The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, February 10, 1943, Image 3

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—Sports Editor—
West Virginia’s back again.
• The Mountain Boys, who’ve
kicked around on the cellar floor
■in some very disappointing games
earlier in the season, have started
•upstairs again and are currently
..riding high dn a new victory
• West Virginia has dropped four
contests so fax' this season, and so
has Penn State. Both saw their
-post-season tournament hopes sag
•earlier in the season, recovered,
and are now crossing their thumbs
Both teams lost to N. Y. U.
and to Pitt. The Mountaineers
lost to W 8e J and W~ & J lost
to the Lions.. The Lions lost to
- Georgetown but .Georgetown
' doesn't meet West Virginia.
- Temple lost to the Mountain
eers by two points last Satur
* day and to the Lions by a
• . much larger score in January.
And then of course the Lions
lost-to the Mountaineers— in
. Morgantown several weeks
ago. So what have you? Dang
ed if I know.
Anyway, the winner of tonight’s
scrap figures on going places from
here on—in the way of invitation
tournaments, I mean. The Moun
taineers figure they’re going to Wiii
and the Lions figure they (the
Lions) are going to win. And". I’m
from Penn State.
Ken Hamrick, sports editor of
the W. Va. student daily, figures
that the Mountaineer win over
Temple in Convention Hall last
Saturday puts them back in the
swim for the National Invitation
Tournament in Madison. Square
'Garden when it opens at the close
of'the season. (The Mountaineers
won . the thing last year, you re
member-.-)—•- : --- -•»
I, suppose he now figures that a
win oyer the Lions tonight will
practically dump them on New
York’s Bth avenue. (This figuring
is a great game.)
Taking up from there, how-
ever, I figure that a Lion vic-
tory would be just as great a
tonic to Penn State as the
above situation would be to
W. Va., and consequently the
Lawthermen (if they win)
should find themselves in de
mand at the Garden Conclave
instead of the Baricmen.
The latter situation looks much
more probable to me than does the
first, for the Lions’ comeback surge
is just as impressive as that of
the Mountaineers—and was made
under conditions more trying than
those which face Flash Gordon
every Sunday morning.
Last weekend the Lions played
Georgetown, North Carolina Pre-
Flight, and Navy in their own
back-yards on three successive
days:. They covered more than 5.00,
. niiles in that time,' stopping off at
each place long enough to play a
•regulation game while sorrteone
held up a train for them.
If they’d been forced to go into
over-time in any one .of those
games, their whole road trip sched
ule would have been knocked out
of kilter. But it -wasn’t; and they
lost only to Georgetown which has
‘ a top-notch team.
And after a tiring jaunt like
that the Lawthermen not only
were ■ able to smile at the
•breakfast table upon their re
turn, but are now playing bet
ter ball than they have all
’Egli, Baltimore, and Homstein
found themselves during the series
and are now doing great work in
the scoring department. If they
can keep it up, and VonNieda can
shake off his sickness, they stand
an excellent chance of beating W.
Tonight's game is going to
be a real hoedown.
Hockeymen Win
From Drexel Tech
In Season Opener
Cauffman Paces Lions,
Scores Half of Goals
Led by acting Captain Ted
Cauffman, the Penn State varsity
ice hockey team smashed its way
to a 4-6 victory over the Engineers
of Drexel Tech, Monday afternoon
at the- Philadelphia Arena.
Cauffman,- playing at the left
wing position for the Lions, twice
pushed the puck past Drexel’s
goalie, Bell, in the second and third
The opening period started out
with both teams on a par until sub
Don Steva was able to slip in a
shot after 18 minutes of the period
had been played. The assist was
awarded to Fred Bembaum.
The Nittany skaters went ahead
2-0 at seven minutes of the second
quarter when Cauffman, assisted
by Fred Bembaum, scored the sec
ond goal. The Engineers made a
feeble attempt to score during this
period but several fine saves were
made by goalie Jimmy McKech
nie. -
The Lions took complete charge
of the situation in the final period
when Ted Cauffman, assisted by
Art Gladstone, scored his second
goal of the game after four min
utes of play.
Coach Art Davis then substi
tuted freely in the final ten min
utes, but sub Bill Levy scored an
other Lion, goal unassisted to put
the game on ice for the visiting
Drexel will again meet the Lion
puck-chasers Tuesday night at the
Hershey Arena. The Engineers ate
practicing every morning before
classes Ifi'the Kope"of "evening the
count with the Lions.
Pos. Penn State Drexel
G McKechnie Bell
LD ... .Biiner Sanders
RD White Burrows
C Gladstone Kesiler
RW Bernbaum McGuigan
LW Cauffman Bach
Penn Stale 1 1 2—4
Drexel Tech .... 0 0 o—o
Spares: State—Skuta, Drumhel
ler, Yocum. Steva, Herr, Sussman,
Levine, Bacher, and Williams,
Drexel—Fife. Snador, Umberger,
Oliver, Catason, Levine, and Went
Penalties: Drumheller, Ist per
iod: Sanders, 2nd period; Bitner,
2nd period; White, 3rd; Catason,
3rd. (All were for board check
Campbell May Change
Mat Squad lineup
For Meet with Navy
Readying his team for their
bout Saturday with the midship
men from the United States Naval
Academy, Annapolis, Md., Coach
Paul Campbell may make some
changes in the wrestling lineup
for the squad’s fifth meet of the
1943 season.
