kk.4•E FOUR Owens io initiate Outstanding Coeds Banquet May 2 6roup to Announce Incoming Officers Twenty-six outstanding fresh )l,:an and sophomore women who 'were tapped by Cwens at the an > real breakfast will be, in itiated into the sophomore honor ary at a festival banquet at the Alpha Zeta house Sunday evening. ollowing • the ancient Anglo- F.,ixon folk ways and traditions, the ceremony will include the )rresentation of Cwens pins, the , :eptre and crown, symbolic of the name "Cwen," meaning queen: . Newly elected officers of the p . )oup will be announced during the festivities. Those being in itiated are Rose D. Devecka, Betty Jane Drouse, Phyllis de Mauriac,: Cynthia Geffen, Marilyn L. Glo isch, Helen V. Hatton, G. Patricia i:allberg, Peggy ;Lou Johnson, Mary Ann Jennings, Lois I. Lunn: Gloria 'J. McKinley, Helen J. Mar tin, Florence A. Port,' B. Ruth Piel )neier, Gertrude G. Rosen, Betty )vt. Shenk, and Marguerite P. F:usanin. Jeanne Richards, adviser, was also tapped. Dean Charlotte E. Ray, Harriet ./I.llen, Doris Jean Reichenback, Mrs. Frank W. Haller, Dotty Jones, Marie Haidt, and Louise ))ye, former Cwens, will be guests for the. occasion. Cwens who will greet the new )oembers are Ruth Clyde, Jane Ccomis, Patricia Diener, Alice Drumm, Ruth Emberry, Carol Em crick, Margaret L. Good, Mary Grace Longenecker, Vivian Mar:. tin, Judy McFarland, Betsy Mc- Gee, Joan Miller, Jean Ogden, 3"Jorinne Olson, Kathleen Osgood, )arbara Painter, Winifred Singer, Marjorie Schultz, Ruth Steiner, Gloria Whyel, Christine Yohe, and Miriam Zartman.. ( 9Th ti , 41171 1 .6" 1 1 6- 4 -( g. s .,firb. it.atharinetibits • secretarial training, !It. the veolleget..weinen is . prepared not ' old/ co secure , at once a better job, • 1!; .but also to, hold her place in business In the ttos6war..readjustment:.Courses enciusively, for. college women begin • . July 6 and, September 21. Send for bsoitlet; "Gums Guns rer NVoitt,." /4 7. A . Z.thitilii-inle-,Clu. • SIECRIET/4111111/AL 13OSTON -11 , 0 MARLBOROUGH Sr. NEW - VOIRK.-230 RIM( AVEHUE Penn State Class Rings., L. G. Balfour Co. 109 S. Allen Street in Charles. Fellow Shop C *IMPUTE THE WEEKEND E M II I L K S A S T o Cliff S R 145 S. ALLEN ST. DIAL 4777 she W omen Co-Rec Day, BaCkstage Canteen Provide Chance Co-Rec Day and a State College version of a stagedoor canteen mean a big Saturday. Another attempt to provide in troductions and welcomes for the Army Air Crew, WRA's Co-Rec Day is open to all cadets, cadettes, and College kids. White Hall .will be open to the multitudes and- all WRA facilities will be available for use from 2 to 5 this afternoon. The women's recreation hell is really extensive with a wealth of health-building ammunition. And, although the place is open contin uously to the coed population, Co flee days are the few times that many really visit it. Women and guests should rec ognize the definite values of phys ical exercise resulting from a swanky swimming pool, a dandy dance room, a sharp-shooting range, a great gymnasium, a broad bowling aUey, and a practical playroom. Since few women find it conve nient to participate in such activi ties often, WRA sincerely hopes that they take advantage of this special chance to get their exer cise and to welcome our wartime visitors. Revised Elections Code (Continued tram Page One) ARTICLE VI Campaign The only type of campaigning permitted will be verbal and per sonal contacts. There shall be no posters, handbills, cards, signs, public announcements, or other type of campaigning or advertis ing by the candidates. The elections committee will print sufficient official elections posters to notify and remind stu dents of the voting time and can didates. These, along with stories in the Daily Collegian, will be the only permissible type of open pub licity. There will be no financial bud gets for the campaigning. Spend ing money for campaign purposes in any manner is The committee will meet with. all candidates on Wednesday eve ning, June 23, to answer any ques tions about the voting and to hear any complaints about code viola tions. They shall meet