4 1 .4 Gt FOUR f2l Badminton MaWhitt Comp!diet tDouble Eliminatiolis 'Scheduled Alb West May Default Giairne tof Absence Of the si badminton games :;clieduled lior Tournament A yes q.•iday, only live were played be c.oise the Ath West team didn't ;wear for its match with Kappa Gamma. Atherton may we to default the game. The Chio's won their second. feAtch, of the series when Marge lett and Eleanor Wills defeat rd the Irvin team of Harriet Mil )er acid .Alice Hooper. This is the ;,eoond game that Irvin has lost. Delta Gamma represented by );;frhara Keast and Martha James, ;111:o won their second game by r:lining three points over Eunie ))urlburt and Rebecca Walker, ), , laying for. Jordan. Jordan won their first game of the week ,liainst Grange Tuesday. Grange is stilt in the running, h:)wever, since Ann Sheffield and Aida Stull made a comeback yes t.rday and defeated Ann Fisher And Polly Huber, playing for Al- O )a Chio. Phi Mu lost their second game when Olive Van Houten and Mar no Yacos surrendered three points f.., Theta Phi Alphas Mary Ebner imd Mary Sheehe. 'Skip Scrivanich and Charlotte Spangler chalked up another win for Kappa Deft by taking two out cf three paints from Theta's Joan /inz.er and Perky McClellan. ..The only game played in Tour- Liment yes terda y• was a straight victory. for Theta's Mary Long and Viv Martin over Kappa (- , lt:'s Janet Tower and Lee, Go-Aps Entertain Ankle at Dinner • The lox. Senator Gerald Vorr -10(.8,-California, will be honor guest of a dinner. given by Nittany and Mien co-ops at the Grace Luther :l» Church, February 5. He will .i;pttalt: to the group on the subject, "Cooperatives." • On the dinner committee are Kouri '44, George W. Fore ioart '45, Mary T. Reinheimer '45, and M. Jean Wilcox '46. Announce inent of the Senator's visit was )oiicle at a meeting last night. Nine ariive members were voted into the co-ops. Nominations were >pad° for vice-president of Nittany co••op. Nominees are Thomas B. lloover, graduate student, and El wood L. Rittenhouse '45.. An amendment, to the constitu tion was discussed and plans for a 4.:,bin party were made. Hates Sponsors Bingo Philotes, independent women's ;anization, will sponsor a Bingo ail at Old Main Open House to.- ;ht, Jane E. Booth '44, president, flounced. Lucille D. Moyer '44 11 act as hostess. NOW TOWN THE WA/P WPM HAIRPIN alii . N.r And to think I I; is r i . .„...,, ' ' 'u .. , :•: , :::::...---- , N. tose d to throw , 111 1. .:.:.:..." , ~ ..,:te .. , ..:::::::i::::::•: : : : : ! : : :. . - HA//: ro i ie Cl/omen Wanted: A Host O Hostesses Can you imagine a flock of sheep without a shepherd? Can you pic ture a herd of cattle without a cowboy? Can you feature a mob without a leader? Can you visual ize Penn State without men? Can you imagine songs without sing ers? Can you think of an Oki Main Open House without hostesses? Just as the flock, herd, mob, and songs are incomplete and unsuc cessful in any attempt without their respective leaders, so a Col lege Open House fails without the right number of coed hostesses. WSGA has been asked to pro vide approximately 75 women to direct proceedings and do general hostess work for the average Open House crowd of 2,500 visitors. Of ficials of this organization are call ing on the membership for service in this manner. This means that every coed is eligible. This means that it is something that is asked of every woman., • To welcome a sure crowd; to preside over a well-planned pro gram which,,, will include movies. dancing, gallies, and music; to do all this for just a few hours should be more than a boring evening, or more than a mere duty done out of the goodness of a coed's heart. Interested and cooperative wo men will,meet in the second floor lounge. Old Main . , at 7:45 tonight, Ruth M. Storer '44, WSGA presi dent, announced. It must be remembered that it takes a good hostess to make the party or program a good one. It goes without saying that a large number of these would mean.com.- nlete success. Student (um Ticket Salle Sets New Record (Continued from page one) - Dr. Marquardt said. *He empha sized that the committee was di recting its attention to the sale of the tickets as a series. In the event that tickets still re main On the night of the Rach maninotl concert, they will be sold as individual admissionS at the price of $3.50 plus 35 cents tax. The single admission price for Gladys Swarthout, if tickets ..re main, will be $3 plus 30 cents tax, and for Carmen Amaya and her troupe $2 plus 20 cents tax. In the event of a sell-out, a limited num ber of-standees will also be accom modated at these prices. Those who bought their tickets at the ore-sale before the numbers on the present series were an nounced may also obtain their tickets this morning, tomorrow morning, or Monday morning, Dr. Marquardt said. SUBSCRIBE NOW!---FOll YOUR DAILY COLLEGIAN. TI-T.t DAILY. COLLEGIAN Announces WSGA Dance Marjorie A. Magargel '44, WSGA dance chairman announced yesterday that the annual dance has been scheduled for Rec Hall from 9 p. m. to midnight, Janu ary 30. The affair has been patri otically titled "V Male Special." Army, Navy Need Trained Nurses Surveys of two-thirds of the country's nursing schools reveal that only 36,000 women will be available for nursing positions in the near future, and that 55,000 are needed immediately. according to an Associated Collegiate_ Press dispatch. The only way to overcome the serious shortage would be to have 19,000 women enroll in nursing courses. in January and February. Coeds who have taken biological, physical, medical, and social sci ence courses have a background that has prepared them for nurs ing. Government nursing jobs with the Army and Navy pay .$1,620 a year and are open to all who have had nurses' training. Application may be made to the Civil Service Commission in Washington. For general information on nurse re cruitment, write Miss Floxence. Seder, National Nursing Council for War Service, -1790 Broadway, New .York City.• • PS(A Holds Music Hour PSCA's weekly hour of recorded music will be held in the Hugh Beaver room, 304 Old Main, at 4 o'clock this afternoon. It will fea ture Corelli's "Concerto Grosso in G Minor" and Grieg's "Piano Con certb in A Minor." • • All are invited to attend the music hour, where tea will be served, according to Dorothy J. Hoke '46 and Galen Alexander, co-chairmen of the committee in charge. Delta Gamma held. an informal party for Pi Kappa Pi at the Delta Gamma ' houSe Wednesday night. Elaine L. Park '44 'was in charge of the program. ' CLASSIFIED WANT-ADS FOR RENT—Clean, large, sunny room close to campus.. Call Kim-. me.l 3332, or_apply 243_ South Pugh street. 5t 19 comp 13K WANTED—Journalisni 13 text • in good condition. Call French Collegion or 4.304. FREE—One. Great Dane dog.- For details, cali 147. ATN. 2tch.-1-23FZEM FOE RENT—One desirable double room, single beds. Two blocks from campus. Call 2571 for in formation. 1 tpd.-1-22MKH LOST—Monarch wristwatch and green Schaeffer pencil. Please return to 138 S. Alien St. or call Hubert, 3938. Liberal reward. Committee Lists Entertainment for Old Main Open House (Continued from Page One) favorite tunes of the dancers will be played. There will be many hostesses present in the Armory to entertain male guests coming "stag." Square dancing to the music of another new campus band, the "Campus Cowboys," will be in style in the first floor lounge of Old Main from 9 to 12. Old Main tower will be open for tonight for those desiring an aerial view of campus and town. The first movement of .Beetho ven's Fifth Symphony, commonly 'known as the "Victory . Sym phony," will be played in 304 Old Main at 8,9, and 10 P.m. for thOse who enjoy classical music. • . Informal games will be played in the second floor lounge, Old Main, beginning at 8 p.m. A num ber of hostesses will be on hand to help with the proceedings. Bingo will be played in the Philotes room in Old Main with prizes given to winners. • For those • who wish •to play bridge and other card games, ta bles will be set up in the Penn State Club room on the third floor of Old Main. Coeds who .still wish to be hos tesses at the Open. House may re port . to second floor •lounge, Old Main, at 7:45 tonight. Ping Pong Tournament A special Round Robin Ping Pong tournament will be held in the Student Union game room on the fourth floor, Old Main, at 8 o'clock. Defense stamps will be-sold .in Old Main lobby by members of . WSGA Senate from 7 - to 10 Pan. • Serving on the permanent OMOH planning committee and representing v . a rib u s • campus groups._ are: IWA, Norma R. Stern '44; IMA, Robert R. Dickey '44; PSCA, Paul Alamar '45; Daily Col legian, Ben I. French '46; Cwens, R. Christine Yohe '45, Student Uni ion'. Board, William' M. Briner• '44; Skull and Bones, J. Robert Hicks '44; WSGA, Ruth M. Storer '44; Mortar. Board, Kathleen M.. os 7 good '45; Penn . State 'Club, Ed mund - R. Koval '46; Philotes, Jane E. Booth • '43; Co-ops, MarY 'T.. Pickering '45; WRA, Joan K. Mil_ ler '45; IFC, Henry Keller '44; and Panhellenic Council, Margaret B. Cupp '45. Heading the committee and act ing in an advisory role are the co chairmen, John C. Burford '44 and James R. Ziegler '44. All profits from the Open House will be given, to aid. worthy cam pus organizations. Already many subscriptions to.the Daily Collegian have. been sent to undergraduates going, - Into the service. . Annourt cing— The V-MALE SPECIAL WSGA ANNUAL DANCE - To Be Held Saturday, January 30, 1943 Het Hall 9-12 P.M,. Featuring Sonny. Roy and His C gllegians ADMISSION PER COUPLE—Purchase of : One 25c Defense Stamp at the -Door, 3 t .co mp 19 -22 FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 1943. VISGA fo Sponsor Dance Next Week Admission To Be 25-Cent War Stamp All coeds are urged to make plans now for the "V -Male Spe cial," WSGA's annual dance scheduled for Rec Hall 'from 9 p. m. to midnight, January 30, Mar jorie A. Magargel '44, IWA presi dent and general:chairman of the dance, announced last night. "V -Male Special" has been plan ned this year to help increase sale of defense stamps. One 25 cent defense 'stamp per 'couple' . will constitute• the price of admission, anti may be purchased at the• door from members of Mortar Board, national senior women's homfir society. At last year's dance • students were requested to bring one dandy bar for admission. Bars were later sent to men in the• service. • Helen D. McKee '44, is publicity, chairman and committee members are Martha_ E. Elston '45, June R. White '44, H. Joyce Strope '44, and Marjorie A. Hazlett '44'; heads the invitation committee h: .;: with; members Gertrude M . Kortwirght, '43 and Patricia A.. Middleton assisting.. . _ . . Miss Magargel asks coeds,tO on board the • Male Special" and SutipOrt their. - own: student government as well as the national government. Sonny .Raye • and,-his Collegians Will .furnish the music, —NOW PLAYINGL,-:= •;":. The• City: Thai ! Rocked 'Wca.l4l.