The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, April 30, 1943, Image 4

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    I' A.drE FOUR
Bedenkmen Set for Battle
\With Syracuse Team Today
Coach Joe Bedenk and his un-
di teated Nittany baseballers play
Yost to the Orange of Syracuse
I) , niversity on the New Beaver
d;amond this afternon at 4 p.
ill. the season's second home fray.
Victorious over Villanova and
Juniata in the curtailed spring
: , :hedule, Penn State appears to
1)(,t in store for a hard game this
Bedenk was uncertain last night
Ur: to the starting hurler for the
)some club as he stated that it
would either be Stover or Young.
The rest of the Lions' starting
lineup will be the same that de
feated Juniata here last Firady.
Jake Flowers, Jack Burford
and Dale Bowers will occupy the
outfield posts with Chuck McFar
land on first, Eddie Sebastianelli
on second, Whitey Thomas at
ghort, and Gene Sutherland at the
"hot .corner." Oggie Martella will
le behind the plate,
Mit Dells Beat DU
fu Softball League, 3-0
As the abbreviated fraternity
roftball league uncorcked its guns
for the spring season, Phi Delta
Theta took a close 3-0 decision
rom the Delta Upsilon ten.
Early last week, the Phi Delis
walloped out a 5-1 victory over
the same bunch.
The contest started as a pitch
or's duel between Hank Yeagley,
for the winners, and Bud Marger
urn, DU hurler.
e ft
4 .
.1.0N6 REEVE)
White, yellow, blue and. natural, also
plaids and stirpes, all with conVert-
ible collar. $2.00 'to OM
Keep In Touch \YU Stoat
No Matter Where You Are
THE DAILY COLLEGIAN will be sent any man in the
armed forces of the country no matter where he may be..
if you are entering any of the services at the end of
this semester, subscribe at Student Union. Only .$l.OO .
There is only one charge for the subscription—one
dollar is all that is necessary for your only news contact
with your college.
The Mail Always Goes Through
Lion Tennis Squad
Plays Muhlenburg
With Old Man Weather Still
frowning on his Penn State tennis
charges, the team is tuning up for
their second meet of the season
against Gettysburg tomorrow af
ternoon on the Nittany courts.
Barring sudden changes in the
line-up, Cy Hull will take his ac
customed position as Nittany num
ber one man while Ace Parker
will take over the duties in the
second spot against the down
Walt Stenger, newcomer to the
net team, who won his first net
match •of the season against
Swarthmore, will tangle in third
position,' and Herb Kraybill will
play number four. •
Jim Lawther, who lost a close
match to Swarthmore's Bill Clen
dennin in the last contest, will
probably see action in the fifth
slot while Russ Campbell, another
first year man, is the choice for
number six.
In the doubles, Hull and Parker
will probably take on the Gettys
burg first doubles •combine. Sten
ger and Kraybill may get the call
to play second doubles and it will
probably be Lawther and Campbell
or Dick Armbrust in the third dou
Buckeyes to Meet-
(Continued from Page Three)
will carry the brunt of the attack
by competing in the quarter and
half mile runs.
Bobby Jones will support St.
Clair in the quarter mile dash,
while Mitchell Williams, Dave
Carleton and Mac Smith will try
for half mile honors. Curt Stone,
Smith and Mitch Williams will
probably enter the mile event.
Two mile entries will be Stone,
Wessel and Tom Scott. Stouffer
and Jack 'Foreman will do the high
jumping, while Stemler will take
care of the pole vaulting duties.
Hanin, Mayer and Pearson will
throw the shotput and the discus,
with javelin assignments going to
Sid Cohen, Maxwell, McMinn,
Borges and Pearson. Hoggard and
Pearson will. do the• broad jump
Following the meet with Ohio
State, the Lions will meet Pitt on
May 8 and then end their season
by competing in the IC4-A meet.
ORDERS TAKEN—For standard
class rings— Call Bordo,
FOR RENT—Furnished student
apartment for next semester,
one-half block from campus. Call
2788. 2t-30-chaf
COAT, light gray, picked up by
mistake at Autoport Sunday
night. Other coat in my possession.
