The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, February 04, 1943, Image 1

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    *Mnce, Es 1 ishe< .887
Jl&Sßtt± ftfiyJCTOßyj
Pt ®ljp latlg 0 (EoUpgum |j
Enlisted Reserves
Won't Be Called
Before Hay 12
Induction of ERC Men
Refers to Pitt, Penn
P_ nn atotp in the Vr.HcWi hfs of his four P ian ° s which are sent with children, Mr. Heck revealed.
•Swerve S£?7ti! hS on ahead of h ' s concer t appear- They became American citizens The Public Affairs Institute
eve Corps are not going to be master of the keys. ances. This is an expensive propo- last Monday. • program sponsored by the Penn
The program consisted of Bach’s sit ion but my husband prefers it, ' Living very simply at home in State Christian Association, has
a . ;. 1 ' M . y I ‘?’ a report from the English Suite, A Minor, Men- sa id Mrs. Rachmaninoff, who has New York and Beverly Hills, just been released by D. Ned Line
**lma<l Service Corps an- delssohn’s “Rondo Capriccioso,” neve r missed a. concert. - Rachmaninoff still'spends' at least Sar, associate secretary of PSCA.
c ye ei ay. Schumann’s .“Vienna Carnival The Russian romanticist came to two hours 'a day practicing, Mr. The Institute is featuring four.
It is true that both Pittsburgh Scenes, Opus 26, and Schuberts America on a memorable occasion, Heck continued. One of his closest distinguished speakers: Honor
and Philadelphia papers have giv-. “Rondo, D Major.” Following .in- Memorial May—May 30, 1918. friends is' Fritz Kriesler, with able Jerry Voorhis, congressman
en wide publicity to the calling up termission Rachmaninoff played since that time he has traveled all whom he has collaborated on sev- from California; Dr. Jerome Da
of college men in the Enlisted Re- one of his own numbers, “Two over the country conducting or- eral compositions, said Mr. Heck, vis, noted author and educator; Dr.
serve Corps. ■ Etudes Tableaux,” and continued chestras and performing at con- Kriesler wrote a transcription for Howard P. Whidden, member of
-. .However, this publicity, at the with Chopin’s “Two Etudes,” certs. He has played at'few con- Rachmaninoff’s Second Symphony, the Foreign Policy • Association’s
present, has absolutely no bearing Wagner-Brassin’s “Magic Fire,” certs in Europe, Mr. Heck pointed he added. Research Staff; and Rev. Frank
on the status of Penn State s ERC, Wagner-Liszt’s “Spinning Song, out. Rachmaninoff will appear at Co- Sharp, Minister of Eduation at
Professor Robert E. Galbraith, and Liszt’s “Two Etudes.” Most of Rachmaninoff’s compo- lumbus, Ohio, tomorrow and will the First Baptist Church in Pitts-
Faculty. Advisor on War Service, Breaking precedent, Rachman- sitions were written before the play with the Chicago Symphonic burgh.
said yesterday. inoff surprised his audience by copyright iaw- was passed. He has Orchestra next Thursday and Fri- The following is the program
r AH colleges that completed an pi ay ing as a first encore “Prelude received royalties only on his later day. f„,. -pvirinv
academic. year. before January 1, : : y '
Penn State being one of them * 4.00 p. m. Faculty Discussion,
ir,r" y 12 bet6re w Penn State Club Professor crowds War. Tribunal to Check ss-rs
For this reason, FAWS Gal- _ - Off Front Paae with ."V ... . guest—Rep. Jerry Voorhis.
si"tni'’d&s? Initiates Members First tut in is Years Student Driving ss. v™?
and -“follow the Daily Collegian „ - • • . •••• • . Sparks Building. Senior Engineer
for any sudden changes that may “Truth or Consequences will February 3, 1943 was an-event- Pena state students will soon ing Lecture, Dean H. P. Hammond,
possibly come up concerning Re- b e the theme of the Penn State. ful d find themselves returned to the chairman.
