The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, February 03, 1943, Image 4

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    C®sd Courses-Are
■ Officer Calls Courses
'I Valuable for Future
• Julia G. Brill, vocational coun
n.lor for women in defense, has
• '■•reived a letter from" the WAACS
cyim mend ini; the College on the
establishment of Codet training
r ' The program you. have set up
nW-ms to he a worthwhile one in
I r epairing your students for fur
ther training in the Women’s Aux
ihary Corps. Codets 3 and 8 would,
ft- most valuable to future WAAC
unbers as would the other seven
courses outlined,” wrote Second
Officer Helen E. Tait, acting chief
o/ the Individual Training Branch.
Codets 3 and 8, mentioned
{•J'ove, will be offered in the sutn
»y r semester, the former being a
enin;e designed.for airplane spot
tjig, map reading, and steoro
>pic. vision. Codet 8 has been
j tanned essentially for Home Eco
jforiicf; women who desire special
ti.lining in -mess administration,
l.fpiss Brill explained.
• Code), courses offered this semes
ter for credit ares Preparation for
iSiiiurgency (1), Conduct of Calis-
Itrniics (3), Company Administra
iV.jj (4), Operation and Mainte
nance of Motor Vehicles (5), Mess
I '-X'd Control and Record Keeping
01), and Advanced Baking and
Cooking (.’/),
5 '.Ol RENT—Cme double and one
.single room 'ip private home. Pre
ferred graduate student or stenog
l 'pher. Inquire 232 S. Burrowes.
Rhone 2596, State College.
HIOBP WANTED—Housemaid for
Delta Theta Sigma Fraternity.
Call 2015, ask for Ed Procter.
3t 2 chg REM
FOll RENT-—Rooms, warm and
close to- campus. Call or phone
Kirnmel, 243. South Pugh Street.
• Phone 3332, stcomp-2-2
y rOST—Slide rule. Has name on it.
■ Phone Casselberry 2171. Re-
AV'ird. It 4 pd MKA
. safety ■
s- (Perspircil Sow
1 Does, not cot dresses or men's
thins. Does not irritate skin.
..No waiting to dry.. Can be used -
right after shaving.
Instantly stops perspirationfor
lto 3 days. Prevents odor. . .
A pure, white, .greaseless,.. ‘
stainless-vanishing.cream;.. . I •.
'Awarded -’Approval • Sealof
|*,‘7 ' iiCari :■'•
f.- '■ ■ ■ afe
I lieju Dffiiac
r \ wc. ■
Woxi: ):o i:h(; Bank Clock
M 4 3k*' Worn.m
The Boys in Blue
Are Human, 100
What do the men around here
have against uniforms—that is,
the ensigns who are stationed on
campus? The newcomers may
have priorities on a few coeds, but
they are much like Penn State
alumni now stationed at other uni
versities. .
This existing condition of ani
mosity between students and en
signs was unrealized by us, until a
conversation with an ensign re
vealed that they- feel unwanted, on
campus. They are at some disad
vantage, with no fraternity houses
to hang out in, and little in the
way ,of social life except big
dances and movies.
Sororities, often scoffed at for
apparently trying to “make out,”
with the ensigns, have had coffee
hours and informal gatherings for
the visitors to make them feel
more at home. No such friendly
relatiohs have been fostered by
men's fraternities.
Put yourselves, you men, in the
position of those here for a few
months. It may not be long before
you will be facing an identical
situation. You will have long hours
of classes, live ,in a group, and be
practically unable to make con
tacts with students either in or
out of classes.
Why not become a little less
Alpha Lambda Delta, national
women’s freshman honorary, held
its first meeting of the semester
yesterday at the apartment of Miss
Nina Bentley, assistant to the dean
of women.
Invitations to pledges were sent
to Helen H. Barr, Carolyn G. Blass,
Irene E. Fedan, Deborah Ishlon,
Ester B. Leffler, Helen J. Martin,
B. Ruth Pielemeyer, Lucille Ro
senblum, Althea J. Schaeffer, Mar
tha M. Turner, Patricia Diener,
Marjorie A. Renner, and Ruth
Pledging ceremony will be held
in Atherton Hall from 6:45 to 7:30
p.m., February 10.
Miss Edith J. Melville, assistant
to the dean of Women in charge
of freshman coeds, replaced Miss.
Ruth. H. Zang as adviser to the
IKiiimg itauiss&s Slkiiiiig
Donald King, instructor in Eng
lish composition and physical ed
ucation, will discuss skiing at an
open meeting of the WRA outing
dull in Room 3 White Hall at 7
o’clock tomorrow evening.
also defeated Kappa Delta in a._
Delta Gamma defaulted both of Tournament B. game,
antisocial? invite some of the boys their badminton intramural games Two other games were sched
in blue around for dinner, a party, on Monday, losing to Chi Omega uled last night, but the first .was ■
or a smoker. Remember, you may in Tournament A. and Grange in defaulted to Alpha Omicron Pi by.
be fighting with them soon. So, Tournament B. Last night Jor- Zeta Tau Alpha. •In the second'
why be in opposition now? dan won .their Tournament A match, the Kappa Kappa Gammas
—M. J. W. match against Chi Omega, and defeated the Alpha Chio’s. ’ ..."
Lincoln's Birthday Bali
Campus Owls—Aristocrats
Subscribers Adm.msr.mi~
“ Collegian - --from" Campus.- to- Camp!”
Taps 13 Women
Entire net proceeds to
Penn State men in the
Armed Forces;
Women In Sports
A coeds mass meeting has been
scheduled in the White Hall gym
at 5 o’clock tomorrow afternoon
to receive applications from all
those who wish to participate in
interclass basketball matches,
which will begin next week.
In bowling intramurals Monday
and yesterday, the Phi Mu team
defeated Kappa Delta by a total
score of 460-383 and the Gamma
Phi Betas made a tally of 444 over
Delta Gamma’s 385.
Individual scorings were: Kap
pa Delta—69, Chris Haines; 48,
Eloise France; 104, Elaine David;
75, Betty Frable; 87, Charlotte
Spangler. Phi Mu—BB, Lot Frank;
81, Helen Barr; 112, Mary Port;
81,. Olive Van Houten; 98, Betty
Whey. Gamma Phi Beta—77, Ruth
Thomas; 145, Jane Bollinger; 70,
Dot Foehr; 89, Shirley Burdick;
63, June First. Delta Gamma—69,
Peggy Coe; 100, Betty Creswell;
128, Sally Howard; 98, Skipper
subscriptions for
» * *
General- Admission
IWA Plans Overnight
Cabin Party for Coeds
IWA will sponsor an overnight.!
cabin party February 6 to 7, Mar~ *
jorie A. Magargel ’44, presidentj'
announced yesterday. Although <
the party is sponsored by IWA, '
Miss Magargel emphasized that it ;
would be open to all coeds.
Those who are interested should •
either sign up at the White Hall
bulletin board or contact Martha'
J. Haverstick '43, chairman of the’
cabin party.
. Members of Miss Haverstick’s
committee are Hedda G. Pollin,
'44, Sydney H. Rivenburg '44, Sara
E. Etter '45, and Sara E. Pollard .
Amberson Returns
Miss Jean D. Amberson,. profes
sor of home economics and edu
cation, returned to the College
Saturday after a year’s leave ;o£
absence. Miss Amberson is chair
man of the teacher education di
vision, and spent the year at the
University of Chicago working for
her Ph.D. degree. ;