Campbell may drop Co-cap
tains Charlie Ridenour and Sam
Harry back into their 1942 weight
slots, Ridenour at 121 and Harry
at 128. Reason for the change is
the fine showing which 136-
pounder Joe .Steele, a newcomer
to the State squad, is showing in
practice sessions.
Steele, -Wrestling against Harry
yesterday afternoon, scored eight
points to the experienced Harry’s
10, a fine performance for an in
experienced grappler.
The rest of the Lions’ lineup
will probably remain the same,
with Fred Conrad returning to his
175-pound bracket after being out
for a week due to an injury suf
fered in the Princeton meet.
Virginia's 5-Year Record
Af Stake in Match
With Lions Saturday
“For the honor of the South,
Suh,” and to keep intact a five
year record that shows but one
defeat in dual meet competition,
the Cavaliers of Virginia will pre
pare to do battle with the Nittany
boxers in Charlottesville, Virginia,
Saturday night.
In preparation for the bouts
with the Northern invaders, the
Cavaliers have already captured
three dual meet victories.
The Virginians have conquered
North Cax-olina and Michigan
State, both by a 4Mi-3y2 score,
and they also took an easy victory
over their southern neighbors
from the University of Mary
They defeated the same Mich
igan State team that two weeks
ago held the Lions to a 4-4 draw
in East Lansing, Michigan.
Virginia tripped the Houckmen
5-3 last winter in Rec Hall, arid
despite all that is said for “South
ern hospitality” the gallant Cava
liers are planning to make it very
uncomfortable for Leo’s boys Sat
urday night.
Bantamweight starter for the
Cavaliers will likely be. Maupin
Massie, who lost by decision to
Michigan.. State’s Billy. Zurakoxv
ski. One hxindred-twenty-pound
Jackie Grey, in turn, has scored a
victory over Zurakowski.
At 127 pounds, Jimmy Miragli
otta, with three victoi-ios' to his
Credit, will meet Glenn Haw
thorne, also accredited with three
Twice-loser Tom Green is the
lightweight starter for Virginia.
He will meet James Cassidy who
made his first appearance in col
legiate circles Saturday night.
Co-captain Willie Barnett, who
last year fought at 135, has moved
xxp a weight. Barnett has three
Lion Cagers
With season's records between-^-
the two teams even at nine wins
and tour losses, Penn State’s bas
ketball team will meet the West
Virginia Mountaineers in Rec Hall
at 8 o’clock tonight.
Trying to avenge the loss they
suffered at the hands of the Moun
taineers a week and a half ago,
the Lion team will go into the
game with a, special job to do.
They will have a strike or two
against them in the Mountaineers’
The regular starting lineup,
Hornstcin at center, Co-captains
Baltimore and Egli at guards, and
VonNieda and Gent at the forward
spots, will start tonight’s game.
VonNieda’s leg injury, suffered by
a crash into the bleachers at An
napolis Saturday, will not be suf
ficient to keep him on the bench,
even at the start of the game.
At the starting posts for West
Virginia will be the regular lineup
which has brought Mountaineer
victories in the last four games
against Penn State, Army, Ford
ham, and Temple. They will be
under the directorship of acting
Coach Rudy Baric, star of last
year’s Mountaineer team, winners
of the Madison Square Garden In
vitation Tournament.
The only man from last year’s
squad who will be playing here is
Captain Scotty Hamilton, ace play
setter-upper for the Mountaineer
scorers. Hamilton’s associate in
technical-knockout wins on his
1943 record sheet.
Bob Finley, junior middle
weight, will tangle in the 155-
pound bout with Captain Billy
Other Virginia starters include
Jack Cambios, 165 pounds; Bob
Laurault, 175-pound division, and
Cb-captain Milton Parlow in the
heavyweight class.
LES STINE, Business Manager
Lincoln's Birthday Ball
February 12
Face Strong
Five Tonight
the scoring line for the team is
blond guard Joe Walthall.
Walthall, who has set the scor
ing pace for the Mountaineers all
season, reached a high in the
team’s first game against West Vir
ginia Wesleyan when he chalked
up 32 of the team’s 60 points.
The records of the teams come
as near to being equal as they
could. With 13 games under each
of them belts, they have hung up
nine scalps apiece, losing to two
of the same teams, Pitt and NYU.
All of the losses by both teams
have been on floors away from
home, leaving unstained records
on home courts of 12 for the
Mountaineers and 17 for State.
One point at which the records
differ is the calibre of the teams
which the two have met. One of
the teams which the Lions took
comparatively easily, Washington
and Jefferson, beat the Mountain
eers 44-42 several weeks ago. The
other West Virginia loss was to
Duquesne, 52-36.
Lion Coach John Lawther stated,
last night that his team will have
no excuse to offer if it is beaten
tonight except that they are play
ing a good ball club. It will be the
team, he said, which beat a much
better Temple team than the Lions
beat four weeks ago.
53 Initiates Attend
Penn State Club Meeting
Fifty-three initiates were pres
ent at the Penn State Club’s first
initiative meeting, James A. Casey
and Edmund R. Koval, co-chair
men, announced last night. Initi
ates may get their ribbons and
cards at the Penn State Club room,
321 Old Main, between 1 and 5
o’clock this afternoon, Koval sta
Will Lead
— at —