serve Corps.” Club’s initiation to be held in the The American and Jap naval days ot ' the “one-hoss shay” i£ last 5:30 p. m.—Dr. Jerome Davi.s,
r “There is no need to come fco my fl lB4 floor loujige, Old 3Vl@i fh 7:30 f orces began jahother period of oiShts meeting .of Student Trib- “The Cooperative Movement in
office unless I send for you,” Gal- p. jn., February 13, Edmund • Ko- s o i wmon island warfare. German una l has any significance. Through Scandinavia.” Guest—Rep. Jerry
braith said. ' . -val, chairman for the-evening, an- resistance was rtedl iped a plan formulated m cooperation Voorhis. Grace Lutheran Church,
■ The only men faced with im- nounced. . , ou t in the Stalingrad area. RAF 'y lta Scheduling Officer Ray V. corner W. College and S. Ather
mediate induction are those Re- This is the first time in its his- bombers shattered the German city Watkins and Gampus Patrol Cap- ton Street. Dinner 50 cents. Spon
servists who failed to maintain an tory that, the Penn State Club has 0 f Cologne, and not the least, Pro- * am Mar Student Tribunal will sored by College Cooperative Co-
All-College'average. .< - -- ever, initiated..its pew members. feS spr Franklin C. Banner, head be ,™ ade th f abs ° ude autnonty m ciety . . ■
1 ; “ffreri at'the University, of .Pitts- A dance will be held from 10 p". m. 0 f the - journalism school, cut his matters-pertaining .to sud n d 7:30 p. to. Rep, Jei'iyrVoorhisj
burgh and the University of Penn- to midnight, following the initia- fi rs t class in 15 years. ing- Dr. Jerome Davis, "Peace—and j
syivania are both facing immedi- tion. Students in the Journalism 4 Every student owning an auto- Then?”; The Future of Democra
;ate induction since their current .The fifty-one men who will be class gazed at their watches in be- mobile willbe compelled to fill cy. Schwab Auditorium.
semester ended a few days ago. initiated are Donald G. Albert, wilderment at 1:10 p. m„ when “Y 11 a quesaa “: e llllllllllllllllllllllimiimilllllHllllllllllllllllllllllllllllill*
. Galbraith also said thatmany of Anthony A itieri Jr., Wendell M. the professor, who journalists say the Campus Patrol Office before ___________
-the-, men who have been called- Bordack) L Rubin Barrett, Rich- is a strict advocate of punctuality, £Y elve no ° n T V e „ Sda^’ nt^ a f h tu f n I RTF NFIIK
into the Army Air Corps have been ard H ; Boynton, Robert D. Chand- faffed to arrive for a scheduled toe
waiting from three to six months i „ phillin Davis. William F. blue book ~ important questions. Why does the
and are finally being trained. - Di e hl Thomas T.. Eberhard, Wil- At 2p. m. Professor Banner need an auto- pT DCIVFCV
- men, who have had their- R aril B . Evans, John C. Ferm, Wil- arriv ed in . Carnegie Hall. He ex- nation. n.!UIUa.
.application for-active duty filed foi --Q am Glenn, John C. Brenfell, plained he had just downright for- p ’
.only: a short period of time, were Henry y. Harman, Fritz M. Hesse- go t about his one o’clock. If a student neglects to fill ou t - WASHINGTON—The War De
■ fortunate enough to go with the - oordnn " B Hartzell Rav ; a questionnaire he will be given WAS>HimiTOW. me war ue
Qf-t ra inees._ DOONO-Door DfiVC - 'Se th" E nSt
YVeaflley and Coleman ** w Neh IMO Boo |<s “Sfcrasr ot SST-T35
riaunlnn Maui Drnrocc - T J ° sepb KanhauMir John , . Campus , patrolmen will check be. compared to a huge-skirmish, as
DeYelOP New process Lawler, Robert W. Leach, H.Stan- Cq. <n SCrVICC pleasure drivers, and the same the real battle is yet to come.” Sec-
T_ 111.1. L UlamL ford Leathers, Mark Loy, Marvin . those set down for pleas- retary of the Navy Frank Knox
s:r-l0 Wflkh AiOiniC WOrk D. Mangus; John Martin, James Nearly 1,000 books were collect- 1 driving by the OPA will be summed the campaign, up as “a
S'ii-Dr; Howard S. Colemaii, instruc- E. Minick, Ralph E. Peters, Ar- ed last week in the door-to-door followed reconnaissance in force:”
-'Ytor. in phvsical science,..and Dr. .thur R. Riekhij Ogen Samlor, Ray- drive by the Victory Book Com- In commenting on -the situation, ALLIED' HEADQUARTERS' IN
'. Henry L. Yeagley, associate' pro- mond -D. Schar, William H. SchiL mittee. In addition to the books student Tribunal Chairman J.. NORTH AFRICA.—AIIied bomb
-. fessor of physics, have developed ling, Frank S. Scott, Earl M. Sher-- collected m the boxes sca tt®recl p^ o jj er f Hicks ’44 stated that after ers carried out a raid-yesterday on
a-new process .which speeds up the wood, Wililam-B. Spatz, Joseph around town and campus, these -]yf ai . c h 10, physically disabled per- Sfax, supply port for- Axis -forces
i; Witnessing of the “marriage of A. Suscovich, Herman Steinberg, • contributions bring the giand to- sons w ffi be practically the'only in Tunisia, a headquarters commu
' atoms” from several years to sev- and Jerry Swamson. tal to over 1,600 books collected s f uden f s permitted to use their nique announced today.
