The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, December 16, 1942, Image 1
;4'l r ef ; fVfir:) ' .A , 4 , , , Free ~. : t,,. .,,,,,4 - i s ,i , i : ~ .. : •• . , ..L ',.E•tt : ccesscrt: To Ile - Pree Lance, Established 1887 --...., ' ir,' , '• , -4:1 - .4. :..` • , -''',,, , ' ,- - „.- - ~r, . , r ' • ..,.. , . , . - I ' CTORVI 1 i I,_iY, BITY 1„„., - ~ - ~, , • 4 6 : , ~,,,,, i t ..,, a u T N A IT 4 D . '.. , . . . ..( 1, . WAR ,.jfit" - •: r -' . .. ~- . • •- .. ?,.', —, ',,- TN . -1,, ~ ~ . -..... w. , . 47 , - li : ONDS : ;.•:,.:;it ''' - „ Vj., •.'''' ''..,. .'. ' '.• • _ ''-. • : ' . : • ': , , ... '• ,• ' - : .‘ l eiiro ' 4 , ,.1.,.. sroll's '''s ',.. ' ' a - • - , ' - . , :. OF THE .t3ENNSYLVANIA -t ,V Olj '4rrlo _ ~. „,, ~.;• *,-h.•:`; ,s . , .' ph 4 z.,1:,.,, ..:'...... ' - 'n . A. , ; z4:4-'-'" W ~... 'i ~ i. . 1 1r , '' i '_ , -,, , 4.1.,.: ,, ,..-..,4:- ---...-. ,_...;:,::-,---,,. i: ......-.=•., -- ~,,,,,, ~ -,,,....,:,;,... , -, ..„,_ 5 .,,: ) .., ~,,,..,., ~ ~,,,,,,,..,, , ,,,,.1 „ .....„.,, i ,..,:_, ;: ,, ; ,-, ‘,„,..„., , ,:, ~,,..,„_,,,,, - ' ' College students in the Army Enlisted Reserve .Corps will be called 4''';i'.':..' % :!:;.', - . l Phonfi daiitteivietillegialt O ff ide'BUsY :' - upfo'r 'active duty in the next :few weeks, the War Department said. It also -1 ' : : •* re thitTl4 * .l3l ' 6 ' o : l444h9/19 ' calia'reache'd • the P A ' lle g ia - n- °ince in Gated that basic 'll_. 0. T. C. 'studenst in all colleges and universities will be 4 itl ' itikii4 : 4lSkirke. OdnflinhationvOrradier44Ortijliatistudents -in 'Army . '` 6ll 4. 6 trßisei'Ve 9 6 1'0 , hii 7 Rbeiir 6 ituea , AlP,'fb?,"o.tiVe:.autl',l*lPnillg subject to call .regardless of whether they are in the Reserve Corps." 4ariiiti`iii:gs*Ne-Ar'atited,:;additionat'infOritation;,While ,(iihers asked , , • . .' . sl3'6l*tlie;ire'pbre.ll, ieeifae.Y.44 . •1: , 1 ,,. ; ''',-: ` , :C;:t./-L.-',;.‘ , ; ''' '_ ' , - • Those were the words which shocked Penn State students, listening to I'. - , ‘-ii4liite;"•4l.lalifYilid Siatainenti • - bY t tile ''C`ollege'lastinight'S, report th radio last night but which were qualified by President Ralph D. Hazel ~, ,IceoqiiiJkaiive!Etrit•'effect: .oiy•next . se eater s registratiow., Studen • ) '.- ,111 , 1tegikteitjarituirk,(3='and V begitinirTeeldisei-at riotm. January - 7. and- I. o . P • f - ' Robert E. Galbraith, 'Faculty Advisor on War Services. ' , . - -.;',41-feiWi46lioii*:f4‘rt*fSeiie#er''g:SehOillecf.;to' . stpro with ; • '. piesident Hetzel told Collegian that the report does not conform with I:iiii::: , ,yorfi r wg:ooo.l:omo,Vii*cie#lllel_ reercsi , :wEirran4- an . extra . other . .. information from Washington. He said it was the. War Departmefit koition*ayiie,rtublisked;l**o,;-: ; ;',:s: ` ';' ,, , , i. , :. , ~, -. - ' policy to inform colleges and universities about important ; ~ , 5, „ 'i..,4'- ..'z; ''...' ,- ';`....,1 .'.';- '• . , --'• '- ',,, ' ' ' r.." 9. ` , "* . .'.''''''.` - '_•":";(,;`...,,f• ~' :;), ,:-,,',(_*- ..! : -,"; ': ~ '' t . - , ~. • - - decisions before making public announcement. . ; ; i 4.;:,„ i,-ick 4.i Q, A ' - ' ' 50 T Galbraith interpreted the report , to mean that graduating ~ , 4 '''''' - '4l' . --- tir T omorrow tiate tg t ..• • . ..- . . ...,„...„,....;,,,.„,,,i,..„..1:: „.4,,.. „.„,„..,..,,,,,,....., ...,,,1„..,....„...,, ~,“.,,,:l ~: . . seniors m_ the Enlisted Reserves would be called first. These •,, , ,, , ',:-.--,..3..:1,.-p., , -.: , ...4 : , .-..v:1-..., , J. , ,,,-,.:,-, , ,:.m , . , ,- , , „:„,,,,, ; - , ,,- : ,: % ,;:.*.„.,,,i e ... 4 ... r. ,, r ., %. , , ,k . .. ~ ~ ~t , , t , 4 , 4-' : .,,,,::4.:,:::;t2„.1r51 , , , 21,.'0.J. i . ,. .?,, , ',_ ; . -. , ..7 % ,- , ,,:,,, , : :..;;; ,:,•-,,,.., ~.,.....,,,i , , , ,„ :,., ~,,,„:„; ~ „,. . ‘ , , . will take up present officer training facilities, and after a ..::7•,- ' '' "--- ,:4e '- ,,',, , ,, „ .. " ;,, ,; ;.,::,,,,,,,., ', ---'V,e!.•,-,4,3 4::1 „ 1 .,:, ,; , :,;. • , , ,•,, • , , few weeks, those. in the. Reserve s, who did not remain in col ';' iii -L''- ' ' 'iti l, ":..