The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, March 18, 1943, Image 4
f-'A.ur'E FOOT. \fSGA Group Gives $3OO to Red Cross; J o'clocks to Frosh ; Group Cancels Plans K For Mother's Weekend When WSGA Seriate voted to j.lve $3OO to the Red Cross last s ight, they brought to a close a s ieeting which had completed ac tion on two other important cam )ius issues, Mother’s Day weekend and second semester freshman hours. Mother’s Day weekend was definitely called off for this semes ter, and freshmen were given two twelve o’clocks a week to replace •f.iiei r former ten and one o’clocks over weekends. Prior to the discussion of their contribution to the Red Cross, Pa tricia Diener announced that so far $172 had been given to the drive. 'J’he Senate then voted to give $3OO t o the drive. Coming to the decision that Move-up Day would from now on dome automatically with the be ginning of the sophomore year, WSGA voted to grant second se mester freshman women two twelve o’clocks each weekend to replace their former ten and one o’clocks. While permission for dat ing during the week was not granted, it was conceded that these coeds may date off campus until t:3O p.m. daily. It was emphasized, however, that these permissions were being extended only because of the im provement of freshman women’s grades. Conduct in general has not shown much improvement, Marion C. Dougherty stated. Mother’s Day weekend, previ ously scheduled for April 17 and 18, is now definitely cancelled. Maters Play Hostess (Continued from Page One) universities will send delegates to the convention at the College this weekend. Taking the form of a model Congress, the meeting will feature • committee sessions, in which various hills will be intro duced, and a sitting of the entire body in which plans formulated by committees will be considered and voted upon. Theme of the meeting and subject of its bills v/ill be phases of the post-war sit uation. Women representing Penn State We Dare You To Read This; Can 1800 Women Afford To Ignore It? Aren’t you the least bit ashamed V Doesn’t it mean anything to you to realize that 30 or 40 coeds are doing the job 1800 coeds owe to their brother, .father or “other interest”? your answer is undoubtedly NO. You cannot care be cause you turn your head away too complacently. You are satisfied with youVself. But what right, as any American women, do yqu have to ignore the rquests, the pleas in fact, of men in Africa, Au stralia, the Solomons, Russia, England, and every fighting front in the world? You’re proud of these men who are do ing their duty, you say. These same men need surgical dressings, desperately, NOW. What are you saying now? Penn State women have ONE chance to answer these men. That opportunity to prepare surgical dressings is given to you every Thursday night. At Temple and Cornell Universities women prepare dressings every night of the week—that includes Saturday. You do not even exert your precious time enough to do it one nithgght a week. You are out of the real swing of this war by being tucked precious time enough to do it one night a week. ijs We dared you to read this. If you bothered you are probably one of the 30 or 40 who have continued to help make these surgical dressings. You’ll come again. If, however, you have never come to the Home Economics class I’oom Thursday nights at 6:30 'for two hours or even an hour, would you try it just once? Would you answer in Penn State’s only way the men in the services ? They need us and we CANNOT ignore them, Coed Enrollment Drops A report of attendance at surgical dressing classes, held in 112 Home Economics from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. every Thurs day, shows an all-time low for last week’s class with 36 coeds present. Weekly attendance has been: January 14 72 January 21 56 January 28 70 February 4 61 February 11 58 February 18 40 February 25 41 March 11 36 March 18 ? COED ENROLLMENT ...1800 are Miss Coplan and Miss McCool, billbackers, and Miss Casanave and Ruth P. Sprague, voting dele gates, on the committee on post war world organization; Gertrude G. Rosen and Miss Zimmerman on the committee on immediate post war settlement. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN (An Editorial) IWA Will Hold Dance Saturday At Grange IWA, independent women’s as sociation, will hold a recording dance in Grange Playroom from 99 p.'m. until midnight Saturday, according to Norma R. Stern, chairman. Half of the proceeds of this dance and future dances this month given by IWA will be do nated to Red Cross. Admission is 10 cents per person. CLASSIFIED WANT-ADS LOST —Brown wallet. Reward for information leading to return of cards to Herky, 2220. Ask your friends. 