Call Sam 2036. 2t-29-pd—RLF
LOST— Two, French textbooks,
Eascon and Mercier, somewhere
between Collegian office, Carnegie
Hall, and Centre Daily Times of
fice. Finder please call Alice, 55
Ath Hall, or Collegian office.
PW (4)—York to . State College
Leave 8 p.m. Monday, April 26
Call 3251, ask for Jack Taylor.
WANTED—WouId like to buy or
rent a set of golf clubs. Call
Aichardson, - departnient of speech,
or 4423. 2t-30-chg—PPM
FOR RENT—Completely furnish
ed apartment near campus. Re
sponsible men preferred. Available
May 1.5. Dial 2665.
FOR RENT—Four large double
rooms. Summer semester. Hot
and cold running water, single
beds. 122 W. Nittany ave. Phone
4679. BIF
WANTED—Two good dancers de-
sire a Mil Ball date. Call Red or
Dot. 327 Ath Hall. It-30-pd—SS
WANTED.-35 m.m._caMera. Call
3416 after 7 p.m. lt-30-chg—BlF
WANTED—Second hand golf club.
Must be cheap. Call Kimmel
3332 after 5 p.m. 2t-30-pd—RTK
FOR SALE—Bike in good condi
tion: Tux coat—size 38. Innuite
immediately, 4856, Bill.
LOST—Log-Log duplex trig slide
rule. Name on rule, Ed. Hipps.
Finder call 2687 or return to Stn
dent Union. Reward. •
Lions, Union City Gymnasts
Favored in AAU Competition
Favorites in the National AAU44 , ---
gymnastic meet scheduled to be
held tomorrow in the West Side
YMCA of New York City will be
the Union City Gymnastic Society
of Union City, N. J., winners of 20
out of the last 22 meets.
Penn State's Eastern Intercol
legiate League championship
squad is favored to tally a high
score and possibly upset the favor
ites. The Union City team claims
the honor of supplying 75 per cent
of the United States Olympic
squads of past years. The 1936
Olympics found three of their kind
on the championship roster.
The Nittanymen, coached by
Gene Wettstone, will display ex
ceptionally good team balance
with men entered' hi every event,
including the all-around competi
tion. Captain Lou Bordo and Ray
Sorenson are expected to plaCe in
the all-around event, which . will
not •include the tumbling exercise,
Bill Wintersteen and Harold
Frey,. Lion gymnasts, will swing
the Indian clubs against the de
fending champion,_ Hennick, 64-
year-old - contestant from. Cleve
land. Hennick has held the title off
and on since 1904:
• Highligbt or the program will
probably be the rope climbing
. \ ,
, ) , , % i
i 1
FRIDAY, APRIL .30, 1943.
event. Penn State has dominated
this event for • the past several
years and is expected to do well in
the competition tomorrow.
Chick Lebow, world's record
holder, is set to make a good show
ing. His teammates, Wirtschafter,
Young, Barclay and Wintersteen,
will also do climbing chores. Wirt
•achaffer has done well in practice
"And may be the "dark horse" of
'this event. Condit, forriferly •of
Princeton; and
,Rafferty of Navy
"are alsorated highly in this match.
Tumbling exercises will doubt
be dominated by Temple's SzyPula;
titleholder - for the past .three yeats.
Loken of lowa Pre-Flight, Meade
and Frey of 'Penn'State :and BObbY
Martin *of Jersey City are slated
. to place in the mat event.
• Lion Bordo is rated- highly .S9r
long horse and parallel bar honor's,
.while Small is expected to do 'his
- best. on the flying. rings and the
phars. Lebow , will perform. on. the
.ropes. and - . the horizontal bar,. with
.Borisall trying for -points, on the
rings,: the mats and on the ;long.
• Compulsory exercises and •_ the
finals in club swinging take
place tomorrow afternoon. ,•-:
1:30, 3:30, 6:45, 8:45
Tauvrs af 1,30, 3:00, 6:45, 8:45::