The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, February 02, 1943, Image 4

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    ■f A GE FOTJB.
flu lief Announces Committees
Vo Plain Annual Spinster Skip
Cwens, Mortar Board
Will Combine Forces
Margaret K. Ramaley ’44, chair
jiian of the annual Spinster Skip,
.'imounced yesterday committee
; Members for this year’s dance, to
'1 held. ir. White Hall Friday,
Karch 12. The dance is sponsored
by Moptar Board, national senior
v.'oman's honor society, and
Cv/ens, national sophomore wo
men’s honorary.
Florinne E. Olson ’45 and Mar
jorie H. Schultz ’45 have been ap
pointed by Miss Ramaley as pub
licity co-chairmen. They will be
assisted by Nancy E. Gosser ’43, F.
Boris Stevenson ’44, Dorothy Jane
Oomis ’45, and Margaret L. Good
Adele J. Levin ’44 and Joan K.
Killer ’45 have been named co
chairmen of ticket sales.
Dorothy K. Brunner ’44, decora
tions chairman, will be assisted by
Ruth M. Storer ’44, Patricia Diener
VS 5, and Ruth M. Steiner ’45.
Miriam L. Zartman ’45 will be
in charge of invitations with Flor
ence I. Jaffy ’44 and Vivian I. Mar
lin. ’45 as committee members.
Checking will be handled by H.
Anne- Carruthers ’44 and Ann
Sheffield '44.
The Penn State Campus Owls
V'ill play for the dance, which will
Ik; informal in traditional “dog
-3 i.itch style,” according to Miss Ra
ni aley.
Proceeds from the Cwen-Mortar
Board affair will be used for schol
arship funds for worthy women
■students to be selected by the dean
cJ women’s office, Miss Ramaley
explained. ,
Tickets may be purchased by
members of either organization be
ginning at a time to be announced
at a later date, according to the
AirisSociraHs Present
'Many lew Features
(Continued from Page One)
fine on the numbers “Mean to Me,”
“Velvet Moon,” “Pretty Eyes,” and
(‘Deep River."
Leader Jack Lord plays the
trumpet solos with that clear tone
and neat phrasing for which he is
widely known. He directs the
brass in the same manner, making
great use of rynamics and phras
ing. This is very well demon
strated in the band’s treatment of
“Nobody Knows the Trouble I’ve
Deen” and “Moonglow.”
Incidentally. Jack was offered a
job with Vaughn Monroe two se
mesters ago, but he decided to re
main in college.
Vocalist Bill Rankin handles the
ballads in good taste. One of his
best in his treatment of the old
favorite, “A Room with a View.”
Dob Norton sings the novelty num
bers, “Knock Me a Kiss,” “Mr.
Vive by Five,” and “Amen,” in his
own “scat” style.
Featured with Lord and the
Aristocrats at the “Lincoln Birth
day Ball” will be George Washko
and his Campus Owls who will
nlay in a “Battle of Bands.”
Tickets for the dance are now
1a i sale at Student Union, Col
legian office, and from solicitors.
Prices will be 55 cents for Col
legian subscribers and sl.lo'to all
oi hers.
• Phillip P. Mitchell '44, chairman,
if the. dance, last night asked
everyone'to buy their dance tick
ets early so that the Daily Col
-1 ■Miiaii subscriptions may be sent
i i the Porui State men in service
soo)} as possible.
Freshman and sophomore
candidates for co-edition busi
ness staff should report for a
meeting to White Hall, main
lounge, at 8:45 this evening.
Home Economics Council
Sponsors Lecture Series
“Today's Headlines,” a series of
lectures sponsored by Home Ec
onomics Advisory Council and v
concerning events of current in
terest, will begin in the Home
Economics cafeteria at 4 p. m.
Thursday. -
Chairman of the discussion
groups, to be held alternate
Thursdays, will be Dr. Henry J.
Bruman, associate professor of
geography. Refreshments will be
served after discussions.
Committee in charge of plan
ning the lectures includes Mar
garet L. Campsey ’44, chairman,
Nedra Anstadt ’45, Patricia Diener
’45, Kathryn K. Metzger ’45, and
Gladys F. Stanhope ’46.
9F Council Sets
Stamp Quotas
(Continued* lrom page one)
Alpha Zeta 15.50
Beaver House 14.00
Beta Theta Pi 22.00
■Beta Sigma Rho' 27.50
Chi Phi 18.00
Delta Chi 26.00
Delta Sigma Phi 19.00
Delta Tau Delta 18.00
Delta Theta Sigma ... 12.00
Delta Upsilon .. ( 15.00
Gamma Sigma Phi ... 20.00
Kappa Delta Rho .... 14)00
Kappa Sigma 16.00
Lambda Chi Alpha .. 15.00
Phi Delta Theta 23.50
Phi Epsilon Pi 24.50
Phi Gamma Delta .... 18.00
Phi Kappa 12.50
Phi Kappa Psi 19.00
Phi Kappa Sigma 24.00
Phi Kappa Tau 16.00
Phi Sigma Delta 22.00
Phi Sigma Kappa .... 19.00
Pi Kappa Alpha 17.50
Pi Kappa Phi 14.00
Sigma Alpha Epsilon.. 16.50
Sigma Chi 17.50
Sigma Nu 17.50
Sigma Phi Alpha 8.00
Sigma Phi Epsilon ... 13.00
Sigma Phi Sigma .... 8.00
Sigma Pi 22.50
Tau Kappa Epsilon
Tau Phi Delta
Theta Chi
Theta Kappa Phi ,
Theta Xi
e Dance chorus tryouts for Thes
pians will be held in Schwab Au
ditorium at 7 p. m. Wednesday.