3tpd-16,17,18-RM ROOMS FOR RENT—Board if de sired. Very near main entrance to campus. 234 South Allen or phone 4056. 2t 17 chg EAM WILL PERSON -T- Who found green Schaffer lifetime set at Glenland Pool. Please return same to Student Union or call tan, 840. 2tpd.-BIF FOR RENT—One double room conveniently located at 516 East College avenue. Call Fred Hughes at 2973. 2t 17 pd LOST—A Royce wrist watch dur ing Feb. in Eng. drawing rooms. Engraved L. Smart. Reward. Dial 3141. Dave Brown or Jack Mur phy. 3compßßM RW Harrisburg or vicinity. Leave Friday or Saturday. Call Bailey, Collegian office or 4186. 2t 18 comp B RW—Pittsburgh or vicinity. Leave Friday p.m. Call Fred at 4186. 2t 18 comp FEC WANTED—Two roommates for apartment above Metzger’s. Call 4881 between 8 a.m. and noon and in the evening. It 18 pd W FOR RENT Desirable single room, one block from campus. Board if wanted.' Call Hank Har man, 4324, between 12-1 plm., 5.7 p.m. It 18 comp PPM FOR SALE—Waterproof Swiss second hand luminous Army watch. Call 87, ask for Stan. It 18 e'hg MICH ROOMS FOR RENT—One double room and one-half double room. 236 East Foster. Dial 2186. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiininiiiiiuiiiiniuiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiK iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Nine intramural table tennis tilts which took place Tuesday have officially sparked the IM table tennis tourneys between sor ority and dormitory groups. Joan Runkel playing for Alpha Epsilon Phi downed Phi Mu Jean Hartman in two straight games, 21-8, 21-4. Mary Werts, Phi Mu, was nosed out by AEPhi Joyce Greenburg, 12.21, 8-21, in the next set of singles. ■ The AEP.his took over the doubles, 21-6, 21-7, to walk off with three points towards the final series score. Sara Wills, Irvin Hall, defeated AOPi Mary A. Jennings in two hard matches, 21-19, 21-19. Irvin Hall’s Marcella Chervinak drop ped two games to Ray Snyder, AOPi, 8-21, 11.21. In the doubles, AOPi nosed out Irvin, 21-11, 21-16. Alpha Chi Omega Pat Halberg trounced Mary Ann Crall, ChiO, '2l-7 and 21-1.1. B. J. Sackville, Alpha Chi, dropped the second match to Alice Burwell, ChiO, 21-11, 21.11. Alpha Chi Omega won the doubles, 21-17, 21-11. Theta Betty Shenk beat Virginia Coltrin, Kappa Delta, 21-12, 21-9, while sister Theta Vivian Martin tallied for Kappa Alpha Theta by winning out over Catherine Bost wick, Kappa Delt, 21.9, 21-2. The Thetas took over the doubles, 21-5, 21-5. —M. L. G. Doris Funk, Delta Gamma, nosed out Jean Sherholtz, Alpha Xi Delta, 21-16, 21-15. DG Peggy Johnson dropped her match to Mary Cuta, .Alpha Xi Delt, 21-10, 21-16. The Delta Gamma team came out in the doubles, 21.14, 23-21. Jordan Hallers walked off with the Kappa team as Becky Walker tripped UP Kappa Betty Julius, 21-8, 21-15, and Jean Cobin de feated Kappa Essie Campbell, 21-18, 21-5. Jordan Hall won the doubles, 21.11, 21-3. Mass Defaults Zeta. teams 1 and 2 defaulted to It pd 1C MKH WOMEN IN SPORTS WARNER BROTHERS ICATHAUM NOW PLAYING ■uir war non os amd stamps-mere THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 1943 iiiiiiiirmiimimiiiinmimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiii Grange and Delta Gamma respec tively as did Kappa Kappa Gamma team 2 default to Jordan Tuesday. Yesterday Irvin defaulted to Ath East, and Kappa Delta de* faulted to Alpha Epsilon Phi team 2. IM Schedule The following IM table tennis schedule has been released by Mary G. Longneckev, WRA intra mural chairman, for today: 4 p.m. Chi Omega meets Gartinia Phi Beta Alpha Omicron Pi meets Ath West. Grange meets Delta Gamma Jordan meets Alpha Omicron Pi 7 p.m. . Alpha Chi Omega meets Delta Gamma Kappa Alpha Theta meets Jordan Hall. Mil Ball Plans Proceed (Continued from Page One) ball, and all other ROTC men will •be eligible, to continue in campus activities-,' unless plans are changed, the cadet colonel added, Selections of committees have been made by officers in charge of the traditional dance, and ap pear as follows: Arrangements— Olin W. Tevendale, chairman; Harold A. Bryson, Merrill D. Wit mer, Laurence G. McEvoy, and Laibe A. Kessler. Entertainment has been placed under Edward T. Clock, who has a three-man committee, including Rudolph Bloom, Richard McNaul, and John Burford. Allen Grab tree’s invitation committee con sists of Wallace Riley, Henry A, Dotter, and Paul H. MagitiuS. Welker has named the follow ing men under John H. Gerth, Decorations head: Lloyd W. Ellson, Daniel M. Krieder, John F. Melzer, Henry K. Mattern, Ray Rehrig, and Ralph W. Yearger. Shows at 1:30, 3:00 6:45, 8:45