`*!? ''''''''''''''"' s4 ' "' i- '''''' ? ''' ; ' ; '''''''''ti 4l 4, : sl ; ‘° '''' - 'r, '' - - '.: '' . •tle e - because of cholastic riting or lith'erwise - would be call / , Deg r --' "•'''''. -- '— - e un next. ' ' ' Oen ' ?44 - e , r.- -onig - g , ~ , , ... e. , -- 0' :- - „s4.y-,,,, ~ ._ . • - • . -7, - : ~: ~5.„;,:.1„:„...,,,:2:4„,,.:.:,..„...!...: ..,.., ..:.,_:.,,..•.,,::./„,„,, 1 -,-; c iy:,;..' : : ,1,4 ;: ‘ 7, i '=c,... i • J* I'l '• ' •'. ~.... ' - - s: ,* , ; •I'''' , z , ; 1 , 1., ~,:.. ~, ' ': , , ; , ;'..." ' !,,,:-;.- , . , ~,:, r•'" l %- ' i ° ' ' ' ' 4 .: . • The War Services aclyisor stated that regular students ~,'..r.i:: , , I:; . lleAleet to i:Present . ' ' -' ' ' ' 4 - 'l ,- - - ' .--. : - . - amutommencemeni , could probably finish the next semester. He gave as a reason 'i";? -:4 p , :-Vi,'. , ,::f.'':', , , ~'''--,-,:,.. ' .. To Be , Held , in' Rec Hall. that war officials have announced a policy .of keeping teclufi t::fTl'ileniotr(last:Ment•4.,,,.... ...„ ..7. , '„ ~ .'' ,;,, ':','. - ', _ . ' ::: - cal, medical,.and-liberal arts students in college. McN 'I re , -44 ;..,-1 0 , - -; , •;,; , 1 'z•-•, ... , --.- - - ' <-”'' ,4 7-',••• , -- '"4' - ' - • ' ^ " -,- ' , Sevenhtindred, and fi fty strong, cently made a statement about the importance of th iberal .1 - 4",'Seolter•q_Ciass, Day _ Ext. = 2 . ..1'7A '`.: "...I‘ w i ll •". , the 'eightY-third-• graduating class studies ,in war. • fif-MegsmA' 4943 , 1 - . ~ , . • . rf Witht,,,; : .A.Uditoriuiri at ' of penn-- State will receive their ,A later radi6 broadcast said notices to appear for' active .i . '',eOiiiiiiiif'=7..ternarci 4i..)Ple: ',liacpalaureate _ degree.s , L at CA:I4/. . / ` duty for the Army Enlisted Reserve will not be sent until ..Akcita6d:"last . -night. m'en - 9ement exercises:to be h, eld rn January 1 or later. That announcement would make Gal- IWiliii..-'-ititigrapi, con •Ftewllall'at BD. m. tomorrow `eve , ' , braith's statement about calling graduated seniors and'with 'S,alrcarleerE'roy, - the'.Phi,,, , , nirig. , ,.'.. .-' , - . —. . ' . drawn students a logical one. 104. , ' 11 .a.t0i 161 .1 .t,'Maip,•,apeaker at the Commence- ' , . In a letter to the. Collegian yesterday, President Hetzel OVl44ilti*P4o4ol?#4 Merit :Program ' will be President 1'i),44'1 .1 0,.'.: - .h 6 \ gPiduct . ii . Itoliert2C. - :Clothier.,Of Rutgers -Uni- said, "It is probable that stucients in the Enlisted Reserve _ . • ~ . ~.yttlfo,7 *4'4'e - oWe..their 'verSity,'•WhO 'wilt journey there to- Corps ann. in the =Advanced R. 0. T. C. will not be called into o'AirieriOnieti-Ekpicil morrow' to'.present.hiS address to ... ----- - active service- before the end of . . }1411.' at 8 -V.• in - .•toznorrs• - ( the. Spring semester." • I :itie'td.6grarn,-itgiiiiii H aving;_:`gone 'through a .fu ll„ 1 ' ' ni ss . Sprin g „ semester.” Last night, Paul V. McNutt '.,''aVd7‘ , !,p." fit.,-.Pbegins4-with ~.,. . , E.w'eek:' - `cif specially planned pro, - un,. ) .y, ‘.. 3 : • stated that men from 17 to , 37may '''.l.eAtiletai'v4 - 4,le.p.Plui'llti •kt 'l4fniPtiif-the-senitlrriNr•liich! inClud. 7 - 404 , t , "- -- r - 7. 4 ''i-; .. ` . :- -6. " - "'" 11 lair enlist iirt'ileiTai:frid - s, Ndvy ;Chestra: - 'Plessere'will:l ed 'Such functions as the 'Annual rp i _ .ontact and Coast Guard until February 1, . duce the prcgram, after Christmas Services, Baccalaureate,. ... I,‘r serve s , and two days ago made another salutatory address is to i Services, the "Hot Dog" roast, and ~ Margaret K. Sherman. with the completion of their week Among the finest things we re- announcement about using colleges for training men in the armed Presentation •of men tonight with Class Day exercises member after college days are E d d ie_ _ services, An editorial in today's follows Miss Sherman's speech. n• .nobert ; C. Clothier, president of and the yearly Christmas Carol friendships we make here," Seniors receiving honors are Jer- • Rdtgers University, will journey Sing, the Class of 1943 will Make ward K. Hibshman; Alumni Asso ciation executive secretary, said Collegian comments on that in ome H. Blakeslee, Spoon Man; here tomorrow from New Bruns- its last appearance at the College last night, speaking of the work of formation. David. J. _-McAleer, Barrel Man; wick, N. j., to address the gradu- at the exercises. the organization. Collegian Checks Reports Robert J. 