eral minutes, the physics depart- Jack Taylor, Paul A. Thomas, foi\ service men. automobiles. _ LONDON A. V. Alexander,
■ J ment announced yesterday. .. Karl G. Thomson. Don Tuttle, Jo- Tbe d Y lv t,? S - n «-+ ° V aV-iw Other matters discussed .at the. First Lord-of the.'Admiralty, told
:; i Through .this, new method, the seph L. Weber, George R. Wisser, cording to Miss Rita iviae Mine , meet - in g deluded a petition by the House of Commons yesterday
vi-qbsbrver can look into a tiny mir- s'tanley W. Workscn, Cairl Wy- of the library staff, and anyone Thespians for an extension of cur- that there had been "periods of
fbj- and see the two metals mingle socki, John' C. Yarashes, Earl who has a book or magazine to few Tribunal decided to'follow the most heartening success” in
with each, other and change, as if Yo.utz. contribute, is urged to drop it or (Continued on Page Two) the fight “against" Axis submarines;
some phenomena, into an affoy, ' .. them m one of the collection box- : : . But it is not possible to say. wheth,
mp— .Speed-up Reading . :::*&£«. T.iSfUo English Professor Deems
Y p “dSrmL c t tourse Plenned sif co„SLe“»S t"L LA Studies Vital in War tea-, R .
rosion 01 meiais, xo determine ns ... j . , nnll Pnlll Mittpu MOSCOW The Russians yes
wlifhTetals'make 11 toe° best ah Dr. Emmett A. Betts, research d Boy Scouts win be sent to pick Liberal arts studies are now terday reported; with the
Which metals maxe xne Desx ai professor in elementary education, up tke books> fighting for existence because peo- siege of Stalingrad ended, the cap-
Basicallv this development is a has organized a new course to Although the total collected this pie have the idea that they are ture of six more towns in the arc
■ oi ’vanOTizinfi the metals help the students of Penn State vear is not as gl . ea t as last year, unnecessary during war, says Wil- around Rostov after stubborn,
and then condens e the vapors in the fundamental process of it was stat ed,. the quality of the liam L. Werner, professor of Eng- ferocious fighting, and five more
of elass thus wading. The .course, designed to bcoks is much ’ bette r. New and in- lish literature. ■ towns in sectors west of Voronezh
iormfna a mirror Attef the’ films help, students read more speedily books are sought. “If Philosophy, ethics, social science, The announcement also said-tank
foimmg a minor. Alter the lams and . comprehend the materiai read vou WP „ t to keep it yourself, its and many other subjects are de- drives were mounted by-both sides
bav . e , ee . n ? ’,, which more efficiently, is directly in iine tbe kind of a book ( 0 g; ve ” i s the termining factors in forming the but that the Russians repulsed all
heated, an slloy which acce toated program of ? og a‘ for the drive morale of soldiers, as well as of- German counter-attacks with
can. be .Witnessed. ‘, slogan the dme. fleers. Even the study of foreign heavy losses.
•, or recor e g The work of the new course-will ■»!*—»»!'»« Tpuaiilc Tnniirlii languages has played an important BERLIN.—The German radio
; sur;ng. de.vic.e.. be differentiated to meet the indi- 1 llßSpioll iryOUlS I pal ,( the invasion of Africa. reported last night that strong Al
;.i _ ~ , M l vidual student’s needs, with special Thespian dance tryouts will be Professor Werner pointed out lied forces had broken into Axis
Ball Committees to NICCt • - attention being placed upon spell- held in Schwab Auditorium at 7 that the administration of post- positions in the central sector of
' There will be an important joint ing, rate of reading, vocabulary; p. m. tonight, Kevert Mellot, dance war problems will require an un- the Tunisian front in the latest
- meeting of the Junior-Senior Ball study habits, and comprehension, director, announced. Previously limited amount of Liberal Arts phase of quickening activity, along
committee in room 412 Old Main, The idea of differentiated instruc- scheduled for last night, the try- knowledge, which can only be ac- the narrow escape corridor held
■7 p.m. tonight, Robert M. Faloon tion is a novel idea in collegiate outs were called off because of quired by the continuation of these open for Field Marshal Rommel’s
’44 announced. ranks, according to Dr. Betts. the Artists’ Course concert. . courses in colleges. forces streaming out of Libya.
Capacity Audience Applauds To Music Linegar Releases
Of Famous Russian Conductor-Composer Friday's Schedule
By SALLY HIRSHBERG in C sharp minor,” his most popu- pieces—last of which is “Sym- r | gjg g
A tired old man walked on the lar composition. After playing this phonic Dances” for orchestration. I*BS| IRISf l||J|6
Schwab auditorium stage last number oyer 1400 times, he is be- Married since 1902, the Rach
audience'witha"brilliant perform- ■^ l '‘ H ec k, his personal daughters and a grandson and Representative Voorhis,
ance. Although Sergei Rachmanin- performed on one pwtotes Df, DaVl'S Head P^am
Successor To The Free Lance, EstabV