The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, January 19, 1943, Image 4

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lomen's Services
1 1 .1s1 Requirements
l'or Enlistment
WAACS Report 150,000;
1 SPARS Latest Group
tiVlore than 150.000 women have
i•ulisted in the WAACS (Women's
Army Auxiliary Corps) and re_
Guestsare increasing among col
-I.:ge women for commissions with
I , ie WAVES (Women Appointed
for Voluntary Emergency Service).
The latest development of women's
;: , !rvices has been the SPARS
(:iempez - Paratus—Always Ready
• —the motto of the Coast Guard).
Women are eligible at the age of
!).1) or 21 for service, according to
et report of the Committee on Col-
Mge Women Students and the
'War. A . ,t a conference held recently
this committee and the heads of
the various services met to discuss
:requirements for enlistment. It
was anticipated that a Women's
ileserve of the Marine Corps will
Le established in the near future.
Certain extra-curricula courses
in emergency techniques referred
to at the conference are available
:I , )r coeds under the new codet
'training. Motor mechanics, ,cook
irlg, stewardesses or mess ser
;eants, secretaries, and bakers
were definitely mentioned as aids
toward advancement in the three
Almost without exception poten
!flat WAAC officers are selected
from the ranks of enlisted- person
nel and are sent to -Officers' Can
didate School. Salaries are equiva
lent to corresponding Army grade
had rank. WAACS have no stipu
lated educational requirements and
ore under obligation to serve as
auxiliaries if they are not selected
lo be trained as officers.. A new
rder provides that college seniors
who pass the requirements may be
enlisted and put on inactive status
(reserve) until they have complet
ed college.
The WAVES, unlike the
WAACS, may return to civilian
life if they fail to receive commis
:ions. Members of the Reserve are
actually in the Navy with status
and salary identical to men. En
listed women must have -gradu
ated from high school; a candi
date for officer's training must
bold - a baccalaureate degree from
a recognized college or two years
cif college plus equivalent experi
ence. Mathematics and science are
emphasized as well as special
knowledge of fields such as radio
and aerology.
In administrative details the
;;PARS follow the same general
pattern as the Navy. The most
:ignificant exception is that the
S.PARS do not require two years
of high school mathematics.
!Home 1E( Cafeteria,
14aple Room Opened
For Spring Semester
The cafeteria and Maple Room
in the Home Economics building
lias opened for this semester, Miss
Marion L. Carr, instructor of •home
economics, announced yesterday.
Lunch hour is from 11:45 a. m.
1.) 12:30. and both the cafeteria
and Maple Room will be used. The
Maple Room is used only for din
)ler which is served between 5:30
Ind 0:30 m. As in the past, cafe
teria service is used at lunch.
Noon cafeteria will continue to
feature the 20-cent plate luncheon,
Miss Carr stated. Miss Viola I.
.lohnson, assistant in institute ad
: ministration. is the instructor in
,tharge of students. at noon, and
:airs. Eye Trout Jr., instructor of
Lome economics, is in charge of
ome economics majors' dinner.
The cafeteria is open to the pub-
'PSC:A Joint Freshman Forum
:ouncit will entertain new fresh
i:),?ri and transfer foresters in 304
Camp '4O To Advise
Journalism Honorary;
Group Plans Reception
Miss Helen L. Camp, managing
editor of the Centre Daily Times,
has accepted the position of alum
nae advisor for Theta Sigma Phi,
national women's journalism hon
orary, according to Mary Janet
Winter '44, president.
A graduate from the College in
1940, Miss Camp 'was Daily Col
legian women's editor. She also
served as secretary of Mortar
Board, national senior women's
honorary, and was active in WRA,
WSGA Senate, May Day Commit
tee, and the Liberal Arts Student
Council. Appointed a . senior spon
sor, she was a member of the
Portfolio staff and of. Theta Sigma
Upon graduation, Miss Camp be_
came publicity director 'of the
Philadelphia • Inter-State Dairy
Council. She •remained• with the
council for two ,years and later, be
came a Pittsburgh Press news
Theta Sigma Phi will hold a tea
for freshman and sophomore wo
men journalism majors, although
no date has been set as yet. The
society will take in new members
in the near future following the
initiation cf present pledges, it was
(Continued horn Page One)
Mr. Galbraith in 243 Sparks at
It will be necessary for these
men to send a duplicate set of
application papers and records to
"Weather," Chicago, Illinois, at
Men interested in serving in the
meteorology division of the Air
Corps, but who haven't had enough
college mathematics to qualify
for the "A" or "B" program are
still eligible to enlist in the Basic
Pre-Meteorology course.
They must have completed two
years of high school mathematics
ane one year of science in a sec
ondary school.
Although no, definite word has
been issued from the President's
office concerning the possibility of
organizing Non-Combat • pilot
training through the Civil Aero
nautics Authority, Galbraith ask.
ed all men who failed to meet the
Army Air Corps physical require
ments to contact him at once.
Since these • men would be train
ed at the •CAA's expense as in
structors, ferry command piolts
and for other non-combat pilot
posts, the physical requirements
are not as strict.
Introducing the Collegian
Club Subscription Plan.-....
5 Subscriptions $ 700 (price of 4)
10 Subscriptions $l2 25 (price of 7)
15 Subscriptions ....... $19.25 (price of 11)
20 Subscriptions $26 25 (price of 15)
Here is a Chance for You to Buy
Your Subscription at a Real SaVing!
Kappas, Ath West Win Badminton Tilts ;
Bowling Club Holds Novel Tournament
Chi Omega,, Irvin Lose
First Intramurals
Kappa Kappa Gamma and Ath
erton Hall West were the victors
- yesterday against Chi Omega and
Irvin Hall, respectively, in the
first two badminton games of the
WRA intramural tournament:
Elizabeth J. Meyers '45, play
ing for Kappa Kappa Gamma, de
feated Marjorie A. Hazlett '44,
Chi Omega, by winning two out
of three singles games, 11-8, 11-7,
0-11. Kappa's other player, Mar
jorie J. Brinkman '46, lost to
Jean K. unk, 45, Chi 0„ in anoth
er singles match, by a score of
11-3, 11-5.
The doubles match between
Kappa Kappa Gamma and Chi
Omega was won by Chi Omega.
The 'ffnal scoring for the matches
gave two out of a possible three
points to Chi Omega.
Margaret D. Northup '45, chalk
ed up one point for Ath West by
winning her singles match against
Vera N. Gorden '46, playing for
Irvin Hall.
The ether singles match be
tween the two dorms went to Ir
vin Hall, when Louise Gwillim de
feated Virginia Martin. In the fi
nal scoring for this match, the
Atherton team took the lead by
winning the doubles game,
FOR .RENT— Attractive apart
mentette. Clean, cozy, comfort
able. Only 68 seconds away' from
Corner• Unusual, 69 seconds from
Main Gate. Call 4353.
WANTED—Three students two or
three hours evening two eve
nings a week. Dial 2373 from
noon. 3t 15 chg PPM
ROOIVIATE—Who doesn't snore,
wanted. Swell location. Call
Mickey, 2740. 2t.p.-1-16
WANTED—Boy to work for room
at 117 E. Beaver Ave. Call in
person. 2t.chg-1-16
FOP. RENT—Clean, large, sunny
room close to campus. Call Kim
mel 3331, .or apply 243 South Pugh
street. 5t 19 comp BK
LOST—String of gold 'beads be
tween Corner Room and Ath
Hall, Saturday night, January 17.
Return to Student Union.
It 19 pd PJS
LOST—A pair of glasses in brown
leather case. Finder please call
2361, ask for Bud Margerum. Re
ward. 2t 19 pd
Atherton and Grange
Elect Officers for
Atherton Hall and Grange Dor_
mitory last night elected new offi
cers for this semester. Grange
president is Ann Sheffield, and
Atherton unit heads are Mary
Hamman, southeast; Vivian Mar
tin, northwest; Anna Nicholson,
northeast; and Elizabeth Scher
holtz, southwest..
Other Grange officers include
Mary Lou Casanave, vice-presi
dent; Virginia Ladd, secretary
treasurer; Elizabeth Pike,• social
chairman; and Barbara Keyser, in
tramural chairman.
In Atherton, Lois G i ardner was
chosen vice-president of the north
west lint, and assisting her are
Margaret Good, secretary-treasur
er; Janet Tower, social chairman;
and Beatrice Russ, air-raid warden
and fire chief.
In the southwest Atherton group
Patricia Dohrenwend was elected
vice-president; Helen Vandergrift,
secretary - treasurer; Dorothy
Young, social chairman; and Kath_
erine Long, air-raid warden and
fire chief. Mary Weldy will act as
intramural chairman for both Ath
ertOn northwest and southwest.
Coeds elected in southeast Ath
erton are Jean Miller; vice-presi
dent; Betty Strippel, secretary;
Martha Elston, treasurer; Jane
Cron, social chairman; and, Laßue
Cassey, air-raid warden and fire
Northeast Atherton officers are
Pat Aloe, vice-president; Betty
McGee, secretary; Eleanor Ream,
treasurer; Mary McCurdy, social
chairman; and Ruth Atkinson, air
raid warden and fire chief. Intaa-
mural chairman for northeast and
southeast units is Florence Roth
3t 15 cmp 198
Candidates for dormitory offices
were nominated at house meetings
Thursday evening. Only require
ment was an All-College average
of 1.5 for hall presidents and 1.2
for all other posts.
iota Sigma Pi Meets
lota Sigma Pi, national women's
chemistry honorary, will meet in
the Maple Room, Home Economics,
at 5:30 p. m. Thursday, January
21. Dinner will be served. Dr. Dor
othy Quiggle from the College pe
troleum laboratory will lecture
and show slides.
TUESDAY, .JANUARY 19, 1943..
Bowling Teams Formed
For Intramurals
Bowling Club members and any
other interested coeds may take
part in the WRA Bowling Club
Army Tournament at the White
Hall alleys, 6:30 this evening.
The tournament, which is being
sponsored by freshman members
of the club and is under the direc_
lion of Martha J. Haverstick '43,
club pre.4ident, is Vie ,first novel
meet of the semester. Each bowler
will be allowed eight balls and
Army stripes, denoting various
ranks, will be awarded on the
basis of scoring. Freshmen in
charge of the meet are Cynthia J.
Geffen, Evelyn Gins, Mary E. Gtu'i•-,
del Eunice M. Hurlburt, and Re
becca J. Walker. •
Practice for• bowling Intramur
als and intercollegiate telegraphic
meets will begin this week. Coeds
should sign up for intramurals,
which start next week. Intercol
legiate meets with Wellesley, Wis
consin, Swarthmore and other wo
men's teams are scheduled for the
end of January and are open to all
Badminton Club Holds
White Hall Playnight
WRA Badminton Club will spon
sor the White Hall playnight Sat
urday, it was decided at the WRA:
club presidents' . meeting xester
The group also appointed Joan
Baker '45 to take over the presi
dency. of the Bridge Club until
Spring electionS. Mrs. Joseph F.
O'Brien has consented to take the
position, formerly held by Mrs.
Edward J. Nicoll, of teaching the
Bridge Club.
Plans were made for WRA to in
itiate a Defense Fair, which would
be a.recrular gathering of coeds in
terested in sewing and knitting for
Red Cross and servicemen's or
Shows at 1:30, .3:00, 6:45. 8:45