THURSDAY, APRIL 1, 1943 iiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniinniifiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii BETWEEN THE LINES iiniiimiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiimmmimiiHniiiimimimiiimiiumiiiiiiUjiiiiiitiuiniiitiiiiiiitiiHimtiiniim - All is peaceful and chummy around the big red barn with only a tew casualties reported lately—mostly among the assistant managers who are trying like mad to make out. What wp can’t figure out, though, is why they’re trying so hard to get up in the big leagues. After all, a couple of more months and they’ll all be making a fuss— nothing drastic, understand—but they won’t be trying so hard to see who can do the most sweeping up around the barracks. There are rtimors afoot, nothing really delinite, but some of the big beys Have been figuring out who the most likely prospects are fot the Fall pigskin session. The Hig has been having a few night-, btafos about ft. all..but with games scheduled with Princeton, Harvard, Cornell, and Skiwash Slate Teachers' College, he should have no trouble finding a winning combination. Practice will start in a few weeks in preparation for the grueling season. You’re wondering who’s going to be left for the team? Don’t worry about it. The men may all be gone, but there will still be plenty Of rugged coeds left. Already the Codets, who have been in training ai! Winter in the Armory, are getting in condition out on the drill held. With a few Cadettes, phys edders, and home eccers thrown in, the team ought to be in pretty good shape. That’s what the spectators around the drill field have been saying, anyhow. And they should know. With -Spring sporis getting underway in great style, fraternity and independent men alike are keyed to a high pitch over the pros pects of intra-murals. From the grueling workouts some of the boys have been giving their elbows during the last few months, there ought to be some really sharp competition in the IM marble league. Grouped in clusters around the campus, they can be heard bickering vocifer ously trading aggies| There seems to be a trend this season toward -the pink and baby blue shades. With the first games scheduled for hex! week, the Campus Cops are already getting in condition to quiet the mobs who, as in former years, are sure to flock to the games. Your reporter hasn’t been to marfy of the workouts yet, and it’s a tittle too eariy to give many predictions, but if some of the big shots are as good at shooting them as they are at some things, IM marbles this year ought to be really peachy. People Kaye been wondering what'll happen to the tennis team this Summer. As if anything' really magnanimous ever happened to it. Why worry, though? It's been done before, and it can happen again—' hack in the dim past, there Was once a coed on the men's tennis team. SojWhy not get back in the groove with an all .coed outfit. They'd prbhably still make out better than some of the former records show. Now that the phys. ed. school has-gotten straightened out about a few things like HOTC and stuff, there’s another matter that could stand a little working on. Besides it, other movements have been silly, -and uncalled for. This is what- is really lacking around this Campus, what has kept men and-women alike from being physically perfect, and what has reduced morale to a mere shadow of its former self. What we’re talking about is having an outdoor swimming pool , located on the campus. According fo authoritative figures from the FHA. if every student would donate one tile for the pool, there'd be an awful lot of files lying around, and there still wouldn't be anything to swim in. Get some of . the phys. ed. students to dig-a Hole, though, and it wouldn't be long before, with a few typical Niltariy. Valley drizzles, we'd have a place to dabble our tootsie in the Summer days. Having spoken to the guys in charge of grounds and buildings, there seem to be lots of places that they’re just dying'to have a swimming pool put. Three sug gestions seemed practical to your reporter—the middle of Beaver Field (with a movable cover , for football season), Holmes Field, and Old Main front lawn. The last seems best, for during sandwich hours hotdogs can grab a coke, jump in the pool, and slowly set tlee to the bottom. They can get a legitimate excuse for cutting the following class. seems a bit impractical to have every student donate a tile to the cause, why not make a swimming, pool the class gift. It certainly would be more, appre ciated,. more used, and more furi than the other prosaic suggestions which have emitted from the gray matter of the big shots. To some of the more-conserva tive ‘people around here, this plan may sound drastic, but we be lieve in it, and we’ll fight for' it. ‘Ya Just Gotta Go’— Davis . Shame on you bad boys. Look .how often the good Dr. Aft' DaviS has asked yoiTde housed: -frat_. fellows * to, ; register/, "at'SU- office so ; that .the! college'; .can send jrour parents all-yopr., ■ below "'g'raicies' (arid stuff.*' Y