'Perugini, Cane Man; ates of the Class of 1943. President Students who are to receive around 7 o'clock. last night, and "One way to preserve these First word over the radio came William S. Ivens, Pipe Orator; and •Clothier will - be the main speaker their degrees at tomorrow evenm t g s Plesser, Class-Donor. of the Commencement Exercises program will have to be presen m friendships, to ' find out where classmates are and what they are was repeated from time to time. After the Pipe Oration by Ivans, which will take place in • Rec Hall order to obtain their degrees. At doing, is th rough t h e •Alumni Asso bureau tendance is required if a graduate its t , . . . The Daily Collegian called the *the orchestra will present another at 8 p. m. tomorrow. Musical selection, followed by the 11111111111111111111111111111ii1111111111111111111111111111111111111:11presentedwith his d' lo is to be ip c iation, . and publications. This Harrisburg of the Associ- ITIa. • IS particularly true at the present time when college acquaintances ated Press to confirm the state presentation of women's honors. -,:'Woman students to receive non- ~ LATE NEINS The Commencement Exercises - LATE are scattered all over the world, ment, then rechecked by calling - will be presided over by President . - . 'ors are Miss Sherman, Bow Girl; nouncement. It was found to be "Signing up , for a student- the radio station making the an- Ann D. Hetzel. It will start Drives, Slipper Girl; Louise 11111111111111111111111111111111111111411111111111111111111111111111111 Ralph, promptly at eight o 'clock, at which • - alumni membership is the stu dent's first contact with the a ssn _ M. F'Uoss, - Fan Girl; Pauline Cross_ WASHINGTON' • ;--, BULLETIN time seniors are requested to be at an authoriative announcement man, Class Donor; and Edith L. —College,-students "enrolled in the their prescribed places. ' ciation. It is a -guarantee that a • from the War Department, but Smith, Class Poet. After the prep-. Enlisted Reserve will be called into Starting the program will •be an h is complete record of him and of ni lacked details about the manner entation of these honors, IVliss active.service within a few weeks, or " ' " gan prelude, Minuet from the friends will be kept in the alum in which the reservesto are be 'Smith will deliver the class poem. fhe War 'Department announced Gothic Suite by Boellmann, played referr i ng files," Hib s h man, stated, called up. Nothing was said either, A third musical selection by the last night. This order will also in- by Prof. Irene 0. Grant of the mu_ to the recent extension ,of t he about the Navy or Marine reserve, orchestra, follows the reading of chide students enrolled in Ad- sic department. Next will come the membership drive ,to sophomore , whose enlistments are open again, Miss' Smith's poem . vanced ROTC units. Academic Procession, at which students. nor whether students called from David J. McAleer, senior class Alumni News, one of the organ;- the audience will rise. the reserve would be given basic (Continued on Page Two The Invocation will be given by publications,is sent Armytrainin g , o r zation's four , , to all Army camps and carries College Chaplain John H. Frizelllt was the purpose of the Re and will be followed by a musical news of Penn State men now in the serves to provide officer training, interlude fighting forces, according toth e presented by the Penn and unless a decision has suddenly State Glee Club, under , the direc- secretary. been made to the contrary, that is tion of - Professor Frank Gullo of Carried on in former years by how the students called from col the music department. SelectiOns personal contact of sophomores 