<——— l— ————
FOR RENT—One double and one
single room in 'private home. Pre
ferred graduate student or stenog
rapher. Inquire 232 S. Burrowes.
Phone' 2596, State College.
LOST - Black wallet, Herbert
Megdt; Triangle Fraternity.
Reward. Finder call Triangle Fra
ternity. ltpd.G.W.-2-2
FOR RENT—One double room,
one single room, ■/-, double room.
Reasonable, but good rooms.
HELP WANTED—Housemaid for
Delta Theta Sigma Fraternity.
Call 2011, ask for Ed Procter.
SUE-LET—Furnished, 2 rooms,
private bath, kitchenette. Two,
four adults. Single room same.
Campbell, 4183. 428 West College.
It 2
FOR RENT—Rooms, warm and
close to campus. Call or phone
Kinunel, 243 South Pugh Street.
Phone 3332. stcomp-2-2
Total receipts for the "March of vQSfIS iO ADDiY
Dimes” campaign held here from ■ ■ *.
January 25 to 31 exceeded the $2OO lif.,* Li
goal by $35, according to Mildred rfl| LUI IISl" WI Id HU
What has happened to WSGA B - Rubin ’46, instigator and chair- ■
Judicial? Were they drafted? Have man of the drive. y 'MnnJlic' fam
they rushed off to join the WAACs “Without excellent cooperation IGil HlOllinS LOUISc
and WAyEs? from all concerned, the goal would Will arf Epk 1 K
Or are they too busy taking never have been topped,” Miss ""111 Jiull ICU. IJ
drafting courses and exercising in Rubin stated. • r<„ '■
White Hall to do something about The individual contributions > ntere sted in the Curtiss
second-semester freshman women? [rom Kappa Delta, Alpha Chi' 'F ht Aircraft Corporation engi-
Last heard from, the austere Omega, Alpha Epsilon Phi, Phi £T™g training course to begin
body spoke long enough to say Delta Theta, Sigma Delta Tau, and l y a . ie . agam to
that the women in question would phi Sigma Delta were greatly ap- J’JtL ° r according to
be punished for breaking customs predated.
by being denied the privileges of a Since many war funds were in . “ _in. ' j *■,
move-up day. particular need of support this Miss Eleanor Tillord, the com-
According to freshman customs year ’ all contributions for the Na- pan . y f representative, will be here
n-ccoiuint to iresnman customs, . , _ , , .. _ to interview students next Tues
these same women are not permit- “ onal Foundation for the Preven- , . R 132 c Darks frorT , q
ted to date durins the week until t,on and Cure of Infantile Paraly- aay , m U-oom bpaiKs irom 9
teu udte during me week until a.m. to 5 p.m. Blanks and mforrna
they have been recognized on ”f iead,ly utlllzed ' Mlss tion may be obtained at Dean
move-up day and they must be in • Hammond’s office, 203 Main Engi-,
by 9 o clock. _ ; neering. . , ;
All of which is well and good AfhfkfiAn Hpll FlPflt Prerequisites tor admission in
except for one thing. Nothing is ~0,, llwu elude the completion of not less
being done about the hundreds of |WA PfiDfAfAflfjifivfK than three semesters of college
little freshman women who have AvpiUJOlliaillCJ work and an elementary course in
week-day dates, coming in, of Coeds elected as IWA college math.'"Any intelligent and,
course a. the prescribed deadline senta tives' in Atherton Hall were. cons ? ie n tio us will fill the.
P ‘ ‘ announced by Norma R. Stern ’44, ie dU lle ments, the dean stated. ;
As the voice of the public, we iwa secretary last night The course win also be given at'
are in no position to demand that' Cornell, Pui'due, Renseleer, North--
second-semester freshmen be given K +l Wlley i 5 JS /e p re- weste m, lowa State, Minnesota,:
upperclass privileges, * he southwest unit, and the University G f Texas. .”
Nor are we demanding that vio- rmrSStSlvel'are" C ° edS wIU be S6nt to any
lators be punished. soXasUmi Geraldtae M Hack' ° ne of - the above institutions but-
That is up to Judicial f+ m a lun t; Geial . Hack- wd] not s t udy here, Dean Ham
. mdi up xo duaiciai. ett, ’44, representative,’Marie L. mon d exnlained
It is their duty to either an- Le'sh ’45, alternate; northwest unit, Women taking the course will
nounce the date of moving-up or Hedda G. Pollin >44, represents- re cdv™ "uitioXoom and bolS
’ - ?« te; ea^ Betty H ° rmck *oni the corporation.'
_ » , al ) d ora Thompson 44, repre- Completion of the ten month?;.
WSGA Dance Nets $133 SSf’ Bowersox 45, engineering course will enable cO--
. a eina e. eds work * ; n the designing divir-
Approximately 325 couples at- . IWA election of representatives sion of the company’s plants at
tended what WSGA .President will continue tonight. Represents- several sections of the country.
• Ruth M. Storer >44 termed “the fives will visit Wiley dormitory at Coeds will attend classes 40 rht?. :
most successful WSGA dance in 9:45, and McCormick’s dormitory a week and will have supervised’
recent years in Recreation Hall at 10:15. study. Salaries will range from
Saturday night. A total of $133 - $l3O to $l5O monthly with timi--,
was collected from sale of War SUBSCRIBE NOWS—FOR YOUR and a half, for overtime, Dean:'
stam P s -' DAILY COLLEGIAN. • Hammond added.. “
3t 2 chg' REM
UL OL Wcnen
Oh Where, Oh Where
Has Judicial Gone?
LES Business Manager
February 12
Jack Lord
Will Lead >
n •