intercollegiate competition,
and the three schools asked to be
relieved of their football commit
ments for the forthcoming sea-
son. •
Cornell and West Virginia. are
long time opponents of the Lions.
Last season, Cornell played Penn
State to a scoreless tie on a mud
covered gridiron at Ithaca, while
West Virginia handed the Lions
.their lone defeat at Morgantown.
The complete schedule follows:
Sept: 25—Bucknell, Home
Oct. 2—North Carolina, Away
Oct. 9—Colgate, Home
Oct. 16—Navy, Away
Oct. 23—Maryland, Away
. Oct. 30—West Virginia, Home
Nov. 6—Cornell, Away
Nov. 13Temple, .Home
Nov. 20—PittSburgh, Away
Navy V-12 In Sports
1811111111111111111191911911811111111111 111111111111111811111111111
Track crowded softball for the
V-12 spotlight this week as the
thin-clads from Barracks 36 pro
ved themselves tops in the cinder
department. Barracks 37 and
Barracks 62 tied for second Place
honors in the meet run Sundey
afternoon uncar the direction of
Lieut. T. F. Coleman of the Navy
and - Prof. E. C. Bischoff, Physi
cal Education department.
On the softball' front, the Off-.
Campus „division swung into ac
tion as 'Barracks 41 defeated Bar
racks 62 by an 8-2 count to take
the lead. 'Barracks 22 trounced
- Barracks 35; Barracks 29 , :took:
Barracks •22 to camp, and Bar
racks 20 edged out Barracks 35
again. . .
SundaY afternoon, six postpon-.
ed games will. be played on the
golf course field starting at 1:30
p.m. . .
V-12 intraLbarracks ' tennis
tournament will also get under
way, Sunday afternoon as- 17
racket. wielders play off in the
opening round.
Dissman Stars In Track
George Dissman,. Barracks 37,
started off the afternoon by tak
ing the 100-yard• dash -in . the
good time . of 10:4 and then came
hack to race to• second place
honors in the 220' behind Mc-
Cown. The winner's time was
23:8.. . . . _ .
In, the 440-yard run, Long
"When' Christ 'announced that
all men were His brothers, He
taught us to look on other peo
ple: imaginatiitely and • not 'as
though they were •ciphers in a
statistical abstract."
—Robert Lyn,d
. .
Do you have a similar yardstick
of lasting values? •
The' Westnib/stet Fomidatton
invites you 45 share in an Mt
derstanding Christian Fellow
ship of Discovery. ' '
Meet With Cornell
Will Open Schedule
For Soccer EleVen
With V-12 Navy and Marine
candidates as the backbone of
his squad, Coach. Bill Jeffrey's
champion soccer team will open
a tough seven-game schedule
when Cornell visits the campus
this Fall. The complete schedule
Cornell—Home, Oct.. 2
Bucknell—Home, Oct. 9
Colgate—Away, Oct. 16
Syracuse—Home, Oct. 23
Navy—Away, Nov. 7
Army—Away, Nov. 10
Temple—Home, Nov. 13
The last. three . games on the
schedule will be played during
the Fall semester which opens
around Nov. 1, while the game
with Colgate on Oct. 23 will take
place during the interim between
. Players returning from last
semester's eleven are Jake Lom
bana, South American ace, and
Sammy Schnure, as well as
Frank Klase, now a member of
V-12. Ramzi Gurcay, Turkish
booter, and Jim Atherton will
also be on hand 'for the opening
From the V-12. ranks Ted
Reichwein, Bills Shellenberger,
John Wrynn, Mark Frederick,
and Red Kramer will be some of
the more prbmiE 4 ,ing candidates
for the opening lineup.
By Art Miller, A. S. USNR
from Barracks 36 took first in
front of Jones and Martin. The
time was 55:6.
In the first of three distance
relays, Hamrock, Parker, Linn
I and Grimes, Barracks. 9, got to
gether to Win 'out In the half-mile
distance while the Ivory-Knowl
ton-Long-Lauder combine from
Barradk 36 ran a close second.
The one-mile relay title was
snatched by Woodruff, Jaeger,
Jones • and McCown from Bar
-racki 62 in 3:57.5. Gibbs, Cerow,
Crimmins, and Good carried ,their
Barracks 20 colors to second
Norten; Nuss, Helmick and
Brown cooperated to . win the
two-mile relay title ' for HoUse
while. Fertig, Good, Crimmins
and Cerow ran again in. second
,spot ,for Barracks 20.
Final standings:
Barracks 36-9; • Barracks 37-
8; Barracks 62-8; Barracks 20-
7; Barracks , 64-5; Barracks 9-
5; Barracks 26-5; Barracks 29-
Do__ you -want to be . •
relaxed during intermission!
and TORACCO for IF at .
Has. Just Arrived!
• - GRAHAM and SON
. • Established 189(1
Eliminations Set
For Boxing
Tourney Tomorrow
Servicemen To Battle
In Rec Hall At 3 P. K
Tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'-
clock, over a score of Penn State's
adopted men of the fighting for
ces will crawl through the ropes
at Rec Hall to slug it out with
each other for a place in the final
leg of the All - Service boxing
tourney, slated for August' 28.
Today at 4:30, the Navy, Ma
rines, ASTP, and advanced ROTC
trainees will battle for first team
honors among themselves, since
each group has entered several
men for many of the weight
classes, These eliminations will . be
held in Rec Hall under the sup-.
ervision of each of the service
managers, headed by mitt coach.
Leo Houck, who laid the founda
lion of the show with collabor
ation from Lieuetenant Thomas
Coleman of the Navy, and Cap
lain Charles Prosser, currently
attached to the Penn State mill
tary department.
Starting time for tomorrow's
semi-finals was set back one hour,
due to men of the Navy and Ma
rives being innoculated for ty
phoid fever at the same time.
Houck reminded regular students
that although the bouts are being
sponsored for the armed forces,
anyone may attend. free of
Each section of Rec Hall Will
be marked off for the various
services, to insure a centered
cheering section. There is also a
possibility that the new Navy-
Marine band will be part of the
bluejacket-leatherneck gathering.
All Naval, Marine, and Army
officers stationed at the College
will have ringside seats reserved
for them at tomorrow's bouts, and
for the finals next week. Non
coms on the Army staff, as well
Marines - and Navy men attached
to the ship's company will have
special seats reserved for them
Houck has specified use of eith
er 12 or 16-ounce gloves for the
tourney, thus guarding the corn
batants against serious cuts or
bruises. There will be three
rounds of one and one-half min
utes duration, but any fight may
end at the decision of the referee,
if competition is decidedly over
This boxing show is the first
in a series of sporting' events de
signed: as part of the military
conditioning course outlined for
Men stationed - here for 'advanced
college training. In following
weeks, tennis and golf tourney::
will be latinched, and officials
have just ended' a Navy-Marine
swimming test at Glennland'pook.
Baby chicks that soon will grow
up and lay eggs have a lot of nerve
saying "Cheep, cheep!"