The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, April 16, 1943, Image 3

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    D 2 IL 443 j
Net Team ns Season
Today at Swarthmore
, With hopes for better weather
conditions than they have had dur
ing the,Spring season in State. Col-
. State's varsity tennis
squad left this morning for Swarth
more,: where they will tackle the
Swarthmore netmen in the first
fray of the season for both teams:
; On ,only four . days this' year
have the racqneteers been able to
practice outdoors. Even so, the
lineup is strong with four letter,
men to bear the brunt of• the at
Cy Hu11,.. number one man on
the summer
.editton, will play in
that iiiracket, again, and will also
join. Ace-, Parker to swap serves
with the Swarthmore first doubles
combination. Parker, who was on
the ineligible list during the sum
mer 'months, will once again get
back, into varsity shorts to tackle
the number two Swarthmore sin
gles player.
Two men are in the running for
the number three singles slot, ac
cording to Coach Ray. Dickinson.
Herb Kraybill, returning letter
man, and Walt Stenger, capable
newcomer, have battled' on even
terms during the spring condition
ing Matches. Both will see action
today, 'the number three choice
probably falling to Kraybill, while
Stenger, will take on the Eastern
Pennsylvanians' number four man.
Freshman. Russ Campbell will
,get the nod. for the number five
,spot from the Lion mentor, while
either Jim .Lawther, or Dick Arm- ,
brust will be' called upon to' play.
the sixth position. Lawther has
been .out for. the team- only a
t reek, ..but , 'is rounding into cOndi
. Armbrust played'
'third doubles .with . KraYbill .. undet
lioetbke,.during the summer.
- - ,
In: the other two doubles,
thatches; . Stenger and. Kraybill
- r - -:NihtPhViWßUildint -
' (Continued 'from -.l:''aPe' One)
i Within. its: walls are five 'floors
of classrooms,_ two lecture rooms,
and a series of laboratories de-
Voted to research and study. The
addition will consist mainly ,of
cilassroOis la- allow for' future., ex;
pansion. • The present classroom
in the east wing are so constructed,
that they can be converted into
laboratories for experiments, to
increase those already fUnctioning
in theq secand -floor.
When the housiiig committee. of
Vie physics •and. , cheinistry - 'staff;
formulated the plans, - -the •entire
'el - landing was laid out in this way.
110 e .were: provisions for,accOin
iodating ,lutUre increases in ,the
Orolliiient Vy. , inal4ng pgssible the
. :'many rooms now
14ed % ,,for , other,' Pliiiiodes 4n:t0: , .1.0`. 2
ritories- Sok expelimental , study.
,We- , have got to. ; do rrioie—=and
,40' 1 " 1 %Wtflo,4t" 1 5 10 1:e . : - " ,6 40V 1 *. 6 0:
file / : fikhtink`tfq,yOubily.. , ipot!ier,
Bond' to•da.Y.-.
Go. bOck to the day , of your
;Will. The Mail. Train
Run. Tonight? ,
r• You'll,- laugh, thrill, and
weep with the•.characters.
• You'll love the gay cos
t turves, _ colorful scenery,
. and Ututia..
You'll'erdoy the old songs•by
the barber shop quartet
'aud• soloists.
You'll be tantalized by, the
bewitching can-can chorus.
'• You'll be there!
Schwab .Auditorium 7:30
April 16.17 55c inc.. tax
will take on the Swarthmore sec
ond doubles combine, while Camp
bell and either Lawther or Arm
brust tackle the third doubles
Newcomers to the squad who
are showing the eyes
of Dickinsoti are Bob Gruver and
Dan Moses. However, they will
not accompany the' squad today.
The Swarthmore team is known
to be strong. Coach Fortner, men
tor of the Garnet, is, a former
Davis Cup player, and - has had his
netmen practicing daily. on their
indoor freldhouse courts over the
winter months.
S r its Parade
Tom Harmon Missing
Michigan's All-American' foot
baller, • Tom Harmon, was missing
in traction with an Army Air Corps
flight patrol since April 8, the War
Depaitment said yesterday in a
communication I,N.cith the Wolver
ine's parents in Ann -Arbor.
The former football star entered
the service over 'a 'year ago, and
recently received' his wings and a
commission as first lieutenant. At
the time of his disappearance, he
was stationed in Puerto Rico,
awaiting orders with his crew:
Frank. Gustine• Injured
Frankie Gustine upset , the Pitts
.burgh Pirates' lineup yesterday
Wharf' X-rays revealed that the
Corsair was suffering from a fraC
tured hand and . would be unable
to start- . at short in the. opener:at
Chicago . next Wednesday . . Skipper-
Frank Frisch -niay-hiove-ItOb , Elliot
•to ,Short• 11'671 - , thiril i ,.apd• make a
third-saCkerout:xif. Vinee DiMag
gio to fill the gap.
•Terriple._Leftt i .Altak. •. •
, . ,
' •
. .
• • .
_Temple's :baseball! team. was left
standing at. the altar several days
ago • when the •WeSt: Virginia -nine
tailed•.to% arrive for a scheduled
game. Hurried phone calls found
that • the: Mountaineers had abol
/Sliedb.aseball for the , duration,
but failed; to notify, their Oppo
nents. Tomorrti* •afternoon, the
Owls-come to Penn State to meet
the Bedenk squad in. the opening
Pew: Slate .fraternity - Rings
Balfour Co,. ,
Allo' iii.:Chqrles Fellow Shop
• • ' , • .
intporittint. • u tincenient
...Perinsylonid Greyhciund Lines wish to an
nounce all students That, in order to ar
, range accommodations for, travel on April
21st, 22nd, and 23rd, 1943, it will be necessary
to make reservation by Rurchasipg your tick
et as far in advance as possible, but not later
than eight hours prior to your intended de
parture time. •
All busses wily leave 'from the GREY
East Bountd , West Bound North Bound
•2:55 Mttl. II:10 A.M.