'by leges will be trained. to be sung by the Glee Club are the committee, ihe drive is this No Room For Everyone "America Calling" `by Willson, year being conducted by mail. Let- With an estimated 50,000 grad " Rolling Down to Rio' by German, ters and pledge 'cards were sent eating seniors in the Reserve, it, and Penn State's "Blue and White." Saturday and the association has would mean that officer training The- address to the graduating already received what Hibthman facilities would be fully loaded, class will then be presented by terms "excellent 'response." , and that regular students possibly President Clothier. In addition to publishing the could be sure of continuing an- Alumni News, the Penn Stater, other semester Even after the Football Letter,' and the Alumni graduating seniors are trained, Directory, the organization spon- there is a large number of Re sins social events, most noted of serve students who will flunk out which is Alumni Homecoming or drop out. This group, too, would each fall. be ti ken before the regular stu- Membership can be obtained for dents still in college. the junior and senior college years Collegian has learned from a and for a five year period after fairly authoriative source that the graduation for the total sum of $B. Secretary of War, Secretary of The sum is collected by placing $2 Navy, and McNutt, in charge of ...ssessments on the student's fees the Manpower Commission, made for each of the four semesters he a compromise arrangement for the will be in college. In case his edu- reserves to be left in college until cation is interrupted, the student the end of the Spring semester. may continue payment on another President Hetzel didn't deny the plan at a later date, Hibshman report and his statement yester. said. . day was indirectly to that effect. Seniors May Secure Caps And Gown.s at AA Store Graduating seniors' may receive their caps and gowns by calling at •the Athletic Store between 9 a. am. and 5 p. m. on Wednesday and Thursday, it was announced last night by Thomas R. Ridge '43, , Chairman of the Caps and Gowns Committee'. No cap and gown will be issued without a receipt, Ridge stated. A twenty-five cent charge will be made for replacement of a lost receipt. • • All caps and gowns must be re turned to the Athletic Store im mediately following - the Com mencement • ,exercises Thursday evening to receive the full refund of five" dollars. Failure to return Mein 'on Thursday 'night will re sult in a one dollar -reduction. in 'the refund, All caps and gowns not returned• on Thursday night -must be returned to 'the Student Desk_ in Old Main not later 'Allan 5 p. m. on Friday. ARTMENT C A L LS WASHINGTON Enlistments will be accepted from men between the ages of 18 to 37 for the Navy. Marine Corps, and Coast Guard for a .period of sixt weeks, the Se lective Service Board reported .last night. MacARTHUR'S HEADGUAR TERS—A heavy Japanese, invasion force. was renulsed at Cape Ward Hunt in New Guinea, it was an nounced •by a late communique. An earlier report stated that American forces were advancing between Buna and Gona. COMMENCEMENT WEEK SCHEDULE Today, December 16 ..7 p. m.—Senior Class Day ex ercises, Auditorium. Presenta tion of Honor ;Awards. Pres. entation of History of Class of 1941; 8:30 p. , m.--Christmas Sing. Front Campus. Tomorrow, December 17 8 p. m.—Commencement Ex ercises, Recreation Hall. Seniors must attend to receive diplo. ;,DECEMBER 16, 1942, STATE COLLEGE, PA President Hetiel will next pre side at the conferring of degrees, introducing the deans of the vari ous schools of the College, who will present the candidates for B. A. and B. S. degrees from their schools. • Col. Edward D. Ardery will pre sent commissions to students who have completed the requirements for the advanced ROTC course following the conferring of de_ green. Concluding the exercises,' Vie Alma 'Mater will be sung, the Eenediction will be given, and the Recessional - ‘,vill end the eighty third commencement program. STATE COLT :FIGE PRICE: THREE CENTS