with all candidates again after the closing of the polls and before the count- TEE DAILY COLLEGIAN or Coed Hostesses Backstage in a certain make shift theatre tonight, a staunch but small group of Penn State USO'ers will play hostess to men in the service and civilians. They plan to break up any ordi nary connections and insert a few new personalities. They're all out for. the men-who are.."flying high into the sun" for their country. They are few in number, need hundreds of hostesses to help, but they are the real idea-gals behind the scenes in this backstage pro gram. They are stepping into the job which is theirs to do since a wartime atmosphere has clouded our skies. The Thespian Masquerettes de serve a lot of credit because their work has always been primary but recognition of it has been sec ondary. Now that they have band ed themselves into a separate club, they have . attempted la project . which is going unnoticed as iar as they are concerned: • The "Backstage Canteen" opens tonight as the College's first USO project. The idea is great, we're sure, but there'll be nothing of the USO spirit about it unless hos tesses come with the crowds. ing of the votes begins on Friday, June 25, when further complaints will be heard. ARTICLE VII Eligibility to Vote An official voting registration shall take place on June 10 and 11, 1943, at the College registra tion for the Summer semester. Each student shall fill out a form which will be filed by the elections committee and used to check off voters. This registration list shall be official. Any student registering late or who.for other reasons has not filled out an official registration form may vote upon preSentation of a note from either the dean of men or womeril - respectively, stating that he is a regularly enrolled un dergraduate and stating the semes ter in which .his college credits rank him. • Only undergraduate students shall be eligible to vote. Students shall be required to present matriculation cards for identification at the polls. ARTICLE VIII Party Affiliations No party affiliations 'of candi dates will be printed on the offi cial electionS committee posters or the official ballots. The elections committee recom mends that no party affiliations - b - e used in campaigning or in edi torial publicity in the Daily Col legian. ARTICLE IX Code Violations Penalties of twenty (20) votes shall - be inflicted - upOn 'any candi date foiind guilty of each viola tion of the following: • 1. Electioneering in Old Main while voting is in progress. 2. Buying of votes. 3. Any other type of campaiip ing than that stipulated in Article VI of the official elections code. Voters violating voting ethics, such as voting twice, allowing his vote to be bought, voting under false pretenses, etc., shall be dealt with by Student Tribunal. ARTICLE X - Emergency Changes Since the new constitution calls for the organization of student government at the beginning of each semester rather than at the end of the preceding term, the elections committee reserves the right to alter its code in case of emergency after Cabinet has dis banded. Such changes will be sub ject to the approval of the deans of men and women, Cabinet ex officio members. Y WAR BON Softballers Practice All coeds are invited to partici pate in the interclass softball prac tices on Holmes Field at 4 o'clock next week, Monday . through Thursday, according to Mary Grace Longenecker, WRA chair- STARTS MO" DAY Last Tirnes Today—Lana Turner in "Slightly Dangerous" Ate roe, • porfeet .plerstlie Again three rousing cheers for Revlon! Now—their super-stay-on lipstick...in a Vseamy, rose-red plastic case. Nary a. sign of • lipstick smear can mar its beauty. ; . P.tettiest—and most practical of all the war babies! Hurry...get yours now!, ,/,:\ cLaimhain's SA'T'URDAY, MAY 1, 1943 From the girls reportitng for practice will be chosen clasi teams which will participate in a sched. uled program of games for the school championship. The regular contests will begin after vacation, ows at 1:30, 3:00, 6:45, 8:45 rota' N.‘ America's best-loved lipstick 60# a'l.: