FRIDAY„TANUARY 22, 1943 Thiel Proposes Voluntary Phys Ed Program BETWEEN THE LIONS It isn't usually my policy to make an endorsement. In fact, ever since the time a personal check bounced back and caught me with my Wallet down, I've been almost as reticent as a Republican about en ildising anything. But there is always an exception to every policy—in this case it's the, basketball raffle, sponsored by AR-College Cabinet, svhiCh will make its debut between the halves of the Penn State-Colgate court collision in Rec Hall tomorrow night. • Since the time my hometown Sunday School teacher caught me matching pennies with one of the wealthier Wards in the class, my cOaacts' With games•of Chance have been few and well scattered. But with this basketball raffle it's different—you see, nobody • • loses: Instead of paying out money for a mere chance at a prize, • you purchase a 25-cent war stamp. In other words, you're freezing your liquid assets. . .And that isn't all. Chief Raffle-man Bill Briner, after a week of thumping the drums, has been able to fatten the ante with four other prizes .:Second prize will be a bloc of five (5) subscriptions to the Daily Collegian-:--that's this paper. If you can't find sufficient spare-time to read . all, five yourself, you may haVe them mailed to friends residing anywhere in friendly territory which is served by U. S. Mail carriers. ' The next prize will be two (2) subscripiioni to Froth—that's the humor . magazine . I urideritand the Postal authorities are go irk! to permit you to .send the one through the mails, while the other will be reserved for domestic consumption. skull & Series and Parthi Nous have each come thrOugh with prizes of $5 inWar Stamps, Making a total of five prizes. . Although that is .where the figure stood at press time last night, .ther still is a Peisibility that more prizes may be added, since Biiner . still expeCts to Vioilc the side streets tiefOi.e the game with Colgate. For those of you who like to slip out to buy your soCks at the dime . . koie, , there is the added attraction of. three .war stamps being. for. the price of about ci6se as you can approach tne.. , ptrfeCt'karne Where,."eVerYbody win.s." ' The . sfanip§- - win. go on sale at the Corner Reoin after 8:30 End Will remain on sale tomorrow - afternoon. ,At game -time, booths will be jet up at the lain enflame to Rec. Hall to administer to late ISUrchigerl;. and wlll be staffed by attraCtilie coedii to help allay the outlay of coin. 0. . elieve it or not , are many students on thiS campu s siiho &tie yet to purchase: iheir first war stamp. No, they, aren't they just haven t had the time nor the occasion to to if yet." Unfortunately; they don't, know what they're missing. I still re call with pride the time, not so long ago either, when it was my point to a friend the spare - tire on Jeep in a passing con voy,,. annunce proudly, "that's the 0ne . ,1 helped finance:" They'll get iheki. chance tomorrow night .., .„ ..... . Liotit Gahhing for 17th ~., ~,.., sfrOight:HoMe ' 'ictifiej, • Penn State's Nittany Lion bask etball squad will be gunning for its seventeenth consecutive vic tory on the home court when the blue and white squad tangles with the Red Raiders 'of Colgate Uni versity in Rec Hall, 8 o'clock to morrow night. Undefeated on home soil since February ^G, 1941 when the cage squad from West Virginia Uni versity toppled the Lionmen, Law ther's boys will try to keep their home streak intact and get back into the victory column after drop ping a one-point decision to the Pitt Panthers last Saturday. Although the Red Raider five is of an unknown quality, the cagers from Hamilton, N. Y., may pull an upset on the Lion in-and-out team. The Lions were successful in their last game with the Colgate five, when they thoroughly trounced the Red Raiders 58-35. After tomorrow's game, the two squads will tangle again at Ham ilton which will be the next to the last game of the season for the blue and white. ,Coach John Lawther put his quintet through a long practice session in preparation for -tomor roWs battle. Whitey Von Nieda, ternporarily out of service from illness, will be at the helm when the starting whistle blows, unless something unexpected should turn up. Lawther has been shifting his reserve players into the guard po sitions in an effort to keep down By BEN BAILEY, SpOils Editor the possible high-scoring of the Red Raiders. From past experi- -- ence, when several of the start ing lineup would be ejected from the tilts via the foul route, it has been proved that replacements must be ready to assume guard duties when regulars .leave the game. Bob Beck and Jim Lawther have handled the guard duties ex cellently during the past few games, but the experience of reg ulars Egli and Baltimore adds to the effectiveness of the famed sliding-zone defense. The first stringers were put through a thorough drill in de fensive playing to bottle the of fense of the Colgate Reds. Starting lineup for tomorrow's game will include Co-captains Johnnie Egli and Herk Baltimore at the guard slots, rangy Dave Hornstein in the center position, and Whitey Von Nieda and tle" Larry Gent at the forward posts. Jim Lawther will undoubtedly see plenty of action after playing a bang-Up game last week at Pittsburgh. Jack Bieiy, set-shot artist, Sid Cohan, reserve guard, Bob Beck, and Perk Stabley will be on re serve for the tilt. Between halves of the game, the Victory Raffle will be run off. The game basketball will go to the first-prize winner, • but the lucky ticket-holder will have to "lend" the ball so that the game may continue through the second half. A win tomorrow night will rack THE DAILY COLLEGIAN Wrestlers Prepare To Meet Teachers In Grappling Duel Showing the same stamina and ability in practice as they did last Saturday when they blanked the University of Syracuse's matmen by a 30-0 count, the Lion wrestling squad is readying itself for its bouts tomorrow afternoon against Lodk Haven, Pennsylvania 1942 wrestling champs, in Rec Hall at 2:30 p.m. According to Coach Paul Camp bell, the Lock Haven squad is not going to be an easy victim in as similating State's mat attack, but, hoping that his squad will exert a little extra energy against the Lock Haven "grunt and groan" men, the coach expects them to emerge victors. • Starting lineup for Lock Haven has not been - set as yet and no word has• been received from the State Teachers' College as to what members of their team will arrive here Saturday to participate in the competition. Slots for the Nittany charges will be filled by either Kryder Mattern or Bob Lowry in the 121- pound class; Co-captain Charlie Ridenour at 127; Co-captain Sam Harry. at 136; Al Crabtree at 145; Oardner Lindley. or Charlie Dipner at 155; Fred Reeve or Chuck Hall at 165; Pied Conrad at 175; and Bob: Morgan, heavyweight. In tfie bout. against the Syracuse Orangemen, on .f4IM were registered . .at4,:fe',,,pe"it . by 121-;Donnder . I6ifein;?.nd Ridenour and .14 . e . i.0 in the 128 and 136- i?OUrid ClaSseS•re4?eatifely.• zo;,.lie*; Conrad, - and Morgan each took 'geed, care co their oppo nents by decisions, accounting for the Shittolit score Of 30-0. RefriqdrifiOd Aid in KCiiihit Milk Wholesome from Page high grade .May be kept for one to tVvO weeks., The milks Used in bacterial con tent from 1 to 94 ifionsarids per milliliter at the beginning of the tests. Those having the highest in itial bacterial content did not ne cessarily spoil the quickest. Some bacteria do not withstand cool temperatures, and counts made after the milk had been refriger ated for several days often were less than the originals. As a rule when pasteurized milk spoiled during these trials, it did not sour but became ran cid 'and offensive in both odor and flavor. Raw milk ,was an excep tion to the rule. It soured in four to seven days under the conditions mentioned whether distributed or undistributed. Pasteurization in hibits the growth of bacteria, and the initial refrigeration reduced the number of bacteria in raw milk only slightly. The pasteurized but not the pas teurized-homogenized milk devel oped what is known to dairy plant operators as an "oxidized" flavor in two to six .days. This flavor usually passes unnoticed by the housewife, and it tended to disap pear in the stored milks in one to two weeks. up victory number five on the home court for the current sea son. So far this season the Lions have downed Susquehanna, Buck nell, Syracuse, and Washington and Jefferson. Whitey Von Nieda is leading 'the blue and white scoring with 78 points to date. He is followed by freshman Jack Biery who has tallied 51 counts. Baltimore, Horn stein and Gent are close behind the leaders. Bob Beck and Jack Biery are tops in the foul column. Beck has sunk five out of his six attempts, while Biery has made nine suc cessful shots out of -eleven at tempts. Repeat Performance? A voluntary physical education program for juniors and seniors is now available for all male upper classmen anxious to get them selves into good physical shape, Glenn N. Thiel, instructor in charge of Physical Education, stated last night. The program has been designed to extend facilities in Rec Hall to juniors and seniors wishing take regular workouts in the.gYm nasium, despite that fact that they are not scheduled for a course. All students who wish to enroll for the program must sign up in at least two one hour periods, and if they desire, may schedule total of three, four or five hours. After enrolling in the course, students will be considered as regular members of the class. Roll call numbers will be assigned to them, attendance regularly taken, and they will he expected to par ticipate in all class activities. • For those who indicate their in tention to participate in the pro gram, 279 baskets are available, which will be given to studepts first requesting them. Basketswill, be assigned upon presentation of O "towel ticket,", obtainable at the Bursar's pcipe. The, ticket, ari entitles' the,.holder to a basket, lock, d laundry service. l an applicant does not , receive . a "towel ticket," he will.have to Carry,f6 , , '.`lirecreatiori4l. S w . i rn cards will k.s'O' tole to nig N,rhO• desire, ttern. Tho card rriit..the owner tO..tak.e advantage (COntinued from Page ,One) of recreation hours at the G enn the book—and. play—appears on landpool.. Before adMitted to the the jacket of the best-seller: course,. each .applicant n.4st haypi The, scoria is the book . of a completeriy e t enOerid country in any at the dispensary. A ard.NVitli lime. The anther h as ,Pour- . result of the exam will then have posely refrained froin to be PreSoiied,at 219 Rec 11411 ' it lifirEMY fide to actual evenly. Although the weapon • and. ideidegici may he. of the preient, the* are only vehicles for the therrie that a free, biarie people ate nneaniiiier able." Sam Harry, 136-pound varsity wrestler, Nitho scored a fall in last Saturday's meet With Syracuse, is looking forward to a repeat per formance in the Lion match with Lock Haven tomorrol. PlaVO to Give 'The Mood Is Min,' Pistverhil War. Plat Of coufse, it is not hard to iden tify the "conquerors" in the ,play with their Nazi prototypes, and in like .manner, the "conquered coun try" can be Norway. Much discus sion has been raised by critics on Steinbeck's 'treatment of the con querors as human beings—and not as "Aryan-pure supermen." But from newspaper reports of rebellion and cracking of morale by Nazi troops engaged in the occupation and subjugation of in vaded countries, Steinbeck's idea hits very close to the truth. And his statement, ". . . a free, brave people are unconquerable" seems to have been borne out by the underground movements of occu pied countries. In brief, "The Moon Is Down" is the story of the invasion of a small, mining town by enemy sol diers after the way had been paved by the local Quisling. The "Fatherland" needs the coal in dustry of this town, and the ene my army of occupation has to see that the fuel is kept moving out of the country. From passive re sistance, the inhabitants begin an active campaign against the ene my using as weapons the invaders' own nerves. Eventually, the enemy com manding officer—who is one of Steinbeck's humane soldiers—is forced to resort to the holding and killing of hostages in a vain attempt to quell the growing mu tiny of the populace. The story of how the invader soldiers them selves begin to crack under the strain, and the quiet heroism of the town fathers, shows Steinbeck to have produced a powerful and magnificent drama of conditions as they exist in the world today. DON'T FORGET PENN STATE'S VICTORY RAFFLE! PAGE Tx Juniors, Seniors May Take Regular Workouts Lotkllavedoxers TO.COMe.Satudat , . Locir. HaVeil boXeis,, who _haw been trying for years to schedule a meet With:the Nittany are definitely going to appear .tar the scheduled bouts patitrai night. Max Bassert, speaking for the Lock Haven Physical EdUcatibn department in a long distance phone call last night, said that the Teachers will be here in time fOr the 1 o'clock weigh-in Saturday afternoon. The first bout will start at 7 p.m.. Matches will be followed by a basketball game with Colgate Uni versity. Sniffling and heavy breathing have been less noticeable in the southwest' corner of Rec Hall where the boxers work out daily. - Mitr7 •,i,-A'5":,.„... ' ~,,' "6. `b. N .s ' ,;.- •.... Ali.. . 5 .........t 4 ".4.' . tonto • -1, N is\ 414) i - - Nr-- .. . . .... , —11 ) ) MORNINGSTAR BREAD Morningstar Bread is fine for every purpose. It makes sandwiches that are pleas ing in taste and at the same time nourishing. And if you want crisp toast that fairly melts in your mouth this is the loaf for •you. MORNING STAR, TRU WHEAT PURITY BREAD and TROPHY WINNER CAKE