The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, February 18, 1943, Image 4

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    A'J-E FOUR
Cadettes Will Meet BWOCs
At WSGA Mass Meeting
Plans for a mass meeting for the Curtiss-Wright women, to be
■field Wednesday evening were completed at WSGA senate meeting
last night. The Cadettes will be introduced to campus organization
loaders, and elect hall officers. It was further■ decided at last night’s
meeting, that the Cadettes’ dormitory president will act as their rep
) o,tentative to the WSGA House of Representatives. Dorothy K. Brun
ner is head of the committee which will plan the mass meeting. Com
mittee members are Patricia Diener, Helen J. Martin, and Jane H.
Also discussed at last night's-*- -
fn;- Soph Hop weekend, student OWi Answers Questions
;''SSti£S* on Pertaining to College
jce Board to place posters on dor- I Women in War Effort
11 otory bulletin boards encourag
ing coeds to get more sleep.
Huth M.Storer, WSGA president,
w-minded coeds that they would
K"-. granted a 2 o'clock for Friday,
and a 1 o’clock for Saturday, over
, c 'nph Hop weekend.
Lieutenant Enghart, who has
ln-en working with Prof. Robert
b.- Galbraith in the recruiting of
man students, has suggested that
a -vote be taken to determine
whether there would be enough
interest to warrant a WAAC rep
ir.tentative- visiting campus and
addressing coeds. Dormitories will
vote at unit meetings next week.
The possibility of having posters
which-remind coeds to get enough
.-deep, placed on dormitory bulle
tin. boards, was suggested to the Ju
nior Service Board representative
last night.
The tea which Junior Service
hoard planned for Cadettes,
February 21, was postponed, Miss
T inrer announced, and will be
at some later date.
; (Continued from Page Two)
j’.in leave aH material at 5 Car
ol ogie Hall or contact one of the
to embers on the staff.
Furthermore, we feel that not
enough people are buying Port
folio. We realize that everyone
does not write, but more students
find faculty members should enjoy
reading what their fellow-students
and friends have written. The ad
ministration should look upon
Portfolio as a worth-while and
valuable student activity, and
therefore- support it by buying the
We know many of the students
‘have heavier schedules than ever
1 K'fore, many of the faculty, mem
bers and administrators are busy
with the new accelerated program
and wartime courses, but, we can
not and dare not forget the fine
arts. If Portfolio is to- continue its
publication . . . it is up to you.
Yours very truly,
Portfolio Staff:
\) • i ?.
■ ,]
V'- _ j_ ' •>
'“No; no, Alberti That’s not the wayfco-Save Food!"
- -"mini
Fourth in the series of Collegian
questions and answers as written
by the Office of War Information
concerns women in college and
their status after the war.
Should women stay in college ox
find useful jobs?
Women must decide this ques
tion for -themselves. The answer
in any individual case depends
upon the interests and abilities of
the women in question, the avail
ability of a war-connected job and
the college facilities at hand.
Shuld women get jobs on farms
next summer, or should they go to
summer school and try to finish
their college courses as quickly as
Where the shortage of farm la
bor is acute and where the work is
the type college women can per
form, many college women should
help with such farm labor. No
generalization can be given. The
question must be answered in
terms of the woman and the job.
What' will happen to working
women and professional women
when the men come -back from
war to lake their old jobs?
Plans are being made for order
ly demobilization and assistance
in finding employment after the
war for_.all, those in the armed
forces and war industries. Follow
ing the last war, women were
dropped from many jobs which
they had taken-on during the war
(e.g.-, street car conductors), but
many women continued to work
on the jobs and in the occupations
which had for the first time been
opened- to women during the war.
It is likely that after this war
there will be a wider range of jobs
open to women than ever before;
but the extent of women’s employ-'
ment will be governed by the gen
eral economic situation and avail
ability of employment for men as
well as women.
, Kappa Alpha Theta will enter
tain town mothers and alumnae
from 4 until 5:30 p.m. Sunday.
1 -4 4
Frosh Cagers Trounce
Junior-Senior Squad;
Zeia f s Bow to AOPi
A lot'ty junior-senior interclass
basketball squad tumbled again
last night at the hands of a once
defeated frosh sextet, 22-36. In
Monday’s match the score' was
18-35. Becky Walker walked off
with scoring honors in the third
out of three interclass games when
she annexed 19 points for the frosh
Ruth Richards followed not too
closely in Walker’s wake with an
individual tally of 9 while Mary
Ann Jennings added the remain
ing 8 points. Other members of
the team include Cooper, Gundel
Huck, Myers, McKinley, Quick,
Charlotte Spangler remaine
high scorer lor the junior-senior
basketballers with an individua
point rating of 10. Other member
of the squad include Aloe, Bos
wick, Haverst’ick, Levin, Long
necker, and Tower. .
Zela’s Tumble to AOPi
Zeta Tau Alpha tumbled to a
strong Alpha Omicron Pi bowling
team in a match chock-full of bet
ter-than-average scores. Mary Jen
nings bowled 149 for the AOPi’s
followed by Connie Reddig, Zeta
with 140.
Individual scores include: Alph
Omicron Pi —D. J. Jennings, 139
Dorothy Evans, 122; Virgin!
Ladd, 120; and Joan Miller, 80.
Zeia Tau Alpha —Jane Conrad
122; Jane. Brader, 100; Helen Me
Cleary, 90; and Joan. Clark, 89.
Alpha Omicron Pi will meet Ath
East at 4 o’clock this afternoon.
Balloting Continues
For King Dogpatch
Preliminary elections for King
Dogpatch, reigning sovereign .of
the annual Spinster Skip, March
12 will remain open until Wed
nesday, giving all local Sadie
Hawkins’s and L’il Abners an op
portunity to cast a ballot for their
Joe College, and Be + ty Coed,
transformed temporarily into
mountaineering Dogpatchers, are
invited to cast any additional
nominations to the seven BMOC’s
already named. Beginning yester
day, the preliminary voting will
single out the three candidates
who garner the greatest number
of votes for the keener competi
tion of the finals. All ballots
should be deposited at the Corner
Room or Student Union any time
until the' close 'of elections.
FOR SALE—A-l Drawing Set for
-•■sale by 1-A in the, army. Set and
I must go this week. Call Hal,
2340. 2t 16 pd FEC
N *iH
WANTED—-All State wolves to
leave my third floor Irvin girl
alone for the duration. Thank you.
A U. S. Army Phi Kappa Sigma
3t 16 chg PPM
FOR SALE—Complete' suit of
. tails—shirt, tie; vest, etc. Size
39. Call 2242. 2t 16 pd BIF
FOR RENT—Sunny single and
■doubie rooms close to campus.
Call Kimmel, phone 3332, 243 S.
Pugh St. ■ 5t 12 CQmp
FOR RENT—Single room, Apart
ment 1, first floor, $3.00 per
week, and one double room, $2.50
per week. Only half block from
campus. 124 S. Pugh street. Phone
WANTED—One pair of ski poles.
Call Rube, 3148. It 18. comp MB
Person who took grey covert top
coat from Pond Lab was seen by
grad student and can be identified.
If not returned to S. U., drastic
action will be taken. No questions
asked if returned. It 18 pd MKH
LOST —Brown \yallet on West
College avenue. Finder retain
money but return wallet to 117 14
S. Pugh street. , It 18 pd JT
We, TJL Women
Quota System Back
In Panhel Limelight
Local Panhelenic Council has
grown in the last few years to the
extent that now there exist on our
campus 14 national women’s fra
Competition among the strong
est groups rises higher with each
rushing season, and although it
can’t be called “cut-throat” as yet,
Greeks would be willing to admit,
we feel, that .it is on that verge.
Because of this stiff competitive
spirit, newly organized sororities
haven’t a chance to either become
strong or to enlarge their mem
In view of this situation, mem
bers of Panhellenic have been
considei’ing the quota rushing sys
tem used by numerous colieges
and universities.
Under this popular method .of
securing new members, a pledge
quota, determined each year... by
the number of eligible women and
the number of groups selecting,
is set to limit Greek organizations.
In any event, all of the. organ
izations have the same number at
which to aim and the same limit at
which they have to stop.
Information as to the success
of the system at other schools will
be obtained by a Panhellenic
Council committee apointed to
write letters. Suggestions for'the
type of rushing acompanying' the
method’and ways that the quota
can beset up or broken in will
be requested. ...
Outstanding advantage of the
system; it seems to us, is the bene
fit that it will afford the smaller,
and less solidly established chap
ters on campus. It will put them
in a comfortable competition with
the other more settled groups.
It will tone down a great deal
of the neck-to-neck finishing of a
few fraternities and since soror
ity housing conditions are limited, 1
it will solve a great many iiving
problems. _ '
If it were instituted here, it
might mean a change in the rush
ing code, but if its results ..were
more satisfactory to a larger-num
ber of people, the change. might
be worth it. '
• The whole idea calls for deep
consideration, foresight, and plan
ning. Sorority women- should give
it just that.
Trackmen Meet Cornell
(Continued from Page Three)
7:0 p. m. Saturday. Lion members
and the events are as follows:
75-yard dash: Schiff,- Block, Har
ris, and. Rufus Williams.
75-yard high hurdles: Kalivoda,
.... Gundel, and Oldsey... ..
75-yard low hurdles: Harris,'Kali
voda, 'Gundel and Oldsey; - • -•-
440-yard dash: St. Clair,. Dibeler,
Jones, and Rufus Williams. .
880-yard dash: Mitchell William's,
St. Clair, and Karver.
High -jump: Booth, Stouffer, Gun
del, and Foreman.
Pole Vault: Stemler, Oldsey, and
One-mile:- Karver, Stone, and
Two-mile: Stone, WeSS'el, Madi
gan, and Beach'.
One-mile relay: Mitchell Wililams,
Jones, Dibeler, St. Clair,'and
Harris. "
Broad jump: Hoggard.
Shot put: Hanin and Moyer:
Friday Afternoon
And Make It A
Weekend of Bowling
At The
State Bowling Center
Our pins have plenty of ac-..
tion and new high scores are; ,
being made.
Service Society f
Sponsors Dance
For Cadeftes
Weekend Program
Includes Teas
If Cadettes have felt rushed;;
getting used to 40 hours of .clashes' J :
during tliis. first, week of their -
course, 'they’ll find themselves ’;
twice as busy -when they contem
plate the entertainment program
that College groups have planned
for them this weekend. ; ;
Biggest event is the Welcoiine.
Dance which the Wartime Seijv-;;
ice Committee is sponsoring fort'
Curtiss-Wright women' at the'Nit- •
tany Lion iTiri from 9 to 12 o’clock
tomorrow night. Dan Gillespie ahidiH
•Claire Weaver head the cpmmjtfe
tee which is' composed of-''repijjj-vv
sentatives, from IFC,/ IMA, PSCA,"
and the Penn State Club. :
- Cadettes will tie taken .to tier;
dance by escorts secured. by'ttie;' -
committee, which" yvasformed viqi's
provide welcome parties '"for-'serv-;,';?
ice groups on'campus. •
_• There are limited’ reservations-;
for 'about 40 men students and.
dates who wish to attend the.
dance and take part in welcom
ing the newcomers, Gillespie an
nounced. Tickets to,; the. affajr, at
which Jaclf Lord’s Aristocrats j
will play, are' available‘‘at ' the;.
PSCA office for .55 cents, a couple;',
Open- Houses : }■
Saturday afternoon' tiim soron-S
ties will hold informal open'
houses for Cadettes.* Delta Gamma.’
will entertain at their •house from.' :
2to s'p. m., and Zeta Tau Alpha
will held a tea in the third; floor
East Atherton . lounge from . 3 to
4 p. m. . ; ;
Junior Service Board tea, pre
viously announced for : Sunday,';
has been postponed 1 until after;;;
Spring vacation, because ,of;; : the !;
full for" the;;
Cadettes at presth;- Catdl';M;'.Ksmei ; ;;
Junior Service Board president,;
explained. ... ‘ : '.r '
WRA Playriighf
WRA has extended ; an- inyita'K
tion for Cadettes to attend White;;
Hall playright Saturday, Adele
J. ‘ Levin,' WRA . president,'
pressed the hope that even more i
Cadettes would turn out for the,
playnight' than last Saturday. ;
Can.-. Be-'Purchased*-; V; ; ~
‘ .at-' •'
1 Next to'the Bank';Clockj;;s|:i;
j. ■ MeW'Uttder-arm,
Cream Deodorant
M f el y
Stops' Persplratioir
1; Does not rot dresses or men’s i
shirts. Does not irritate skin.-' .
2. No waiting to dry. .Can be ujed
right after shaving,. , ,
3.. Instantly stops perspiration for :
Ito 3 days. Prevents odor. .
4. A pure, white, greaseless,-.:,
. stainless, vanishing-cream.. i." '