7 . 140. 6:30 A.M.
2:40 P.M. 1:45 P.M. MOO IL
11:56 P.M„ 6:20 P.M.
Ewell to Compete
In 100-Yard Event
Of Penn Relays
Distance Meets May
Draw Large Crowds
Pvt. Barney Ewell, former Penn
State track star, will compete in
the 49th annual Penn Relay Car
nival set for April 23 and 24.
Almost 2,500 athletes from the
armed services, high schools, col
leges and industrial plants wily pit
their skill against each 'other in
more than 60 events at Franklin
Penn State will enter four relay
squads along with several field
entries for the gigantic track and
field day program. Coach Conger's
thinclads will compete ill the
sprint and distance medleys, the
two-mile and the four-mile relays.
Blue and White field men will
also enter several of the events.
. Ewell will run in the 100-yard
dash event and will have several
opponents well known for their
speed and running ability. Eulace
Peacock of the Manhattan Coast
Guard training school is also en
tered in this event. Barney, now a
soldier at Camp Lee, was holder
of three IC4-A titles for three con
secutive years.
The relay events are expected
to attract the largest crowds, for
such teams as Indiana, Michigan,
Notre Dame, Manhattan, Pitt,
Syracuse, Fordham, Army, Navy,
West Virginia, NYU, Princeton and
Columbia are sending squads into
the competition as well as' Penn
Greg Rice, crack two-miler who
.has been undefeated for three
years, will be opposed by Col
gate's ICA-A indoor ' two-mile
Champion, Glenn Masten, and,sev!.
era other top-ranking• collegiate
.distance runners. This will be
Rice's first race on the. ou . tdoor.
cinders fOr the- Spring season.
Russians, to Hold Patty
Members of Alpha RhO •Omega,
national Russian club, will hold a
bowling-party this evening. Mem
bers are requested to meet in the
second floor lounge of Old Main,
8 o'clock tonight, from where they
will• leave for the State Bowling
Ridenour Eligible for Title
Of 'Best Nittany Wrestler'
(Third of a Series)
f anyone ever takes the time
to choose the best wrestler that
ever went to Penn State, Charlie
Ridenour will stand an able chance
to acid that title to the growing
number of crowns he has amassed
during the past few years.
This season, the "Little Doc".
teamed up with Sammy Harry to
pilot the Spiedel-absent team
through their 1943 season. Paul
Johnson, local attorney and for
mer Lion matman, subbed for
Spiedel, who is now a commis
sioned officer in the Navy at
Chapel Hill; North Carolina.
Looking back over the career
of the Nittany co-:captain, there is
a seven-year record off. varsitY
competition, ranging front the mats
of the State College High School
to top' spot in the Penn State line
up and a well-earned niche in
wrestling's eastern hall' of fame.
When' Ridenour was a sopho
in highscheol, he had a hard.
time gaining . recognition as a var-.
sits man, for hiS . : later college.
teammate; Al Crabtree; was • a stu
dent in the same high schobl and
a grappler in the same weight
class. The next two years,' tho Ug h;
the. boys went, into different 'di- .
visions, and . Charlie walked away
with the PIAA wrestling- crown in
his. senior: year.
. This sc h 0.0 1 - b oy. prominence
brought- him to the eyes of the
Lion mentor, and before long he
was captain .of the Penn 'State
freshman team, going through an
"Gosh, they're all so swell, Harold, I just
can't decide which one to buy!"
There's more than meets the eye in Arrow Ties—
for they're long-wearing as well as handsome! And
their special lining helps resist wrinkles and-makes.
perfect knots. (Incidentally, Arrow ties go espe
cially well with liine•fitting Arrow shirts!) $l, $1.50.
Men in uniform: See your Arrow dealer for
Arrow shirts and ties to go with your uniform:
entire season without being . beaten
in dual competition.
The next year, the little muscle
man stepped into the varsity ; but.
ran into trouble with . Bob •Bberly ;
of Princeton, who was thrice East
ern champ, and Frank Baileys cap-
tain of the Lehigh • aggregation,
Nevertheless, upon entering the•
EIWA title race at Columbiacthat...
year, he started his long•winning t
streak by copping the 321-pound;
In the 1942 season, he battled!
his way through an undefeated)
year, took the 121-pound•
pionship for the second time , In.
row, and won third pace. in. the-
Nationals by pinning three men-,irs
the eliminations. Meet officials.
awarded him the trophy for- the.
most falls when the tourney:ended.
This winter, Malcolm MacDon
ald of Navy was the only,
beat the Nittany grappler, but.this.
did not stop him from .winning the
Eastern championship for the third.
straight year, and become the first
man in Penn State history to win.
more than two titles in his college
Although the National tourney,:
was cancelled this year, Ridenour•
went to New York City two weeks,
ago and won the AAU title. He is
now awaiting call from the ATniy,
Air Corps, but will return to -Penn•
State as assistant wrestling awl*
when the war is over.
Next: Cliff St:-Clair.
"Edge of Darkness"
"Cabin in the Sky"
and Sixr•eriee"
A fin STOOt