The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, February 16, 1943, Image 4

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A sturdy freshman six upset a
Vwerful junior-senior team, 35-
in the. first of a series of inter
< ! iw; basketball tilts. Charlotte
• Siangier with an individual score
of 12 led the junior-senior team,
while Becky Walker walked off
with scoring honors for the frosh
well as the entire group with 19
) "lints.
The interclass basketball sched
ule, as released by Mary G. Long
>".'Cker, intramural chairman, is as
Tuesday—Freshmen meet the
ujihoinores, 7 p.m.
Wednesday Frosh meet the,
nmor-senior team, 7 p.m.
Thursday Sophomores meet
jo junior-senior team, 8 p.m.
Wlavt. <af m'ii, im iA«:3WAA& rea'iift, m&edm&V
€mm- *he-'WAAC remiljf ■ help mim-Ahe .mmrf 'r
■ The whole idea-of the WAAG is to replace trained soldiers
f'JrkXi'fr. needed at thefront. If'American women pitch in now to help
’ our Army (as women in Britain, Russia and China do), we
can hasten Victory and peace.
Whmt- emm mp em9lege edmemiiem .eewutrihMteif I '-
College training is important equipment for many WAAC
duties to ° l° n g to list. Cryptography, drafting, meteorology;
/ ' laboratory work, Link trainer and glider instructing, for ex
/ ample. If you are a senior you may enroll at once and be
placed on inactive duty until the school year ends. See your
WAAC faculty adviser for more details.
Mm* emn M lime- emmforinblp;mm-'WAAC-pmp?.
Bowling Scores
Alpha Chi Omega bowed to Zeta
Tau Alpha, 424 to 443, in the in
tramural bowling tournament yes
terday. Individual scores include:
Zela Tau Alpha Reding, 93;
Clark, 74; Stahlnecker, 87; Con
rad, 112, and McCleary, 77. Alpha
Chi Omega —Fisher, 93; Long, 95;
Bollinger, 68; Chestnutt, 84, and
Stanton, 84.
Gamma Phi Beta will meet Ath
East at 4 o’clock this afternoon.
Kappa Kappa Gamma will en
tertain 25 ensigns at a coke hour,
2-4 p.m. Sunday.
Emphatically yes! Already the President has authorized the
Corps to expand from 25,000 to 150,000. .The Air Forces
and Signal Corps have asked for thousands of WAAC mem- _
hers to help with vital duties. Both Ground Forces and -
Services of Supply are asking for thousands more. Membera
of the WAAC may be assigned to duty with the Army any
where some are already in Africa and England.
There are few civilian jobs in which you could earn clear
income,- as WAAC enrolled members do, of $5O to $l3B a
month.— with all equipment from your toothbrush to cloth r
ing, food,quarters,medical and dental care provided. WAAC
officers earn from $l5O to $333.33 a month.
WSOA Service Board
To Welcome Cadetles
■As a welcoming gesture for Cur
tiss-Wright Cadettes, WSGA Jun
ior Service Board will hold a cof
fee hour in Atherton Hall from 3
to 4 p.m. Sunday, according to
Carol M. Kane, chairman.
Mary J. Matry, chairman of the
hour, will be assisted by Kathryn
R. Brong, Kathryn K. Metzger,
Elizabeth A. Striple, and Sarah A.
Working on the WSGA nutri
tion drive committee are Miss
Matry, chairman; Alice R. Fox,
Elizabeth J. McKinley, and Miss
Mortar Board, national senior
women’s honor . society; Junior
Service Board, and Cwens, nation
al sophomore women’s honorary,
will meet in Jordan Hall at 3:30
p.m. Sunday. The group will then
go to Watts Hall to welcome the
engineering students.
?O r el
LOST—Solid gold high school ring
with initial “P” and “memorial”
on outside. Call Paul, 2973. Re
ward. It 16 comp RTK
FOR SALE—A-l Drawing Set for
sale by 1-A in the army. Set and
I must go this week. Call Hal,
2340. 2t 16 pd FEC
WANTED—AII State wolves to
leave my third floor Irvin girl
alone for the duration. Thank you.
A tJ. S. Army Phi Kappa Sigma
3t 16 chg PPM
WANTED—Ride to Harrisburg or
Shippensburg late Friday night'
or Saturday morning. Call 4186,
ask for Don. '
S#h»»(© questions and answers of interest
to every patriotic college woman
Tim drilling sdouifo so strenimms—!
Nonsense! The most, beautiful women in America today
are the girls in khaki! Some calisthenics and drilling are
vital to general good health, discipline and tuned-up reflexes'.
After a few weeks at Fort Des Moines, Daytona Beach ,or the
hew Fort Oglethorpe, framing center you’ll feel better than
ever in your life- -
Maybe t ironldn't iike the work?
People are happiest doing what they do well. Every effort -
is made to place you where your service will count most
toward final Victory. You may have some latent talent that
will fill a particular need for work interesting and new to
women such as repairing the famous secret bombsight,
rigging parachutes, operating the fascinating new electronic
devices—. or driving an Army jeep over foreign terrain.
Then I hare a chance to team something new ?
Yes, indeed; And the list of WAAC duties grows-constantly.
The training and experience you get in the. WAAC may
’ equip ’ you for many stimulating new careers, opening up
for women. .. .
WikmiUrc a*g< chance* of promotion ? ■ ’
Excellent. The expanding, rapidly and needs new
officers, both commissioned and noncommissioned. Those
who join now Have-the best chances. All' new.officers’
come up through the, ranks; If qualified, you may obtain s v
commission in 12 weeks sifter beginning basic training. ' :
• i
What im the age range anti other requirements? ,
Very simple. You may join if you are a U. S. citizen, aged . f
21 to 44, inclusive, .at least 5 feet tall and not oyer 6 feet,
in good health -4 regardless of race, color or creed. Biit the -
Army;now —;don’t delay. Total War won’t wait!- .
MJnguists needed. If you ppeuk hud write Spanish,
Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, French, German
or Italian,' see your local-Army recruiting o&ce now! You
are needed for interpreting, cryptography, communications.
’* r :fJo>rji'«~ -
r.r further »<e«y»iar nesuMMt*'.
U c ' a fn» mjr «r at kchrrx i ng •• -
• itlilTJl 1' 'INVVCTIO'N StAtlOS-
3tcomp-l 1,12.13,DW.
WANTED—A ride to Harrisburg
or Shippensburg late Friday
night or Saturday morning. Call
4186, ask for Don. 3t 10 comp DW
FOR RENT—Single room. Apart-*
ment 1, first floor, 124 S. Pugh
street. 2t 16 chg REM
FELLOWS live in comfort and
quiet at the “300” Club near
Campus, good rooms. Call 4304.
3t comp 4
FOR SALE—Complete suit of
tails—shirt, tie, vest, etc. Size
39. Call 2242. 2t 16 pd BIF
WANTED—Students for part time
work for board.. Phone 2581, ask
for caterer. 3t comp-11,12,13DW
FOR RENT—Sunny single and
double rooms close to
Call Kimmel, phone 3332, 243 S,
Pugh St. 5t 12 comp’