The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, January 08, 1943, Image 4
s'/:(1).; )'C)i)R Coeds Don Ribbons, Cards As fireshman Customs Begin 1 Melville Reveals Hours f7.l;er-tiitfiereassmen—i :I:'reshman women who officially I,, , gan ol);:ervance of customs yes i.•rday with the start of the three \':•el:s no•dating period must don •it hons and names cards at 12 o'e)ock noon today, according to Edith S. Melville, assistant to She dean of women in charge of fresh m an. coeds, The period. will eon until January 28. Regulation ,ir ribbon;-, to be worn until 5:30 1. in. Feburay 8, must be four i)) , .:bes wide and three quarters of .1) yard Jong, )qame cards must measure three .1) . ) , five inches; and must bear the c: , r•d's name in heavy black let ter:; one inch. high. They must be worn until ti:3o p. m. February Dress . ensioms may be taken off Li:3o p. m, Friday, but must be donned again Saturday morning vial Won) until noon, Miss Mel said. ilour regulations for first se )11.(-•ster freshman coeds include 9 o'elock permissions week nights 4.nd week-ends during the no-dat ing period, After January 28 un i;•r freshmen will receive 10 o'clock and one I. o'clock permis cion for week-ends. Second semes ter freshman will receive 10 o'clock permission during the woek and one 10 o'clock and. one tfatitg •Qamiiiiiitates - Called Candidaten • for freshman and varnily boxing teams should report :4. Rec. Hall, .4 p. m., according to Houck., boxing coach. STARI 1141 E NE ~yWII'T\4 THIE 51.110 WT COMBINATION FOR tare,ac, Ar?/6 Make your Inext pock in 1943 a pack •if IikftILDERI BETIER3ASTING CHESTERFIELDS Ond enioy more qmoking Pleasure the whoie year through. ch(victelrfieWs Right Comlbination oi the 4tl.(3lli(arS beo cigarette tobaccos gives you everything you like best in smoke. Thars why, year aCter , year, you hear more smokers say, 'You can't buy better cigarette . .THire SATSFY." l'orMore Listening Pleasure in '4.3 Tune in on Amer ican Most Popular Vifteen Minute Musical Programs / I ! Victory Tunes with RED IIi'AIRING The Sensational HARRY AMISS all 11413 C Stations all CI3S Stations 1 o'clock for week-ends until move-up day.. , 'Miss 'Bilelirille .- reininded fresh man transfers that they must ob serve semester freshman dress and hour regulations until further notice. The assistant dean stated that freshmen will have both big sis ters and senior sponsors to aid in orientation and said that approxi mately 20 upperclass coeds are still needed to serve as big sisters. Second semester freshmen, sopho mores, and juniors are eligible to be big sisters, according to Miss Melville. Junior Service Board, (we to Sponsor Freshman Programs (Kathryn M. Hibbard and Jean K. Runk will represent Junior Service Board, junior women's ac tivities honorary, at a joint meet ing of Cwens, sophomore women's honorary, and Junior Service Board which will be held in Miss Nina M. Bentley's apartment at 5 o'clock today. These honoraries will sponsor freshman and transfer student or ientation programs, Mary J. Pow ell '44, retiring chairman, stated. Plans for this.program will be dis cussed at the meeting. A gift was presented to Miss Bentley, assistant dean of women, in appreciation of her efforts as Junior Service Board adviser. Newly-elected officers of Junior Service Board are Carol M. Kane, chairman; Joan E. Piollet, vice.. chairman; and Joan F. Runkle, secretary, Miss Powell announced last night. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN Curtiss-Wright Courses Still Open To Eligible Coeds War became more evident at the College Wednesday and Thursday when coed registrants had a choice of six different Codet courses, made up from suggestions received from WAAC's and WAVES. It was also announced that coeds interested might still register for courses of fered by the Curtiss-Wright Cor poration. Miss Julia G. Brill, associate professor of English Composition, announced that the new codet curses supply training which will actually help coeds who enter the WAAC's or WAVES. Miss Drill further state,d that a list of the courses now offered will be sent to both organizations for suggestions. In addition to the six courses, two more will be open to coeds next semester. Information tech niques, aerial photograph reading; map reading, stereoscopic vision, aircraft recognition and spotting, and military drill will comprise one; mess administration and management, the organization, su pervision, and kitchen management of messes, with prerequisites of HE 330,.408, 426, parallel or prerequis ite HE 410, the other. Coeds desiring application for courses offered by curtiss_Wright are urged to see Dean of Women Charlotte E. Ray at the beginning of next week. Those who are eigh teen years of age or over, who have successfully completed ele mentary college mathematics, and who have completed their sopho more year or are now juniors or seniors, are eligible. During the first week of Febru ary, coeds who have successfully met Curtiss-Wright requirements from other schools will arrive here for their training. ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~ y ~ 5~~..% ~~~~~~s r ~ . ~ ~ ~~~ ' ~ ' ~ ~ ~~~~~~? . >y\~~ Copyrighc 1943 1.1.3,1inrr k Malta Taa,lcc() SMOKERS WHAT THE WA ...„,....„,...:0.' . .‘ . ...... „, ... 1 ...! y 0.i',1*.. 5, '•;:ai.i::::,*•:-::i*V.I''''''''''''''...11:::,...?..,4‘,.- ,;•••tiV.,, ~.......,....'..; ~.....:A......f.ff.ii:ii•lZ'i,iili...ftiqV '.,..:,'ZlWA,.'''••?:.:its:•!.,...•••••:':::Wgt.r., —x,s'.:,," ...iff..:*if:::::::,4_,...01—:::Ac.c... ••' '4',..*,',,,.114...:. ••••••••,,tm?NW40r7.....A*4,•17,.....,...A.......: ~...............o•4•?4,wAszmal, .f.:!.w7..*liitUai' .....„.,tottto ••::::4W.?..,.4. ,:1-...*T1x.',....:•;t05:::- ...: 1'amgiqn,.:';,:i1.:1.1.,... tidgnitViq......f.k .:::::Z•i::W''',",g,,k::::a.:,:.:..;0:1: 4K•••:::::Mi.t..:::.f.'4. ~.....:','. 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'.11..:J.5'...:10zt.....;.::.,•••'1,': :••••••'.:is.......••••••::::::%,a•••,:•.•••••::$;:..w::: e s , C /G 4 . r r WOMEN IN SPORTS 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111U1IMIMMI11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110 In its first Spring Semester dents Board has been planned for meeting last night, WRA Execu- WRA lounge, White Hall, at 4p. m. tive Board made tentative plans Monday. As the semester schedule for schedules of intramurals and will be set up and a permanent Open House. meeting time and place will be ar- WRA. Intramural Board will ranged, it is important that all meet in WRA lounge, White Hall, WRA Activities Club presidents at 11 a. m. Saturday, according to attend, Elizabeth J. McKinley '45, Mary Grace Longenecker '45, WRA WRA activities chairmaii, stated intramural chairman. The intra- last night. mural schedule for the Spring Se- White Hall Open Houses will be mester will be set up, Miss Longe- continued during the Spring' Se. necker stated, and all new intra- mester, it was decided at the WRA. mural delegates should attend. Executive Board meeting last Intramural sports for this semes- 'night. A schedule for WRA Club ter will include bowling, badrnin- sponsors and faculty and Exectt•• ton, ping pong, and swimming. 'ln- ' tive Board delegates to the Open terclass basketball tournaments Houses will be arranged later. also have to be planned. First Open House has been set A meeting of WRA Club Presi- for Saturday, January 16. CLASSIFIED SECTION FOR RENT—Large single room; garage for two carp. 316 West Beaver Ave. Phone 2506. It comp rtk FOR RENT—Double room for men. Single beds, innerspring mattresses. A very nice room for students. 3t ch REM FOR RENT—Single and double rooms. Single beds and showers. Back of campus. Dial 2174. 211 Adams FOR RENT , --Good single room Mrs. Back, 121 W. Fairmont Dial 4706. FOR RENT—One large double room. Private home. Single beds. Steam heat. Dial 4101. TAKE YOUR date to roller skate at the Coliseum. Skating Wed- FOR RENT—One large sunny nesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday room with soft beds; close to nights, 8-11. East of Center Fur- campus. Call Kimmel, 3332, 243 nace, Route 45. 3t pd REM South Pugh street. 5t comp rtk. FRIDAY, JANUARY 8, 1943. PSCA Continues Social Hour Series Today An informal social hour wilt be held in the Hugh Beaver Room, Old Main, at 4. p. m., today. Galen Alexander and Dorothy J. Hoke '46, are co-chairman of , the pro. gram of recorded music and re•. freshments. • The PSCA social hour each Fri•• day has been designed to promote friendship through music and re•• laxation, according to Miss Agnes P: Highsmith, associate secretary of the PSCA. COMFORTABLE Well-heated room. Running water. 123 W. Nittany. Dial 4850. FOR RENT—Desirable well heat ed room.. Single beds. Good proposition for the right boys. Dial 4669. 2t comp REM 3t.pd.REM 3t.cbg.SM: